�o F�F (-������s '9��;'�c � �a�•r,��x.� �vwa-, --- " _
<br />, ' � r._ ! f.;Y'���� 5 . . � . � - fcy�, ; �-�"t�rFg - � _ . r.�.—.--�_'_� .rF o .
<br /> ,� ;,� P� t �� �e � �z
<br /> . a' i �-cJ�rJ F [ C!: a2. . � `
<br /> � ' 4. .� . S k� (. .� 'e.
<br /> - 's"c?�,�. �� 4,i, ,�. ��.;';: -t..C.., ti- cE.� �.t fF ' ���� S. 5'
<br /> . . .., F ;� ` .
<br /> _ .-t •�•- r:� _ ` , , . . t _.
<br />� .t;- ...::;�s'.-;--_ � . . �� � � . . . . � . . s . . . .'fi.
<br /> ._ � . • .
<br />' . .. • . . . . ,
<br /> ', `. I •°`c.:�;: � --, . . � , ` , � • � . �I��-�� ��V�Oa� � � .. .`,r-
<br /> ` ` ,�� 18) Elny fniture on thie�arE of the Trus4or ta�m$et the repayment tetms ia respect to the I.oan Agreement and any .". �,�; .�
<br />_ . ".,�.h .:' , ,
<br /> , ` ` . �. � ot�er advancea untler this Deed of Trust hareby secured;'end. . � � .: ;,:
<br /> ��. ."��J�� '' . .
<br /> ;� ; � (C? Any 0ctlon bY�►e TN�tar Prohibfted by,the terms of the Laan�i8reement or this Deed af Trus�ar any f�ilure ot �
<br /> tRo-Truotar to�ct es requirsd by the I.oan Agieement or thts Qeed ot Trust,eacYi of whicA Y�ustor tiereby e$re�s� ' �. .. •
<br /> ��`'`,_ �" � , homo a�n aQvgrse effect on the BenefidaN's secnrity for tba line of credi4 established end the �ights of the • � •�
<br /> , �;. ..^ 6flnotict�r�y In euc�security. � .. ', Y>
<br />_ . ,r. _4, . • . � .
<br /> J.�r".�:'��,° an�upon ths h8A0ening of eny such even4 of detauk,Beneflcfary may deciare ali sums seGured hereby immedistetY �-�;�;
<br /> v �.-�. �... ., �,
<br /> �- duv 6�d peyebfu by Qeliver to TrustQa af written deciaration of dafauit. The Trustea shaii have tha power of�te o9� ,
<br /> �� � �� ., ,. � the�rppprry,end i�Beneficiary�esC•s�td�Pioperty Ya be satd,it shall deposit with Trustee this Deed of Trus2 and edi , �
<br /> • � ', promisaory noies end document�ev���c�xAendjtures secur�d hereby�nd shatl deliver to Trustes a en+ritten no�[ce < < ,
<br /> c3
<br /> ' • of dotautt end etec on to ceuse�he,Pro �`.Ea lse soid,apd tfie Trustea in tum sPrafl pieAare a not3ce in the form . 4 ;
<br /> qt P�:. � .
<br /> tited:�rr"���ord hV F���= ; .�. �: . .
<br />- �`:.'�`1. , �:. raQuired by law.whlch shall ba ds�ty < , � •� � : . , -� . .
<br /> � � (Aj Attar tha I�Dse of eaah time as mey be requirsd b�?'°;�?a�"�'4?�wirtg tha_r���ais,�f said a o t�c e o f d e f e u t t,e n d :•`. f�;
<br /> �� ° � ' n�dce ot detet�tt anA notice of sate having bean giv��a.as'required by t�,;��.���`���'�demand on Tnistar,. � +� .
<br /> 9_
<br /> .. �;.>• . ��
<br /> _� .. ;, ,'� ' eheib eolf thu Proparty on the dete and et the time and ptace desigaated isi saicP r�ati�a o�.sate,at public suctton to
<br /> , tf�e htghest 6Edder,the purohase price payable in,tawful money of ths Uniiec6 S3�tes at tt�e time oi sate. The }';
<br /> parean conduct(ng tiie saie may,for eny causa t�i3asms.'exped[ent,postpone�'n�sai�fram ttme to dma untii it -��,; :�
<br /> '',�� :" shaU b�compteted attd,!n euery such cese;,.n�o;i�e�a�:pustpanemem'siiall t�a�'nt�iabb public decla�atfon ti�ereof
<br /> ' ' by auch pereon et the tirne and ptace fast ap�'��ar the sate,pravided;if�fi�a�5e xs��stponed for longer than
<br /> , .. .� .
<br /> . , :.,.�•- ..
<br /> :;. � . . ; , • � ,
<br /> �_.:.�,.� �.',..:`�{�..._': ottetl)dey b�yortd the clay designated in tns�e�at6se of sate,not�ca thereof st��z'�'11r,s�:��n.�n the same manner as
<br /> . . . �..,;��:
<br /> ,. .. :.. . .;.
