lK�1 . � i T 4. � '�' . . - r. tY...S � �^9.�J-_,`�::'�7-, �-�.�,'S3'�s �.y' "`F4. —
<br /> ,'1 . �y� . i . .���R� ��1`"""` :yr� - _ - ' __ . ,__ ,�...
<br /> _+�'��� a� - z---
<br /> ���.'��elk t :o�.`,ts:_ _n�4'[i�s�a�`�`_noea�.�ss�^� - _- _. — ---- -. . �'� _ . _`-
<br /> _. _ �..�� _T--.�-..__� . -_ ;:_. ._ ._ .. .-- �-..-.�� - --�_.—.�-.�.. - -�r ..-_ ° __ "
<br /> —_ �� _ � . ------:---------=_-� - a�«�-._ .
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<br /> _ _ n_r�-.--�. --.
<br /> __ _ - �'-�S��SSTSf���.r�_�_�._._..v..._. - �
<br /> ---'—__—"-- __ —.—.._ --__'�� . . • .
<br /> � � � ��s- �o��j�I
<br /> ° l:snder re ulres.'Itie insuraitce carrter providing thr insur,�nse'sQali be ohoQ.en by Bo�wer e je�tia Leude�
<br /> Qeri�a that 9 Y ;
<br /> -_- - �pp�r-��r.�uc:i�tE:�r���:�b:r�{ �� .Her?nwet faDs ta maIntain coverage descdbed�bn . . —
<br /> i,ea�c!^.r�s option,obta3n covemge to protect 1,enderS r�,hts�i the ProP�Y
<br /> ineccortt�ce-w�'�ParsS*a�f=------'_- --.—'- .:.
<br /> ' [�1 insut�nce policies and teaewals shaif 6e acCC�tnbte to i.ender aad sha�l iaclud�a standud m Lender alt�ceipts .
<br /> �s1�aI1 have the right to itoid th�potieies mtd rtccewais. if t+e�tfler req���s°�rer shall p�omP Y� ' . ---
<br /> of paid premieims'and renewal nauces: In ttie event of losa,Basmwer sha11 give gmmpt notice to t�he insurauce oasTier and
<br /> L�nder. l.cnder may ma�e pmof of lass if not made�rromPtiY 6y Borro�ver.
<br /> Qnt�ss Lehder and Bormwer otherwise�gree�n'writiag.�aswance pmczeds s�satl be agplied ta restoratioa or�epair of
<br /> the Progerty.damaged„i€tite res'taratian ot repair es eronomically feasible and Leatder's securi�Y is tcot[essened.hait b�
<br /> restoiation or cepa.�r is uot econosnically faasible or Lender's security woutd be tesseneA,the insu��e P�.
<br /> � applieQ to @ie�ums secuie3 6y this SecuritY Instnunen�whether os aot then"due,w�th at►y excess pa+d W Barrower•� If
<br /> Bl�arower a6aadons the PragertY•ar does nat uas�cer wit�30 days a notice fmm Lender that the insurance�rIes has
<br /> Leader may use the proceeds tm Repair os�tsstoie
<br /> offered ta seule a claim.tlien Lender may col2ect the insurgnce.proceEds• od will Uegin when
<br /> ' the Fmpesty ar t+o p�}+smns secured Iry this Security insttument;whether ar not t�tea due.'I�e 3�day Pen
<br /> dse rmtice is�gtven. � m writing,any appiicat€on of pmceeds m principal shaD niot extend aa
<br /> Onless Lender and Borruwer otherwise?8tee� hs i ahd 2 or change the amount of the paycnents. If
<br /> - ��anne the due date of tha mnnthly paymeuts tefeired ta iv parag�ap .
<br /> eu�cdec�x:ragraph 21 the Pmpeny is acquired by Lender,$omuwer�rigUs to any ic�urance policies and Prb this S�ulry.
