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H�rd ar Pc�operty I�u� Barrowec s�il k�qi the improv� Qow eaistiag Pc hearafter e�cted oA the <br /> • Frogerty insured again�loss by&e.h�ards inctuded within the teQm "extended coverage°3nd.uny other i�am.rds.incIudi�g <br /> flao�s or Qoading.far whic6 I.�sidea ieqairrs iasarance.T�his iasutaace shall�maiittainad in�tlie amonnts and for the perEods <br /> . ti�at Leader req�s_Tbe ino!*��caraer mavidin�.the iusuraaCe si�alt 6e chosen by.EorrowPr subsect to Len�er's appmv�l <br /> whi�b s6all Qot i�e unreasonabiy vrithheld. If Barcower fails to maintain coveragr descaibad above. Isnder Lettder's <br /> c3ption.olstaia coverage ta protecx I.eader's rFghts in the PcoPertY in asrordaaoe tvith paragtapfi 7. <br /> All insv�aace poliaes and reaewats shali be acceptabie ro Leader mtd shall incinde a s�wdard�ortgage ctause. Lender � <br /> shatD dave the right to 6�ld the Qalicies and reaew�ats. If I.ender requis+es.Bonvwer shait PromptlY give to Lender all c+�eiyts af <br /> � � gaid premiums and reaewal aoace.s.In the event of ioss.Barcawer shall give pmmpt notice to�the insurarcce carrier and Lsndsr.' <br /> �er may make proof of loss if nat en�d,°PromFUS'by Sorroiver. - , . <br /> YJnless Leader and Botrower othernise agre�ia wrlting,insuraaoe pmceeds shali be agplied w restoratioa or repair of the . <br /> �P�Y�5�•if the aestor�on or repair is eooaamicaUy feasible and I.r.nder's secarity is aot tessened�If t2��estoxa�an or � <br /> � repair is nnt eamio�icatEy f�bI�ar Leudei s sec�uity wonld be lesser�d,the ins�uarice paaoeeds shai�be app�ied to the sums � . <br /> secumd by this Se�rity Instrumeat. wheWer or not Wen due, with an�e�ccess paid tu�Crroaer.If Borrower ab3adoas ths - : <br /> .. Pro�eerty.or da�s�mt answer wit�tin 30 days a nntioe from�at the insurence carrier has offered ta s�ttte a ctaim,th� <br /> � LEnder may wl�ect the insurance prooeEds. Leader may use the Froceeds w repair or.resw�e the Property or to pay sarns ' <br /> s�red bp tiris Security fnsun t whether or aat ihen due.'i4ie 3Q�day peiiad wlll begin arhen tl��ice is pve�n. . <br /> . Unless Lender aaA Sarru�ec otheivviss agace in wtiting. a�sY aPPlic�ion.of prooe�s w princeg�i si�all not ext�d or <br /> postpo�the due dat�of a�c mnnthlY pa3imems refeaed w in pazagaphs 1 and 2 ar d�ange the am�unt af the p�ayuieats. If <br /> _ �dez parag�agh 21 tYte�ivpectyr is.�by C�3.°r,Botrower's rigtit to aay i�nce polisies and pms�eds resWtfmg ftom <br /> � damagE w the PmlaeRS+prior tn the acqniisition,sT��ass,to I.ender w the extent_of the_sua�s sxand by tt�Secarity Insornmesu• <br /> irmn�diately�ri�r to the aoquisItioa. . � � ' <br /> � 6.Oocup�9,pr�rvaHan,Maf.�nce wd Protec�ton of the Ptoperty:�ure�awe��d�n AppliaatYaa;i.aa�ds. <br /> � Borrower sf�ail arcupy.e,stablish,and usc the Property as Borrower's princtpal residenoe wi�sxty days aRer the ex�on af <br /> d�fis Sc�urity insunmeat and shall continae to occupX the Fmperty as Borrower's principa!zesidence for�►t Ieast one yeai after � <br /> . the date aF oocuyaacy,�nIess I.ender oihenvise agre�.s in writing.ariucb.coflseat si�aU aot 6e uiueasoiiabIy withb�dd.or imles� <br /> . exte�buating circumsfanczs exist which are beyond Borrawer's oonbrol. Baaower shal} not desuoy, �lama8e or impair the <br /> PmPenYti�'ir�2ow the Property to deterimate, or�t waste on the Ptnpeity.Borrower s�a116e In defauit if anyr farfeimre ' <br /> . . ac�io�tkar,�ding,c+�haher civjl or criminal:�is beg�n tbat in Lender's gond faith judgnQeat uw�ld result m farfeitare of tLe <br /> � ;:i�pvr;tv�Ga�otherarise arateaIalty impais tbs-Ten created by dris