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<br /> • 17.T�ier oi the Prayaerty or a 6eaetidaf'Snterest fn Ban�nwer.ff a91 or any�att of the Property or any iaterest ia ft
<br /> is sotd or teansferred(or if a 6sneficial interesi in Eorrower is soSd or tmasferred at�Bormwer�s not�utintral pefson)without .
<br /> � Lend�r's priar written consEnt. Lender may. at its option, require immediste payme4t in fiill of�ll sums aecured by this
<br /> ' Security Insbu�ent.However,ttsis option shall not be txerclsei bY I�nder if eaercise is prahibite�6y federa!law"tu of the date . _
<br /> of tttis 3ecuriEy Insennrtent. , .
<br /> If I.e,nder exe�cises this uptiun,Lead�s s��:•�B�rro�er�oiice of aec�lerntion_T4ie aubice shali ruvide e g�od af aoi _
<br /> tess than 30 days fram t6e date the n�a�ce is delivered or a�iled wft�which Borrower must pay al�sums secured by t�is
<br /> $���y jn ,+n nt.If Botrower faiLs to pay thesF sums Qrioa to the exAiiatio»of this period.Lender may iltvoke any rem$die.s
<br /> � permitted Qry this Sec�ity Insuomeat wia9out f�ther noti�or d�oa 84nuwcr. -
<br /> iS. Borros�s RIght to R�astate.- If Borroever tncets cemin condltIons, Borrower shall h�ve the ri�ht'Eo 6avr
<br /> � enforce�ent of this Ses�rity Instiumeat disonutinued at any time prior to the earlier of: (a)S days fer s¢ci�ottrer petiad as
<br /> agplicable taw maY specifY for *P;n�rare,�e.�t)before sale of the Property pursuant to any powet of sate cantaiued 3n ttus
<br /> Secunty Instmment;or(6)eauY of a judgment e,afarctng this Secvriry Insuument.'Iliase coatiItia�s are that Eorrawer.(s)P�YS
<br /> Lcnstes alt swns afiich then wonId be due under this Seeutit7+Instturnent an�she Notc as if ao sooelemtio�i�ad occurred:@)
<br /> cures azry de£anit of any other covenants ar agreements:{c)PaYs all.expenses iusvmed In enforeing this SeduitY,Insuument,
<br /> incinding,6ut not limited m,ceasonabie atiomeys'fees;aad(d)t2kes such acxian as Leader may reawa3bly requuy to auvre
<br /> t6at the lien of Wis�curiry Insuvmen�i,ender's ri�ts m the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sams secorod by
<br /> this Securit}+ Instrumem shall oontir►ue unshanged.�Upon zeiastatemertt by Borcower. this Secwiry in�rrn_mQ_*_t and th$
<br /> abligatioas secvreci hereby shall mmain fIIity e�e�ive as if nn acceleiat�ion had occuned.However.this rig6t to rein�tate sflali
<br /> not appiy in the case of aoceleiatiaa ander paragraph 17.
<br /> 19 Sate oi 1�Iot� CGangie ot i.oan Servtcea'.The Note or a partial interest in the Note(t6gether wit9� this SeWrity
<br /> Ins��nt)maY be sold one or-more�mes withuut priar natice to Bomswer.A sale mdy�esalt in a c�taage in ihe entity(kanwn
<br /> as Nte°Lnaa Senricer'�tt�at w]tects�onthtY P�Ymeuts dQe uader tbe No2e sud this Secanry Instrumea�There slso may be one
<br /> or mnre changes of the Loan Servicer umelated w a safe of the Note.lf tLere is a chamge of the Loan Servicer.Borrower will be .
<br /> given wriUen Qottce Qf t6e change ia accordance with pa�agmph 14 abave and�pplirable 1aw.The aotice will saite the aame a�
<br /> , ----address of the vew Loan Servioer aud the address.�which paymeats shonld be made.'fhe notice:a�atso oo�n any otber �
<br /> informaiion reqaired by aqrpficable law.
<br /> Z0.Ba�rdous�lanee�.BorroNer sball not canse or petmit tbe presenoe. use.disposal,storage. or rMea�e of anx . ,
<br /> ' Ha7ardous Subst�cxs an or in the Praperty. Borrower shaU aot do, aor alloar anpone else to do. anything affectit►$ tha
<br /> . grogertg t8at is in viat�ion of any Enviroamental Iaw.The piec�ed'utg two senteuces shall roi apply to We pr�;enee,use,'or
<br /> sforage er�tbe ProPem3 of small quaatities of Har�+dans Substanoes that`aze generaUy rerognized to be appropmaie to natmal
<br /> residenTM.�dses aad to r,.r�nt�naace of the Property. �
<br /> ' Barrower shalF: ��:pdy give Lender amtten natice of any investigatiian,claim.demand.lawsuit or other action bY�Y
<br /> goverumental or���Y agency arpnvate party u►volving the Property aad any Hazar+dous Substancae or Emunnmentat Laar
<br /> " of wiuch Borrowe��•aa�al laiowledge.If Bormwer leams.or is norified C►y any gov�atal or reg�latoYy autiioriry,Wat .
