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<br /> ;J p3ynxents may cco Ionger De reqaired.at the aptioa:of Lender.if mortgage insw�aace coveiage(in the amonnt IInd far th^,p�riia� � -
<br /> ,` th�E.ettder requlres)provided by ttn ins►uer approved by Lender aguin beoo�nes available and is oWained.Bvsro+arer sE�all gay . �
<br /> � ttte pmmiums iequired to maintain mortgage insuraace tn effect.or to pravide a loss reserve,until the reqoireanent for�aortga�e �
<br /> insiu�nre endsin 2ssQidancg with any tivritfen�6�n�osrower asid IxAder or applicable law. �,;
<br />[ �j • 9.Inspectton.Lender or its agent may make�teasona�ie eatr�es ugon and inspections of the Praperty.t�et►der sha11 give `�,;`
<br /> �4�'1 Eairower notioe at t��time of or prior to an inspectton sgecifying cQasonabl�cause far the inspection. ` �--
<br />-�.,i Y0. Cos�Qe�nnaLMa.The prooeeds of any acvard or claim for dam�ges, airect or consequential. ifl OOIIti¢Ctt�il wlth 8riy �..
<br /> 'S ' _-
<br />, i; ooademnation or other taking of any part of the Property.or for oonveyance in lieu of co�demnatian. ara hereby assigned aad -
<br />-;�� shall be paid ta Lender.� ,. "
<br /> � In the event of a toial caking of the Fraperty,the pmceeds shalt be applie�to th�snms secured 6y tIus Securiry Inst3um^.nt, �
<br /> =� vehether or nflt then dtte,with any eacess paid to Borrower. In the�eve�of a partial talang of the Property in wmich the fqir -
<br />�°�'� mar�t vaiue of the Property imt��ly i�efon:the taking is e�ual to or grea3er than the amaum of the sums secsued by this
<br />;:� 3ecurity Instr�ment iaimediately befare tha taking,uniess Bormwer and F.end�2r otherwisc a�ree�n writing.the s�uds secur�by
<br /> :�'`� this 5¢ruri�y Iastiument shall (re teduc;ed iry the amount of the proceed�multiglied by the following ftaciion: (a) the tQtal -
<br />-`�-°" amaum of the suu�s secured immediateiq�efore the talcing,divided by (D'I the fair market value of the Prope�ty i�ty .
<br /> :y;" before the taYing: Auy balance shall b�Paid to Eormwer. In the event of a gartial tairing of d�Rnperty ia wtuch the fair
<br />;==� �rtarbet vaIue of the Property�m.�,�t�arPjy before the taking is tess than ti�e amouut of the sunn�senu+ed immediateDy 6efo�the , . _
<br />-P� taking.,unless Borrawe�r aad Lender otherwise agree in writing or nnless applicable law otherwLse prmrides,the proc�eds shall
<br />_ �- � he agplied to the stuns�secured by this Serurity-Insavmeat wkether.ornot 1fie.sams.are tItettdue._. .. __..._. ._.. ..__. .._ ..__..
<br /> : � _. . . _..._.....---
<br /> --� If the Progerty is abaadoIIed by Borrower.or if,after aotice by'Lender to Barro�er ttaat the wndemnor offets to make an �
<br /> �• av,r.,.azi or settle a claiiu for da�ges,Bomuw�fa7s to resspond to.l.eader within 30 days after t6e date the uot�ce is givea.
<br /> -- Leader is authorez�d to colled and apply the procxeds.at its opHon,eithea w restoration or tepair of die Pcopeity or to.the sua�.s .
<br /> _�.,
<br /> ,�_. � .
<br /> � secured HY t�is Secauity Instrument,aheiHer or not then due. • ' � � .