Ser�rrity Instrome�or I�ender's secm�ty iutc��Borrowtr may <br /> �eiii��svi�a�efault aad teinstate,as pmvided in pazagraph 18,b3►eausing the aciion or pro�g to 6��c�iiissed with a roling . <br /> tbm, in Lc�der's good faith det�mi.nation. preclndes forfeiture of the Borrower's inieaz�t iW the Prop�ty or other material <br /> impairmei�¢vf tfle lien_created Dy this Security Instrument or L�ndu's sewrity iatenst. k�sawer shall aLso b�in dcf�xis if <br /> . Borrower,dnring the toan appiicanion pmaess,gave maierialiy faise or inaccvrate informatioaos statemenis tn Lender(a��a?�S <br /> to provide Lender with any ruaterial information�in ooanection arith the loan edideaced by the Note,incIudiQg,bnt not lin�ited <br /> to.reg�sentations oo�eming Borrower's uccupaucy of the Pmpeny as a priIICipaD residence.If obis Security Iastiumeat is on a � <br /> leas�hotd. Aorrnwer shall �mpIy with all the provislnns of t�e.trase. If Barrawer aaquit�s fee titte to ti� Praperty;the ' • <br /> LFase@o!d�usd the fee lit2e s6all not merge nNess�der agrees to t'E�merger in writing. . •• ' <br /> T.Ptotect4on ot i�eader's ESIgLts in the Ptopesty.Jf Bmrower fails to p�erform the aovenants and agrr,ema�s oontained"ut <br /> this SecurIty Insuume�.or there is a iega!Prabeedin&that�may significanth►t�ffect Lencier's righw in tfle Property(sach as a ��.� <br /> pmroediag fn banlnuptqyr,probate,for condemnatIon or forfeiutte or to enfqrcx taws or regutationn),'th,en i.ender may do and '� .;�;,�:: <br /> � paY for w6atcver is ne�essary to protert the valms of the Property�and l.ea�ea's r�ghu in cht Property. Lendu's aaians inay, .. .. <br /> mciude PaY��S �Y s�ms secared fsy a tien whicb has priority'over this Secu�iay it�t�at�nont. aPP�T+ng �•�+ PaYmB . <br /> reasaaable�attomeys'fees and enteri�r:�n the Froperty to maice repai�.Nthougis Lendertr�^�}�;¢ake a�ctton under tf�is.paragr� . <br /> 7.Lender does not have to do so. . � ; . <br />_ ' � Any_ampunts disbursed by Lentier vndcr ttris paragraPb 7 shaU Decar-.c.addidonal debt of Borrower secured b�y this_ . <br /> .Security Instri�ment. Uuless Botrower and 1,enGer agl�e to other tera�s of pz�eni,these sunounts slsall bear interest from'��.+`:;.�•� <br /> date of disburscmCnt at the Note rate and shafl be payable,arith Interest. unon�attce fram Lender to Bonur�ier:�i�� '. _ _ <br /> pa+�nent. • • . • . <br /> 8.Mortgage Iasuraace.If Leader required mortgage insuransc as a coredition of making the toan secured by this aecuriry � • , ' <br /> ' Instrument, Borrower shalt pay the p�amusms required to�+a;Ma;�the mortgage ipsvrance In effect. If,.£or any iet�oa,the . � <br /> mortgage lnsnianee coverage requited by Lender Iapses or eeases to be ia effect,Borrawer shal!pay the;�Iutns required to � � <br /> obtain coverage subst�ntially oquivalent to the mortgage[nstuenoe previously in effect,at a cds�sU�staniiatly equ.ivaIent to the� <br /> oost to Borcower af the.martgage in�rance effect.from an aItemate most�r ims�ues upproved by lender. If <br /> substamially equlvalent mortgage ir�ance coverage is�not aveilable.Borrower shsill pay to Lender each mmuh a sum eg�al to <br /> oae-twetfth of the ycazly mortgage Insu:ance premium being paid by Borrowcr vrhen the i�swaaoe ooverage lapsed as ceasec6 to <br /> be!n effect.Lcrnder wili escept,ase arzd retain these payments as a loss �scrve in lien of mortgage insuiance. Loss reserve . <br /> . Form 30Z8 9190 • <br />. • Pap�of9 � <br /> I <br /> �,_ erac m <br /> �.�� .. -.-r �..� .. . -- � - � . � 3�lA�.y� ���r.�__� <br /> �y� �• i'..t � _ , ( :,+.� <br /> �vu�.'1'� �rJ��JaLS��'M�+ b-*h � ��. 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