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<br /> ; � � ° �:,
<br /> ,;�,�:`';;:�, `,, g. Razard os prop�rty insuraaee. Horcower shall keep tAe improvemenu aow �acisting or hereafter erecte� on the _
<br /> - .�..ti°...:.'e.� p�ope�ty i�ured IIgainst(t��by fire.hnzards inctuded a+ithin ttig term "extended cuveruSe"'tind.any other haznrds..including _
<br /> ;. ,�w.,:<`,�: —
<br /> QQads or ttoodin�.for wt�c6 Lender*equires insurance.•'11tis 3asuranc�sha11 be mai�itained in d►e amounts and for tAe periads
<br /> �"��F`. :�:` ` t�at Lender requires.7'he insurance carrier praviding the insuranze s4�alf 6�c2iosen by Borrower cubject¢o teader's approval -
<br /> .. }4__; _ . .m
<br /> ,. `;,,,r. u ��` vr6ich sh3U nat be�unzeasonubly with�eld. If�nrro�urer fails to m�intain c�vers�e described ab�ve. LenQer m�7(.at Lendei s �,
<br /> ._<<�y=_ �•. � o ptio�,o6tain covera ge to protect Le�er's rights in the Qropecty in accordance with pazagtaph?.
<br />, ',��:. All ituuranse polides and renewats sl�aU be a c c e p t a b te to I.e n de r a n d s h a l l I n e l t s d e a s t a n d a r d m o r t g a g e c l a u s e. i.e n d er' ' �-:
<br /> `�:�s ac��': shall have the right to hold the policies and renewals.If Lender reqnires.Borrower s4all prompdy give to Ixrtdea ap receipts of �
<br />_ ` `� . .' paid premiums and renewal nndceT[n the e�em of toss.Borrower shal!give prompt wtice to the insurance carrier end Lender. _
<br /> �•`' ���:�„t�'�` , Ignder may make proof of loss if not made protnpdy by Borrower. _
<br /> ' ` � � � Unless Leadet aad Borrawer othernirise agree in writing.insuram.e proceeds shaJl 6e applied w restosation ar repair of the _
<br /> ��.,::5', rn
<br />�'7�µ.:: ,-� �.% ' pmperty daataged,if the reswration or r+epair is economically feasi'ble and Lender's security is not Iessened.ff the�estoraEio�r or
<br />'_�=::�-:�:. _.::•-:�
<br />.y.�;4:_'-t�, r..� cepair is aot economicalty feasi'l�ie ot I.eader's secusity would be lessened,the i�surance pmceeds shall be applied to Ihe sums
<br /> " ` ''�� � secured by this Seiwity Instrumehl. whetfier ot Rat then due. with siry excess paid to Bormwer. If Borcower abandnns the
<br />: �F � .
<br /> - .. ..`� _ .property,or 8oes not answer wit6in 30 days a notice from Leader that the insuran+a�carrier has offered to settia a claim,then .
<br />=-'. _� L��,�r •. or to �
<br /> �-. �:_;'�` Lender may �collect the insutance ptuceeds. Lender may ase the proceeds to cepair or restore ti�e Propetty PaY
<br /> msu ai
<br />_:��'t'�',�-.�' seca�red by this Sewrity Instrumenl,whether or nat ti�n due.Ths 30-day period wi116egin when the noaee is givea
<br />=�r.�;:;..,._= liraaon of praceeds to rincipal shall not extsnd or
<br />:'�.-�:; < , ..s, . ' Unless Lender and Borrower c�therwise agree in wciting. a�►Y ePP p
<br /> ^ .', ,. ; - pascpone the due date of the moathiY paYments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or chaage tbe aznouni of the paymeats. If =
<br />-..���i��,��`.°, �',� andsr patngraph 21 the Praperty is acquired by Leader,Horrower's right tn any iasutance policies and pmceeds resuItin�emt
<br /> .. _- ..
<br /> �-� � . .. damiage.to.t!►e Propert,}r.prior to the acq�isition shall gass to Leader w!he extent of the suQts seaued by tlus Sec�ritY
<br />, r , �: , �� . .. . _._. . . . . ... ..... . . ..
<br /> �:. �'.�.�. ' immediately prior to the acquisition. -. . . . . �. .
<br />-:;'�.y.;-4:' . �.�ac9•Pscs�vattoa,Mainteaaace aatl Proteet2on o4 the Pcopertyi�rnn�es's,Loan AppfitatIon:Lea£ehodds.
<br />.,€�;:�:;:::��
<br /> -;��.`l�` � Borrower shall occupy.establish,and use the PropertS+as Borrower's principal residense within siaty days after the execution df
<br /> "•.�_;_ : � this SecaritY Instmment and shall cantiuue to axupy the Prop�ty 2s Boaower's principal resideuce for at least one year after
<br />.Y..: .._..�. �
<br />.�_;,:; , : - the date of occupancy:_unless Lender otherwise agrees in wrlting,wbich consea2.s5a11 not be nnreasonabiy withheld,or ualess
<br /> �`'��r. ,:� extenuatiag circumstances exist which are 6eyond Borrower's contml. Eorrower shall not destroy. damage oi impair the
<br />`=�'s�`'�• . . _ pcope�ty,allow the Property to detemmc3te,or commnit aaste on the FraPertY. Borrower shaU be in,default if'a�r forfeiwre'
<br /> �:, �
<br /> ''s�>' ;,• . acdon ar pmceeding.ahether civil as�•is 6�guu that in Ixnder's good faith judgment cou2d result in forfeitare of th�
<br /> .,�*< ,; , . �property or otherwise materially�'.:��e lien created by this Secatrity Insuument or Lender's security interest. 8armwer maY .
<br /> :-;�-;. .,
<br />''��'�r.�:�sf:� '� , :.t�re such a defautt and r�.�acte;as provided in par�..'�h 18,bY causing the action or prooxeding to be dismtssed with a ruling .
<br /> ___�_�;;�,�� `:a3t, in I.ender's gaod faith detetminat;�nn, preelc�r�rfeitu;e of the Borrower's interest in the Property.or other material
<br /> �..���� impairment of the.lien created by ti�ia��w'ity Instrument os Y�ur.�er's securit}+ intenest. Sorrower shal�atso be if�default if
<br /> _._ . _. . .�.,_ Borrower,'during tfie toan applicatia�.�:�:�ess,gave materially faLe.�s inaccurat�infomiation or statements to Lender(ar fa�e:t
<br /> w provide Lender with any material iti�ormatlon)in•conneaion�itl`e�he loan ev.idenced by the Note,including.bn4 not li�ed
<br /> n�`��;�re�;�:�'a ,
<br /> `����� ' to,representations canceming Borrower s occupaacy of the Property as a principal residence.If this Security Instwnent is on a
<br />-
<br />