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<br /> �� _'z_� _
<br /> . f, - c< ` F.❑ — �- - -�--`- �;� -�, Y - —. ��-- `— F- x -
<br /> ' t f� � 'E` . . C � r � �•,< �' ���j
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<br /> -�f u r� ,. . � . � ` � . . � .
<br />-�..`�6f,. } � (`.�' � . � ,. . g5° �Q�a� . -.
<br /> k� ,�;;�,, �s�.��t�`� paymefits rn3g uo longer be�equired.at the oprion of Lender.if caortgage insuranae ooVera�e(in t6e amaant and for ti�p2�iod
<br /> - �_�z_•.._�:._ _ tt�r_u Lenr►�r t�quims)pmv�ded Gy aft.ia�urer,��proved by Lender again 6acomes available iutd is oMained:Bomuwer r,t�nl1 pay _.
<br />:;�'`.x� ��t`.' _
<br /> <<. � �,.�.. , t$e piet�tiums required to maintain mortgage iasurance in effert.or io provide n toss resgrve,uatil the nequiremcnt for mort�e _
<br /> . -.,�. � insurant.e e¢ds in actiotd$ace with any wriiten agre�ment between Borrower and Lender or applicable law: � � , _
<br /> '•Y`.`.: :. �'� 9.Ims�,�on.lxnder or its agent may m3ke�easonabie entries upun and inspections of the Property.Lender shall give _
<br /> '` ''_ . Eurrower nntI�at the tame of or prior io an inspection spzcifying reasonable tause for the inspection. , _ _
<br /> T��� Ib Coademnatton.The proceeds of any awazd or claim for damages.direct or cpiaequential.in oonnection cdith airy =
<br /> =• „�°::z:�:,.;. � -
<br /> ��, ���.��' oond�emnation or other ta�cin�of any patt of the Property.ar for comeyance in lieu of coademnatiai�,are here6y assigncd and =
<br />°`°"�'-. . ., ,, shall be paid to Lender. �
<br /> ;�_�-4�.;� •`.«�,'°, tn the eyeat of a total takin�of the Pmperty.the praceeds shall Ise appli�to the sums secured by this��urity Instrumeni. --
<br /> � '�`�1`�'� whether or not then due.with any exceas paid to Borrovrer.In the event of a partia]taking of the Progaty in wtuch the fair
<br /> =°_4��� .=-.�,
<br /> -�:;���=u:i��:�'_ � masket vat�e of the Property immediately before the tatong is equal to or greazer ti�an the am�owrt�f tbe sums secured by dris
<br /> -��_�=�_�
<br /> M�,ry�,���;„ : Security Instnta�ent imme�iately befc�re the tatdng,unless Borrower and Leicder ottiera�ise age�in wai6ng,the sams s�d try
<br /> -�•�;,:�.. :.;. tbis Security �n�mm�.^t shall 1se t�eduoed by tfie amount of the proceeds maIti�iiied by the fo!lowing fiacdon: (a)the taml
<br /> "'.-��1-'.�:�<' '• . amonnt of the snms secumd immediatety befo�the tal��.g,'divided by(b)the fair market value of t6e Pro�erty immc�tfarPt� --
<br /> -=-".a,.s]f[n: .
<br /> `=:,��:;;;_:,`•:.,`_:° , tsefose the taking. Any batance shaU be paid to Borrow-e,r. In the eve�t of a partial taking.of the Pragerty in afiich the fag _
<br /> �����, � market value of the Froperty immediately b�ore the tadang is tess tfian the amount of the sums secured immediately ttefore Ehe
<br /> -=T���"W�.� ta�ng,unl�Bormwer and Leader otheivr��+ee in writing or anless applicahle(aw otherarisp prnvicTes,the praceeds sl�ali =
<br /> "'`''�'�``�`:��� 6e applied to the sums secated by this Secuc�.y:�uument wheti�er or not the sums are then due. • _
<br /> sw<<�-� -
<br /> .:.��_'',-�:�=s*�t ,
<br /> _ ,�_ �Ef the Properiy is abandoned by Borrower.or if.afrur'aotice 6y Lender to Borrower that the wndemnor o,ffeis w nnake an
<br /> "�"�' :"'`="- awaad.arseMle.a..claim for.damages,Borrovuer faifs.tn�r�wrtcl tq._I,�nder withil►30_days atter.the_da;e the_notice is.�iven,. '. :.. -
<br /> �' s5���... ..
