. .y.__ � � w�s z,,,.. � _
<br /> m- �'i � �. - � '- ., . �. �n �.,,.,.. --v�.._ -� - - -
<br /> ' • �� - y, - - -. �...��.,3_ . .-�.��.- - �-.��,....�,_. - -.-. .. ---
<br /> ...e�e�apca���-r�i,'4Fnem„ _ -�"`=-- - � .�ea,n � -- � -- -- -.. ----
<br /> :i, _ _ _---___ -_-_— --___--_ __-_ -
<br /> • • . . . � �y.
<br /> . . . \ .
<br /> �`
<br /> wndemnaricm or ptl�r aaTcing of aay p3rt of the Fro�try,or far canveyance in liea af cand�nna�'�aVre IterebY���si�and
<br /> � si�ali be paid to Leaider_, . . � , . . �
<br /> �= - __-� -� _ �.__ ;__ . .. � __.._-- - -- --_
<br /> _ - ='-�r fi�eve�m�t6i�,T'ia-w-ig�'mc.ciu,pcciy,-��n °. - - . -�_---.._�.._ uu�- '�--=
<br /> .Instrument,wheti�er or aot then�tte,wisfo ac►y eacess qaid co Bosrower. In t�e eveut of a pactiat tul�ing of the Property in
<br /> `� _ whicFi the f�iv maricet'vatue of the Pmperty�mm�;ar ty 6efere the takin�is egua{w os greater thart the amount,of the s�s ,.. _ .
<br /> se�re�i by�t6is Seauity Insmrment itnme��ar�iy befare the�ng,unless Soisorres and Lender othr.miis�agce�ut wruia�,,.
<br /> the swas secw�ed by this Secariry Inshtvtte�s shalt be ceduced by the aiaount of the ptoceeds multiplie�6y 1It�f�tla�si�:'- �
<br /> f�oa (a)the total ainoemt of the sums secuned immediateiy before the taking,divided lsy(b)t1�;�air marlset vaii�c�t�Cs?�: :. .
<br /> � t�peny immediatcly hefarc the taking. Any'bala►�ce�sT}alt i�a p�id ta Bmtonru. In the event o�a�,;1,�sg_�s;i�:�'.::,�.
<br /> Property in whi�ch the�'a3r market velue of the Property�smmediately 6efore the tatdng is le$s t1�the�:�:�th�s s^�::;:;_<'•�.,-
<br /> .s�r�d immediately hefo:e the takiteg,unT�ss Bomower and l.�nd�r�otherwise agxee in wricing or nnle�.�i��cabte",L�i.;_: _- �
<br /> , othe�vvise pmvi�s.the pcoce�ds shalI 6e applie�ta the sums secure�!by this Secuiity Instcament wheti�oa r�Yt�te sliisis;2��<.�� .
<br /> then du� , ' � � , , . - : ::;.:=
<br /> t#the Property is a�andaned 6y Borrower,or if,afrer aatice by I.ender to Bmmwer thai the caadea-�`ct��rs to malce'
<br /> au award ur set�Ie a clauu€ar damages.Borrower faits to respcmd to i.ender wifhin 30 days a4'ter the date t�f�ticP is giveu,
<br /> Lender is aud:orized to coItect and appIy the proceeds.ai its op�oa,either oo�stpiatiou ar repair ofth�E9.t�erty or to the
<br /> suu�s secured by this Secm�ity r�rr..n�nt,�rhether or nat then due. � � ' ,•• • '--= ' ,
<br /> . Unless Lender aad Bozmiuu otHenvise agree.in writtng,any application�pf pidceeds w priaciga4�aYi noi exteasl ar
<br /> - Fostpone the due date af the monthty ,, . ts cefeired w in paragsa�SFia i a.e3�ur change ihe amount of��ayments. � . .
<br /> ,, 11. Sorro�Yer hrtt Qeleased:.��'�� Letsder 1�IaC���;:.Exteasioa of the ts��t�aYraent or
<br /> �f`'t'atodifit�it of aasac¢�ijt¢,,af the E�.�ct�,' �v.u� fiY�s Security�c�,�± h�r Leader to ahy�c�or in int�e�est
<br /> , + �t,o�Baz[v�er s*�aII r.�e;vj'�i�r to reFe��e�ab���t�the�rigi�,at.Bom���-n?�t-�rrower�sucaessois�?iull�esc.Lender
<br /> � ' . - ��ha:t�mctr�ik;t�quuEd 9:o canuru�a��t_r�d'ings�ga$oiss any'sa�•�t in i�tert'sf oi refuse W extend tim��'Yr°gaym��, �
<br /> oti�eet�.vi's�tyXt��.ify amartization cf t�;�fiir��ecured 63!f:ris. �r r,irlt�rment by:eason of any demand msde�p We�ni�jh�'°`��,.
<br /> Bornsiuc�?iri�'s;�Qirower's successols iy.�'zesG Any for6earan��?',1�knd`eT iit�g�rcisicEg any right ar rcm�.shall n�j�Y�:-::;;, .
