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<br /> :{- �� r' ^i. e �t' . . � c� �-.. 4 ( ��. .' `(.i�. .� Y �,�� . . � ,'�. } � _
<br /> _ _ - . <.. 'q.0 '. ��..� �`-'tr lb•<t �a r .. �.. • � • �' t�° ; � �e
<br /> _ � ` c :-..�. ... ,��. ��4.- s �'... .' .t.:. . . . -c • r Fs_''s'°!'+i+'(_z..+.� .-,-t y,-�. ---
<br /> --,t r'!`L . 'i. �y:�;' .w�y+4, •t. `._�t %i�c�.4...Ci' - - �—--
<br /> i t� �_ , ' � . . _
<br /> _- <�v�.y..t.'• '...,:.f , , . � . . -
<br /> y� ,;. �.: � � ` ���5°- � -
<br /> �_�,�_.S``t4h �.- ` ` ' ` . _ . .
<br /> {. �'`,.�;..��:� payme�s taay no tonger be cequired.at the option of t.ecsder.i�mort�ge insutanoe wver.�� n the azno���r'�he�?riad .
<br /> .".;�`-�,. ti ved b L�ender again Aeaumes nvailab3e s�nd is obtained.Eorrower shai!pay�
<br /> - --;':,<: �.;.�: ..." . ''" • that Lendcr r�uires)Provid�by,ent insvre�aPP� Y
<br /> °- E;.:.;. -�< �e py�m;ums uire�w maintain canrtgage insurance in effest.-or to provide a loss reseev�.untii the cequiremem fo¢mortga&c _
<br /> _ _,.�.: , .. :<.,�, t � . -
<br /> � ° ;nsucgnce ends ia asoordance with aF►y written agreement betwean Borra�ver and I.ender or applicable tavr. _
<br /> -� - � • 9.Ims�ec8�n.I.ender or its a�ent maY make reasonable enuies upon and inspestIons of ehe Property.Y�ender st�a11 give ,
<br /> - `�'�`l�•�',,:,�' � ' Borrower c�otice m the time of or pri�r ta an insgertion specifying reasonab2e cause for 4�e in..�ion. --
<br /> `.. �-�'t=
<br /> 1�➢,�andemnattoa.The procec�ds of ariy avraTd or"ctaim for damages.direct or canse�uential. in oauaeeiion vrith any
<br /> ----�,-r;.?,:: aondemnatian or other taking of any ptut af the Property.or for oomeyance in l�eu of condemnation,are he�+eby assigned nail
<br /> - . '�'"`� sbaU be paid w LQader.
<br /> ;.s,..�.. ,.•t:,�.,. .
<br /> �;:.
<br /> � `.`.:.s�: a?.�::"� In the event af a tota!taking of the Praperey.ths prai�ds shall be applied ta the sums secured by t6is Security Insdumient,
<br />�� �-=;x;�;:, ,..��r-..
<br /> _.,�..,,;�,,, � ahether ar aot t hen du�,wi t h any ex c e s.s p a i d t o Borrower.In the event of a partisl taking af the Property in wtucb the faiz
<br /> -w:i.. .. - " -
<br />_ , :�.r`-� market value of the Property immediateiy 6efore the takiag is equaI to or greaser tban the amaunt of the sums se�ued isy this
<br /> .., .�-:_
<br />__ ��.- ..� _,..
<br />- .:���mWa . � Secvrity Inssnimert inuaediatety befose We mking,antess�orrawer and l.ender ottietvuise agree in writing,the surns ,
<br /> = Y. s'�- this g�curity dmstcument shall 6e reduced by the amounc af the proceeds ami6plied by t�e following fras��n: (a)the total
<br /> •-::<.-�`. : � amount of dtrx sums secared;mm ;arPty l�fore the taldng,divided Cy(b)the fais warket vnlue of the Property immeda;eLY _
<br /> b�fore the a.PSing. Any balance shaii 6¢paid w Eorro�ver. Ia the event of a partial taIdng of the Pivperry in whicb tite fair
<br />- ..,:.a';-�.�r.��-.._ c�rket valt:�uf the Pro�im��eiy before the tatQng is less than ths amonnt of the sums secared imme�fiatety before ti�e .
<br /> _ ,�,.r s r
<br /> �'`�;.•-:m.r��.:�- r:4;ng,ar1�s Bormwer a.c�LeaC�t;�therwise agree"sa writing or nnless agplicabte!aw othem»se provides,t6e.pinceeds'shalt -
<br /> ; . r�:. .• -::_� .
<br /> �: .. ��{_�:'%-:'� .. he applie�em t�e sums sea�red by�ra�iiY Tns�wbeiher or not the aums are then due. - : .
<br />- a ,-.-.-:",�n r � . -- �If the�erty is abandoaed-by�wer.-or__if.afte�.notice b3�Leader.to_Bonower:that the condemnar offers:to pl�m,:--.
<br /> * =>'r��. awaid or.seWe a claim for danaages.�nirower fails to re,�-ponB un F:.ender wittin 30 days a�the date die nouee:is:' �n,
<br /> Lender is avEhprized to wllecx and apply the proc�eds,at its optioa.either to ressoraaon or repair of the Property u�.tP t l v;�s�ms
<br /> seaued by this Sewrity T�ent.whether or nat then dus. " ,�;,.;; . ::, ,..
<br /> Un2ess L�der ead�aawer otherwise agize ia writing, anY aPPlicati�-�i;f QrocReds to.priucipaZ� nai extend ar
<br /> ;:.;' _ . �
<br />_� , . Pustpnne the due date of ttr�:c�anthty payments t+efetred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 br chan8e the amount af st�eb pay�ents:::..�;
<br /> ' i!.BorrowerNoi Release�;�orbearanoe S3+Lcn�r Nat a Waiver,Extension of the time for payatent or m�}�i�on
<br /> _ _- ':�;+�n�� of amoiti7asiaa of the sums secared by tbis Secittfty Instrument gTanted hy I.e��to aay snccessor in iute�.st qf Bonv�se�'•�ball
<br />"'�°��"'°""'�'�' :� noi operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or BorSower's s*lcc�?:�i�s in iAteaest.Lendes s�;ira�`be�red to •
<br /> -
<br />