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<br /> ,�S.Hi�ttrd as Frogerty Imsuraac�.Bo.rcaWei ebatl tcag t�e improvements aow eaFstns�oz herr�ter erectod oA �
<br /> ihe Froperty insurad egainst tasa tsy fit+e.haza�s inclu+3�wittnn tRa tesm'estended co�erage and aay oi�ter fi�Zerd�
<br /> iaclvdiag floada or ftan8ing.for which I�cades�requirea iasuraaaa..This ia�eace sball be maiatai�d ia t�e emovata
<br /> . aa�far t�e pesiads"that Lender rec�uirm.TA�iasr�reace carei�pravidiag the insurance shalt.be chusen ay Bor[ower ,
<br /> - - -SOpjCC�i�LEII�z�6 a���iC13�_�.�11��L9[1�1�L�t_�f�� ,vir8i s31j8 ifi 7alfit�p:..".�::� " - -
<br /> , abovd.Leader may.at i�ender's o�tian.abtain cavtrege to pratoct Lend'ar's rigDts in t�e Ptopertji ia ecootdastce aith
<br /> �B�Fb 7_ _
<br /> • AU u�suraaoa polici�s and reuos�als sl�aaU be ac�eptabla ta�tder at�s2tait iactuda a etaadsrd m4rtgagc�tau�. .
<br /> I�ender shaU h$ve 3�e nght to hold tt�policies and reae�vata If`g.ender r�.Barmwer shalt Pro�aPSiy giva w
<br /> � I.ender aIt re�eipts of gaid preffiimoAS and reaewa!aoti�Ia tht ev�t nf I�.,Borrow�a eHalt give prompt u�tiactot�e .
<br /> . insuraax c�rder ead Leader.Leader may make proof oi l�s if uot tnsde pramptiF�Y Bosc�er. � .
<br /> ' Un1�Len�3er rm�Bnrrawer other�aisz agres iA writing,��++�rceprocaeds shalt bz applied t��toratioa or repair
<br /> of the Peopertg damagal.ii tbe rrstaratioaor repair is ecaaomicaltp le�ble aud Lende�s security is not tesseaed.Iithe
<br /> � rmtusa�as�or repnir is aot esonomicallp.fe�n'bleox IRnde�s�ciaity�routd be iessmed,the insurauca proceeds shall ba
<br /> applied La the cams ea.v�ed by this Securitp Inswmen�.whetAer or not t�sn di�with aay ezcess paid ta Bortawer.It
<br /> Bosruwer abat�ons tha Froperty.or doe�nos�r withia 30 dsys a aotico fi�oa►Lender t5at t�o instrraace c�rrrier hss
<br /> offered to settte a claim.thsn I.eader�nsy_ealleet thc iasurance praceeds.I,ender may use the pmcseds tn regsir os �
<br /> restorat�sFropertp os w pag stims e�ared 6y:tbisSecurity Iastru�ment,wLether or rmttt�en due.The 30 day periadxs'91 .
<br /> ' btg�awhenthenotiaeis�ven. ":,; . . -:-
<br /> Untess I,eadet and Bormwer a�r�3gree in Writin�anq applicatioa of praoeeds to principat shall not eatend or _
<br /> postpan�the deredateof the maa�i�F��rneatsreferr�ltv iri parag�apl�s 1 aad 2or c��e theamountof thepaymxa�i.� .
<br /> . I£uader ph 21 the Propereg�is acquired bp Lender,Borrower's right to as�p iflsur�aca policics ead proc�s .
<br /> res�tting`�$amege m the Froperty pscor to thosvqui&it€on sbal�p�ss to L�der.w the extaat�i t�e snms secured�by. � . .
<br /> tbis�ecurity I�strumeat immodiaulp psior to t�acqaisition.
<br /> (,Q�ncy.Y'reservatioa,Maiateasax�ad F r otectcon o f t t to F roperty;Bonoser's L w n App l ica t iun;
<br /> Lease�ol�9.+.Bonower sball accuPp,estsblieb.and use the Propettg ds Barro�vet's pris�.�ipe3 residenoe widua eiriy days `
<br /> after t�a raxutian of th�s Se�urity Ias�su�eat� aLall cflatia�e to occupy tt�Pcoperty�s Borroiver's:priscip�l . .
<br /> rrsden+�far at tasLvao ye�aftssths date of occupane9.unless I�der a�eer�iso agcees in writing,�hicL cur�eait shall
<br /> not ba uareasonably wlthhetd,or uaZ�ss estcauatiag cis+cumstcnoes eaist whicb are_bepond Borrower's con.tcoL Borro�ver -
<br /> shall aot d�stroy.daaiage or iaipair the Bcoperty.a11ow�r.e Propertq to deteriorat�,or commit wsste on tha Frapmrty.
