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<br />-y�";;;�g:. . 16.Boraovear's Cc►py.�3orrower shatl foe gtven aae cauformed oopy oithe Nate aad of t�is Secuxity Ins�tumeu� -
<br /> -- =`-�� 19.Trmsfer oi the Propc or s�enafictal Interest ta Hor:oaer.Ii el!ar nny psrt oi the Fro�crty ar any =_
<br /> `�"��'. . . interest iil it�s sold ot traasferni�ur af a bene�ciel intcrest ia Banower is wld or tre�stetr�ead Bottower ie naE u -
<br />-�.3,�,,. u�tural pa�son).�vithout Leflde�'s prior writteA cansens.Leudsr maY.at ita opt�on,r�uire immediate papment in full�of
<br /> `'�:�
<br /> `"--�-=--.�. -- --���:��d t�thFR�:.uritg Ina�c�t.tio^:e:�:t.tt�is�atioa e3�lf nnt_ba exerc9se�bp I.eadcr i4 exer�o is =
<br /> �� � prohibitodby[ade�iawasofthedateoftt�iis3aurit9ln�trumen�. � � � _
<br /> �. If Lende�eaercises thie op�on.I.eader shai�gtve Bornewe�'aotiae oi acceleratima TGe Antice ehell provide a petiod
<br /> �-�- of noi tess thaa 30 daya fram the,date t�natice is detivere$ar ma�ed within which�orrowes muat pay all Bums s�cured =
<br /> �'.� , by tHia Security Iastrumen�.If Bonowea Qai1s to paq tAese sum� s prior ta the e tioa af tirss period.Lescdermeg inve�e =
<br /> -`;;�, anqron�edieapermittedbyt�iaSecwityIastr+�mentwithouifurthetIInticeor�sndonBonowes.
<br />-::�:.-1�,�y, � 1$.Borro�ee�s Ri�ht to Rainststa If�orrower mats oertain condittoas.Borcower sbsll have the right to 1��re
<br />_=���.s�.:� enforce�aent oi tbis Securi4�Inswmeat discontinued at an�time priar to the eatlier of:(e?S dsys�ar such other periad
<br />---_°�--� . asapplicable law msy spoc�fy for r�instatetnent)ix'Pore sate of the Pra �ursuant ta anypower of sale contaiaod in
<br />-���%��_� �tq Inswmcnk �sa condit3as►s are that
<br />_��_,y_� this Sauri Lastrumen�or (b� eatcy of a '�uig�ent enfarciag this °�
<br /> -,�.,�� . Borrower;�) paya Leader aU s�rma which ttien wauld be due under this Security Iastrument sud the Nou as ii ao
<br /> - --�� acoeieration bsd oocurred;{b)citt+es epy default of any other covenante or agceeraents:{c)PaPs all ezpea�s iacurnd ia .
<br /> - _�� en{�g�s Securitq tnst�ment,includiag,bat not lis�sited w,reasanable attornc�fo��nd(d}takea such action as.
<br />----=-_�v� Leader may reasonablp require w asqur�tLat the lien of this Secitrity Instrumeut,Lender's rights ia the Proparty and
<br /> -===__�.:,� Bonower'sobli�etiantopa,y ihesumasecuredby thisSecurityInstrusmentsballc;ontinneuachaaged.Upoareiastet,ement
<br /> — -=� by Bosrawer,this Security Instcvadent and the obligations s�x�d hertby shatl remain fully eff�ctive as ii no ac�oleration
<br /> -� • badoccumed.However,thfsright to reinstateshaU notappIy iathecase of ac�elarationunder peragraph 17.
<br /> --- -��-� 19 Ssle o!Note;C�ge oi l.oaa Setvicer.The Nate or a patt3al interrst�a the Nota Ita$�ther with ttaisSecurity
<br /> ��; -__ tnstr�ment}�nay'be eold oae ar more simes without�rior no�ce to Borrawer.A eale may ras+�lt ia a change in the eatity .
<br /> �•�-:�:�;.�� (tmawn as the"Loaa 3ervicer")tLat collects maathlY payme�m due uad�the Note and tbis$ecurity'Instrument.T[�re
<br /> -'" �elated to a sate of the Note.Ii there is s. of t}�Loan ,
<br /> __ -� � also may be one ar mare chang�of the Loaa Servicer ��8a
<br /> .Servic�.Sorrowet v��l be given��9rittea uatice oi tha chau su accor�triar•e.wi4t►pangtaph� 14 above aad applica�ita law. .
<br /> v�
<br />--,�°�'-� Tha no�ce will state tfle n�me aad addre�.s of the aew Loau��'ces atid.ti�e address to-which payment�should be made:
<br /> --=-.�;:°a The nntice c�'ll siso oan�i�any othes iaformatiau required��licaltt�it�. �����sat.stora or release of
<br /> =- --� 20.Hsatsdoms�a8staaces. Borcower�aot��r genait tha Precen S�•.
<br /> -_=====-i any Ha�ardnug Su�c,�s on or ia the P;co 18orraWar r�a�t nai do.swr allow aapoae e2sa to do,anptWag aKecting
<br /> - R�'� .. ng
<br /> -
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