�J .f` � :Y? : , a rr N v` �:. .1''�.�h`�,.�.n.-5...,..,�.F+.F�� . , , ,:•.. . �. L �
<br /> �_' - _ ' �'�'� u
<br /> � • E':.,._ x • , ; +,�. - <
<br /> �- .�-- Y" ; . r• � ` �..`
<br /> . ` . S a f_ . . 5.. _ i t _ . t � Y t �- . L
<br /> �.� ..ti./'.t -(� J'• F.�. r 44:' F � 4� '�y.
<br /> '� - . . .
<br /> __—'r.,�,--=--•�-`-- ' " ' . . ,��_:
<br /> — • �
<br /> -•���' � .t ,t . � ' '_�•
<br /> - �-- , �'�. v4.��- .. � . � ' . �t .
<br /> - . ,. � ��' .E; - . . -. . . .' :
<br /> ' .�� s .�°� �. bp ow�eer's and operetous of simitar pro�arttss and�as Ser�eficiary may requtre for its protectfon. Truswr wifl comp[y ,�:,, :�
<br /> '���--�• , " ` vuith such other requitements es @enefEcier�may fram time ta time requ�st for the protecdon by insur.ance of the
<br /> 4�`���' intorost.of the respective Rerties. Ai!tnsurance policfes mainteIne�pursusnt to th�s Deed of Trust shsit name Trustar , ��
<br /> . �,�..:..
<br /> ��_.,�."- � ,end gens#taary es insured�e�thetr respesBve intetest may appear a�pr�viQe thet there shall8�i►o ca�ncellsilon oF
<br /> � ` modlflcatton v�tthos�l.�itteen i15)day�s prio.r�written no4iftcn�ion to Tnistee and Bene�dar� IN thaovertt an�polic� -
<br /> _� �,"� _ .� . hereundet is nct renetived•on or before fifteen(7 5�days pr[or to its e�iratton date,Trustee or Beneficiary may procure < ,
<br /> F �� sucis insurance[n er.c�rdance wJth tho provisIons of Parag�aph 7. '�rusEOr shall deliver to 8aneficiary the ariglnai :�
<br /> �;;-, polictes of insurance end.renev+rais 4hereof or copies of such poticfes and renewats thereof. �aiture to 4umish such
<br /> insuranc$6y Trustor;dr renewals as required hereunder,shail,at the aption of Bene�Ielary,constitute a defeult. AI!
<br /> -y-�`, . une�med premfums are hereby essi9ned to Yrustea as additionai security, and a sale and wmeysnce af the Property , ;
<br /> —" ` b y the Trustee sl�al!operate to convey to the purchaser th�Yrustor's irnerest tn and to alt pofictes of insurence upon `.� ,`;,
<br /> �. . ....; � - ' . ;.. • '-¢=
<br /> the'rtuSl P1'O�erty. ' `• `Y'-
<br /> c�:n,;±
<br /> ���•. ; .`�,�4� ;.`:' .�. . 5. Ta�ces etad Assessmetrtts. Trustor shait pay alt taxes end spectal assessments tevied or assesse�.a�a3fls4.or:._
<br /> ���'�. .. � > '.��' c -., .
<br /> � � , due e+gon,the Qroperty befQre tlelinqu�n�y and witl detiver to Bene�idsry copies of receipts sha�sing paycne�t of sux�,::;
<br /> ^ � texas end specisl assessmerrts. . ,:.��• .�:��';;.. �.�5,'�;.