<br /> �.. ... �_._<<. . �he orl8�el notice af aata: Ttuutee shap exeauta�nd.del�uet to th@_Purc(taser iLS���ad convey��i�s�sperty so .
<br /> ::..:._.,. �•-.-- .. .---_..._._.._._.__. .
<br /> �: � �; ,��;1 _ : � sold,but without en�y covanant ar warrant��express.ar impfled. The recitats in t��s���3��f,�'+Y�'��or acts��� " ` - iy;'c,`
<br /> . :... i„ .�. •. ohali Oe conctu�ivQ proof of ti�e mithtulness�ereof. Any person,irtcludtng Benefi�iaiy,ma�r pus�ti�ss at the sate. ��
<br /> �M (8) When Tru�te0 so118 pureuent to th�po+Ksr$fi�;etn,the T�usisQ�shall spply tha proceeds af the sets 4o payment , �``�"
<br /> of the enstlg.end e�cRenaes ot exercising the p��of sale and of ths sele,inctuding 4ha paymant ot 4ha Tiustes-'s ���-." �=
<br /> ._; �
<br /> � . . ,� ..:„ .....: � '
<br /> .. - �`c.:.:
<br /> � :: ._
<br /> entount ase upon .-.�
<br /> ,,.;�..: • . tes�,ectuellY i(toiac�ed,whlah Yruatee'e fees�l not in the ag9�99���sxceed°ther foltow �
<br /> :�; �, ': �; � the emovnt$ecured horoby and remaining ur��ef;5 percentum on the ftrst 91.000 th�s�ssf,.i�ercentum an the . __
<br /> batance thareot and thon to the ttams in subpsragraph iC) in tho order thece stat�_., ��' ___
<br /> ` (C)After paying tPts item9 epeciftot�in subparagraph(@)if tha sale is by Trustee,or xh��ft�p�?�urt and othor costs =__
<br /> of torectosura end sate 14 the eate la pursuant to judiciat forectosure,the proceeds d�;��1s st�a;�ba apDt�ed in the order. . _ __-
<br /> ' "..�: `:` ` stated to the paVmant of: • ': _ . . � �
<br /> � ' � ' � (q Cost ot any evldence ot titie procured in connection with such sala�r�d at 2ny rgv�nue stamps: ��?" `
<br /> .� ��' • �.''�r<<� �r. �- . • . ' . - --
<br /> , � ,. �• (lq Ati sum9 the eceured hereby: . ... =: � ` , . ---_
<br /> :.�,':�r'�:,,..::.. .:. , .
<br /> .,��.._ ,. ,� .� , (Iiq Ths�emeinder,d4 any,to the person legal(y enti�ded thereto. . . ��
<br /> � , ° •�. 19. Dusim�nnd 1Dbpsatlons of Truate��. (a) The du�.s and obligattans of a�s���shall be determined��sotsiy by — _-
<br /> ' •- �-' ��•., tha exptess proviatone Qf t4�ts 0ead of Truet.end Truste�s::?�n�if not be liabte except fr�:rQ�s perfcrrnaace of such duttes _ ___
<br /> . , ;:`Y�;���� end obliget�ons aa are ape�iftoaily set torth herein, and'sm(mplied wvenar►ts o�a?bli�etions��'ha1� be imposed upon _�___
<br /> ,�r:y.-:.:+ Trostee; Ib) Ho provisiona of thia O�od of T�ust shali require Truat to expand�r�isk its owrn.'Eunds,or otherwise
<br /> }�.�r�� :� � °; Incur eny fte�an�iai obiiga4lmrt In thA pertormenGe of eny of its dutles�under,or in tt�e exercise of eny of its�rights
<br /> �}�'.���- -,:�-'" �� or pa3nre�,if tt�hall hav�Qroundo tor peltevins that the repayment ofsuch 4urtds or adequate indemnity agalnat such
<br /> �-_�.;=.1,�.�:�•, �: -
<br /> ���m--- riak er tlab0ity 1�not reuonably aasured to tt;lc� Trustee may.consult with counsei ot Its own chcostng end tha advace
<br /> �:•=f.n-:��_ of such c�unsef�shall bs tul'end complete euthortxetlon�and protection in tho.reapect ot any action taken or euHered
<br /> __ ::'�'_�!
<br /> '���1'/!!��-�TL � by(4 hereunQer U Sood tatth and reiiance thereon;(d) T�u�te�shn11 not tre liebts tor any action aake�tiy it in good tatth
<br /> :��� �,_:.��� edd reasonebly bolleva0 by it to bs authsrized or withfn the discr�'tion or rights an��wwers�'ri?�,?sed upoc►4t by thte .
<br /> - =-%_'°"� � Deed ot Tr�sst,. . ,: :. � �: • ,:: ; . .•.
