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<br /> : � r` : r . .�..,� `'� m� c '�o:` <`_ _.i o r<5 — ._ . , ,�"p .
<br /> < ic } � • ` I. ' o. 5 �- �'-�C- _ .� f, _r S �` k---,� `�r` -��t �ot f N'� � .
<br /> - ��t"•� � '.�F. �'��' .i .
<br /> - =`�.� ... � �:E� � 95- 1�'�''J� '�;
<br /> -_ �, • �..r "t'�� � ` , . . +�'
<br /> -, : ^:. , �or an jnterest in it �`
<br /> .`,.�; ,. .�..�,' a . 17.Tcnn,�Per oYtOe Froperty nr a BenefFc�Sil Interest tn Bormvrer.If all or any part of the FroP�Y Y �
<br /> �°- �-��`` "� is sold or ttansferred[er if a beneficial suterest in Barrowcr is sold or tr�sferred and Borrawer is not a naturas person)without =
<br /> - �� �" '.F� [;, ' Lender's prior written consent. Lender rttay. su its option. �►uice immediate payment in Qall of all sums seraded by dYis �:
<br /> --, .{;: '�' � . SECUrity Instrument,However.this optinn sball not be eaercised by Lender if eaentise�s prohibited by fe�eral!aw as of the date —
<br /> : �.��:.`'"•"'�� of this Security Insmtmeni. �
<br /> ���' r :` If Lender exercises Wis opGon.Lender shall give Borrower no6ce oF acceteration.The notice shail provide a period of aat _
<br /> .��.,. . r: :��`, _
<br /> "�., �>;� '• less than 30 days from the date the norice is deliveted ar mailed wit6in which Borrower must pay all sums secured by this �:°
<br /> - ` '- - Seturitp instcumnu.If�Bonocver€ails to�ay thcsc s�s�rior to theeapiratlon of this period.l.endefi may invake any remed��ss r>
<br /> - ����°�. petmitted 6y this Serurity Iashvment without fiuther notice or demand on Borrower. �
<br /> • ��.�-j•�.•• 18. BosroNer's Rlgttt to Reinstate. I� Borrower me+ets certain conditions. Bor�ower shali �have the right.to Uave _
<br /> '''�~y • �' " enforcement of th'ss Securiry I�strument discontinued ai any time prior to the earlier ef: (a)5 days(or such other petiod as �
<br /> ; ,..:;.,�; .
<br /> . � •.,:�. applic�ble !aw ptay specify for reinstatemeat) 6efo�sale of the Property pursuant to any power af saie oondaine� in this _
<br /> -� ' :° ;;.•`� Secumy Instrumeni:or(b)entry of a judgment enforcmg this Security Insavcnent.Those condiuons are that Borrower.(a)pays �
<br /> ,, �� �`�.�•.'�. ;,-•t L.ender all sums which thea woutd be due undes this Security InsUument and the Note as if nn acceleration had oaurced;(b)
<br /> .�:.e.:"r..��:.�,:4t. •a,•�ti
<br /> �,_ ....,,..., .,. ciues any de!'�lt of azry other'covenants or ugree�aencs;(c)Pays aly ea�Penses incurmd in enfor�g this Sec�rity_Instramer►�
<br /> � � •�'.��;�=, inclnding.but not limited ta. �easonatite attomeys fees:and(d)takes such acuon as Lender may reasonably regu�re w assnre
<br /> � thai the lien of th'ss Security Insd�ument. L.euder's rights in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sutns secured by �_
<br /> - ' `�'� ` � '�� --
<br /> ':,��,�::•.:;.;�;�.-,a . tbis Security Instr�ment shalt continue unchanged. Upau reinstatement by Borrower. this Security Iasuument and the
<br /> �, r.,�y. .:. ,; obligatians seeured hereby sh�l remain fully effeetive as if no acceleration bad occ�ured.However,this dght to reinstare shall _
<br /> .�:.:...-, ant apply in the cass of acceteranon uader paragrap�17. . • —
<br /> � �K:�;.-Y��,ib�.'`•µ�" � 19. Sale oY Not�Chaage�of Loan Servtcer.The Note or a partial interest in t6e IYote(together with this Security .
<br /> '- ���° ins�eat)cnay be sold one or�nore w�without prior notioe.to Borrower.A sale may res�ilt in a ch�ge in the entify(knocvn =
<br /> '`°'"'�- '� "�' '',�r � as the"�.oan Servicer°)that collects monthly paymems due under the Note and this Securny inswmen�Tkere atso may 6e one •
<br /> �r;-;. ,�
<br /> ' '�-•� or more changes of die Loan Setvicer uruetated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Laan Servicer,_Bosrower will be . -
<br /> . • . . ,;
<br /> ...: . _ . r. .
