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<br /> � T3�D[3 DBED OFd TItUST F�Sr�rItY Imsuument"3'is made o� July 26. 1995 . , � � .`'[`tte t�ustor is
<br /> � A�fl1SLLA J P�OHNSY. A SI�GLE F88SON • , � � � . '
<br /> �'°�a�wes°?.'I4�e�rastce is � ' � � .
<br /> ' X��iBS��BANK�NSB86SIiA: NA�Y@NAL.AS50CIATION . �, � . � , _
<br /> •.,f�""TTrus�es").'IqIB beaefiCtB.cy i3 1QOAWBS� $l1NIC t7RHP.ASBAs i�1�TI02dAI+ ASSOCIATIOrF ' '
<br /> � . , . , " .
<br />� �r�ts�is azgaaixsd and eaisting aader the taws of ��LRiIT�D STAZ'ES OF A�ff:SI6A . :ami w�ase� '
<br /> . � �.�tldressis 2Q2 td$ST TH� STEEHT. GRA21D ISIGAND, SgOl � .
<br /> . � ��).Bormwer owes Lcnder ffie pfinciga!�uut of . . .
<br /> � ' �I�. THOII$ANA TFta SIII�IDT� SL'V@2TY SEOSid �OLLAES 8 FYFY`Y CHD18�� ..
<br /> .. ' ' � � ji r��c��;��.�8.27�.so ���+��:
<br /> .3'his�deht i� evdd�sed ��.Harrawer's aate dated �Se saa�e�date as this �as, "l�ut�t(°Note"),:�ichprovides fur
<br /> �thiY�aymeats�cvith ti:�z�fu11 dcbt:if not paid earli�r,due ar� payable an �'q�`���y'�0�1 ,:?;:,;`'' .� � , �
<br /> - Z9�is S�i�r3'rnstcument sea�es w I�n¢er:ta)the r�ayment o�tt«drbi evidenoed Dy the Kate;with snt�.s�:and all�aIs. . ,
<br /> exte�sians aa� modificatiai�of the Nate; (b)4he Qaymeni of a"2.¢.+i�er sums, with inierest,advaace�r�r.�r DaiagraFis 7.tv
<br /> �at�d tbe security of this S�arity Instncment; aa�d Qr.�the Per�uTmance of S,�mwer's covenaa�s and�nts. For�ti�i8
<br /> , `�p►vpase� Borrawer iatevocably gtants ead converys��`�ustee,in trust.witti 15ai�et of sale,the followi��i[}e�ribed prap�rty ,
<br /> �Ya�ied tn. �U . . " . � • '
<br /> �':fJ�mty.Nobraska:
<br /> ' !,O'� 8. HItDCIG 4. EVl�NS ��T��,. tG�l$'�t 0�., � I3�AI�A; SAL�'CO 14EHAASRA. ' , ' . -
<br /> � [�u«�,�ciry1� �
<br /> which l�s the address of 812.B STS 5T ��Fropeity Address.°� 2� . ' �
<br /> , . Nebsask� 68801 . . � . � �
<br /> (z�saae� � �
<br /> TO(3.�I'HER WPI�a]t the un�mavemen�s now or hereafter ere�xed on'the y+ru�eaty.aad all�nts,ap�ateaances�and .
<br /> futures ntiw c�r hereafter a pazt of the prop�ty: All replucements end zdc�iflons shati atso be coveied�by this Security
<br /> ' lnsmcmen�All of the foxe$oing is refeaed to in this Security Inspument es ttve"Property.' .
<br /> � � BORROWER COVFsVANTS that$oi�wea is laarfally seised of tAe estace C�eceby oonveyad aad has the right to gmnt and �
<br /> � ' eoavoY the IIroperty aa3 that the PioAerty is anencumbered.ea�eept for encumbrAaces of reouid.'Bortower aramims and vsr�ll
<br />-. defend�enerslly the:titte to-the Pro�eny a;atnsi all claims And dem�is�subjeet tp nny+enawnbsances of reoe�+d.. ,
<br /> • �'1NIS SECURtTY[NSTRUMENT comhiues uniform covenants for nntIons�1 use and na�unlfU�cavenants wttb Ilmitod
<br /> var�atrions hy'urisdiction W oanstiaute a uaifarm securiry instnunent covering real imaFeth►• ' �
<br /> U 0�QOVENANTS.Bomower and Lender oovensm und egee as foliows: .
<br /> i�apment ni.�:nripot imd Inte�st; Prepoyment and ta►te C�rges. Borrower shali pmmptly pay when due tAe
<br />_ prir�ccpaA of antl int�rest on the debt evldencod�sy the Nota srnd nny prepayment�nd lute charges due undar the Note.
<br /> • Z.�Funds[as Taxes and Yl�ur�iee..Subject to ctppticable law ot to.a wri¢ten waiver�y Ltadcr.Bartower shall pa�►.to
<br /> Leaid:r on the day monthly pnyments are�due unAer the Note.until the Note is paid tn tUll.a sum("Funds")for.(a)year�y tu�ces .
<br /> and assessl�ents wIuch rrzay nttain priority over ttus Sr,curity Inctnuc..^nt ris`b IIen on the Pto�erty;(6)yearly tcaschold paymehta
<br />= ' or�raunsi rents an the Property.ifi any;(c)�ye�1y t�v�d ar property insu��p�miutns;(d)YcarIy Qaod insu,r�tece premiu�s.
<br /> ra
<br /> if any;(e)yearly mortga�ge insuraacc premiums,�f any;and(t�anY sttms payable by Borrower to Lender.in nccordanre witTi
<br /> the provislans of pa.�ngraph 8.in lieu of the payment of mort�age tasuraace premlums.�ese items are ca1IeA"Escraw Item9."
<br />- LQader m�ay,at arry tUne.eoltect and hotd Funds in an amonnt nAt ta�acced the m�ximum amount a lenQer for a fecterally. ,
<br />- . re4at�.1 s�:i�!�a�j r�uire fcr!��a�e�'s escsow zcca��nt�inder the faderal ILea1 Est�e Srlttemens Pra�Act:of - -
<br /> � l474 as amertdcA from tim�eo d�, 12 Q.S.C.Sccrion 2b01 et aeq. ("RESP�').unless unother law th�applies to the Funds _
<br />- sets si leas�r amonnt.:If s�. Lender may. �t a�y time,colIect aad hotd Fuads in an�mount rtat to exceed the lesser amoaat:
<br />' _ . I�cc maX estlmaLe the amount of Funds due oa the basis oi current d�tu an�reasonable estima3cs of expenditures of future . _
<br /> - � Lscioiv Items or othenvtse in�coFdaaoo wii�sipprcable ta�i. . . . - . °
<br /> � NEBFIAGN.A•S1nDto Fnrnity�Fannlo PAsolFrddd'a fJ.IIO UNIFpRl:7 U`�STRUP.lEIYT . • � � ' ' Farm 3U28 91ff0
<br /> ��it 72?07 P7f0 � 'VM7�"AFiTfiAGEFOR+�tS•l3131Y930100-1f1001521•7291 v�s�s + ;� ;� AmendedE3(fli
<br />