<br /> � . Burra�rer�11'6e irt drfauIt i!a�y farP�turec,�tion or pr«�e�ng,Whetfier civil or cristninal.is begun that in�er's
<br /> �� goad faith�dgment could rr,sott.i�f�rfeiwre oi the Fropertp or otherwise materinitp''�mPair tho lien ereat�d&�::this
<br /> Securitq�astrument or Lmder's s�.,tirlty in�rest.Borcnwer �eq cure such a�dcieirl.�end reinstate,as prov;t;i�d it�
<br /> P�S�Fh 18► by ca�in8 tha accion or p�eeding to be disaiissed with a ruling tDst, in Lcnderra good fait�
<br /> deltermigsation,predt�s fosfeiture of the Borrcxe�s iaterest in the Prag�.,r��r or ot�er material impairmeut of the lie� . �
<br /> � cra�ted.b�t this Secur�tp Imstrnmeat or LenQer's axurity inurest.Bon+oW�5�a11 al�a be iu defiult if Borm�ver;@�
<br /> � tha Inau�iapplir.atioa prace�s,gav� matesiaU9 falsa ar inaccmau informstion us staiemmts'ta I.end�r•{os•fafi�:to. ��.:
<br /> pmvtdc�nder with eqy material inforr�nttioa)in.conaoction With the loan evitkuad by tAa Nette.iac�uding,but�u�i
<br /> timitea��t:�,rtpseaeAtations concerning Borrower'�occupaacy oi the P�operty as a prinei�,:1 r�idence.If t}us Sxurity
<br /> Inswaient is�an a teasrhold;Bomo�er sball oomgly with a11 the provisions oi the tease.Ii�oreower acquieee fa title ta .
<br /> ffie Pmpert�r..thelease�old and t�ofeatitleshaU uotmerga untess L4n&r a�ees tot3iemerger iu writing. . �
<br /> y.Psotection of Len.dar'a Ri=hta ia tho Propertg.If Borroxer ia�'Is to perlarm tho eovansnts atW�groetne�ta, '. ,' :
<br /> .co�iu this Sec�trity.Iastnimeat,os thsr�is a ta8�P�AS�t msp slg�iiirar�tly aftoct I.eader's ri�hte in the_�. � .
<br /> Proper�;.�such es a�Pzoc�iag iu �uP�Y. Pi'0�te..fcrr wnderaua�ivn or�f�"eiiute or trt eca'orc� lq�� �� -
<br /> tegutati�s)►t1�en I�eader may do and gap for xhatever is aeoes�ry to grotect the tntue o!the Propaetp ar�d Lesder s . �.t.
<br /> � ` rig�ts� the PY�ppe4tp.lender's actions msy:iac�;.�1xYiag any�uma scciued isy •liea�eluoh hae pnonty over this ..
<br /> '' Se��m��Y�steutncnt,app�rin�in court.P�Y�B cemonable attoraeys'fa#sstd entenn�on tLe Property to yriake,cepiirs. :' �
<br /> �� . •Altix�u�;�'1.�er may talce sction under thia ParegrePB T,Leadrr daes a��ave to do� � •
<br /> ��k�s�aaiounAS disbw�sod by Lender under this pnragra�3k 7�HaU bocome addition�l debt of I3orro�eer exurad hy this
<br /> Soc�t�:instrumen�Ualtas Bamower and I�des egcee to other terms oi gsyment�the�o amounts shall t�ar iaterast
<br /> °�- . frosn t�nno d�te of aisbursement at t�e Note rate an8 eha11 be peyabls,with iateress,upoa notice 7roaY iender to BorrowCr , : -
<br /> �n$PaYmen� . . , . ..
<br /> . � � �.:Mortp=e Iaanraace.If I.�nder requited ma�tgage iasutsna as a condation of m�fcing the Icsts►securod by ttis .
<br /> Sxtirit�:iasttumea4.BorcoWer sbaL4 psy tho premiums raquind to maintain the mort��e is�swuice in oftoct.It,tor aay
<br /> • ce�ccn..t�ce mortgs�s i�sutaaca c�'..�ssgo required bg Lsada�laps�a or ceases to b�ii��effe�t.BarroRer sluall pa3r the.
<br /> premitents roquired to obtaia eor�ra�a s�UstaatiaUy oquivaisnt tu the mor4g�ge insunace previonslp ir��ffect.at a a�et � .
<br /> .subsuatiaily eqinvatent to tLe cost to 8orrower of the mortgaga iasuranca pr�eviously in effacc. fmm nn alt�msto .
<br /> � Qnortgage insurer approved �y Leader. Ii�substaatiatlq eqiavalenE nmctgago insurance omve'ra�e �s mot svulabte. .
<br /> � lionam.r shali pay to L,ender each moath s sum equat to oac-twelfthai�the yearty mortgage insuraace premium ixing
<br /> paid_by Horrower�v�en the insura�ce coverage lapsed or cea�w be iq effect.L�ender will�cccpt�use and re�;the�se
<br /> payment8 aq_s los� teaerve'ia lieu o2 mortg�ge �nsvraace. Loss.rcnerve psymenta msy no longet ba raqtiire�,
<br /> . w.ao�a �t���,,o�
<br /> �—eaa����,�.o, .,,,,o►� � . ���:�.t����
<br /> � � � ,.�. -. . � -'f r. . . _
<br /> �����1-Y�u isy ..t,.,,., n -Z ry�' .-i���-" ...,,L.-_ � �`�y�i _
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