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<br /> • `°��4 ��;�``�` 17.T�ster o�tlne Froperty or a BeneIIs�l inSere�in,Barrat�r.If nll vr anY Par�of the Praperty�r any interest in it r`;:
<br /> t .
<br /> •� �;•` ' � is sald or transfee�d(or if a Denefit�al interest in Borrower is so3d or traasferre�and Borro�ver bs aat a natural persfln)witttout
<br /> r.' ��. �'. , Lendes's prior written consent. L.ender may..at its op tinn, require i m m e d i u t e p a y�e n t i n f u l l o f a l t s u m s s e c vred b y th'ss
<br /> , t; < " Securiry Inswment.However.this aption S6ali nof be exercised by Lender if exercise is prohi6ited oy federa!taw as oi tiie�date
<br /> •--� '' ` � af this Security Insmurtent. �
<br /> � � � If Leader exercises this opdon.l.ender shall Sive Bormwer aotice of accetetatian.Tfis notire shall provide s periud.of not = '°
<br /> :.���r,� less than 30 days from the date the notice is delivered aY mailed within which Borro�ver must paj� a(1 sus�is secured by this -
<br /> ,'. . ge�urity Instnunent.If Bortower faiis to pay these sums prior to the capiratian of this periQd.LBnder may invoke any remedies
<br /> _�,.�trr�rs�f=; petmitted by this Security Iactrument without fiut6er notice or demand on Borrower. '`
<br /> fl8. BarcoRrer's Right to gLeSns3ate. If Borrocver meets certa'sn coaditions. Borrower shal! have the right to have ri'_'
<br /> ' • •• e n f o r c ement of this Securi ty Insuumem disoaniinued at any time prior to the earfier of: (a)S days (or sueh other periad as :
<br /> •� --•.`• � applirable taw may specify for reinstatcment) before sate of the Property pursuant w any power of sale rnntained u�t h i s —:-_r_^;
<br /> "'�`�`' `� :' 'Secvniy Inshument:or(b)eatry of a judgmeat enforcing this Security insuutneat.3'hose crondiuons are that Barrower.fa)pays �,�
<br /> Sh
<br /> � � � L�ender ail su�which then tivauld 6e due unde:this Seeurity Insuumeai and die Note as if no aceeleration had occurred;N) ��-
<br /> ``,' �any default of any other covenants or a�eements• (c)Pays aU eapenses incu�d in enforcis�g this Security Instrumen� �� _
<br /> �_.`a�``. �.' .'" #'�� including.but no!limited to,reasona62e attomeYs'fees:and(d�talc�such aaion as l�ender maY reasonabiy require to asswr� - �- ;
<br />,- r.r .*
<br /> ';;_;� . '"<:.:r•.Y_ that the lien of this Secvrity Inscnime�,Lea�der's rights m the Pro�ertY and Borrower's oblIgation to pay the sums sea.ued by �-;;
<br /> ;:,; ;:.,���,b. •this Seauity Instrument shall conriaue unciianged. Qpon reins�atement bY BoTrower. this Serurity Insaumert a� the - -
<br /> : _ _ o b li g a t i o n s s e r u r e d h e m.b y s h a ll n e m a i z►f u ll y.effective as if no ac.aeleration had accurred.�Iowever.this right to reinstate shall ;�;::--
<br /> ` .:, :W� ,,;`�., nat apply in the case of acceleradan�,.�r paragtapb 19. � �'_��:
<br />-- :°•. � 19. Saie of Nat� Cma¢ge+a��.oan Service�'.'I9►e Nate or a pattiaj interest in the Note(together with tbis Seauiry �_'-_
<br /> ,,..
<br /> �- �` ' ImWment)may 6e sotd o�ac r,a�ar.times without prior uodce to Bor�ower.A sate may resuIt in a change in the entiry(lmuw� "
<br /> ;-'.;--,",: astiie"I:nan�Servicer°�c�+.�.�cc�a�i;, mM�-payments�dueundertheNoteaTCdthis�Secunty�nswment._T6ereB samayhe..one.. ..' �
<br /> _-��...�aY� _� , or mone change's uf the Iaan Secvioe�cr�elated w�sale of the Note.If fhere is a ci►ange of the Loan Senncer. orrawer will be .....�_
<br /> ;f�:.�'"',�,� given wriceen notice of the change ia a�ordanoe with paragraph 14 above and applicabte law.'T6E notice will state the a�and __
<br /> :;�;.',,, :j address of the new Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should he made.The notice wil!also coatai�o any other , __
<br /> :.,,, . ,
<br /> '�' iafocmation required by applicabie laar. '
<br /> .-. �. =:,n --
<br /> ..• r :_� �� 20. Af�mr+dous Substattces. Borrower shall not cause or perinit the pressace,iue,dispo,sal, stotage..or retease bf_any. -__
<br />- ;- � .r•"••���. . 1� Hazandous Substances on ot in the Pcoperty. Bormwer shall not do, nor allocv anyone else to do, as►pthing affeccmg the
<br /> � � ,,,,. aPP Y F� —_
<br />':;::.:'•.°,,::..,•" pcaPerty that is in vialadon of any.Environmental law. 'I9�e precedipa two sent�nces sl�all not 1 to the nce.¢s�or
<br />> .,_.;,:.:;'�,. '.; storage on the Property of small quantittes of Hazardous Substance.s tl�at are ger►erafly reoognized to be apprapnate t��sam�al . _
<br />_`.��:�.:�;:`;;;,�,��• residenual uses and to maintenance of the Praperty. ,
<br />:.;;;�> ;��.c..:., , Bormwer sItall promptly give Lender wntten no�ice of any investigation,ctaim,demand,faa+suit or oth�c actIaa`�y�any
<br /> �;;,�, governmental or regWatory agency or private party involving che Property and aa5'Ha7andous Substance'or-.�vironmental Law
<br /> ;� }f;:,.. of afiich Borrovver has actaal knowledge.If Borrower learas.or is natified by�^�govemmental or�egulatory anthoritY.that _�__
<br /> `�.-. ti.n-i .