<br /> ' a�r temoval os atbsr rrzaaediadon aE any Ha�ardous Substaaoe affecting the:Property is ne�cessary►,Bormwer shall F��PUY�
<br /> alI necc.ssa:y+remedial actious ia�erordance arith Enviro�m�asai iaw.
<br /> F`�s n.Sed in this�aragraph 20, "Hazacdous Substa�es°are,those substaaces defined as wxic or ha7ardaus suhstances by
<br /> � ' �ZCpims�mental Law aYd the following substa¢oes:.,gasujine. kemsene, othex flarnmabte or touc peuoleum products, toxic
<br /> ' �ic�des and hecbicides.volarile solvents,mate�ia�s'�r.,�ntainitb°asbestos or fo�aldehyde,and radioactive matenats.�1s used in .
<br /> � this patagra ph 20, `Hnvironmeutal.Law" means��.�aws aad taws of the jwistiirzion wHere the Property is located d�at•
<br /> nelate fo h�itb,safety or environmental protection. ;, ,
<br /> NON-bJNIFORM COVENANTS.Horrower aad�f:ender°.irther covenant and agree as follows:
<br /> 21.Aoceieratton;Reffiedies.I.ender sl�all glve uatice to Borrower prior to aocelerattan foDowiug Borrowee�,3 bresich
<br /> �-- -- -i�l*�Wv�t oT�mettt id tuu5=aec,x:::�r�.:�:at (�E$oi �i4��'A!�*2Hnn und�r3*n.��,_"?►�ti;'{3�_n�i4S4 -
<br /> . applkyble law pro�itL�otberwise).The notf��hall.specif7e (a)the dd�.ul�,(b)the a�tiun�quired to aue tAo!#��defs�ilt;
<br /> (c)tt date,not tess iiiu�30 days frot�t�e dat��e notice is gtven to Borrower.by whtch t�e detault mast be�d;and � .
<br /> t�tLat f�ti[ure to csn�e the defattt�on or 6etore 4lte date�eciiled ia the notke m�y resvlt(n accderation af x�re s�s i`,.'` .
<br /> � � secured by tbi�Se�it9 I�a�sl`.�nd saIe oi t�e Prop�;.The nottce shail[aKH��►niorm Boirnwer o!t�'r�tgUt to
<br /> reL�t�te�Rer�uoeleration�nd'�3t�z dfght co�ng s oourt ndiou to sssert the nas�z�mce oi a defaWt or aaiy�at�'
<br /> ddeiue of Borrower tn aoteIerai�itt�and s,�:�lY the detanIt is not cure�.oa or beforr�the date s�oedtkd in the�itice, .
<br /> I.ender.gi its option,may require 4mm IFaY�t in fafl o!all sums secored Dy this Se�.u�Jit���Emhvins�t wItiant
<br /> [mther demand and may invofce the paw�sate and a�other rPmedles peimttte�l by app�iCafl['r ti4w.Lead�'sLall be
<br /> eatitlar�to coltec!aU exp�.scs incurred fn pursuiflg t6e rPmedie�pmvtdeti in t63s�raSraDb Z�,ineluding;iH►t r„�t limited
<br /> � ¢o.rc���a=�..M,4!�s�e�ls�tL+te evi�tence. :.. . . � �.�.,':.,.
<br /> � � 1� wer o�s�e Is invoked,Trasiee sball recorl r��aotice c�defapif in nc6 ou�nty(q wlnm my��f�e
<br /> F � � . p° cable taw to Barrower and to �
<br /> �i��is toc�tsd sm:d shall mait c4pie4 0!sacb notice iti tfie mannea�p�scriL�ed 6y appli .
<br /> ,�tTf�ai�'i�rsons presc�Ibed bp applieable taw.4fcer the fime�uire�fi�a "_'ev�.:ca��=a.%,�;;�°��n�°e��'*"''�" - , --
<br /> ' mfl aa��W tlee peisoav un9 in the manner pn:scsi6ed by appllcable law.Tr¢stee,witbouf demnad on Borrqwea.s6a11 se�
<br /> � iltL.l?�:u�erty at public au�ion tp the Wghcst bidder at the time�and place and under t6e terms d4signated tn the natice ot
<br /> sale t+a one or�moce parceLs and in any ordes T�rstee determincv.7Yostee may p�,00ne sale oP ell or�pa+'�8t L`,2
<br /> property by pu61t¢announcemen�at the time and place oi a�r prevlously scl�ede�sate. Lender os Its deslgnee may � .
<br /> � purcl�se the Pro�De*tY at any sale.
<br /> . . .
<br /> � . � foRro 3(538 9f90
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