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<br /> �S. 1�aaartD Q�Prmperty`�m-r+raace:Ba�i+o��sl�ll faeeP the imPro�elmetsts now existin�or flereafter erected an th�.
<br /> . Progerty insuted against loss�by.�ire.6arards intiud�d within the term•"exteuded wverage" end any o�her t�aratd.�,iactuding =
<br /> floods ar flaading.for wbich Leader requires insurance.This insuranse shall be maintaiaed in the aa�ounts aad for t�e peri4ds
<br /> that Lender requires.The insurance carifer providing the insurance sl�ail be chosen by Borroarer subjea tp[�ender's appraval , . —
<br /> which st�ali�not 6e unteasonably withheid.If Borrower faits to mainrain coverage dese��bed a�s're• �t�Y•'���'$ ° =
<br /> •opt�on.obtain coveruge to pratect Lender's ri�hu in the Prqperty in accoretance w�dt FaragraPb?• '�
<br /> Alt insuranc�pnlicies�and renewals shall be aeaceptable to Lender and shall include a standard mortgage clause. 1.ender
<br /> sl�tl tu�ve the right tQ hnld the poficies and remewats.I�Lender requires.Burrower shall pmmptiy give to L�der all receipL�of �
<br /> �aid preminms and renewal notices.Ia the event of toss;Bortower s&all give prompt no�iee w the iasuraace earr�et and I.ender.
<br /> Iender m�y ma�e pmuf of loss if noi�ade prompdy by Boaower. ` ,. . �
<br /> . Unless Leader and Bnrrnsver athgrwise agree�n writing,insnrance pro�s shaU be applie�i m reswratian or r�pair of the .
<br /> PtOFErty d�maged,if dte restaration or repair is ecor.omicalty feasi'ble and t�der's seauity is aut�ess�ned•If the resw?ation or
<br /> rc.�air is aat ecoaaailcally feasible or L,ender's security would be lessened,the insurance pracexds shall Ise apglied w the sums , _
<br /> sesuted by tbis 3xurity InsonJmeni..wheiher or aof thea due.arith ang excess paid to Borrower• If Borrower aban4onv t�te .
<br /> Property,ar da�s�nt ansR+er within 30 days a aatiFe from Lender th�t the ensutance carrier has off�rerl to s�ttte a claiat,t6ea - -
<br /> � ltnder may c�lll�ct the insuiance Pmceeds;�.end�er may use the�r�s to zepair or reswre t�a Pmgerty or to pay sums .
<br /> r�cvue�bf this�riry 1ns�u�ent.�vhetfr.eF or n�at t�da<s.�The 3U-daq perin�!w�l 6egin when t#ei�atice is g�ven. . ' .
<br /> Uatess Lendet azcd Bo�wer othercvis� agree i��ting. nny appliration of Froceeds ta prineipal s`�1 not extend or
<br /> ' _. . •..pastgone the dus date of t6e montlily Pay�Ts s�ferred�Ya in paragtiaphs 1 and 2 ar change the amount of the payments.If .
<br /> undet p2tagap7i�21 tfie Fropeny is�acc�i�a�vd.�iy Y�eadei,�Bniioaes s rigttt to ar�y�it�tuaa�p�tic�i��aud procx�resutt�g€rar,z
<br /> . datna�e to the pmperFy Prior to the acqaisi4ion sf�a11 pass t��nder to the extent of the sums see�T�l by this Se�uitY t�s�;
<br /> immed�aEe9y prior W tbe acquisiHon. ''�' �
<br /> . �;Ocrupan¢y,YreswvaHoa.Mafnt�aa�aad PtotecUan of We Pcoperiyr,Borrower's I.baa Appttrat3ont bea�ehn�dst
<br /> 8onutiver ahall accupY.estabtish,and use the PrQPeytY as Barrower's principai residence within siady days aftea the exec�tion of
<br /> thi�Security instru�eni and shall continue to occupq the Praperty as Borrower's principal resideace for ai teast one year after'
<br /> � the date of occup�ncy,anless Lendes oth�cvise agrees'is�vmdng,which ooasent sbali not be nnreaso�ahiy withheld.ar emless.
<br /> : extenuating circuzastances exist �vhici� ars��beyand Borrower's contml. Borrower shaU nnt destroy, dama$e or impair the .
<br /> Property,.,atlow the�'ropetty:to deterioraie, or conm�;i;e�ste on the Prapert�r. Borrow�r shatt be in dS�s:.�.f any forfaiture ' .
