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<br /> ,,paymenis may r�[onger�e�cquirecl._at the option,of Lender.if taartgage insuranoe,wverage(ta We aanount am�for the'peri�(f . �
<br /> tbat Lender reqnires)PTOVided by an insur�r appmved 6y Lender again b$aomes avaitzbie and is obtadned.Barrower s6alt pap;
<br /> e a loss reserve,until the requirement for mongage �.-:
<br /> ' tD�premIums,r�ci�nc�ad m mainrain mokgage insurance i�effe�cx.or co provid , �_
<br /> � insurance ends in ascordance.witi�aay written a�t between Bonotver and L�cnder or appficabte law. � er shall give �
<br /> g.an;s�ieettan.Lender or its ageat may make r�ascs�ble entties upoa aa�insgections af the PropertY•. pd �=
<br /> ie =-
<br /> � Horniwer natise at the time of or prior to an inspection sperifying reasonab2e rause for the iasgection. :�;
<br /> 10.�undemnatLon:'The proo�is of any award or eluim for damages.�direct ar oonse9uen��a�• �n�°�°°����y =
<br />� condemnatioa or other takfng of anY Qart of the Property.or for oonveyance in lieu of oondemnation,are hei'eby�ssi$aea an� �
<br />� sbatl Q�e paid to Ixader. � ued w the sums secured by this SswritY Instrument, � -
<br />� � ' Ia th�everu af a total taldng of ths PropertY,the proceads sba116e app� of the Froperty ia which t�te fair —
<br /> arhether or nnt then due,aritd�any exce5s pa:d to Bsmawer.In the event�f a partial taking —.
<br />. - market value of the Property immediately before tlie�tatwog is eqval w or g�ater than t6e amo�nt of die sums secured isy this �-
<br /> 5ecurity�shument immediateIy hefore the taking,nnless BoreoFCer and Leuder•othenvise Agree in writing,the sums secarcd by . _
<br /> this �its►ins�ument shall be reduced by tAe amonm of th��roceeds mulaplied by the foltowing fr.�tia�:-�°.1���y ---
<br /> amauat of the svms seaued immediately 6efore the tt�lsing.divided by(b)t�e fair mar�ei value of the Yroperry'
<br /> �}���e�g. qa�balance sha!!6e paid to Borcower. In the event of a partlal taIdng of the Property in vrhich,tlie fair,
<br />- • mar2-et�value of t�e Fcnperty imasediafetY befnre the taking is less than the auiount of the swms secuied immediatety 6efore the
<br /> takiag,aaYess Borrmver asZd Le�otherwise agree in writis�g or unless applicab2e lativ�Cwise pmvides. the prooeeds shall,
<br /> ise applied to the'sa�s secared by tfiis Security Insuume�whethet ar not the snms are th�i.due. � : _.
<br /> K If the Property is�abaiidoi�d iiy 8oinbw�;or�if:after-noti�6y�L,.-adsr�Borruwe�-that[he condanno��f�erS w.maYe an .... . . _
<br /> � a�vand or settle a ci�r,r3 for damages. Bor�awer fails tp respond to I.ender c�ithin 30 days afiter the daEe the notice is glvea,
<br /> I.en�er is euiharizec�.t�collect and apply the praa�ds,at its o�tean,either w restoration or repair o�t�.°'J�peaty or m the sums
<br />-, . secured�+v?chjs Sewrity Instiumetri,wheeher or cwt then due. .: ��� � sbatl a¢a.�etead or .
<br />- � Un;�.ts T.�nder and BorroNer.otherwise agree in writia8,.�Y �?Plication af pmc�s to p.rinciFai
<br />- P¢�Pune the due d��^�the�aclntiily,payments refemed to in'paraBbraPhs t a�2 or�han�the amount of sUCB P�Y�• . � .
<br /> ' 11.Borro�v�ea'�I�ele�s�+�Q��B+���°der Not a Waivea:.IF�ztension of the time for paym�ut or modificatian
<br />- of amortizatioa of ttie sums sec�red by tAis Sea.uiry Insmiment granted by�der to arry succxssor ia interest of Borro�er shall
<br />= . nat�perate to reiease the laability of the aii�inal Herrower ar Borrower's suacessots i��,-i�es�Lender st�all not be re�uired.to .
