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<br /> ,}... .. .F.4�` � � 4 ._}b'� 3 _ _
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<br /> � 17.'f�nafer of the Fropeity o�e�weTids!Intesest In Bnrrni�erl'if ail or any part of ttie PropertY or any iiuerest in it . . —
<br /> . is sold or transfened(or if a 68s�Hc�a!interest in Borr�wer is sold or transferr�d and Bonower is nflt u natural peison)�rit�nut , �
<br /> � Lexder's prior written ce�nsent. Lender may. at its aptioa. requiie irn�nediate payment in futl of ali sums.seatre$.Dy this ,�_
<br /> � Se�asriry Instrumcnt•However.this opuon shail not be exercisad bg I.ender if ese�+c:ise�s pmti6ited by fedetal Jaw`as of the daae ` � �="
<br /> � of this 3ee�uit�Ins7rument. . . . �-1
<br /> If Leuder exencis�this o�siioo.i:ersdsi sbafl give Sorrower narice of acceteration.'i�e notfce shali provide a geriod o.f not �,o.
<br /> less than�30 days€ro?n t6e date the natice is detivered or maile� rrithin whicli Borrower.must�ay all su�s s�by!bis ' �.:f;
<br /> � Securlty testniment.If Bo�rower fails to p-ay these s�ms psior to the expiratinn of this period.Lender m�y invoke any rPaaedies �._
<br /> � petmitted by ihis Security Instrument wi�hout funher natice or demand on Barrower. �_-
<br /> 18. Bor,sav,ea's Iif�6t to tteinsts�te. If Boirower �s certain conclitinns. Borrower shall 6ave the right to liave _
<br /> � enfarcement of this Secunry Insuu�ent discontinued at anY time Pnar ro the e��er of: (a)5 days(or such other period as _
<br />_ applicable !aw may specify for reinstaternent) hefare sale of the Propercy puisuanc co anY Fawet of sale coniained in th33 _,
<br /> Secunty In,stnaffieat;or(bl entry of a judgne�enforcing d�is Securiry tnstrument.'Ihose cond�tions are thai Borrower.(a)Pays
<br /> Len�der alT sums wiuch then would be due under this Security Inswme�t and We Nate as if no acc;eterarion had occumd:(b)
<br /> au�.s�ny default of aay other covenants or agreemer�ts:(c�Pays all expenses incurced in enfoming tbis Seeurity Inst�ument, _
<br /> ' inci�zdiug.but not limited to,reasonable attomeys'fees;and(d)takes such action a's LkMer m.�}r reasoaably tequire to ass+aYe
<br /> that t[ie li�n of tins Security InsNument. L.ender's rights in the Property and$orrower s o6ligatioa to gay the sa�s secu�ed bN �
<br /> � this.Security instnunent shaIl rnntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement.by Bormwer, this 3ecuriry Inst;ument and i�e
<br /> abliganioas setured hereby shali remain fiilly effective as�f nn acceleration 1�occurred• kiowever,eiiis rigiit ta reinstate shall �
<br /> r�ot agPly in the�ase af aceeleration ur,der paraSraFh 17. .
<br /> 19. Sale oi Note; Chunge oY LoaW Se�vtoes• 'IY�e Note or a putial interest in the Not� {togdher wit�'this Seairiry
<br /> !�cn�*��t)may be sold one o:more times wid►nnt p�for notice to Borrower.A sale may�It in s change in the e�tlty(tcnuwn
<br />-- ---...._. _.as.the_".Iroan.Servicer_"?tDat oollects_mo�I_yr�aymenu due mider the Note and this Secu�itY L�sonunent.There also m�y be ane
<br /> or moce chznges af the Loan Svivic�unre�ated to a sale af�e Nate.If there is a cfAange ofth�Lu�n Servioer;Earra�ver m11 be, .._. -. _
<br /> given wtitten notice of the change iu accordance ti�i��"�Ph 14 a6ove and applicable lav�+.The notice ariil state the nams amd
<br /> address of the new Loan Servicer and the address ta�v�icb payments should be made.?he norice will atso canta3a anY oth�
<br /> informadon required by applicable taw. • �
<br /> . 20. Hazardons Su6stanses.BoRbwer shall not cause or.p�st�it�e pTesence.use;disposal.�storage,or release off.�}r
<br /> - Hazardous Substances on or in the Propetty: Borroa�er shall nat a2€+. nor allow anyone efse to do, anythin� affect�n�''�2►e
<br /> ptoperty ehat i�in violation of any Envimnmental Law-'The F�d3nS twQ s�tences shall noi apply to the ptesence,vse. or
<br /> storag�on the Praperty of,sma]t quantities of HaTacda�Substacses that ar�gencraliy recagnized w 6c appmprlate to nor�al .