<br /> T�''�--��:': '� 14. Addtt�onet.8iasodty In�trummu. 7ruator,�t its expen��,will execut��i,�d.e��jvo�a���.4��s���romptly
<br /> �•f,�w.; : .. i� �
<br /> --� �� �' upon demand,such aecurity Instruments as maY be requirad by Trus�:s,fn form eni���xbstance�'tj��ctory tA Trustee,
<br /> �'+'-""����� covering eny of,tho Rropatty Conveyed by 4his Qead of 1'rust,•which�ecutity ins4rum�ents.sha�it b�additionel.seourityl
<br /> .=�-=��.,,�-�: . • –
<br /> `.-`".'"�r� � '�' tor T�uator's feithful performanas of ell ot tha terms. covenaMS �^.� conditions o4.tMs Deec!-ci Trust�,.ihe.Loan
<br /> ` �•..s..:..._ ,-...�. .: —
<br /> -°�•;�...v•,:.•.-.�,::�. —_
<br /> Agreement,.eny promiaaory notms seaurod hereby er►d any other secear'm!instrumorcu��scut+ed in connec,ten�.with this
<br /> ��� ,�,�..:°��� tranaectlan. Su�h tnst�umont�sitnii be�ecprd�d or 41ted, end re-reaer�r�and tefil�r;t'+=Tfll9L0l�3 97($I�G.�8f1. _ _..
<br /> ... Y ',:r ` 16. Mtscalmwus. .. '". �-
<br /> *-�...� —--
<br /> .'"� tA! In�the event any one or moro of•the provialons contained in the Deed of 7rust,or tho�:�a�n,�bzeer�nt er�ny . . _
<br /> �r�,,�',:: : promissory note,or nny Other sacur(ty Inetrument given ln connection with this trensaction,sh�;�foT any reason �.,
<br /> '� ��,`.::..,.�;;�,� i : � to be hetd to be Invulld,IlleQel or unentotcoabte In any respect,suab invatidity, iltegality o�unonfdsaE�bility shall, ��.j*.a
<br /> � t ' st tha optfon of Beneiiciary, not atfaot eny other provision of thSs�aed of Trust,that tNis beed�f 4ncc!shail be y
<br /> — co�struad.as N suah tnvalid,iliepet or un�ntorceoblo proviston hec��:sr+er b�en ccntetned hereln or therein. >Y:,;,•
<br /> . ,•;.�.,�.. . !8I Thla Deed ot Truat phai!ho canntruad ococrdine to t�e laws o4:the���;a oi a��brasKa. . - ��:;,t;
<br /> � _ � � � • tC) the Oaed ot 4ruet ahaft inoure to end�dind the h�Ire,tegetees,devlsees,�s:nis3ratoro,executore,suc�ssor�an9
<br /> � . � � � asaipna of the pnrttes hareto. �
<br /> . -.,�„�-`� . �p} Trustor ehell pay ell taxoe 14vEed upon thta.0afld of Truat or ths debt aecarm�her�Y,togath�ir with Firay�s3'�er taxss � � ���';
<br /> � • +� . . or easos3meat�whtch mey bo ievied ogalne!tha Truoteo or Boneficiary or thQ►ega1 ho�der ot the�an AgraenfonY
<br /> _ � � � � on aacourn ot ttre Indsbtodneae evidenao tNor�by. � �
<br /> ° ' � � , �•,�: (E► Whenevar usad haraln,the ornpular�number shail lac{uQo the plura�,the p�:ra1.3h9 singular,the uss cf�,ny ger�dor : .:'.;
<br /> � � ehall�o applicable sa�U po�edoro,ond thp tprm °Bano9lclary"shaU Inciude E���yoe of the inAebtedr�Ws t�ereby ,
<br /> ��� ,• secured or any trenflter theteaf.whether by�A�►ratlon of law or otharwise. . ,.�: . . <,. .
<br /> � � � 18. Succe�sor T�u�te�. HeneflCl9ry mpy t►orr►timo t0 timo 9ubsiitute a successor�or successors to any.Trust�s
<br /> � � � � named har�in or ecting hernundar fo�xecuto thla Tr�uat Oood. Upon such appointment and wi2hout coaveyanco tm • .
<br /> "� ' the auccea�ar T►uateo,tho lottor ehoil 6o vootod with oil tlEta,powara and duties conferred upon eny Trustee hereira , ,
<br /> _- � named or acting horoundor. Eac�+euCh apppintmont or oubatitution eh9t1 be made by wrltten.instrument by Be�eficiary,
<br /> - ' - -- �nisl�inQ.to(acance.m thia QeQd�i T�usland�tt�ptpao of racatd.whlch when recorded in the office of the Register .
<br /> –` � • of Daods of the county or cauntlae fn whlch uoid proptt�ty lo c(tuotod,Bhal)1iA CORC1ilSiVA proOf of pr,pRSt,aP���ii�=��►���
<br /> ___ , � of the auccos�or T�uatoo. Tho fora�olnp powar ot eubstitutfon and tha procedure therefore shatl ri�t!fe Ax �t�lve of
<br /> o . ' . 9194 4�?&3
<br />