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<br /> � • ` at the ogtlon ai Len.dcr. if morsgaga insura�oa caverage (in �te amouns and for tlte perio� that Lensier raluires? . —
<br /> provided by an e�r approvcd by LeAdar again i�tcome�eva�able and is obtained.Bm;ro�►er sball.paq the gremiums
<br /> ' .requirac�to maiatain�tortgages insurance in dfsct,ar to provide a 1�r�rvo,imtil ths sequircmmt fo;icnosipge
<br /> - •Insuraroe ends in s�ordsnce witb any writtea e�nent betwean Barrower ead Lender or applit�bla law,
<br /> .--- — - :s���.°=�r��l3� F.-is�ai�� —�sss^ a .c�l��i,�,ria�33 ��^ ^t!f t�+ �.f�+toA�+el�at�-==- -- ,_
<br /> 'giva�nrtower notisae at the time oi or prior to an iaspxtiaa specif�g reasnna6le cause fortl�e iaspoation. .
<br /> � 16:Condenaaitto�.Thq gm�oe�ds af euy award or claim for demages.direct or conseqt�ential,in caanectia�witb
<br /> any'condemnation�r other mk�pg of saR nsrt of th�Praperty,ar far conveyan�in li�t of eastde�atios�,�se t�� -
<br /> a�igafld aad shal�be paic�io Leudet . - � –
<br /> � In t�e oveut of a ta�l 1�3cing of the Prapertg�tha prmceids ehall be appried w the sums secured bg this SecvriEF
<br /> Instsument,Whether or aot then dua.with any ei�oess paid to Baarowcr.Ia the aneat of a partial takiag oi the ProReety ia
<br /> � � which the fair martcet vatua of the Fmperty immed�taly bsiora ttr�talrs�g is aqr�al to or grea�er th�m tha amot�t oi tma
<br /> sums ae�ral by this SacurltF Instcummt imm�iatety beFore the taking,unless Borrawer amd I.endar otherwisa agree
<br /> ia anritiag;ths sums secured 6y tble Sec�ritg Iastrument sbn1l ba a+edtwed bp tLe araouat of ffie proceeds sn�}ltiplied bp
<br /> tt�tallowiag frsctioa(eT tha,totel amount of the svms so�usod immediately bciore th�takin�divi8ed by(bj the isir
<br /> marget va1vG of ti�Propercy igtmodiately befare the tskin&Aay�bal�uoe ehsll be paid to 8amnwer.In tbe event of a
<br /> � p4stial ta'fran8 of the Pcoperty ia wbic�the fair snarket value oi the Propertp�mn►�is4elp Uefore ths�king is tes9 than
<br /> the autount at t�ee sums secured im�todiatelg be#or�tha tatring,uatess Borrawer and Lenckt otherwiee agr�e in writing
<br /> or imless applicable lew otflerwisa Pmvid�s...the proceads�s9� be�applied to the snms. �cared b� ffi.is Saurity►
<br /> Ia.gtrumentwheiteer oraQtthasumsnre theadve. � :
<br /> Ii ttia Pa+operty ia at�udoned by Borrower.os if.aftrr aotice try Le�tder ta Bonower that the ccademnor oif�rs w .
<br /> � uislee sn award oi o�ttle a claisa for de�ag�„Barrower fs�s to re�pP�d tfl Leader witt�in 30 dsps aftes the data tDe `
<br /> �.:� no�ica is giveu,i.eszdaris auttioriud to aailleet aud appiy the p�+aceeds.at ita optian.eith�to nstoration or rep�ir oi� .
<br /> Frop�rty or to ttio su�as exurcd by thie Security Iaswmeat,whether or aot thrn dua � ' '
<br /> Unless Leader a�nd Bornower othetwise agree ia writiag,aay appti�stion of proceeds to psincipnt.shal�nat exteud pr
<br /> . gostpon��e dua�date oi ttie mor►thly, pay�eents rzferred w ia paragrapbs 1 aad 2 os changa the eraount of euch
<br /> . �y�� . . . .
<br /> t�:Horrawer Not Reteasad:Porbeuaace By I.aader Not s�Vsiver.Extensioa ai�ttce ti�no tor payinent.or.
<br /> �modificatipn oi amatdzstion of the sums aecured by ctus Secur�ty Instrusnent granted by Leader to a�e�suaaea�ar ia .
<br /> ir►terest at Bormwer ahalt nnt operatb to release the liebilitq of the origiwal EorFOwer o�,BorroPVer's succeseots ia �
<br /> �nterest.�►der�alt not ba requ�red to com�enoe pr000edis�g��against any succsssor�n interest or reit�to eiten� � .