<br /> � � 6. �lddittona{Ltana. Trusior shali raake al!paymems af interes2 an�principal,and pay►meiz���any oth�dta►ge�;°; � �G;b;�
<br /> ;�`,.I.,,.`.�:.�::;...�`'�;'•_ :
<br /> � ``� 4 ' ' . `tees, and expenses convacted to be paid to eny existirtg Ifen holders or prior beneficFarlea uttder any��srr;i�eed.of� . ,tQ:u
<br /> � !�' �
<br /> ' ,.��,..�
<br /> ;. Trust,Mortgage or otiier seciuity agreemerrt, befare the date they are detinquent and to pay any�other�`cs�du't��ti,;,.. � t ��
<br /> �;e t ,:.''; • ;. jeapardlz�the security 9raMed hsrein. • : -'� • �
<br /> "°'° ,` ' �7. �Aro3ac�os�ot 6enaftclaryr'9 Seaurit9/. $hou[d Tcustor fai14Q��ks any paymeM,tait ta da eny act as her�i� : .� � .
<br /> ¢�+�.r�.:'.;f��4����'�` provtded or N any eFtion or prqcesdin9 is commenced whEch materis`�1�':�f�ects�neficisry's fMeresi in ttta;Pr�peny�,:�.'�,,. . .
<br /> :�t ` z���` •`----. , - -inctuding.-but rtn timited�tA._�j!lent dom�3n.._fnso(vency,:erranSements or��ceedtngs invotving a �:1cruDt +�r ``
<br /> ` r .deceder�t.than�aneftciary or Trustee.put without obSig•��n to d�o so.eiiif witiiQi��noti��to ox�de�and u�ra�;Trusior. .. .�
<br /> .�_,: .{ ;,:•�. �.::: .
<br /> , .,,�,,,.;: and-withpuT reteasing�T.rustoT.trom any ofQtigat'►on hefeundQr,may make or dq the�ame,,and may pey.�purchas�. �. �
<br /> � ,.,° . �ontest.oo compramise andY encumbrance;.�harge or:lien, whiah in tha judgement of eiifiet BAAeers ta.effect&at��• ��
<br /> ' '� �-: ' Ptoperty;tn exe�cising any�uc�s powers;the�Beneficiary ar Tnastea may incur a liabillty and expend wf�ateve�amounts,� ,
<br /> � , �.�;,.;.r.��•-..
<br /> y.,. ...
<br /> � t�,�s, . inctuding dis6ursements of reasonahle attomsy's-fees;cvhich in thelr absoluta dtscretio�may be neces�ay...tn the ;:
<br /> {�;.�,�,,�'`�,~. ,, . .;,
<br /> �., , •�. �. . . event that Triista�.shafl fail to procsire�nsurance, fail to pay texes ond special essassments or fa7 2tr make aAy., ;�r .:.
<br /> - tha Bene�tciary may procu�e such insurance a�d�nake suct�;:,.:` ��� :
<br /> _�� � • '� paymants to exis�q or prior li�n holders at 6eneficiaries, ,•,_.�-�
<br /> ';. .. . ` ,.,..� . .,. ' .
<br /> � �,� :. payments: A!I su�.���`nCurred or expendad by Berteficiary or Trustee in accor dance w i t h t h e p r o v i s t o n s o f t h a Q e e d!c!�,�:`�:��'� 4
<br /> *� � Trustare securecl he'reby end,without derriand,shali be immediatety dus a�d payabie by Trustot and shatt�e8r iMeres;` � �`�'
<br /> �, , . ;}}<E";ti�;;.� . �` �;';:;t
<br /> ..�,f�;��+. �.��. � • at the rate provided far 8dvsnces urtder the Loan Agreement;provided,howeve�:3hat at the opttan pf tts.�Bene�tciary ` ;.;,.,
<br /> c},rf � ,4
<br /> r b�e. � • �,,,
<br /> ,:'';;�;.;;;..;:�...,•�; .. or Trustee,such sum5 may kee�a3ded to this principal @�t�nce of any indebtedrtcc3s secured i►ereby and�:*�:l.hear the � ,��
<br /> !__ , :�it;:�,•. : �-;:., ,. ssme inierest as such irtdebtedness and sha116e pays6Sa ratabty ovP�the rema�rC�ng term thereof. • ,: -----
<br /> �I ' _ : °:� g. Aaa1$nratwtt of�R�nts. Bansttcta►1r shail hava the right,power and suthority durinc�the continuance of this Deesb: :,` ��,
