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<br /> � : TOflETHEFt WfTH�Il the improveme�s now or�eie�fter efe,cted aa che p:operty.aad all "'�easeme4ts.� �`.
<br /> � ;:y.�c: ;.`,, fiatunes nativ or hemafter'u purt of th� Propem,+. Alt i�eplaceme�ts and additians shall atsa be cov�red by this Securiry -
<br /> � ° ` „ Instrument a4 the°PropeRY.' _
<br />,,`-��'.��`�-.•``_:';` Insuumenr.All of th¢fore�oing is referred ta in this SecuritY =--
<br /> :�,'..<<.;;��; BCSRRO�VEtt COVEAIANTS that Boituwer is la�vfiiliy seised af We est�te heret�y rnnveyed and i�as the tight to gra�nt and
<br /> ' ^:4 convey die Pmgerty and that the�P�Y��n��,�xcept for encumbrances of reoocd. Borrower warranu and will
<br />�, ��° � ` defend genet�+lty'tha titt�ta the Pr4�.�Y aS�c al!claims and demands.subjed to any encuinbrances of record. .
<br /> . -` = TNi S S ECURT[Y 1NSTt�ET�'IEN'�rambines e�nifo�m covenanu�or natinna!use and aon-uniform wvenauis arith limited �,�
<br /> � variations by jurisdicti°n t°cdnstitute a upiform securiry insuu�nt coverin�►�ea1 gmpert3+• � , �
<br /> . .,� UNi�ORM COVENAN'FS.Botmwer and L�ader covenant and a„�ree as follows: when due the .
<br />-< . es. Borrawer shall pmmPdY PaY �'-'
<br /> _'"' 1. Fay�ent af Princfpal aad lntere�:F�aYme�t aarl Late Ctearg . .
<br /> -'_ ;�.: �''" and late cbarges due nnder the Note. � '
<br /> principal of��nterest on the deht evidenoed 6y the Note and any p�paymem ,
<br /> � ���� ;.`�� Z. Funds fos Tt��niad Imsararts�e.Subject to a�Gca6Ie!aw or co a written waiver by Lender,Borrower shall pay co �`.
<br /> �i,,.= .� ., —._
<br /> -� :;:4�:.� Lender on{�e day��{y paymems are due under the Note.unal the Note is paid in fiill,a sum("Funds")for.(a)Yearty tm�e.s -
<br /> ,�� ,� t� earl leasehold a -
<br /> ,, ,, , : end assessmettt�wluch may attain pdnrity over thLs Secariry Insuument as a lien on�Pro�p�ercy;(b)fload insutaac�e premi'�um�.q,,�,.:;.
<br /> s�:��:;:.��'_•-�-"� or ground rents on the Properry.if aay:(c)Ieaz1Y�ard or property insurance Premi
<br /> :"�a=;�;�"�:���'� � if any:(e3 Year1Y mortgage msvrance Preminms.if any aad(fl any sums DraYable by Borrower to L.ender.in ac.cordance vi�''�. ---
<br /> rem
<br /> "._�`_�-.. the provisions of parag,raph S,in lie�of tiie paym2nt af mortgage insurance pr�miums.These items arc called°l�sxow ic�-'� ___
<br /> -=��;�::,� , Lender may.af anY time,oal3ect and hoid Funds in an amount not t�exoeed the maximum amount a lemter ff�-a federaliy
<br /> '-7°���" ,� o ire for Bormwer's�crow aceaunt undet die fedesal Real�state Settlement Proced�,ces Act of
<br /> ,k..,:_.�,
<br /> a:�'� .�.; • telated mortga,,e toan maY�N „ � -=-
<br /> .;.:%-.i.-ST:.,y,•.tyo- __
<br /> ��}r_:,,'�.•:' �.� � _-
<br /> 'F��'"=`�r;;r•. ,!=;�� I9?4 as amended from time w time. 12 U.S.C.$eaion 26�1 et sey.("RESPA ),untess aaother law that applies to�he F . ' • --
<br /> ::..�'___.� � time. �ltect and hold Fur�s in an amoun't uot to excee�ths lasser amat� � _-
<br /> • �,�-�: � sets a Iesser amonnt. If so. I�ndec maY.at any • of e � u�ditu�es of fat�re
<br /> - �--�-�-�----......__ _ • -
<br /> r.i,� �r-! � Lender may est�aTe�the��tabuaC of�Funds clue on the��asis of current.data aad.reasona6l�.e�ma.t�._...�;.:,_.....__. .--.--- .- . --
<br /> ' :.��. •: :"
<br /> _ �.. ' �- Bscro�Itetns or otherwise in accordance w'sth applicable lav�. � ���ny or emiry =_
<br /> ;;':,`��`'._:- A� The Funds shall be lield 'sn an institurion whose deposits ace i�sured by a fQderal agency; � ,
<br /> .-=:;•.�:�� (includtng Leader,if Lender is'sucb an institution)or ia any Fe�e�al Rome Loan Saak.Lender st�all aPPly tbe Funds w paY:tt�
<br /> {'if T ` ' : Esctow Items.Lender may not_c�srge Bp 1 "n Yae�uads.annually analqzin$the escrow acaontit;�Dr
<br /> rrotv�r for koldim�and ap�Y� 8
<br /> _F�Y .,:. . .