<br />- '` {tess�a cF�nage to tEts�raPert9 P�r ou the acquis�uoa sbalt pass to l.ender w the.ex�tt of tiie sums s�ured Y
<br /> ;.�^`�: �nstri�ent i�m�tg Fnor to da�acquisitiam. . ' g�p�y9s Q.o�s A�gt�:
<br /> <£;f'.: � '6. Ooe�a¢�; �reseavstioa, MaIateaaace aad Frotet�oa ot�tiie P�oPertY+ �id�ce wiidin siztY days�
<br /> r,�<i �. I.easeho�ds.`Scsau-iv�shall�apy.establis8,and nse the Ptaperty ss Boctgir+wer�s griasnPal
<br /> ttie exoclnia�of this����?�tnt aa�shaII�ntinue w flccupy the Pfoperty'as Borrowers priA.�,�ic��e.��r at . .
<br /> 2eaES ane ye�r after'dte �J�fY"�"i'�C'Y,.unless Lender��ot�erwise agrees`sn.v►rtitie�,� whic�r ch�`4.�=;'ii?�d be .
<br /> . which are tse ond Eairyk���:�s casinai.'.� �*:�ei�';d��nat �
<br /> �;�;; u�rea"sonatsly antl�hztd,or untess extenuatiag cucumstances ekist Y ,��� ri ��;'�shall �
<br /> � w deteriorate.or eomtflit w�ta'��th }�x`��
<br /> ;'.,v-:.; the Pm .allow.ttte PropenY
<br /> � •des�+oy,dama$��t>`�"-.P� PertY �= i Le�s �'�:�:����
<br /> ' be in default,if'z�'sr '�feilure�tion os pm�n8•wbeafier civil or icc�ni �s��.� � tfiis...e� � t or •
<br /> '";, x`esplt.�.��:re of the Praperty os othetwise u��iatiy impaiF��.�� bY � �� n'�
<br /> ' u,�3 �� �-� ��xu t8,by causut�t�r�tl�t�
<br /> ���f��p�ty�,l�st, gor�t�1�Y�suc6 a defau,��f��?ce��,��'� �►��
<br /> �r��aith d2�m�tia�e,. �i#des forfeiture of the��c�s�Y��
<br /> � ��lJi1�lE'�SCd�Jra'�t�t�p]jng t�lSt+iO.IRfl�'t�,{� w.. � , , . �
<br /> � ' �'�' . L �tlstlliIIlOnt OT 1.CIIC{�f�.lV.7[y `
<br /> � inteiest?��.�tiie�?�?y.or otiiearc�rial?z�`.�r,�ttsnent a�;��r�,s�t�;C+�s�a: ��?': ave materialfY'�'at��as ; ,,;
<br /> interesG Borrak�ax,�all aiso� in def�'t=�'4:�orsus��r�{s..�.:a e #�,fi�w�p3�caucin process, B,
<br /> �inaccurate infomcation or statea'�ts to 3�:���aiLed ta�^4e Le�t�ex�r�-�ti any matenal infoimauon)in connection tvith. . .,.
<br /> tht.toan evideaced by the Noc:,��-ncWding.but nat limit:.�t;f�o..cePresentarions conceming Hotrowei�occupancy of ttte
<br /> � p��y;�a p��ip�1�sidente. ff this Suuriry Instrument n`s un a lease9old,Honower sha11 comPly with a1t the pcovisious
<br /> of the lgase.•If$artnwer ac,�uires fee utte to the ProFerty.die leasehold and the fce title sha11 not merge unless Lender agrec3 �
<br /> to the merger in writin& , ' �Bortower�faifs to p�erFarn�the ca►'enants and agreements �
<br /> 7. Prote�Wn af Lender s Wg61s in the pr+�PertY
<br /> .contalrted Ia this Sec�ritY Inst�umen�or ther,e is a legai praceeding that may significaady affect l,.ender�s ttgt�ts in the
<br /> �P�r4Y(suc�as a proc�dinS in b�tr�prc9+P��e.for vondeira�ation or fo�eit�re or to enforse laws or.regulations).th�n . .
