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<br /> .Tf�e �ua�sitalI be.he�d 'ni�a instiiutian wfios_depnsits are �nsu`sed�by a dera! agency. instrumenm(ity. or en�ity _
<br /> �e
<br /> . (ir.sluding Lertd�r.if t.ea8er is sa��m inssitution?or ia any FeQeral Heme LR� `�.jander shal!,apply the Funds to pay a3ze _
<br /> Escmw.Ytems.I.ender m�y nnt char$e Qoraawrer for holding and uppIyin�the,Fuads.nncwalty analy?ing the escrow accaunt,or
<br /> , veriiyin�tt�e Escrovr ltems�unless Lender pa�s 6orrower interest un the Fuads and uppFisabie taw permita i.ender to matce sucb . _
<br /> o cQ�ug�.�owevtr.Lrtnidermaymq uis�e Borrower to pay u�=te-time charge far un independent real est�e tax tepotting service � _
<br /> �ed 6y`L�endet in co�stian wdth this loan.`unirss upplicnbte law provcdes o9.henvtse. Uciless an ugreemcat ia m�e or _
<br /> � appli ar nle t�w ceguiees Intsresrto be pa1d.�.eatdet sha11 nt�t be cequi r�to pa�r Borc�wer any intc�est ar eaminga oA the Funds.
<br /> 8or�wer�d Lender a�y egrs�in�vrtting.ho�vever.that interest shail be pa�d on the Fu�tds• �.ender shult give ta Barro�r.
<br /> tyithnut charge. an,unnuti{accaunting of the Funds. showin�credits nn�debits to the�urtds and t�e�urpbse for which�ah � -
<br /> de�It to the�unds was h�sle.The FtuuIs ar�pleEgeA as udditional security for all sums secured by this�ecurity Insunmerit. , �
<br /> If ttce F�nda held by Lender e�cceed th@ nmounts permltted ta be held by applicable law.Lend�r shall accaunt to Eorr.odver ;�
<br /> • . far the cacess�ands in us�rdan��yi�A the.requic��nts of a�pi.iable l�w. if t�e astt�2ust of the Funds hetd 6�I�ad�r at anp. -
<br /> , d�is nnt suftictent to pay the Esctp�v Items v+heu dae.Len�er may su aotify Bomawer In wrieing, an�,in such case�orro�rer ' v
<br /> �hall pay w Lcader the nmourl3 neressarY to a�alce up.the deficiency. Boreawer s➢ialt make ap the defraency in no�mor�than . _
<br /> � twelve,a�nthly payments,at Lendes's soIe disccwtion. ' -
<br /> lipoa Qayrrzent in full af all sums secured by tlus Security Tnst�ument, Lender shall�pmmptly refund'to Horaower any =
<br /> Funds held by Lerxler.If,under para�raph 21,l.ender shall acqaire or set!the PropPrty,Lender.pnor w the acquistion'or sale _
<br /> . of the Pirogetty,shall app�y any Fuads 1ie1�by�.ender at the dme of acqnisidon or sale as a eredit against the sums secared 6y
<br /> this S�rity�nstrumen� . - , .
<br /> 3.ApyIIesttmn of Fayme�.Urless agplicabte laar pmvides ottiernise.all paymeau ceceived by Lender under parag�hs ,
<br /> Y and 2 shaU�e a�plted: 8�st.to aay prepayment chatges dme aader tiie•Note;seoond,to amuums payable uader paiagraph 2:
<br /> - ttri�#.t3'�n:er�ss due:fis:YZqh,!�g�i�� tux.' '�L�t.tn an�+tace char�es dee uader We Nate. - -
<br /> • 4-�6apgeg;'Lieas. 8orrower shaU pay all taxes,a�srssments.c6arges,fines and impositioas atm'butable to the property __
<br /> s
<br /> , w�hich may attain prioriry over this Seaulty Insuiuttent.and leasehold payments or g�auad rents. if ar�. Bomo�ver shal!pay
<br /> � these pbligadons ia the manaer provided'in pangiapl�2.or if aot paed inYhat inanaer,�orrower s1�61 pay theui on time diredly
<br /> -to the person owed paymeaG Bornower st�aU pmmptiy fumis�La Lender all notires of amouius to b�paui under this patagr�ph. _
<br /> If Bamawer makes these payaterus dir�tly,Bcrrower s?�all pro�ti;-�_.,-nish to Len�er receipts evidencing the payments.
