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<br /> � . , D��Y no Ionger De�+eqtiired.at t�optio�of Lender.if mortgega ia�urnnse emerage(in the amonut aad for ihe period'
<br /> .that IxndEr c«iuires)Pravided by aa iasurer uppmv�t3y Leader ap�iu 6ecames available�tnc!is a6taiaed.$orcowrr shall pay
<br /> � the premiums rec�.,i�d to mainta.in murtgage insur�noe in effsct.or to prQVide s lass r�seave,uutil[he eequim�ent for Ynartgs8a
<br /> irisu�e cads in a000tdaa�with a�t�wriuet�agrec�ut bemegn Borrower aUd Leuder or appitcabie iaw.
<br /> ���:Lcr.�a�.-its�eni�ay�ke s+�onab4e enuies upma and inspectians�of t6e Pragerty.Leader shall give _
<br /> Borro��er notice at tha time of or prior to ao inspectian sgerifyiag r�asoaable c�use fas the�nspe�ion.
<br /> 10.Costdem�tioa.'13�e ptaoeeds of a�r award.or ctvm for darna�ea.dit�ect or ouaseque�tial. ip oann�tion with aay
<br /> , wndamnation or oitzcr tatrina of atry part of tHe�ro�erty,or for mmreyuuce in tieu of conde�utiun,are herxby�ssigrmd ausl: ._
<br /> ' shnl!be paid to�,en�der: . � ' �
<br /> � In the eveut af a total taking of the Pcupeity,the prooeeQs sl�a1!5e applied tn tIie sums se�ad by this Security jnstrumeat,
<br /> whether ar aot then due. witA any exc.eis paid ts Bomnwer.In the cvesnt of a partial talting of the Prioperty in wbicb the fair
<br /> market value of th�Property immediazdy before the taking i�egua!to or greater than the amutmt of t�e sams s�c,vred by d�.s ,
<br /> Security Inslru�ent ima�edlately{before tire�cing.untess B¢rrtower aad Lender otherwise agree in writing,the sum,s�ecurcd b3►
<br /> thi,s Security Insnv�rent �iall 6e ieduced 6y the nawunt of the ptpceeds muttiplir�by the faQaaring fiactinn: (a)d�e tota!
<br /> • amo�nt of the sum4 s�xaued uamediately hefore the ta�ng,divided by(b)the fafr mariteR valus of the Properts►immadiately
<br /> btfore the Ci3ring.Any 6alaa�e sirall 6e paid w Borrower. in the event of p puRial taking of the Fraperty ia which t�fair . —
<br /> 'market v�iue of ibe Property iinru:adiately befflre ihe tal�ng is t�s than ttte amo�mt of the snms s�ued imme��tety before thc
<br /> qking.un2�ss Boirower aad L�ader othecwise agree fn writing or mitess applicabte laa otherwise prtsvides,the gmoeods si�a!!.
<br /> t�e a�plied to�t1e sums secured by this�Securiry Iastrument wh�her or nat the sums are then due. . .�_ •
<br /> if the 3'roptYty is abandoned E�Borrower,or if.aRer catioe by I.e,nder to Borcower t6at t$e oondemanr offeis to�atoe a�i. , :. _-
<br /> awacs!or settte a claim for da�grs. Borrowex faiis to respond to I�ter a+ithin 30 days after the date tfle notice is givm, :
<br /> Lcader is autbor�aed to ooliect anA apply che.pmreeds,at its option,'either w nswrauon ar z�gair af the Frapnty or W the sams� �` ��
<br /> se,cured by this Securiry Instruaunt,whether ur aat then due. ' '
<br /> Ualess LeAder a� Sorcnwer othetwisc ugroe in arritin�,enY aPPUcaiion of pmceeds w princqial shall nat eatcnd or .
<br /> � . postgone ttte da�date of the monthlY±paYments refernd to in paragraphs 1 aad 2 or change ths aa�uat of such payments. '
<br /> lt:Liurrower Not Rdeased;Forbearanae By L4nder Not�Waiver.F�ct�on of she tiabe for payment or mbdi�cation . •
<br /> of mnortiz�on of tiie sums secur�t by this Sea�riry Insthuncatt,giaated by I.e�er m Rny successo;in inte�eSt of Bo�swer sf�atl
<br /> not opefate to re2ease ti�e tiability of the origiaal8orrnwer or Borrower's suocessors ia interest.A.ender si�all not 6e cequiiod tu
<br /> �proce�iitgs a�ainst any sac�essar in interest or refuse m e�en�time for�ayment or atherwise modify amioidzadon ,
<br /> of:the sums �acated by this�acurity Insu�ent by'reason of auy demand made�by the origimat Barnuwer or Borrower's . � .