<br /> �;,,�;,�� verifying the Fscrow I�ems,unless Lender pays Borrower inDerest on the Fwids aud appticable law permits L.ender co make
<br /> �"'"'�� a ctlarge.However.I.ender maJ►require Bmrmwer to pay a one-time charge for an independent real estate ta�c reportinffi,service -_
<br /> `,=-:�-��'� us� by i�eader in oonnearon�with t�is loan,, unless applicable law provides otherarise. Untess an agreement is ma�e or
<br /> -��-'� 4 agplicable.taw requires inte,rest to be paid.Lender shalt not be requie�E.to pay Borra�ver any intetest ar earaings on the Fa�3's: _
<br /> _!'.._^'�°. ;.'����G` ' � m auritin h
<br /> _., ;,,.,..�,: Borrower and I.ead�s may agree' g, owever,that interest sfs�k be paid on the Fuads. Ler.der shall�ve to Bomm�r�t" -
<br /> -::��,e�- withaut charge.an annaal accaunting of the F�nds,showing cr�dits and debits to the.Funds and the pur„sasy�er which e,�ch cY�
<br /> _-_ -,�...n,.��.�rrF-
<br /> -==��� debit W the Funds was made.Tt►e Funds_are pledged as additional serority for all sums secured by this Serurity'LG,^�'�ttameait.
<br /> ---�=-'�''�_'�� � If the F�:nds held by Lender exceed the amflunts permitted to be hetd bY aPPlica6le law,I.snder shall a000unt to Borrowes .
<br /> �t:y�� for the excess Fuads in acc?ordance with.the requinements of applicable law.If the amonnt of the Funds held by I.ender at any
<br /> �":�•7e"� time is nat s�sificient to pay the Fscmw Items when due.Lender may su aoufy Borrower in writiag.and.in such case Bormaer .
<br /> -=�-°*}��_�`� shall pay,to Le�der the amount necessary co mak�e up the deficiency. Burrower shall make up the defrciency in no more d�tm
<br /> - ,�„���� twelve monthly payments.ai Lender's sole disc�rextan. '
<br /> —_- . Upon�„�Iment•in full of all sums secured by this Secui�ty Iastrnment, Lender shall prompdy cetund to Bortower any.
<br /> _ _ = Funds held��nder.If,under paragr',:��21.,l.ender shall ucquire o7 sell the Praperty,,Lender.Prior to the a�ciuisitian or sale .
<br /> Y � of the Fm�pexo:a;,shall apply any Funds;?�by l.ender at the time of acq�isition ar sale as a credit against the sttm�secomd by
<br /> this Sec�adry Insuttmen� .
<br /> - � • 3.Appllcat�oa oi P��aents.Unless�pplicable C���ravades othenvi�e.all paymenYs reaeivetl by i.ei�d�+'�ei P��P�
<br /> - 1 aA¢2 shzi�6e applied:first,w anY prePaYment cha4ges due undet the Note:ser.ond.to amau�z's payable'Utui+er paragtap4�Z;
<br /> ---= thir.d.w int�sc due:fawth.m pHncipal due:and last,to any tate,ds�arSes duc uader the Note. ;:,','
<br /> ---_ __ � 4.Ciiaargcs;Ll�as.BonawzT shall pay all tai�es,assessnnerns,char�;es.fines aBd imposItfo�s.attributable to the FropeFty •
<br /> r�
<br /> __-_- - '':�luch may attain priority over this 5ecusiry Insnvment. and leasehold payments or ground rents, if arry. Hanrower ahall p1y .
<br /> --� ' , these obligations in the aa�?ner provided in paragraph 2.or if aot paid in that manner,Boaower sfial9 pay Wem an date directty
<br /> _ � to We persa^'awcd pay�;:rac.Borrower shall prompdy fumish to Lende�'a11 aotic�5�tf amounts to be Qaid under this paragaph.�
<br /> - - --~- If BorroweF�rrt�es these'�ti:y+ments diiectly,Borrower shall promptly fumish to Lc;nder r�p�s evidencing the payments. .
<br /> _ $ono�ec shall prompdy discharge,any lien which has yriority eever this Secutity lnsmsment anless Borruwer:(a)ugees in
<br /> �---- c�rriting to tiie payment of the obllgatioa secured by the lien in a tr&'�t�A��e���QT;�)�tests in good faith t4�e Gen
<br /> _ __� ��try, or defends against enforcement of tiie lien in, tegal Proceedings a+hich in the L�ader's oginion ogerate to prevent the
<br /> - - — . ¢r►fprCeme:,�,�af the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the lien ar�agreement saGsfactory to.Lender sabordinati�rg the lien to
<br /> �" this Sec��,L�wment.If Lender ddec�aines that any part of t'r�x I"r'cnperty is subject to a lie�a which may attain p�iori�r.over
<br /> -- �-----� � this Secur�t��i'r��trucReN.Lender inay give Boaower a notice ideStit`y�ing the lien.Borrovler sLro�t r>atisf}+the lien or.takc ts:nt�•�r
<br /> ��� ma�of the actians set forth Above within 10 days of the giving of noxice. �� ,
<br /> _- r,�
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