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<br /> ..-'sr .� p . . ,. - -, • t`�-i ti4rr t.y+y - - .._ �--
<br /> ".�"�� �v.6n Aab' "M'i.��i Y�1�i� ��r 11��.��'CJ'�.`L��aa�+s .�_ _
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<br /> _.- . �i.— _-_-_- �av,r �xwrs.�-�^- r�m°'°°`~�A34���?F[6��P�'Rir1•+�.�as =- -�-
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<br /> . • ���:..1455�4°7 .
<br /> � applicab2s law may specitq for refnsTatenaeat)Gefone sale of ttte�roperty pwsuant to eay powu of sat�caniaiaed.in t�is .
<br /> g�rn�p+,r�tb)entt�of$judgmeYit enfo�ing tbis Serurity rnctmm_en� 1$�se condido-as�e tbat$o�mwer: (s)..
<br /> ---�s.rg_inautar.n11 cnmc i+l�l.�L B.�La rl�vt��ndar thiss Ser{ait�t_�SltumeIIiamd.thC NOfe 8S if no BGp�hA�hII� _ _
<br /> � aocttued:(b�ct�t.s any default of aay oti�.e.et covenaats ar z�er.men�:(c)Pays aU expenses iazur�ed"m enfdrsring tiiis�ec�sify .
<br /> Ias�ume�t,iaeIuding,but aot l�ite�i to.ieasanable attoraeys'fees;and(d)ta�s such ac�on as Le�cier may reasonabJy .
<br /> c�uira tn asst�t�et ttfe li�of it�s�I�nt,i.ea�r's sigAts�u t�Ft�ug�ty aad Botr+urr�'s obliga�a W pa}r thu
<br /> . s�s secured by this Setvtiry 1n�r�„fient shall contlnue �chang� Up�su ce�statemeat by Baamwea, this Secuat�r '.
<br /> rn�mm�►►�t a�d�e obligat�ons sesunzd i�eby s�aaU rem.��ia fully effecti�e as ifna�on had�. �r�re�-�z;t�s
<br /> �g t¢t�vncm�shall n4t apply iII tl�c�et'�u�z v�tC{ata$r'�STa�T. ' ' .
<br /> II�fi�k d Note;Cl�aage oi I.o�ta�SF� `I'�l�t'at�or a paitial int�est��N9te(togc�er erigll�;is S�c�ty► .
<br /> I��t)may be so3d one or more tc�s�out prior aatice to Botxawe� A sa?e caay msnIs ia a c�ge in cL�e enHry
<br /> (E�acsn as't�e°I aan Seivice�'7 that soii�s�ffihly paytnents due up�d�the Note and this S�8��^�p^L �here aLso
<br /> _ mag be�ne or�ctmages of the LQaa�eevr��mrelatcd to a sale af dz�Note. If dtele is a c5�g�af the Loan Seivicer,
<br /> ���`��:� ' fi�awer wi41 be given writ�e�cin�af dcs cfriae�e in accordauce witb�cagraph 14 abave and up�:sab2e law. �s nnSoe
<br /> �:-::�: :� �xa"�Il�Le the name aad address mff�uew Lc��'sznricer aad t�e add�ess W wbicb pay�ea�ts should be madc. 'Rte�s,e will
<br /> also rnntain�y ather mfo��n�iai�e�t L�'�licabie Iaw. �
<br /> � Z0� B�zaNws Sabst� Sor�owez:Qi�ail�not canse or permit�e presenc�,nse.disposa}.storage,o:ceSease of wy
<br /> H�dau�s Sa'h�ces oa,4r in the Propert'y.::��mwer shall not do,r�allow aayo�else to do.anydnng aff�ia8 the :%>::.
<br /> Pce�erty that is�i�lation of azry Environmental Iaw. The pre�ing tw�se.ntences sball nat appi}r w t�e pr�seac�us�or .'�."� .
<br /> �t�cm t�e P�.�.y of s�.!�uaatities of l�azandors�er�.�ances tbat ar�g�ally azcogni�W be agpmjm�c��a!
<br /> ���I uscs�as�aiat�u�af�the Pcupe�,q. ,;:�;s.:: :.�_.,, - >��.:..:_ � .
<br /> =�rowea�i�g►PUY F��rder ardtten na��:;s�a�y tm+esag�ion,clazm,�3,lawsuit or utixa ae�F,ry any -
<br /> � 8������IY��P�"��9 i��:�v,�the Pcaperts+and anyr I��:�u,-����e or�tal ;:'.:_:.
<br /> �'>� I.�vir`�0f which.�ower has act�al �..�If'r Sc�rer tea�ns.or is uotified lEy asq�r�ntal as tegulatory :;��;�`.;::
<br /> �,,.', su&ority,�at anyr iemoval or ot1�re�t4ra.�'�aay�arardous Substance affecting the R�::��rii�ess�y,$o�mwez , ..
<br /> �s�'�gtrv�tpdy talre all��,,aae�l a�irjtt��acca�''.rce arith F�vixonmenral I.aw. ,'`i t:,�'���.,,.. � t .
