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� ' � .. . . �, n r t I�- <br /> ... . � / ..„ - . - ' -- <br /> ...__S.f..:.i�h'n: _.. .......... . .. .. . r. ._ .' � .' . .. • . ...._ .O ,. __ <br /> . ., . 1 �� � � � <br /> .���5�-�0�923 �..,. <br /> ' 8. H�=�rdou�Met�ti�l�.Trustor eheil kaop the Property In aomplinnco wlth olt Appticnbto lawa,ordinuncoa und�opulntlono <br /> ro�ating to Industrlel hygleno or nnvironmontal protaCtlon(colloctivoly roforred to horoln aa"Envlronmentai Laws"),Truotor ahail : <br /> " koop the Froperty lree Irom all aubetances deemed to be haierdou�cr toxlc undar any Environmentat Lawa(coi�eative►y referred to <br /> � heroln es"Haierdous Materia�s"�.Truetor hereby warrents ana :apreaonte to Lender that there are no Hazardous Meteriats on or . <br /> under tt►e Properry.Truetor hereby agrees to indomnity and hold hermleas Lender,tts dlreators,offlaera,employees and agenW,and <br /> any auaceasora to Lender's Intereat from and agai�et any end ali olalms,damagea,loases and IlabtllUes arlsing In conneotion with � �„ <br /> ,� the presenGe,uae,diapoeal or transpoR of any Ha=ardouo Meteriaie on,under,from or about the Property.THE FOiiE(i0�N0 ., <br /> WARRANTIES AND REPRESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'S OBUOATIONS PURSUANT TO THE FOREQOIN(i{NDEMNITY,�HALL <br /> " SURVNE RgCONVEYANCE UF TNIS OE�O UF 1'HUS1. <br /> • �°� 10. Asatpnmtnt ef R�nb.T�uetor hereby asaigns to Lender the rente,Issuea and profits ot the PropeAy;provtded that Truator <br /> '� ehall,untll the oacurrence oi an Hvent of Oetault hereunder,have the rlpht to colleat and retaln suoh renta,lasuea and protita as they . �.> <br /> become due and payabie.Upon the occurrence of an Event ot Oetauit,L9nder may,either in person or by agent,wlth or wlthout <br />� brtngtng any aatlon or proceedinQ,or by a receiver appolnted by a court and without regard ta the adequaay of its aecurity,enter � , <br /> � upon and take possession ot the Property,or any ps�t thereot in ite own name or in the name oi the Trustee,and do any acts which it <br /> deems necessary or dealrabio to preserve the value,marketability or�entabitlty ot the Propertyr.or a.ny paR thereof or interest therein, , . <br /> Increase the�ncome theretrom�r protect the seauriry hereof and.wlth or without teki�g possesslon ot the Property,eue tor or a <br /> otherwise coltect the renta,Isaues and prafita thereoi,including thoae past due and unpaid,end apply the same.Iess costs and . <br />; „ • expenses of operadon and oollecUon inciudfng attorneys'feea,upo�eny indebtednesa secured hereby,aii in such order as Lender <br />, .��.�; may determine.The entering upo�and taktng possession of the Property,the collection of such rente,iseues and profite and the . <br /> applicaUon thereof as aforesaid.ahali not cure or walve any detautt or noUce of delautt hereunder or invalidate any act done in <br /> � response to such detauit or purauent to suah noUce ot detauitand,notwlthstanding theaonUnuance in possessfon of the Properly or <br /> the collecdon,receipt and application of rents,isauea or proflte,and T�ustee and Lender shall be entlUed to exercise svery right .. ,r,�„>• - <br /> ' providedfo�inanyoftheLoanOocumentaorbylawuponxcurrenceotanyEventot0efault,includfngerithoutlimitaUantherightto ..; � <br />- exercise the power o f sa�e.Furt her,L en der's r i g h t s a n d r e m e d i e a u�d e r this para gra ph sfiali be cumuiative with,and in no way a � • ., <br /> � limftation o�,Lender's rightsand remedles underanyassignme�toi�easesand rents recorded againstthe Properly.Lender,Trustee . <br />�, • and the receiver shall be Ilable to account oniy thoss rents actually recsived. • . <br /> � 11. Evsnb ot Defauif.The tollowing ahall constitute an Event ot Default under thls Deed of Trust • � <br />.