<br /> aciion or proceedin�.'tivhethercivit ar crrar�ic�a1,ia t�gari�iat in Lender's gaod faith judgment coL?d rese:z�:�orfeiture,af the
<br /> � Properiy ur otheewise mrlterially impair tti�;;tjen created by dus Security Instrament or l.er.der's sadn:�ty�in:eiest.Borrower amy
<br /> Cure such a default and reinstate.as prayi��.Sn paragraPh 18,by causl�g the aclion or pmceediup`��be dismissed with a niling '
<br /> thaa. in LesaQer's goad faith detesminatiis�f;£:piectades forfeipue of the�ouower's intere'st in:����opersy oi oti�er rrmterial :
<br /> , ilbpairment of the lien creat�;�y tlus Sei�uiity Instru�e�or[.eader's security interest.Bost�a+er shall ttlsu�c in def2uIt if . -
<br /> Barmwer,dnring the loan app7icafion process,gave materialiy false or�naccurate infarmation or statemeats tQ�ader(or failed. .
<br /> to provide Len�des with any maserial infur�pation)in connectton with the loan evidenoed by the Note,including,6nt nat limitec!
<br /> tu.representat�c�ia�wnceming IIorrower's n�aaey of the Propeity as a principal r�idgnoe.If:�as Security Instra�ent is on a
<br /> le�.sehold. Hoiroiv�r shall oo�plp witii°a11 the pmvis�ons of the tease. if Borrower acguir�':!�ee tide cu��the Propert3+.st►e
<br /> leasehol3$nd the fee titla s�aa�i,not merge uNess Le�;dez;;:.. ees to the merger in writ��g, . .
<br /> � ?.Pratecdon of Len�tJ�%'s Rtghts ia the Properi+j,��8arrower faits to perfo�a�he oaveriants and agreements con�iine�ih
<br /> 'th�s Seeurity Inswmcnt,or t�iese is a te�4,��c�ec}ing tIsat aiay si�nificantly aff�Lendet's�i�h2a in.the Progscty(suc�as a �
<br /> proaeeding in baNavytcy.pmbate.fo;cc�n�t�mr�ation ar foifeituro oF;xv eaforce laws or re�►t�1�a�s}.�Wen I�nder m�y d�and ...
<br /> pay;for afhatever is necessary to protect�9�z�vatue of the.Property a�nd I.erider's righfs in t6�'.�rtiperty. Lender's actions maY .
<br /> itr�t� p�y+in� any swns socureQ 6y a lien whtch fias priarIry over this Secuiity L�str�men�.appearing in court,.paying ,
<br /> 'reasonable attumeys'fees und eatering on the Progerry to make repai�:Although%B,ender may tatrc action onder this paisgrap5
<br /> 9.Lcnder docs not have to do so. • - � ' � ' �
<br /> . , Any antaunts disbursed by Lender under'this paragraph 7.�fizti� ba:ome additional debt of Boirower secured by Y�i?,s .
<br /> S�curdty Instrum�nf.Unless Barros+er And i.ender a�ree to other ter,rns of payment,these.amaetnts shaU 6ear inierest froin t�te � .
<br /> dute uf dis6urscment at We Note rate amd sha11 be payable, with inteiest, upoz�;a�otir.e from Leader to Ba�ower requesting �
<br /> p�ymcnt, ' • : . ;,,.�, ' ,: . .
<br /> 8�l�iort�ge Iasur�mce.IP Lender required mortgage insurance oa a condition nf makin�t�te toan secured by this Security ,
<br /> Instr�tncnt.8fltrower shull pay t1:e premiums mquired to maintain the mortgaga ins�trance.i��efEecx. If. for any teasoa,ttce
<br /> ' inortguge�murarrce caverage required lsy Lend�r lapses orceASes to be in effect,Borrawer sha�pay the premiw:p required to
<br /> obtNn c4vet,uge substantially equiva�ent m ths mortgage instuance previously in�ff�+c�,at a cost substantialJy equivatont.2o the .
<br /> east to Batcawer of the mongage insueance previ�usly in effect;fram aa atter�at,e mortgage insu�r approved by Lendet• if,
<br /> buDsWnttulty equivd2ent moRgage insurance covera�e is not available,Buaower.s�3 pay W Lender each manth a sum equal to
<br />— ottc�twelfth of thc yearly mottgage insurance premitun being paid by Borcawer when the insu�amoe coverage lagaed qr ce^�tv �
<br /> be in cffect.Lcrtder will uccept.use nnd retain these payments as a loss neserve in lieu oF m¢�tgage insurance. Loss reserve
<br /> • wnn 3aa� srso
<br /> , Paps 3 of 8 ' � '
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