<br /> 7� �.:y' '� � ��'' �'�� •`� of Trust to collect the r�nts;issues and proflts of the Property and of any personal propariy located thereon wittr oi �� ' �:_•1
<br /> �• , • _ . witteoui taking poss.esslon of thfl Property effecte6 hereby,and Trusto�hereby absolutety and anconditlmrz�lty 6ssigns �ri�
<br /> ` . . �'1 eii such reMs,issues and profit�t��eneficiary. Benefictary,however,horeby consents to the Trustor's collaction end �;,�.:
<br /> '�'' • ,!,ir�`.- �� retention of such rents,issues and pro�its as they accrue an�become payabla go lang as_Trustar is nat,at suc h time, ��:.�,
<br /> � ` ti".!� in datau(t witA respect to payment of any indebtedness secured hereby or in the performanca oi any egreement, ___-
<br /> �� :. �.:e- ,, • -:-
<br />�,�����'=''��' " � hereunder. .UDfln any such defauft, Beneficiary may at any tima, either in petson, by agent or by a receiver to be
<br /> . . ���: �
<br /> ��-_::����;,k��'';�:��:��",:r� aDAolnted by a court,without nottce and withaut regard to the adequacy ot eny�ecurity for the indebtedness hereby , '�==^-�_
<br /> '""�"�7�,;+`,���'�`���:�° secure�: (eti erter upo�n and take possessIon-of the Proparty or any paR th�e�t and i� its awn rtama suo.for or , ___
<br /> �`�"r��'�'��:�'�sY ,.,'.: otherwisfl co(lect such ronts,#ssues end profita,.incfuding thasa past due�and.tsripaId,an apPiy the sama,tess.costs.°;:� -_
<br /> '�:.:-�.�::, . :'::�'s ,' ----
<br /> �,�, ., . end expe�es of o�idTation and coltection,inc[udi�g�e�asonabte ettorney fees«upon any indebtedn.ess secured.here�fl;�� ' '
<br /> ' � � ����,�� ! endtrrsuebo►der��eneficiary.may�determine:(b}.Derform suct�acts,o�ee�sicorprate�iones,ma�e.be n6cessary,a�
<br /> }'�''�'' `^, proper to consorva the v�lu@ of the P�opecty::Icl.tease the sama,or any part.hereof•for.�ut3�reMaf.teran and.upon s�ch �-_-_
<br /> � -=.rti,.:�r:�.,� .;.. _.. . �,�°=:
<br /> ��� �� �- �conditions�e(ts(udgment may dictate. UntessTr�astor end Be�efici�rY agrae.otherwisa in writing,arry�pli6atton ot G._._,
<br /> '� ifi�;,,. t•�
<br /> �`" °;'��: ,. _� �� � rents,issues or profits:to eny indebtednQSS secured heceby aha0 not extend or postpons the due dats af tP�:nstattmE*nt � _-
<br /> ��?`f :..��": ���`,� paymenta as prov[cf���in tho Loan Agreement,and tha applicetior�thereof as afotesatd ahal! not waive�r,�ure en,�g: __
<br /> �� ' . defauft or notico a�detanit hereund6r or invalidate any eCt dor,e�u�suant to such notice: Trustor atso assigns t�� �=T.-
<br /> ,,J�i'.:'��`���:'.°..�:;':�:; L�'..�:"`
<br /> ��neficiary,as tu�he�securitj�fcr th'e partormance o!the obtigations secured h�r�by,�a11 prepaid tertts and all monies " �,��s�,,:
<br /> '� ,f{;"?�'';��;{�;����r� �� which maY have been or ms�y��sreaftar ba doposited with said Trustor 6y an�'T��m of the Property,�secure tha �.,_�_�
<br /> ,�!(�i,t.;Y'.. s. :,
<br /> a ent of airy reni,and upan defautt in�the 4ertormance of any of the provis!�ris hereof,Trustor agr��s to deliver ����-
<br />��� �. . , " �i►r P 1►m �X.�
<br /> "� � ' such rerKS an�dopos(ts to.the Beneflciary. Oeiivery of�written noUce uf Beneftclary'e exr-xclse.ot the rights grented � .