`,•• ° � ' (ay Faiiure to pay any f�atallment of princlpai or intereet of any other aum secured heroby when due; , � � •y"; <br />" .,,,,�'.. (b) AbreschotordefauttunderanyprovisioncontainedlntheMot�,thlsOeedotTrust,anyottheLoanDocumenta,orany ��; <br /> other Iien or encumbrence upon thQ Qroperty; ��.� •r <br /> � . � �:�`��; (o) A writ of execuUon or ettachment or any aimilar proceso ehall be entered against Truator which shali become a Ilen on i �, <br /> ;,, � �• •...,,�•3r«• the Property or any portlon thereoi or Interest therein: . -.- <br /> ' (d) There sheli be tlled by or againet trustor or Borrower an action under any preaent or future federal,atate or other ;� � <br /> _.,,, . <br /> !.;' <•.;, statute,law or regulation retatlng to bankruptcy,tnsolvency or other relief tor debtors;or there shail be appoi�ted any trustee, j ��': <br /> ' �� recelver or iiquidator of Trustor or 8orrower or of ali or any peft of the Properiy,or the renta,lasues or profita thereof,or Trustor + ��i 1 � . <br /> �.��``,. or 8orzowar ehnii nafie any$esss:at a�ignm�nt tor the ts�ne!!t ot�+editorA; _ i; = p� ��� - <br /> . (e)The,eate,transter,tease,asstgnment,aonveyence or further encumbrance ot eil or eny pan of or any interest in the , r' �1. <br /> - • Property,elther v0luntarlly or involuntarily,without the expreas written conaent of Le�der, provided that 1�ustor shall be ;`" ' ��� •;� ; <br /> „ �.. " .. �� permitted to execute a lease of the Property that does not contaln an option to purchase a�d the term ot which does not exceed ,,, � <br /> , one yAar,' ,. ,.+ •. <br /> , . (Q Abandonment oi the Property;or ��"�` , <br /> , (g) If Trustor Is not an individual,tho issuance,sa�e,transfer,esslgnment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than a total <br /> ,, <br /> � of.r+.Percent of(it a corporatton)iffi lesued and outstanding stook or(If a partnership�a totai of percent ot y�;�,;.' � �. <br /> ' � pArtnerehip Interests ddring the period this Deed ot Truat remalns a Ilen on the Property. . . <br /> � � 12.R�mRdia:Aec�l�atton Upon DNaulf.In the event ot any Event at Oetauit Lender may,without notice exaept es required by „ ; <br /> � law,deata�e alt Indebtednese secured hereby to be due and peyaae and the same shali thereupon become due and payable • . � <br /> " �, ' arlthout any presentment,demand,p�otest or nottce of any kind.Thereafter Lender may: " �, <br /> • �� (a)Demand that Truatee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Truatee ahatl thereatter cause Trustor's '_ 1 <br /> � � � Inierest U the Propery to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,att In the manner provided In the Nebraeka Tru3t Deeds • . ..�' � <br /> � ACk �� �,. <br /> , �� (by ExerciseanyandatlrlghtsprovidedtorinanyottheLoanDocumentoorbylawuponoccur►enceofanyE�rentofDetauit; , . <br /> •:, .. ' ' <br /> , 8nd • - •:�.�� <br /> ' � � (c)Commence an acUon to foreclose this Deed of Truatea a mortgage,appoln4 a recetver,or apeciticatly entorce any of the s��=__• <br /> covenanta hereot. � <br /> : � � No remedy herein conierred upon or reserved to Trustee or Lender Is intended to be exclusive of any other remecfy hereln,in the , �.