<br /> �'"'�'r"-"�„��= Lende�is authorized to coltect and apply the proceeds,at�bption,either to restorarion or repair of the Froperty or tottae sums
<br /> -�=�-`�`� , sewred by ttus Security Instrument.whether or noi then dae! ,.�°� �
<br /> �'�� Untess Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writuig, any.��ication of praceeds to principal shall nnt ex�;nd or '
<br /> `°--�� postpone the due date of We r���rhly payments referred to in paragraphs l aad 2 or change the amouni of su c h payments: , _
<br /> --`''~_��'�`� � 11.Bbrrower Not Itetea�ed;Fdrbearance By Lender�tot a Wat�ver:Extension of the time fos payment or madification
<br /> --=-v=_="��' � of amortizatioa of ttie sums sea�red by,this�eeurity InstruasEnt gramed by Leader to any successos in interest.of Bosroavee shall .
<br /> - _�-��c:�r.� not operate So rzlease th$liabilety of the oti�al Boaower or Borrower's successors in interest.Lsnder�sball not be�required to
<br /> =--�'-�"��� eommenoe proceedings AQ�t any sucassv��a intetest or refase w emend tirae far paymsnt or otheswise modi�y amortizatIon
<br /> __r�1;��;:��' � '
<br /> _�_;r„�,u_.:. - of the sums secured by tlus.�ecurity Instruraent by rc-s�-,�on of atry demand made by the original Bormwer or,Borrower s� .
<br /> -����':��°y succcssflrs in interest. Airy f�i:i.�arance by Lendes in err�,:.�.sing any right or remedy shall not be a waiver of�c�r preclude tlte ,
<br /> s�::t';�.• exercise of any tighi or temtti�:�'. ; ��
<br /> -----�,�c:a � l�. Sac�rs and Assigns Bouad;Joint and Severel i"tah�r�tv;Co-si�n�,�. The covenants and agreetiients of thes , : . :.
<br /> _ _=r� $�writy Instrument shalt bind and benefit the successors and assigr�of Lender and Boaower. snbject to the provisions p�• • _ '
<br /> --___-__'�'� P�►gmPh 17. Borcower's Qoverants and ngreements s'-�'.Z be joint'and several: Any,.Borrower w6o co-signs this S�eurity
<br /> _-_= Instrumeat but does not execute the Note: (a) is.co-si�.-*�3 this Securiry Iastrument a�y to mortgage, grant and convey that ,
<br /> --�--"�'�' Borrower'�inteeest ia the ProPerry under the�,rrms o8 r�i;3 Securiry Instrument;(by is�rr�t personally obligated tQ pay the slmia
<br /> ---==== secured'by this Security Iqstrum�nt;nnd(cj�.°^�s ihat�.ender and any other Bormwer may agree Cc��.�tend,modify.forirear ot . �
<br /> -- - make aay axammodarions with regard to the t+�rms of this SecuFity Instrument or the Note without¢�Y Boaower's coasen�
<br /> _ ' 13.Loan G7kvgcg:If the loan secumd by this Sea:.^�sy lnshvm�nt is subject to a law.which sets maximum loan cbarges,.
<br /> anid ti�ai law is finally interpreted so that the interest or•c�:er loan cfiarges collected or to be co!lected in cona��:^tion vuitb the
<br /> toan exceed the permitted limits:then:(a)any such loan charge shall be recluoed by the amount necessary to�re�i�cce the charge • .
<br /> � to the pemtitted timit;and(b)any sums already collected from Borrower�vhich exoeeded permiued limits will be refunded to
<br /> Borrower. Lend�r•�say c�oose to maice this refisnd byi reducing the principal owed under the Noto or by malcing a dlrect '.
<br /> � payment to Borrower: � :x`sefuad reduces principal, the reduction will be treated as a�partial pnepayment without any
<br /> —-__ prepayment charge under 1���te. .
<br /> --- - - 14.Nottces.Any notice to Borrower provided for in this Security Instmment shall be given by deLivering it or by mailing .
<br /> • it by first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The�otice shal�be d'uected.to.the Property Address
<br /> - - --- or any other address 8orrower deslgnates by notice to Lender. Any notics to i.ender shall be given Dy first class mail r;r�o ,
<br /> -----= Lender's address atated herein or any othes�ddress Lendei designates by'notice td Sorrower. Any notice provided for in this
<br /> �--��'�^-'- Security Instrument'shall be deeme3 to have been given to$orrawer or Lender when given as provided in this paragraph.
<br /> 15.Gvverning Law; Severability. This Security Insthunent shall be govemecl by federal law and the law of the
<br /> �- -= jurisAIction in whiCh the Ptoperty is lucated. In the event that any provision or clause of this Security Inst�ument or the Note
<br /> -=
<br />