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<br /> �cx-� ha,o_-' .... __��.' . -rr . �'.a. c S 't�"'t"' '`;r�.. ..� �� , °' f '
<br /> Y � tk t' H� � �s`.�PFM1 � � (� �c`J � �f 1= `_�:..�� ,�•„� �.�i. �<�,'6.:e' cf,.ti��,.��s.�� -
<br /> f _ `�J. �' :�` ,�' f is'•- .�'r'�c c: -
<br /> -. �`_.tiS _ =.(.VS. ,__LS;��z i' � "<..._.�" tf c...�� .. . � _ � - ._"
<br /> '<_�` ��e����� _
<br /> ;`„���'=` ; .. and nll er�cntc¢us.appu�tcrtan�cs�at� �._
<br />; • �.. . TOGbTHER VitPi'H all tfh�improvements ttow or h�re�ftet ere�t�bn t�e pmperty.
<br />_, ',; fixnues,nnw ar hetea8er a �an of the progerty. All repl;uements ciad additiar� shai! atso hEe co���red•by AhiA �ccurtty _
<br />� :':,°.4:Instrumen�..All of the foregoieg is referted to in this Security'Instrt�ment as Nie'Pm�Ity.° . ` ,_
<br /> BORRUWEEt COVENAIVTS th�t Bozrower is la�vfully seised of tlie cstut�h�rcby cr�n�tyed t►nd t�a�s thr t6�t►t ic��rart tr�ts� _-
<br /> � "I'::�!"�':�convey the Pro�erty aad tHat the Property is unencumbe�ed. except fos encumAranees of t�rcord. f3orru«�t`ev�rrnri�+aatd�vfii'. '� _
<br /> �" defend gcnecally the dde to t��I�rtY a�nst�it cinims st�d demands,sub)ect cn uny ertrun�rmic�dt eccord, � .. • �
<br /> -::��r;;�`
<br /> THIS SECURLTY iNSTlRUMENf.00mbiaes anifmm covenattts d'or national ts3e�t►��toit-urtiforrti wven:�tts.�rft�r ii�itit�,# —
<br />-`=�.�.�:;`:`:;.>;,:varixEions By,{urisdic�ion tu constitate a uaiform s�cutity instntmeat wvedn�teaJ pmgeriy. ' � � .
<br /> a���;;;; . UNIFpItM CCj�EUV�'S.BormWer aad Lender cov�nanL ancl c►�ree as follotivs: , _
<br /> °''`;:�:<';�:; 1.P,�Y.mant d£'Fr�pai and Interest; �epayaze�t aiad Y.�te Ch�e�. Borrower�shall piomptiy pay �vfscn duc 1he
<br /> , ,���:;-.:,-.•.. ,
<br /> • :',;;'-;��giriacipal of attd tnterest on�►e debt�+ridenced by the Nate mad nnY prepaYment und lat�cha�;es due undcr the'Note. ,
<br /> � ����' ` Z..k�}init��for Taees and�1.st±�^�•S�6jeEt to apptica�le taw or w n cvriqen waive�by I.c�de�. Borrower shall pay to <`
<br /> � +t:;;,': �,. .
<br /> ,;,,.,.,,,;,�der.on�ctay iaonthlq payrnent�aie due undeF the Note,nntSi t6c Note is pa�A in fa�t.Q su�("Funds°1 far:�n)ycarly tasca .
<br />• -t�%:"��`��n8,�mepts whicb may xuain priority over this Security[ststtument as a lien dn lh�FraPenY:(b)Yca�1Y le�sehuid paynteAts
<br />� ••�;�,�::;.•::..
<br /> �;:;:;-s::::�izgcaunci��etitson�he Prape�ty.if any:(c)YeatIy hazard or pmperty insurpnoe pr�mtums:(d)yearty ftaad insurt�tre pretnfutas,
<br /> _ ' •:if any:(�?:��Y�8uge insuraaoe premium's.ef any::u���c�►1'sums paYable by Borrower to Lender,it�a�rar0�nee w[th�
<br /> ;�' ihe provisinids of paragrapb 8,irs lieu o€the paymertt of mortgage insurance pmmi►!ms.'CheSe items ote callss5ifl°6cceo�v itat�s."
<br /> �`�:'ic;;�,;:::���Y�at�y��,,�ilect and hold Funds in ctn amount uat�o excee�the maximum amnunt a Isnder for a feders111ty
<br />" -"�^��'�'�etated mortgabe loan may c+equire fQr Borrower'a escraw aseount uader tlie federat Reai Esvnte Sentcrtt�nt Fca�c�tres aet�f
<br /> :�;:;`,;:�-;,:,..,, . . _
<br /> -;>.�:�974 as ameuded firom dive tn timQ. 12 U.S.C.Section 260!e�seq.("RESPA"j.uNe�s nnQther Ia�v tflat a�plfes to the Fund9
<br />' ......
<br />>,,.. :,..>:� :..
<br /> . .��.._::� scts.a tesS�ir;zucount._If.so,Les�det_�y.�_�ny_nme..eolir�ct and hoid Funds in an ciu�nunt not td exccai the trsser-emou�t.
<br /> . . --�.. ...............---�-�- - --�---- �--
<br /> _ �:= � ;I.ender i1�y"�stimate the amount of Funds due on the 6asis of curre�tt data'antf reasonatiic^estiiiizites of expendltu�bf tirtvra
<br />- '!�:i;;,'`.,�crovv Items ur otheraqis�in aa�rdance with applicable daw. . • �
<br />- '=��<>:�'' TAe Fuads stial3'.be::i�eM in an institutioh whose depos9ts ate insuted by a federaf aIIcncy. �nstYUmentality.ar erctity
<br />_ .�.;;�,F"�:;;;.�nciudiug;�nd�r;if Lender is such an insatution)ar in uny Fe+detal Hnme I.oan Banlc.L.�nder sh�l1 apply the Futs¢s to pay�[tt�s
<br /> � %: Bscr.ow;�t�:;�nder maY not cIiarge BArrov�er fer lioldsng�nd apptyic�g tRe Funds.nn�u�alty an�lyaing thee escrow�¢crnunt:nr ' .
<br /> `�. ':ve�ifyiid��¢�i�;l�.scraw Itpms,unless Lender paYg Borrower interzst an the Funtls and applicabte!aw'pemuts Lendet to mak�stuh
<br /> �'+ 1 $cF�,e �lia�'rever,.L;aid�r may req�l�e Borrower to pay a one-tiine charge�tur.un indepen.dent real esuis�tax re�nrdn�setvlce
<br /> ...;�;,,;�"=::-'�d=�y�ter iri�cr�'�.�tian with this loan. uc►l�s applisable law previdrs othenvise. Unless up c�grcemcart is nnade ar
<br /> '��:i'r-�"`�`' � �i�ti��lanv requiiesa'�rzst to 6e pafd.I.ender shall not be re�uired to Q�y�ortotver any lnter�st or earattttgs.an she�unds.
<br />_ �:�;�,:,,� ..,,r
<br /> , '-�:�crimv,lre�r;��adr3xndes inay agree in'wriring,however.that ime�est sha116e p�Id on thc�unds. l.ender shali.givo ta�8aaower.
<br /> ,�i:tiput�'ttir�a,,an,annual accounting of the Ft�nds.sIto�ving c►Ydits and debits to the Funds ard dte purpnse foe tvhich e�eb
<br />