<br /> - Unless Lender and Boreower otheruvise ag�ree in writing, a�iy apPlication of pitir�s to principal.shaU noi exteRd or � "
<br /> -� Post�w�the due date of the monthty payments referred to in paragaphs.l and 2 or change the amount of such paymeats. •
<br /> - lI.�osrawer Not Ret�s�;Forlsearauce By Leader PToi a VY�Syer.Extensioa of the time for paymeni or modificarion
<br />--:�r of amOrtization of t6e sums sprural by this Sxurity Instrument gcanied by Lender to any succe�or in interes!of 8orm�rer shaU
<br /> ant opeerate to rete3se the leability of the ori�a!Bormwer or Bo:rower's siic�oessors in.interest.Lender sha]!not be teqaired Lo ,�
<br />"��'���' �ommence proa�lpgs agaiast any successor in interest or refuse to exte�d time for payment or otpeerarise modify amor6zatiaa
<br />:.�:;;.�. .�. .
<br /> - . of t$e�sums seeund by this Secasity Instrument by reason of a�+d�cand made by the origimal Bormvser or Borrower s .
<br />:�� ssaa�ssois in interest�+ny fv�iaearance by /.ender ia exesri�ng any ri�nt or reinedy sl�all nnt be a waiver qf or preclade the
<br />�.$ �c"sse of a�r right or rem�p- ��, qq�e covenants and agreei�ents of this�
<br />=r��, 12. Suco�snrs ead Asstgns �ound; Joint and Sev�al Ida6�;
<br />-� 3e�uriry Instrumen; shall bind and benefit the snccessors and assigns of Lender anA Bosowes, subje,et to tit�pmvisions of
<br />_� F:r,3graph 17. BorroNes's covenants and.agrecn?ents sha11 6e joint aad seveaal. A�.y Borrower who co�sigus tbis SecuriLy �
<br /> - Tas�iiument but does nnt ex�the Note: fa)i8��b'Nng this Secutity_Instn�me�t c'srti?!ro mortgage,g�t�'i a�nvey UOat
<br /> -_ • Boreower's interest in the Pra�y undec the ter�s of this Security Instrament;(b)is�m�,persoaally obligated co�y the surns
<br /> -° , securod by this Sr.c�tity Instruaient;and(c)a�rees tuat Lender aad any otLer Snnow'er may agree tcd�te,nd,nrodi�.fo�bear or
<br /> � •make any accar.vecmodatIoas with regard to th�q�tns of this Secarity Iastrum�at o�the NQte�vithant.ti�ut tdormwer's c�nsent. .
<br /> � 13.Loan"C�ges.If the loan spcvred by tbis Secuti4y InstrumeaC iq yubject tb a law whicfi'�s max�mum�aan c5�rge.s. .
<br /> and that law.is firiaUy interpreted sa that the interest or other loan chas�anitecxed or to be coflerted in cona��on vritb the .
<br /> � loan exceed the permitted limits,then: (a)any such toan charge shall be reduced 6y t�amount necessary to redu+re the charg,z .
<br /> - to the petmitteA limit;and(b)any sums already collected finm Borrow�'�uhich exi�cS�d permitted limits will be reftmded W
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to make tlus refund by reducing the rr.f:j,cipal owed under the Note or by malciag a direct ,
<br /> payment to Bosroaier. If a refund reduces principai, the reduction �ilJ be ueated as a partial p�papment rrithout an'y
<br /> prepayacc�nt charge under th�Note. . . '
<br /> 14.Nottces.A�ty notice to Bor�wer pmvided for in this Secusiry Iasttument shall be given by delivering it or by.mailimg� -
<br /> - it by first class mail unless applicable law iequires use of annthes meth�sd The norloe shal!be directed to the Propecty Address
<br /> --` or any oiher{rsit�ress Borrower designate�. Is�notiee.to Lender.. An}�notice to Lender shall be g1Len by fiist class mail•ti��-.;
<br /> Lersder's addr�r..stated he'rein or arry other address Lender designates�iy notice to Borrowet.Any notice�rovided fm in'�.itiit���'
<br /> Secuiity Instniment shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when.given as piovided in this para,gaph. •
<br /> � 1g.Gav¢rnfng Iraw; Severabllity. This Security�instnunent shatl 6e govemed by federal law and t� law of the
<br /> 3iirisdiction in.�tzlch the Pcdperty is tocated. In the eveat drat any pravision or clause of this�Security Instrwaent or the Nate
<br />--_
<br />