<br /> ased an this Para �r e.."�7;,. ,�cvt���a���"�:tisose,sobstances de�x.3 tnuc a; H ct��h
<br /> > 1 �iU�.'LriC!!1�'�3VIt''�1�C 1rQ�}S�}!�E� �SL��T�'e'�SCI]C.,O�f��1�+.�3 tOEtC r'_, 1�&U��►,��C �,r�fr _
<br /> ���t�ffi��fCIdC9.V0�1�`$6�t�1�.�lf1�Gf��S�r�i'•�QI�.�}7�C,3Id[8 f�g'��,,� L':}�Tt�� l�Fi ' ;1:::%t � •�
<br /> tl' ,... ���5��>�`�IiY +,�y'a,E�3j��, ,1��}'�.'d�i�.3�tT'r5��11{V�2`�mfthCJUt1S�1CtlODWIIl�I.°W�w'�,i.�r,r��8��`r.}';.i, i, t
<br /> � , ::�I�'�te'[o hesTfh.safetY ar easc�IF�lf�s.:tsu: '� .; '....:��.•;:�..:;.. ' '. :� .. ..
<br /> • ".;ir;Itit'�N IJNIFOR.�!COVEt�FA1V�'S.Boaower and L�4;��za;oveaant aad agxee as foIIows: '- '.�::�-;
<br /> ,.,�1. Acoekratiort;Rcflnedlea Lsnder stwD g�ve nottw to Bormwes prior to eo�rxtbn Cn�ow�iag Bdlribwe�'e
<br /> bswcb ot�ny vavms►nt or agreemrat ia t8t4 Stcarlty Tnstramr�at(Dnt nat prtor 4ti Aacda�tion aod�r para�ipL 17 .
<br /> anksa applicaWe saw provIdes�ber�vLse}. The notfoe stmlt apecify: (a)the defanit;@)tLe actloa reqnlxed to car`e tbt.
<br /> dWd�Sc)s d+�adt leas tban 30 dsys tjra�m We date the aott�e Ls giren W Bosrower,by wfikh t6e de�oTt aWSt be .
<br /> cvt+edi and(d)tiwt tallai+e to cun tht defiWt on or before tbe dat+e epe�ed tn t�notioe may e+esuit m�at
<br /> �e sume�eeue+nl by thi�Secarity I�trument�sab of the Prapec�t� The Oof�e 6�pt9 tbutLer mf'osRn Ease+uwa'u[
<br /> tbe r1�6t to retostate atter aoerkraUon uid the cigbt W 6rLeg a coari�cctton te�ert the aan�eri�tares oi a dd�[t or� .
<br /> any otLcr deCen�e ot Horrower to�ocekratlon�nd sWa It t6e de[�att 1�not can�on os befon tl�d�te epec�ed tn
<br /> !:� ^�,:�.;..�::E:o��may eiqalre tas��:e ps,���t E�!!�I!t3��s�6�tbls Seensity i�.sts�
<br /> ' �witLoat ta�s7her deu�u8 md may tuvoice tLe pewer ot sde and aay Mher eemedie pernit�ed by�p�plk�bic I�w �
<br /> Leadee sia116e entitle�to cdteet �11 ripe�ea incurrsd tn parsatea tbe eemedies provided ia tbb para�apD 21,
<br /> inrludi�,60!mi Umited to�e+a�atttbk attorn!!s'fus u►d Co�q a�titklvideroa
<br /> QI 4�e�o+�er af ade b invoted,7tmtee a�ll recaM a aotio�ot dctaWt in acU.wwnt�9 to w�uy paet a[�
<br /> Pra�xrt8 r beeted aid�iuII a�d oupia atwcD notla tn tLe m�noer Pr�rll�al b3►�pp�a6k 4w to Borrower aai to
<br /> fhe ct�er per�prea�ib4d by�ppiicabk 4w Atter the ttme requi�+ed by appijcabie iaw,llr�ta e6a1t�re pa6iis. .
<br /> � noltce o!e�Je to tbe pd�t,ns md In tde maener presesibed by appdc�bk taw 1Yo�tse�wlt8oat dem�8 oa Borra�wcr,
<br /> s1d�Y�tba Property at ppbNc�uctbn to tbe�6ldder at ELe time and p�oe�a�me w�a aa��,
<br /> � the.botioe ot�Ne ls on�or e�ore para�a an�l fn�urder'ilrastee determt�e�. 7Yvatce may po�tpaee wie eta9 ar asy
<br /> p�r�ee!ot the Peoper�Y bY PabNc armounomicm at Ws time wd 1�oi t�Y D�Y�dakd s� LeAder ot!ts
<br /> +���7 I�r�a�e tbe�eoliee�y at any saia .
<br /> Upon�csipt ot p�yment a[t�e pri�oe 6W.�ce shaD deUver.to the g�er 7Y�e�'s deed�nveyio�t6e
<br /> � .--. +f_•.e �. .o� ±, n • �.!�� e• .a
<br />.- L:vt..T:�. '#`�::.f�.r�ra3 -''Y..�'.:iii�+."i' 4..ia��.:�.�r�ia�:.��:..ai..,�.a �.i3�a.�"�ia:�rv.fW�C�r.;.:�nia�.:..+i�iii�c-a�ii.
<br /> 7Y�tec ahall aPPS7 the proco�la d t5e ssde[n the foIIow3ag didees (a)to a11 oosts and upeaacs ot�tbe Loower .
<br /> � . . .. ,
<br /> � . .
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