<br />_ ��n�Proc�din�s against a�3!successor in interest or refuse to extend time for��'reat a�r qtherwise madifY am°rtizat�� .
<br /> • of the s�ms s�wred by tbis Secci�ty Inscrument by reason of any dema?�:it�ade by the original Borrower or T�rmwer's
<br />= suocessors i»interest. My forbeaiance by t.ender in exercising any righc`a�gemedy shall not be a waiver of or preclade the .
<br />�° eaercise of any right or remedy. . e : - .� ens. The covenants.and agr��•.of tbis ,,�;
<br /> � li��..Succ�sors an8 Ass�g�s Bmmd,Joiat sur)Sevesal I.�a1�•.�Y;`�-st� {�s.�.ons of, .`� "
<br />'- gecu�ritjF'�nstiument shalt bind and benefit the successors a�ussigits c�kender and Borrawer. subject to the,�ic',;:�S►
<br />° paragaph t7. Boirawer's covena�►ts'and ugreements shall tf:��.joint ��,zveral. Any Borrower who co-signs this 5ecurity
<br />- tns*_rument but doe's Q�t exe.c�te the Note: (a) is co-signing this Secu�t��.:�,��irument on1Y to mortgage, grant at�d ccnvey that..;••: • .
<br /> BoPaower's iaterest in the Pcoperty under the tenns of this Security Insma�'�nt;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums �
<br /> _ 5ecur¢d l�y this 3ecuriry Insmiment;and(c)agrees that Lendet and any o'ther Borrowu may agee to extend,Rindify,forbear or `•: .
<br /> ��y yc�mmodatiuns with regard to t�e terms of this Securiry Instrument or the No3e witltout that Bonower's consent.
<br /> !3.Law Cf�arges.If d►e toaa secured try this Security Insttument is subject.to a 4acv which sets ma�cimttm loan charges. , � .
<br /> aud that law is finaliy int�erpr�ted so shat the interest or other doan eharg�sollected or to be collectec4 in oonnectioa wit�the :',',•.
<br /> loan exceer!tb�e permitted limits.then:(a)any sucb loan ch�rge st�aU°be t�aced by the amount nece;��?�p�o�ce�e chatge�';'�,.
<br /> - to the pemutted limit;and(b)anY sums alrady collected frc�ts Borcower which exceeded permitted Iitiuta wiU be refuaded tp_�,,�;_: .
<br /> Borrower. Lender may choose to make this refund by r�r:ng the principal owed under the.G'�Tote,ot;by 'w� a d9rec3: ` �
<br /> - � paymeni to Borrower. If a refund reduces �rincipal, the'reductioa will 6e treated as a partial prepayraent crithoat aay:
<br /> ._ . ptepayment charge under the Note. � • ��: . � • `
<br /> = i4,Rlsttces,My norice to Borrower provided for in this Security ln.4tivment shall be given by de3iverin�it or by ma�ling
<br /> - it by first ctass mail unless applicable law requite9 use of anottcer method.The notice shall6e direc2ed to tlie Prooperty Address
<br /> = � �ot any other addcess Barrovrer designates by notice to Lender: Any notice tb l.ender shall be given by first ota:+s mail to
<br /> ° Lcnder's address stateA herein or any other address Lender desi,gnates by noticr to Sorrower..Any Twtice�pra�iQed for i�p this.
<br /> - Security Instru�er.i sha11 be deemed to have bceen given to Bonower or Lender�vhen givai as provided in this ga:agaap#t•
<br /> _- 1S.Govec�ng 1,awr; SeverublHtY. This Security Instrument sha�i 6e govemed by federal !dw and tRe law of the
<br /> jnri.sd;,�8on in which the Property is located. In the event that uny provisio�or'clause of this Security Instm�enl or the Note.
<br /> - can'�i�ts witU applicable law,,such conflict shall noi affect cis�:nr pmvcsions of th�s Secarity Instn�ment oi the Note which can 1'�
<br /> a . given effect vuithout the eontlicting provision.To this 0nd c�provisions of this Secarfiy Instiument and•the Nr�te are degIarrxi
<br /> i. to be severab2e.
<br /> " 16.IInreo��'s Copy.Borrower shall be given one coaitarme�cu��t,of the Note aa►d of this 8ecurity Instrument.
<br />-_ • .. � ��aoxe srso .
<br />_.,� , ,
<br /> � . � vapo e of s � , � .
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