<br /> . time for p�Y��2 or atlterwise iuodiiy amartization o�the sums so��►red by this Seeeuity Instrument by s�.soa af any.
<br /> . deinaad mad�t'sy tfle origiaat Borrowes.or Eorrovrer's succ�ors i.��nterest.Any forbesrenar by Leadmr ia cxes+ci§Ing•
<br /> aog right orremalp s1�ai1 aotbe a waiver of or prxlude the�xercise oi any rightor�+eem..edy. �
<br /> 12.Saccessora sad Assi�ns Bouad;Joir►t and Sevaral Litt�ility;Co si�ers.The�avenan�and bg�eements
<br /> . 04�this Savrity Insiruiaeat�ha11�bind�ad t�enefit�tha s�ors and a�aigns of�ender end Borrower,sub,jeet_w t]�e �
<br /> pravisionsof paragraylr i7.Borrowar's covemats attd agreesasnb sUall be joint and saveral.�Any�Borroxer ph4 co�igas '
<br /> t6i�Secusity Iastrument but does not asccuto tAe Nota{s) is ca'signiflg thia Securlty tnst�eameat oniY to a►vit8ige..
<br /> ti �
<br /> ` grant and coavey t�t Borrawer's interest in tt�e Propert�► vnder the ttrms of this Savrrty Ipstcum�(b) ia ttot
<br /> perso�Jlp_obligatod to pey tfle sums secured by tbis Secunty IASwmen�and(c)agre�tlut Leader�.ndany othrr .
<br /> Borro�ver map c,gne to e�tend,modify�forbar dr matce any accommo8ations wIth regard to the ter�s oi thi�Savritq
<br /> Ir.strumantor the Note without that Borrawer's coasen� . .� • . . .
<br /> . B3.�•*��+�*�•R.�t tha Ionn secu�bp�thia SxuritS►ins�-,',nt ie,subjxt to a Iap which sata matimum lo�a -
<br /> cturgra and tt�x,law is C►aallp interprated�so t�at tha iatenst_o�at�er Iaaa chatges,eollacted or to bc coDIected�ia �
<br /> coaaechon�8 ttie lo�u ercaed the permitted limits�.then:(s)anY stich iw�:ca�arge sbaU be roducod by the amount
<br /> � � �ry ta mdesce�tha clrarge w thn permitted lit��';nnd (b3 �n3► sumt�utr»ady colle�tod froas Borroper Rhich
<br /> �cxaloii Pet�tfi�od limits will'be refuas#at ta Ba�as�s�rr. Lercder iaay choose:to maYe thip refvnd by t+adueiag t�se � .
<br /> , ,��.*xcipel airt�urider the hote or bp maSc3sag s dir�ci psyment to Borrower.If q iefimd red�.i�cs pttac�pbl:tho redu�on _
<br /> � s�3•b�tsoatb�:�e a partial'prepaymeat t�thout any�ymettt chatge under the Note. � � ,
<br /> � `:.��. 44.1"7a�z�.�.�`,ny aotira ta Barro�rti pmvided f�r;ta thls�;i.�Ir�t�ur�ent e;ia11�sa�iv��h��2livc::�ii or 3p . ,
<br /> . .ttsifzling it by firsc elsss mail unless applieabla law r.cc�,�:ires use oi aaothet m�thi�d.The notix ahnit ha ctiroctod to the �
<br /> . Praperty Ad3ress or en,y ather sddtess Borrower de�ates isy aa�ica to Ltndet�►p notice to Lender shall be givea by
<br /> first class a»'�to�.endtr's eddrass stated herein or any other�I.euder designates by notice w Barrowar.Any .
<br /> . notice prov:dr�3 for�in this Securitq I�strummt eha11 be deeme�tra have ban given to Sorm�er or Lender wt�ea�iv�t �
<br /> . . es provided ia tLie pusgraph. � . � : .
<br /> 1S.Governtn�Lsw;Severabilitq.'Thia Secudty,Instrument shall be ga�«xied bp fedcral taw aad tho tep ot the • .
<br /> � j�^risdtction ia which tha Property is Iocatod.In the ev�ent�that any provisiou o�c1�'vse o!t�ie S6cw�ity Ins�utneut os the �
<br /> Note cou�lictg with applicable law,such confliet ehslt not effect othar psovisioas oi�ttus Savslty Inst�ument ar ttx Note
<br /> xhich can be gxvea efieet aithout the wnilicting grovisiaa.To this ead the provieriona of t3tis Securitq Iastrument sad
<br /> the Note are dec�ared w be se�rera�ble. . . ,
<br /> � � � F�n�0 � /90
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