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<br /> (a) ForD�annc�by L�nd�r Not a Wl�iv�r.Any torboarance by Lender In oxorclatng any rlght or romody horoundor,or
<br /> • otherwise aNctded by appliceble Isw,shatt not be a walver of or prectude the exercise�af any euch right or romody.Tho ,
<br /> � proaurement of Insurenae or the payment ot taxes or other Ileno or oharges by Lender shall not be a welver ot Lender'e�ight ta
<br /> -- acceterate the msturity ot tha Indebtednesa seaured by thia Oeed ot Trust
<br /> � (d)Suca��tora and Aatpn�Bound;Jotnt and 8w�nt Uabillt�r;C�ptlons.The covonants and agreements heretn aon-
<br /> � ; tained shall bind,and the rights hereunder sheil inure to,the respeative eucaeasore and asslgns oi Lender and Truetor.All
<br /> covenante and agreementa of Truatar ehail be jotnt and aeveral.The ceptions und headinge of the paragraphs of thle Deed of
<br /> Truet ere br convenlence oniy and ere not to be used to Interpret or define the provlsiona hereof.
<br /> . � ,;,�____.�. (e) Rrqu��ttor No�ica.The paRfea heri;h��Deed o}7rust�at the address set/ortht bove in the menneap�eaar bediby ��
<br /> --�-�•r of sate hereunder be meiled to each parly
<br /> � �:,. applicable law.Except for any other notice requ!red under eppllaabie law to be given in another manner.any noUca provlded
<br /> � tor in this Deed of Trust shali be glven by malling such nadce by certiffed matl eddressed to the other partlea,at the addresa eot
<br /> � torth above.Any noUce provtded for in this D e e d o f Trus t s ha l l b e e H e c t i v e u p on mallin g in the manner deai gneted herein.lt
<br /> ' � Truator is more than one person,notice sent to the address set foAh above ehail be notice w eli such per8ona.
<br /> ' (�I�tp�cUoo.Lender may make or oauae to be mede reasonable entriea upon end Inspections of the Praperty,provided
<br /> that Lender sheil give T�uator notice prior to any auah Inspeadon speolying reasonable causo therefor related to Lender's
<br /> - interest ln the Properry. •
<br /> �� (g) R�conr�yane�.Upon payment ot ait aums securad by thla Deed of Truat,Lendar shall request Trurstee to�econvey the
<br /> Property and ahall surrender thls Doed otTrust and aii notes evidenaing Indebtedness seoured by thta Oeed of Trost to Truatee.
<br /> �. � �• T�uatee ahaii reaomey the Property wlthout warranty and wlthout aharge to the person or persons�egally endued thereto.
<br /> - • Truetor shalt pay aU costa of recordadon,If any. .
<br /> ' {h) Pereonel P�op�ryt;�euHq Agntmen�Ae addlUonal aeourity for the payment ot the Note,Truetor hereby grants
<br /> Y��"; Lender under the Nebraeka Unitorm Commercial Code a aeeuriry interest In alt flxtures,equipment,artd other personat property
<br /> ��. ".,+;`�;�;: used in conneollon with the real eatate or improvements loceted tf�ereon,and not otherwise dectared ordeemed to be a part o}
<br /> i;. ;,: � the real estate secured hereby.Thla Instrument ahatl be construed as a 8eaurity Agreement under eaid Code.and the Lender _
<br /> °�k'����' ahalt haveetl the�ights aad�emedles of a seoured party under said Gode in addltion to the rights and remedies created under •;'
<br /> t'`' 'ti��' �' and accorded the Lende�purauant to thie Ceed of Trusx p�ovided that Lender's rtgh4se�d remediea under this paragraph shait
<br /> `,r,;?r,','' ' ' +�!i
<br /> . • be cumu�ative with,and in no way a Iimitatlan on,Leoda►'s riflhts and remedies under any other seaurity egreement stgned by
<br /> ' � 8orrower or 7niator. �`
<br /> _ .!�,;�: � fr
<br /> �,,, (i)Lien�and Bncum6rances.T�ustor hereby warrants end�epreaenta that there is no deTault under the p►ovlalons at any
<br /> , moRgage,deed of trus�lease ar purohase contract deacribing ali or any paR of the Property,or other co�traot,inatrument or 4r
<br /> , ���1�;.�• agreemeM conatituUng a lien or enoumbrance against all or any par4 of the PropeAy(collectivety,"Liens'q,exisdng as of the
<br /> s ..� date Qt this Oeed ot Trust,and that any and all oxiating Uens remain unmodttied exaept as disolosed to Lender in Truatora �
<br /> ,�i • ��°:�-
<br /> ' ''� ��, wdtten disolosure ot Ilens and encumbrances provided for herein.Truator shall timety pertorm ali ot Truetor's obligsdcns, �,,,,,,,,
<br /> � ` �''I��;:'.,:��'<'� covenaate,repreaentatlo�s and warranties under any and ail existtlng and tuture Liens,shatl prompUy torward to Lender copies --`-
<br /> ,' ' ��i'",��;' of all noUces of default sent 1�aonnection with any and efl exiaUr�$ar tuturs tlers�,astd shs!!not rr!!ltos�tl..end�e�ri�r wr#i� �
<br /> `� ° �: '• ' consent in a�y manner modity the qrovisions ot or atlow any tuture advances under any exisdng or tutu�e Uena.
<br /> ` `'`:' • .��,.K Q�Appitc�Uo�W PaymMh.Unless otherwise required by law,suma paid to Lender hereunder,inaludinp wlthout IfmitaUon _
<br /> • t• paymente of pdneipai and interest,insurance proceeda,condemnation proceeds and renta and profit�.shail be appiled by
<br /> • Lender toth�amounta due and owing irom Trustor and Borrower in auch order as Lender in Its sote dfscretion deema destrebte.
<br /> ' ���' (k) S�rK�bltity.It any provision ot this Oeed ot Truet contltots with appiicabte law or la dectared lnvattd or otherw{se
<br /> ;�»•. • ' " �'` � unentorceabta,such contllat or Invatldity shail not affeat the ather provlsona ot this Deed of Tfuet or the Note which can be =-
<br /> ..L;�ir . ..• -�.*6 --
<br /> .,;.,;;;�,;-,..,„ ..�,,� �IveneNectwithouttheconfllatingprovisinn,andtothisendtheprovislonso}thisOeedoiTruetandtheNotea►edeotaredtobe
<br /> �:.,,...:.,.=•.,-+�,d � � aeverable. �� „ „ ----
<br /> _ ��,�w; ,. ,� � (1)Tinns.The terms TrustoP'and Borrower ahatl Inalude both eingutar and plurat,end when the Truator artd Borrower __
<br /> . ... . '• �,
<br /> are the seme psrson(e),those terms ae u8ed in this Oeed of Trust BhaU be interchanqeable. _�'�-
<br /> (m) tiov�mfnp Law.Thfa Oeed of Trust ahati be goveme�!by the laws ot the 8tete of Nebraeka. _,_._
<br /> y'�� ��':� Tn�stor hae oxeauted thla Deed of Trust ae ot the date w�itten aboXe. =
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