<br /> suCCessois;in.in[arest.A�r fosbea�ancc hy ixnder in exercising any right or re�dy shall nat be a waiver of t�r precl�de the
<br /> eaercise of any-�F�,i�t or ri�edy. , , .
<br /> �. 12.So�o�s ead Assigos Bonnd;8ain3 und Sevc�ral Liability. Co-slgne�.The oovet�nts aud agseP.�aents..of this
<br /> � Sesui;t�, Iar�u�nt shall bind'and benefit the suocessors aad assigns of I.ee�der and Borrower.6abjed to the provisions of �
<br /> paragrapb 17: Barrower's cavanants and a�nu shall be joint sud several. Auy+Borcnwer who co-sigas this Sca�1d`i�
<br /> � iostrument but does not e�cecute the Notc: (a)is oo-signing this Secarity L6st�a¢nent onIy to mortgage.gtant and oonve.�;t�.
<br /> 8orrowet's�interest in the Pt+nperty under the terins of this Securitg Insuument;(b)is aot persoflally obligated to p�y ci�+�t7ipi�; .
<br />- s_�ced b�r N++e Sz�rity Incfnunerd;aad(e)a�ree.s that I�nder and any other Borrawer may agrae to exsead.modifY.fvtkhar(ic; _
<br /> malce a�y acrnaunodations with regard to the tertns of this Security Insttua�em or the Note without that Bomower's cunser�':`.�."
<br /> � l�.I.van Cl�attgas.If ttke loan sesurt�by this Sauriry Iastrument is subjeci to a taw�vhish sets maxunum IoaU chuges. .
<br /> aad that law is fu�ally inteapreted so that ths interest or other toan c�arges wllected or to be'oolleaed in connectian wlt6 tbe '
<br /> ' �oui excoed the pemutted limits.then:{a)suy such loa�cbarge.shali be roduced hy tSe aznount neassary to[iduce the eliargz •
<br /> to the peamiuod 1'unit;and(b)anY sams alr�dy coIIe�ad from Borrower which eaoeadcd permittod limiu wi1L be refttndai w
<br /> Bomower. L�nder may choose w make this refimd by teducing tha princlyal awe�aader the Note ur by asai�iag a direct
<br /> � payment to �orrower. If:a refnnd �reQuces pruic3pal, the reduaron will be tnate� as a P�� P�Y�nt without aay.
<br /> �prepaymont charge under the A•ote. �
<br />_ - ��NQ..�.�a►y nntice.to Bozro�ver pravided far in ttiis Securit3►Inswa�eat sha}1 be given by detiverin$it or by mailing .
<br /> it.by first class mail unless applicabte taw requires nse of another mef6od.The nbrioe shail t�dire�ted�[o the t.�� erty Addtess —
<br /> �or anv other addnss Bo�rower desiRnates bY aotice m Lender. Aay rm�tice to Lender shall be given;by f�rst cius mait w
<br /> • Lender's�dress stated t�erein or any other address L�ader designafes by notice tb Iiorsower. Any i�dce pmvidtid for in this - .
<br /> � .�airity tnstrament sha11 be deemed to 6ave b�n given to Bor�ower or Leader when given as provided in this p�ragraph. �
<br /> � 15.Goveeatsfg Iaw�, Severability. T1tls S3curity lnsmiment shaU be govemed by EeQcr.il ?aw and t�e iaw of the �
<br /> � .;.J,r�nisdiction in which the l�h.�erry Is Iocated.In tht event that any pravision or dause of this 5ecurity Insuv�ent or the Note
<br /> anrif�icfs wtth applicable law,such confllct shali not affest other provisions of this Security Inst�snent o:the Note whic6 can Ue
<br /> given effax�;w:thout the conflicting provision:To this end the provi�ns of tUas Secvrity Inswment and:tbe Note are dec3a�d
<br /> .to be severaSnle. • ' .
<br /> 16.Bonowe�'s Copy.Bon�ower shnll be given one conformed oapy of the I�tete and of this Security Ia41�nt. ' '
<br /> � , . ' �rwn,8oas ers� ��
<br /> . • va�eu�e .
<br /> _--.��.r��� :sa�c:a:��a�':�___ ��'�.<}c
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