<br /> Lender may do an�pay fos wDatever is necessary to pmtect the�tue of the Property sutd Lender�s rights in the?ropertY•
<br /> t.enAer�actions may include paying any sums secursd by a lita which'h o P�e repaits.Altho�i►gb.Lende�r mxay talce actian
<br /> in court.paying reasooabls attomeys'fees a�¢entering on the Property
<br /> 'ut�der this par�graph?.Lender das not have to do so: .
<br /> p,n}r amounts disbolsed 1sY I.euder aader this para�graph 7 shall berome additionat debt of Borrower secured by this'
<br /> Seauity Insuumenx Unless Bomower and L.snder agnoe to other tenns of paytno nuti'rt fro�Lender t Bom�w��g
<br /> date of disbuisemerti at the Note rete aird shall be payablc,with intec�esti upon
<br /> I�Ymen�
<br /> � 8. Mortggge Insiunnce. If l.end�r required mortgage insurana as a r.ondition of making the loan secund by this
<br /> -•,g,���,���nv>Rornower shall.oay the�=,miums re9uired to maiatain the mortgage insurance�n effecL �f for any
<br /> r�on. the mong�8e insuranc�covernge re��`wred by Lender lapses or ceascs to 6e m•e,«;e�, �or.a�:.;vS�lt.gsy•t-�+!
<br />_ piemis�.s t+equired W obt�in c�ve�$�sabs�atiaUy equ�vatent to the mottgage insuiur►ce previously in effec�?.t a cost
<br /> subs�aally eq�ivala�t to ctte cost�o�orr�wer ot ti�rmut��g°.'s,s�cr°..n���e:��.�ly in eft'ec�t, altema*��'st+�«'tga8e
<br /> _ . insunr approved by I:.ender. If snbstantially equiv�2ent nr,cit�'�age�n ewan��ce rgemium being pttid�by Bonowes t+i;it'n th
<br /> Lender each mit�h u sum equal to one-twelfth af the y�sl.�:tnortga8 p • entc as a loss res.,ve in lieu
<br /> � insurance cm�esu�e tapsed arceased to be in c�i:�rt..#Lerui�zr�vilf accept.use and retain these FaYrt►
<br /> � of mo�tgage in.�e. Loss resarve paymectl�may�o S�Eer be.cequi�d•at the opdon of Lender.if inartgage i�surnnre
<br /> cov.erage(in the amount and�'i;n t$e periad[hat Lender�bs)Provi6W by an insurer approved by Lender ng,aim�:�camas
<br /> avaiinbte ar�d is obtained•Barns�n�°s shaIl pay tlte premiumm c�+,uired to malntain mortga��insurance in effect.or to�r�vide a
<br /> loss reserve,until Wo mquire�r,�iit far mortgage idsuraace�s in acoordance with uny�:ritten agreeement berueefi E��xrower
<br /> and Lender or apglicable law.
<br /> g In�ioq, i.ender or its pgent may make reasonable entries upon and inspectioris af the,l�vperty. 1.ender shall
<br /> give Bottowe:noiice at tIie time of or prior to an inspection specifyinS r�tsonable cause for the iaspectian- �
<br /> L0. Condemnattaa. The proceeds of nny award or cIaun far or conneciion with any
<br /> Single Family.�Fanak MaelF�eddie M�c UMFOAM IIVS7'RtJMENT—Usrifotm Cavmauts 91lS pxi8e 3 oj6 pagetl
<br /> . Q�(A��1ees rc�.�c:�
<br /> . . �p1�C�t,gpp63p6�3 0�A7C6167/t•f 131
<br /> --- -m a',..�'_"'•.wnwcys�,;.�'1Z'±'�+�.aa+t5�!Racs�*•.-�__-�--�--- -��:._-- -
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<br /> _-�-..di��w +�.a.L,s.:_ -w:���i y vi.i_wrhnrv�'er1a;'i!.•,$tt�a�! .r.,its�i4�''�'..Ns�.•�•."°� --
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<br /> � '� � ' ;.�.a �{� 1 i xL�.} d a"'� r �.
<br /> ��Tt .� .�t i; ���.�� .�.v 1':,yt!�Y-+ e .� ��s -:�.- ` - —
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