�, <br /> Loan Documents or by law provlded or permitted,but each ahalt be cumutative,shalt be In addttion to every other remedy given <br /> " •� hereunder,in the Loan Dacuments or now or hereafter existing at law or ln equity or by statute,und may be exercised cortcurrently, _ �;,,�.-'? <br /> _ -_- . ,. ,.::...c., Independentiyoreuccesatvety. - - ` <br />_ �, 13.Tru�tss.The Trustee may resign at any tima without cause, end Lender may at any time and without cause appoint a �'" <br />- � succesaor o�aubsUtute Truatee.TruBtee ahelt not be Ilable to any party,including without IlmitaUon Lender,Borrower.Truator or any <br /> � purchaee�ot tNe Property,tor any toss or damage uMesa due to reckless or wiliful mlaconduat,and sha��not be requlred to ffike any � , <br /> � ection In connection with the entorcement ot this Deed of Trust unlesa Indemnitled,in wrlting,tor atl costs,compersastlon or . <br /> ' expenaes which may be essoctated therewith.In addltion,Trustee may become a purchaser at any eale of the Property(judiciat or . <br /> ' under the power ot sale granted herein);postpone the sale of all or any portlon of the Property,as provided by law;or se��the <br /> , Properly ea a whoie,or in separate parcols or Iota at Truffiee's discretlon. <br /> - 14. Fet�artd F�cp�n�.in the event Trustee sells the Property by exerclae ot power ot sale,Tcustee sha�t be entfUed to app�y <br /> - � any ea�e prxeeds flrat to payment o}aIi costs and expenses oi exercisfng power ot sale,Inciuding all Trustee's fees,and Lenders . . <br />=_ 1, and T►ustee's attorney's fees,aatualty Inaurred to extent permitted byappticable the event 8orrower o�Truator exercises any „ , <br />-' . , �ight provided by law to oure an Event of Oetault,lender shati be entftied to recover from Trustor all costs and expenaes aotually <br /> , � incurred as a result of Trustor'e defau��includfng without Ifmitatton a�l Truatee's and attorney's tees,to the extent permitted by <br /> ePPlicabte law. . <br /> � tb. Future Advt�nces.Upon roquest of Borrower,Lender may,at its option,make additionai ar+d future advancea end re- <br /> " advances to Borrower.Such advancea and readvancea,with i nterealthereon,shali be secured by thla Deed ot Trust,At no time ehall , <br /> • the prinalpel amount of the Indebtedness secured by thts Deed of Truat,����n�ms advanced to protect the security oi thls <br />,� Deed ot Trust,exceed the orlgina� principal amount atated herein,or$ whichever Is greater. <br /> _ __ - it�. ihi�aeiieneous,i:. -- -" - - <br /> ' � (a)Bor►o�ver Not Releatsd.Extensfon of the tlme tor paymeM or modtflcatlon of amortlzatlon ot the suma secured by thls <br />" • Deed of Trust granted by Lender to any succesaor In Interoat of 8orrower ehall not ope►ate to re�ease,ln any manner,the Ifabfllty • <br /> -_ � of the orfglnal8orrower and Borrower's successors In fnteres4 Lender shall not be requlred to commence prxeedings agalnat <br />-° ' euch auccessor or retuse to extend dme tor paymont or otherwise modiy amortlzation of the sums secured by thla Oosd ot Trust <br /> � • by reason of any demands made by the orlginal 8orrower and Borrower's successors In Interest <br />'a (b)l.ender•a Powen.Wlthout aftecting the Ilablllty of any other person tlable for the payment ot any obltgatlon hereln <br /> - • � mentioned,and wlthout aHecting the Ilen or charge ot 1hls Oeed of Truat upon any portlon of the Property not then ortheretotore <br /> �� � r�lessed as securlty for the tull amount ot alI unpatd cbllgatlona,Lender may.trom ttme to tlme and wlthout noUce(i)release any <br /> - <br />