<br /> ='� � � �'#�'� herein to a�y tae��nt occupying eaid premises shelt be sufftcient te require eald•tonart�t'�.f�ay �eid ren� to 4�0 �"
<br /> ��•'' . '"�`� Baneflciary u�olit�sthBt notice. � • . :�``:.
<br /> ' ..�tii,,t::. �
<br /> � � � ' 8, Gisatd��llon. 'tt tttfa to any part of the Pra�►ffihell be taken�n condemnetion procee�E�iga,by right of �!�k�_?
<br /> • .•tL;,,� ,: � .- �:?fF;it
<br /> emin�n2 domatn ae�samitar acc:i�iacr,or shall ba satd under threat of conQemnation,'ail awards, damagc��nd proceeds Fs,f+A•;;,:
<br /> a
<br /> - are hereby assig�sd�ad sha�7�e pald tp Beneffciary who shall eppty such award,damages and procee6s to t3�e suma
<br /> -- � . • '�'. s�cured by the t3m3d of Trust,with thv ex�ess,it any,paid to 4he Trustor. � � ,
<br /> �� • I �•`�` 10. Future Advance�. The Loan Ag�eement provtdes tor edvanaes from time ta time to Trustor by Boneftcf�, ,:
<br /> � � � � � � as provided thoreln. In additian,upon req�aest of T�ustor,Beneficiary.ot Beneflciary's option,prior to roconveyan�ce. °:i:�.
<br /> �.. : :•:i�s,I�
<br /> � of th0 ProRerty to the Trustor, may make addi4ionai future advartses to the 7�uslor. .Such future advances, with ..,.. 4,
<br /> � � interest thereon,sheJ!be sacured by this Oeed of Trust when evidenced by promissory notea steting that sat d rto4es .
<br /> � `' „are socu�ed hereby; provtded that at no time shsti the secured principat and tuture advances, not inctuding sums � �
<br /> .. ;�'';:'. . : aavanced to protect the security, exceed one hundred percent (100�fa} of 4ha originat prtnoipet nmounts sesured . '
<br /> � . . hereby. � ♦(� .ae�� . _ . . . ...,...... :-. f.._ , t �,. '
<br /> � � � � 91. ,Re�ea CumWative. AtC�-rerife��Aspruvidad in.thia Ceed o1 T�u3t ere distinct enit��umut�2tv�3a��Q,t�E?'7; .,
<br /> � , right or remedy undor this Doed. of Ttust or allorded by lavv or equity, and may B��exe�Ns�d..tm'te�irre�E)", '.. .
<br /> ' Indep�ndernty or successivety.' � --1 r. �`r � r
<br /> �4fze.�.�. ""�„ �,'.��"'•�
<br /> � �'`' �� '' 92: .Acceieratton; Ramedis9;Sale. A dofautt shall exist in the e�ent of: . �� ����`� `~p�rs� ��
<br /> f .
<br /> . ' ,. ~_.:_ _. • �a �rr��-::-�s '
<br /> _ _ (A1 lifry frF�ua ar misrepresentation by 4i�6=�ustOt iR�tt�tsb'tiBSS wKts th3t1l�3 0!Cr[P.!!It ertlllCll:#4��3�:��?��Trest ".
<br /> .. . . S8CU�89i 4���11►� . . �''�g��!�l.:�a , '
<br /> ` , •
<br /> • ,..; , ' i 9/94 . . • � a08&2
<br /> . .
<br /> .. � � . .,
<br /> , . .
<br /> ,.. ,:• . .�� . ,.
<br /> . , �_�.
<br /> . , . . . .. ... .r�:_ ��.. _ . ._. _., __
<br /> ... , , . . . .. .
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<br /> . .
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