<br /> residendai�ses and to�paintenance crf the Praperty. uon:ciaii��,demand,Zaw'suit or ather action,�ig`�y
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy P,ive Lender written notice of any iavestiga�
<br /> �. 6overnmental or regulatory agency or private paRy involving the�ey and any Ha7ardous S�3stance or Envirunmet�A^$:�tw' ,
<br /> ' of which�orrower has actual Iarowted$e.If Barrower learns,or is�otified by any govemmentai or regtila�ory authoz�cge;Ut�at
<br /> any tem�val or other rernediarion oF an}r Nazardous Su�Z.�tance affecring the Prop:rty�s necessary,Horrower s�iall.�rom�3tty,�e
<br /> al�necessary remedial actioas in accordance with Envi��ental Law. . -;� , .
<br /> As used in�this paragraph 20, "Ha�ardaus Subs�a�ces" are tbose substances:�fined as toxic or ha7a�dm��;•�6staaces by ,
<br /> ' Erivironmental Lacv and t6e-following ssbstances: gasoline. kerose�e, othFr fiamu►able or toxic petmleum products,*aaic
<br /> pesticides and herbiciaes,volatile solve�,materiais containing asbestos or formaidehyde,and radioactive materlals.As u�;ib
<br /> - tlns patagraph 20. "Enviranmental Law"means federal laws and laws of the jurisdic�tion whare tfie Property is lorrq�('t�at
<br /> relate to health.safetY or environmental protection. , ' .
<br />� NON-UMFORM COVENAN7'S.Borrower an�Ii�cder further cove�nt and agree as follows: ,
<br /> � 21.Aoceteiatinn;Remedfes.I.ender shall gfive rr,�r�ce to Borrower prlor to aaxleraGton�allowing��e brrac�
<br /> a �. .
<br /> of apY coveuant or ep�eemcnt in this SecasttY I�rfx�aur�t [�nt, not pstor w aa+e�eration ander para�aph 19.G�es ,
<br /> appllcable I�w provides otherwise):The�notice shall 's�:, (�,�Q def�iWt;(b)the.actton ntq�to a�re#�e i��lt; • ;
<br /> ' (c)a dat�atit te�ss than 30 days Brom the date We na�N�e�s�:�tu:G.o Borrower.by w6lcb the defaWt awst be caretE:�an� ,
<br /> ' it��,.tt�at faY[ure to cure We defenit on or 6efore t&��a�e specil#e[1 iA the notice msy.result In acceteratt�n of the e�s
<br /> �ir,�by t6ts SecarF�F,struiaent�d r�le of ti3�1t3�`,pettY-'i73e aalice sJ�farther Iufor�Bmm�wer ot the right to .. ,
<br /> �:'e�ht,5tate aR�r acceler�;r�as and tlhe rigiat to br3n��c�onrt acflon to a�sert;C��aon�e�dsEene�e of a defa,uIt or any ot�ter .. :`�:
<br /> - def�nse�f i�a�wwes to uoceteraticn and sale. IP the defaWt.i��a�t coued on ar befor�the date spe�ifiied ia t6e na@�e, :: : ' ;
<br /> - I.ender, af 4�'s optlon. muy mqut��e[�etiiate D�Y��in f�:►r����tl s�ns secured by+thls Serarity�nstnmient�►it� �
<br /> � 'furtber deu9ana an�may 1n�ake t6e g�er of sule ar.td eny o1i;��rem�2dies permrtt�l by appl�cnblr�daw.Le�der s�U3 be
<br /> � ,:��ptitted to toflesl al!expenses incurred in��sd�,�x�e rem2d�YS prnvided 1n�t4is�l�aragn►Pb Zl,inctadt�,6�ut nai liaifiited • �i
<br /> � . :,��ba,eeasonabie ottomeys'�Pee�and oostg o!tFsPe e�fiil�txe. ' i
<br /> IP Wepower.ot s$le is invoked. Tcas2¢e s'�a�,�:recard a nattce of de4auit In eacb conaty in which any paYt of the ,
<br />-- 'p a,npe r t y i s l s c R t e d aad sball mail co pies of siach noti�in the muinncr presc�ihed by app9iaabte faw to Borrower und tD ,
<br />-- . the other perso�.s prescsibt�by applfcable 1a�v.AfCer tfle 4ime reqnirnrl by mppficab2e law,Tr�stee slta0�tve puDlk aotioe .
<br /> . of sa�e ta We persons and in the manner p r�c r t b Q d by app f l c a D 2s l u w.T r u s t e e,w f t h o t rt d c m a n d o n$a n+o wer,s�aU seil
<br /> the�'raperty at pnblic auction to the b�ghest bitlder at the time asd place and ander she terms des�ga�ted in 1he uotlee o! �
<br /> � saie In ome or more part�7s�nA in�try osder T r a s t�d e�e r m�aes.7'r u s t@ e m u Y P o s t p o�sate oi ull c�any parre!o!the
<br /> property Ay Pnhtic ennouncemeni at the tUrae a�pluce ot any prevtoasly schednIed sa1e. I.endec ac its desig�e may � f
<br /> — punhase the Property at any sate. .. . I
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