<br />-__;`;�a�.:�;z�. aay removal or other remedia6on of aay Ha7ardous Substance affecting the Properry is necessary,Borrower shall promgtly take
<br /> �,��-�� all necessary remedial acrions in acco�►ance with Environmental taw.
<br /> ,•1 ti;,,,�� As used in this paragraph 2a. "Hazardaus Substances". are thoss sabstances definad�toxic or dazardnus substswces by
<br />-�=„`�:;i;�+`,':° � Environmental Law and the_following substances: gasoline, kerosene. othea�lammable or toxic peuoleum produds, t�xic
<br /> „�;;�;,���i� pesticIdes and herbicides.volatile solvents.materazl!�botttaining as6estos or farmaldehyde,and radioactive materials.As�sed in
<br /> _-___ this puagaph 20.."Emrironmental Law" means€c�etml laws and iaws af the jurisdiction where the Property is Iocated that
<br /> _ --a.:'!+�_ :� relate to��StH,safety or environmental protectior�. '� '
<br /> _—___�_..—.._ NQ?g.�J1�FORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender furt�i��r covertant and agree as folIows:
<br /> -�:���� Zl.'��xe�eratton;Remedies.Leuder shaU gtve aotice to$orrower prtor to aaeeierution Yollowing Bosrowe�'s bseatb
<br /> ___-- of eny oovenant or agh'ament in tlds Securft� �asirument (bat not prior to mcae�eeatton nnder paraguPh 17 untess
<br /> � ' apyl�cabie taw pmvi�s otherwLse�.:7�e noi�ce sY�al1 speclfy: (a)t6e defaalt;(b)the actton reqnieed to carz the defsalt;
<br /> ;� (c)a date,nnt tess t�is 30 days fmm ttce da3e ttex nottce ts given to Bo�ower,by w6ic6 t�de�anit must be�;and � ,'.�'.
<br /> -- (�tbat failnre to cv�tlie default on or befare the date specifi�in the aaUce m�Y result in ecceteratloa of t�e s�s .
<br /> - --- secpred by t 6 is 3�c a r ity L r.�t r�s�ri't aa d s u le o f t h s P ro p e r t y. The notice s6aD furih�td�form Borrower of the�lt L�n
<br /> -- - -- sefn5tnte attes accetesation and the ei�t to bsing a oonrt adlon to assert the non�ee�+tenae of a defaalt or au�,ret;?�tr._ �,.�.,;.°• '
<br />--- -° - defeme of Bormwer�acoeleratton aad sale. IP the defaWt is not cured on or 6efore t6e�te s�Pdfied tn the n�idce, r',�
<br />-- _ - ---- Lender.at tta optiaa4�Y ��j��te ps►ytnent in foll of all sams sect�r+ed by W➢s Serurl4;y Ptas'tr+meent wi�ttout , .
<br /> --__ - - -- farther dems�nd an8 zaay invoKe the�suwee oi s�[e aad any ottter remedies permitted by ap�llcabie.�1l.i�<;L'ender shall be
<br /> :- - - ' ent[tterl�ca oouect all expenses Incusr�d in putsving the remedle9 p�avtded Ln this Pas�g�aph x1,taci¢dAqs;6nt ctird Ti�mtted i
<br /> -��-- � to,r�asa�rabte attosQeys'fees aad�sts of tttie evldence. � � ' '
<br /> =�-��� IP thepower of sate is invok�,�'rustee§�]recosd a aoti�ce op defaailt in each co�t�In cv�!s3� anY�A3�,t of the •
<br /> _---- Progerty ts l�cated ur�d sha[I ma11 aoptes oY scu�'d no8ce in the mstmner ar�scrIbed by appltcabie ta�h¢Boreosver.and to
<br /> - ----_���� t6e offier persons p�,ribed by applicabte Iaw::l.tif3er the time reqaIred 6y applicab�e law,T�vstee�isuiL�ive pu6fic aottce
<br /> -_-- ��°���� � of sale to the persons aud i�ihr manner pr��ssiri�kd by appficabie law.Tn�stee,wfthout demand on,[Sbrrower,sball sell
<br /> y�_� � the�ropeFty ut pnBlte suciian to tbe highest D���er at the ttme and place aad under the ternLV desi�ated tn 4he nniice of .
<br /> _._—==�� sate fin one or more parceis aad in�any order�ustee dete�es.:Tnistee may postpone sate of all or uny parcel of We
<br /> --" _ Property by public announcement at the time mud piace ot any prevfouisly schedWed sale. Lender•or its deslgnee ffiay
<br /> -:�w1;�� � purcltase the Properiy at arry sele.
<br /> ry;�;:.�=�;j� .
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