<br /> •• • Borro�t�er sh�ll promptty d�schatge aay l�en wlucfi i�a�pnonty ov�r this Secarlty Insuument anless BoFrawer.(a)agrees in
<br /> writin�to the payment off t6e obligation secured by the lien ia�a manner acceptable to Leader;(b)contests in good Faitii d�e lien :
<br /> by. or defends against enforcement of tha lien in, tegal paaceedings wblcb i�the Lender's opinian operate to prevent the -
<br /> enforoemeat of the lien;or(c)secnres frum the hotder of ths tien an ag,r�ment satisfactory to Lender subordinatia�g the lien w
<br /> this Soeutity Instrument. If t.ercder determines that any part of the Property is sobjett w a lien aluch may attain pnority over
<br /> t�is Se�uriry insuumen��i�der may give Borrower a potice ide�6fying•the tien..Borrower sball satisfy the lcen or take one or ,
<br /> mare of tha ections see fort�a�ove with�n 10 days of the gi'ving of aorice.• � �� � •
<br /> . 5. �aTartD or Pmperty Imsm�aa�. Bomnwer shall keep the iraprovements now existing or hereafter erecled oa,the
<br /> Prapeety inst�red agalnst loss by fire.6a7ards inctuded witi�in the term "extended coverage"and any atl�r hazards, including .
<br /> ' ftoods or flood'wg,for whicii Leader requiies insvraace.'17iis insucanoe shali be maintained in the amo�nts and far the peaods
<br /> „ that Lender recgaires._The inswance carrier pmv�diag the in.sarauoe shall6e chosen�by'Bormv�er subje�t�o.Leadgr's app2wa!
<br /> wlrich�hall not 6e unreasonably withheld. If Bflrmwer fa�.s to main9ain coveia�,descdbed above,'J�:�.,m�.g:at 1 eader's
<br /> uptIon,obtain coverage to prartect Lender's rights in�he Pmgerty in acco�ance with paragtaph 7. .•. . .:.:. -
<br /> .' All iasutance policies and renewals shall be accepiabte to Lender and shall inclade a standard�rt�c�ue.L.ender
<br /> shati d.ave the right to hoId the poticies and renewals.If I.e�&er requires.Borrower shall promptly give to I.eu�r�:[�ceipts of .
<br /> paid pr�auiumy and cenewai nodces.In the event of losg,Borrawer shaU g�ve pmmpt notice to.the instu�ace caiti�'�d Lender-
<br /> . . ,1.eader may make praaf of�oss if not made pmmptly by Borrower. s���Iied tv�soiation or repair of the .
<br /> � Uutess Lend..°r nnd Borcower otherwise sgree m wntin�,insw'ance Psoceeds
<br /> PcBperty damaged.if the reswration oi repait is eoc�nomically feasibte and Lender's.security is uot lessrned.If the reswia9tan or
<br /> repair is not ecoaomic�llY feasibte or Leuder's security would 6e tesseneQ,the jnsurance proceeds shatl be applied.ta the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Iastrament, whetber or not then due,with any excess gaid to�orrower.If Borrower abandons�the
<br /> Property.or does aot al�swer widain 30 days a notice from 1.enQer that the insuranoe carrier lias oSfered w settle a claim,then
<br /> Leader atay oollect the ins�re.�raae�ds. i,ender may use the prac�s w n�air or r�store ti�,�hoperty or w pay snn�s
<br /> �secured�by u'�s.S�ocurity Instramerd�,�'�eti�eso��ot then due.�'�ii�:?�tla.y�siod arill begin when the'�'ye is given.
<br /> . �fJnless Ia�:r and Baao�c��,S�es'.�i�,�,�ree in wt"�; aaY a�Ptic�uon of pmce�ds to psiACipal shall rot eMend.os : , �.. .