<br /> � ~ -� ' '• � � .. given wretten notice af the changeSn accordancQ wiW paragraph 14 above and.applicable law.7'he notice will state the name and._ < —
<br /> , ._w;•.,�. . �� .:
<br /> .'" �" ` �`��`' ' address of the new Loan Senricer�nd the address w which payinents shouXd be made. The narice will�also coniaiii any othei
<br /> .�;�:�-:;-i��:; informatian required by'applicable law.
<br /> ysy.r:,� .s.; .
<br /> � . � �:' � - Z0.HaTaedous Snbstaitces.Bonower shall not cause or permit the presence, use,disposai, storage,or rele�sa of any
<br /> s t
<br /> `' :,�:�;'"•�.,-:'-. �'., Hazardaus Substaitces on or in the Praperty. Bflimwer shall not do. nor alluw anyone else to do, anyching affeeting the
<br /> ,. - T, Ptoperty d�is i»,violation of a�Environmenta! Law. The p�eceding ta+o sentences sha11 ndt apply to the preseaee,ase,or _
<br /> �� '�;�...�r_�.; ` storag�e on the PropeRy of small quantides o�Haiaidous Substances�haC are gerlerally�ecagnized W be.appropriate to�nal � -
<br /> - - "f�- residenual uses and to maintenance of ths Property. �
<br /> �-,. �':.�... • ,
<br /> r ;�:.•t.• .-
<br /> �{_ �;� Borrower.shal!prnmpdy give I.ender writtea u�rite of any,investigation,claim,deman d. l awsuit or.ather a�tion b y,s�y
<br /> u Y
<br /> :�✓tlt;...�.f;:S,,_..ry..
<br /> ,�,,_., ,,,._,,; � govemmentat or regulatory agency or private party iuzolving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environntental Iaw
<br /> �d�J.:;>;':.::'r�,�.- of which Borrower has actuaD tutowiedge. If S�nrrower�learns.or is notified by any govemmental os regWatory authority,t�aat .
<br /> ��°--�-`=-`'•`ir ,?�' any removal or other remediarion of a�-.H�ardous Substance aff,�ting tbe I�roperty is necess2ry,Borrower shaU pnompt�gr t�ite
<br /> -���`.Y,'���1j�is �- titl necessary remedial actions in acc�r.+��e with Envimnmental Iaw. . •
<br /> ....�:`,•, �• �• t �
<br /> �r.�; . As used in tlus paragraph 20, "Tfi,..=�dous Substances �re those substances defined as:�xic or har�rdous substances by
<br /> :;.-�-,,,;�,.;:.��_ •Environmental Law and the followiY;;.substances: .-r-,1,G�oline, kerosene, other flammable or touc petroleum praducts, tbxic
<br /> `� ''" pesticides and herbicides,volatile sQF+::�ts,mnteriaFsa,�saining asbestos or formaldehyde.and radioactive materials.As used in
<br /> ,,,.,_, ,�°`� , this paragcaph 20. "Environmental ��" means federal laws aad laws of the jurisdictian where tht Pcoperty is located ihat
<br /> �` ° • • nlate to health,safety or environmerua.9 pmtection. �
<br /> ' R a;-�±r.• NON-LJNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and Lender fard�:s covenant and agree as follows: ' �
<br /> ��� ��� 21.Asxetera4ton;Remedteg.I.endes shaU give nottce to Borroaer priar to soceleratIon following Bosrawer's�,
<br />-�'��;:°�'�. .
<br /> �,...�� .
<br /> �� � of arry coveuant ar agrcemeat in this SECnsity pa�trument (but uot prIor to scceteration under parapaph i�'�"ess .
<br /> - __��� a�glirable Imv p�avtdes othern�ise).'!be aoticc s6a11 speci�y: (a)the deYaul4;(b)the adioa reqnired W cure the default; •,
<br /> (c)a date.aot Iesg than 30 days fmm the dtite the nottce is gfiven to Borrower,by whFch the defanit must 6e cured;.s�d
<br /> (�that failwe to Cnre the defanit on or before the daLe spedfied in the nottce aiay resoIt in accel�tioa of t6e�s
<br />- — -_-— secured bp t61s Seautt�+Iastnime��d sale of the Property. �e nottce sliall fart6er inform Ban�ower�sf td�e rY�t to '
<br /> - -==°--— c�etnstate aster saceieration and ttne ufi�t to bring a coart actfon to assert the norrexisteace of a d�fanit or a�oWer
<br /> =��..�...�.:�� defeuse'of Horrosver to aacelerattoa an,d sa1e.��F t3te defautt is mot cnred on or before the date'sRectfted in t8e nbttce, �
<br /> -=
<br />