<br /> waivei ob al�t;�cIude qhe�xec�ise ofas� r�g�t ar n��¢� � : • �, ,;.. ' � � , ,` «,�,, ,
<br /> ' �2 �ts:�!-�issfgo,4�;Jom�a�!a�verei i.iabittt�;Ca�.ts. The eovenants aad�cf"�
<br /> . ,'��Sean�sy��t �tac'�i�md ati�l i�r��;•�ze sz��.+�s anQ assi�as of Lqtdea aind Boncawer,svb�c tm7f�i«�-soyi��ou��sf
<br /> . t ,
<br /> .f. :%gara�;��c�w�;s'covenaat,�'a� me�•.shall 6��:nt and severul.My B'ona��,�s�c;?�,��,.�.��rv.:;t�ris.Sr�,�`�S ,
<br /> ,`��'f��oes c.�t execute th�1��, a)`is eo-signing th�S�ty Insuutn�.��only t�tinrpid�{�;L�ru13�2��twisye�'i;�1fft�'' ' �r
<br /> :Bo�rowrr���sierrst in clie Arope7ty uscd�r tha cerms o�t�is Secutitq Tinstnmt�e�4: �'i�i%�ot p�ratsirsfi�X iY�a�ti�i��J��r�the�xt�s'�,;�,. ;,;�r�:
<br /> � ' �'se.cured hy this Se�uc�`.y Irtstrumea�and(c)agr�es m�rat I.enAer as�d any otiier i�i��r may agcee to e �itt�na;�i�fY,fa�``.:.;',:•,�!;�.
<br /> or atake any aecommodatians with ragard to the tem�s of[his Security Iruuurucnt or tGe Note �riithout"+�$'8ormwor's '
<br /> � . consent •
<br /> !3. Lo�n C6argea lf the loan secured by t�is Security Instnunent is sublect,ta a taw which sets ma�cintum loan � �
<br /> charges,and tl�t Taw i�finaUy int�rpreted sa Yfiat the intere,st ar oti�er to3n c,�arges colPected or to be coltected in coar�ection '
<br /> _ with the loan eaceed the pem�itted Nmits,ahen: (a)'nny such loan charge sha]!be oedaced by the amannt neassary w ii�duce.� �
<br /> � the charge to the pennitied limi�a}�d(b)any sums already coliected from Horrower which exceeded peanitted limits arill be
<br /> refunded to Bor�nwet. Lender may chaose ro make this refund Dy reducing the principal awed under the Note or by making a
<br /> _ � .=direct gavment to Snrlrnwrs If n refund redur�s n!�eci�aE�the reductinn wilt be treated_as n�a�tia9 i�pavmtni wiihout anu_--,,--
<br /> prnpaymcnt chasge under thc Not�. • . • -
<br /> � '14. �oti��es. Any aotice to B��xower provided for ia tlziis Secitrity Inswment shaD 6e given by dclivering it or�by .
<br /> tn�ailing it by first class mail unless applicabte luw tequires use of another methak The na�tice shall be clirected'to the Ptopcm�
<br /> � Address or uny otfier address 8orrower desip�es by noflce to Lender. Any nudce to Lender shalt 6e given 6y first c7ass �
<br /> mail.to Leader's eddness statod hertin nr any other edBness LenA,er dssignates by notice to Borrower. Aay notice�ovided for� �
<br /> � in this Secucity Inst�umetli sba11 be decmed to have ban giyen to B�wer ar Lender when given as providod in thLs
<br /> � . � ��5. Govereing Law;Sever�ability. This Security insbument shuU be governed by fed�mt Iaw siad�the•law of the �
<br /> . �jurisdiction in which the Property is located In the event that any provision or clause of this Secority t:istrumeet ar the Nate.
<br /> conflict�with applicable.taw.such conflict shall not affect pthetprorisions of tlus Security Instturr�ent os the I�ate which c�
<br /> �..-gi•;��:� :.^:thc::s tt:�x:sft�cr�jsr�-.�ia;s. '�t�s crtd ata p;n�tisia;ss�;tt;is S:,ci�r's:y tns�u»-�e:�t aa��`t�.:,�,c a,c .
<br /> decl•areGto be severable. • � .
<br /> _ . _ :16. Borr�w:r's.€.o�}c.lir�crawcr sh�91�UP given onP confcumed conY of ttie Note aad of this Sec�uity t�s�n�.. �
<br /> �1�. 'ITransier ottlk Pra¢erty or a BYircfie�a!Enttrsst i�s Horrasrer.. If all or any part of thi Froperty or any interesE in
<br /> it is sold or uansferred(u�.iL•�r 6eneficial iqterest in Borrower is sold or transfetred suid�iorrower is not a natural�n)
<br /> . grithont.Lsnd:r's prio*. w�°n�consent,Laender may.as.its option,ieqaire immediate payment in full of ali sums secured by.
<br /> . ' � �Setuti Inswmea� However.this opiion shall not by exe[�cised by Lendes If exercis�is prdhibite�by fedora!law as af•
<br /> � the datee€�.is Security.Inswmen� . .�.: . .
<br /> • If G��rA•exe�i.9es tJ�is optian,Lender shall give Borrowei notice of acceIeration.'The notice shall p�c,vide a period�' �
<br />, �not less tRaft 30 day�!'r+nm the date the notice is detivercd ar mailed within which$orro�ver tttust pay all sums secund by this _
<br /> Security instiumeat �f Smrower faits tn�pay these smns priar tv trie expuailon�of tivs pertod. I..ender may urvoke a�iy '
<br /> . remedles pertmiued 6y tfti��xuriry Tnsuument without furth�r natice or dtmartd o�s timYOwer.. ' ,
<br /> t . • 18. Borrower's R}ghi to Refastate If Borrower meeu certain conditions. Bonower shall have[�e tiaht to have .
<br /> �nforcemeni of this Security Insnumert discantinued at any ume prior ta the ear�ier of:� (a)S days(or such other period as '.
<br /> Single Funily»B�euk MfdF}eddk Mac UM�ORM INSIRIJMEN'1'--Unifrnm Covenaats 9/911 fpn8e 4 ojb�wgrs)
<br /> . • . �
<br /> - - --_.�'�ao ,,r;�a.� ----�-1-�`--'�a�;: - �.�,o.e�4`3_"-�'�' ..-==° -°— - -
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<br /> ..�.nn� ' -- / *��st�ila_h.��ltlk4�MAf � _ �°.�"-`�_
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