<br /> . pas�ne the due d�e of ttie•ttt�iit�s��l PaY�S�referreQ ti:v�7.par�graPhs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the payments. If'• .:.,.�
<br /> un$�r pa�graph 21 the Propert�i���tquirec�����eader,IDSe�wer's right to.anY insuranae policies and proceeds ceauldng from
<br /> d�mage w the Property p�I6r to t�t�:��quisl�:rn�s�a11 pass ca�nder to the extent of the.�r�.s secured by this Secunry LLmumgnt
<br /> immediately prtor to the acquisitioa. • ' • ' '
<br /> 6.Orcapanc9.Preservatton,Maintes,�ee$nd Pmtec�tan of the Froperty,Bore+�wer's La�ra Applicatdon;I.casehotds. •
<br /> Bairower sha11 occupy,establish,az�tl nse the Propeny as Botrower's Dridcipai residence within sl�g days after the execution of �
<br /> this Securiry Instrament and shalD candnne to occupy the Property as Borrower's principa!residerre for at least one year after
<br /> the date of occupancy,unless Leader otheiarise a�rees in writing,which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unIess
<br /> exteAUatip.g circumstances exist which are beyond Bormwer's conuol. Borrower shall not destroy., damage or impair the
<br /> • property,allaw the Praperty to dete�lorate.�r commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall be in default if nny�osfeiture
<br /> p t
<br />= action or yraceeding,whether civil flr cri�sal.is begun that in Lender's good faith judgment ca2rSd resnit in forfeiturz of the
<br /> Property or otherwise materialty ia�air the ii�n created by tlils Security Instrument�or Leadet's sec.uriry inteirst.Borcower m�g .
<br /> cure such a defaWt and reinstate,as pravid�in patagraph 18,by causia�the actian or proceeding to be,dismissed with a ruliri;
<br /> that, in Lender`s good faifh det�rmination, precludes foa�iture of the Borrower's interest in the Prape:ty ar c�s c�.�t�rial
<br /> 1a►paisment of tlie lien created by thls�Security�nsnumect or Lender's eocurity interest. Borrower shall aiso be in de�;�s4t lf .
<br /> Borrower,dwin�the loan application process.gave materialiy false or inaccurate information or stateniessts to Lender(or,f;i� ,
<br /> to provide t.ender with any matertal information)in comiection with the toan evidensed by the Note,inc2udlng;but not limited'
<br /> to,reptesen2ations ooncermng Borrower's occupancy of.the PtopeRy as a prinsipal resideace.Ii this Secur'ity Insuuinent is on a
<br /> teaschold,Borrower shall caa�ly with a11 the Provisions of the tease. if Borrower acquires fe¢atte to the Property, the �
<br />- leasehold aad the fee titte shall not merge unle,ss LeiWer agnees ta the marger in wridr�.
<br />- 7.Pfrotecthm ot l.ender's Rlghts in the Fropesty.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants and agreements cantained in
<br />- this Sec�riry Instrument.or there 9s t►le�al proceeding that may significautly affect Lsnder's rigiats in the Propeity(such as a
<br />- �, proceeding�r�6aNwptcy,pmbate,for oandemnation or forfeiture or to enforce laws or rebnilador�). then Lender may do and
<br /> �ay fur whatever!s necessa�y to rotect the vaIue of tbe Properry an�Lender's r�ghts in the Property. LenQcr's actions may
<br />: mclude Qaying uny sums s�by a.lien which has prlarity over this 5ecu�ity Instrument. nppearin� in court, paying.
<br /> - •reasonab,e nttameys'f�e�ad enierin;an the Prop.try to ma.ke repairs.Althoogh Leader may take actic.. :nder tti�c para�raph
<br /> 7.Lender does not have to�o so. � '
<br />- ' Any amounts dist�ursed by Lender un�er this pamgrapb 7 shn11 beoome additional debt r-"o7trower secured by this
<br /> '_- Secnrity 1ns4�ua�ent.Unless Borrotiver and Lendcr.agree to uther terms of payncen�these amour,�...-__ brar interest from the
<br />-� date of disbursement at the Note rate and shnll be payable. with interest. u�oa notice�from l.enQe�to�B�orrower rcquesting= �
<br /> � paymcnt.
<br /> 8.Mo�g�ge Insurnnce.If l.ender requireQ mortgage inswance as e condiaon of mtiking the loan secured by�s Security
<br /> -� Inswmeru. Eomavrer sh3U pay the premiums t�quix+�i m maintain the mortgage imuru�u;C w etf�,ct. 1F. !'vs�l rr��a. sh�
<br /> � mort�ge insurattce covereg�cequired by Lender lapses or oeases to be in ef4'ect.Barrower shall pay the premiums re4uired to
<br /> � obuun coverage substantialIy equivalent to the martgage insurance previously in effect,at a cost substantially equiva�ent to ttee •
<br /> . - cts�ia Eomr��of tlse a��ge.�rnM,*�pr�vi+�t�ciy in effect,fram aa altemate mortp►�jnstuer ADD(oved ay Lender. 1f
<br /> ::� .
<br /> , .
<br /> �. " • va9n 7 ot a ' Farm 3020 �l90 ' ,
<br /> � •• • .. - •
<br />