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<br /> s "�-?�� The undersignad°Trustor°as tdem�fied in th�foltowing Qeed of 7tust,wh�tAar one or more,understand tha�the ,;:��.
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<br />"�`", ���- r< �'�,- `� ' ' in tlie Oeed of Trust provides subatant�a(ty dF�ferent dghts and obligatIons to the Borrowers than a mortgsgs tn 4he
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<br /> eveot o'f a defsuti ar bresch of obtigation under tlte Deed of Tsust,includirig,but not timited to,ths Bertofl c iary s right , ,. :
<br /> � � � }t�� ;�°=`� to have the Proyerty idontified tn the�aIIowing Oeed af Tri�c'�!�by the�rustee without any judiciaf proceedirtg. �' us
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<br /> `�� ��,.:�~:.: ��,. Trustmf represe�r�ts and warrants that tF�:sdtcknowledgmer�t ti#:�s:� �bYt1'�em before the exec�ution af th�Ceea! ��sL
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<br /> " THIS tRUST D�ED madeth�.' '���T� d of � �
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<br /> _ '�l° .tffitF�Y A IIOTT AND S�RAY J HqTr. ��; • • , •� . , . . :. . .. . __�__
<br /> - ;t r:'':;,.�,'.._`'',' o �, 320. W lOTS,&'�. CRRANp,IS�NII� NB 68801 _��:_
<br />- h$refiaftQr�ili°T�stOx.{.v�osamai�z �eddr,ess is�
<br />- ` �; �, ' � ' � :as°Tn�stee°;and�+m�Fed�ral$avfrr$s an��rv,an Assbctatias�o�(ir�;tsla�fd:whcsa ��
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<br /> °'`:_,����. �+:�: ' For vatua4te cot�stderation..T�ustar�,�ravacabht.�racits,uet?:�s• ccnvaYs and essigns t�T�ustae: in Vust; avith� _ __
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<br /> �=_� r �"' power af sats,far,th�benefit 0nd s�c�_ of Beneficiafy,urrd��!'�d sub�eot to the terms i�nd�'vrtd�ons of this Deed �—_
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