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<br /> „ � IDE�D OF TRUST WITH FIJTURE A01VAlVCES I�6.'�-5' 1����3 '
<br /> lTHIS DEED OF TRUST,la made es of the 2.18�.day of ���� , ,tg�,by and amonp .,.
<br /> � the Truator, � '
<br /> whose met�ing addresa ts 1207 S Sylvan St Iirend Ialand�hereln"Tr��r,6���he��T��or more), , .
<br />� � � the Trustea. Fi va PniRtB RBnit�B Nwhra�►kg�er�nrnt i en — ' .. � .
<br /> P.0. Box 1Sg17 6rand Islond. tiE 68802 (hereln"Truatee'�,and
<br /> whose malling addresa�s ,
<br /> the Beneflaiary, Five Pointe Bank � �
<br /> whoae malUng addross Is 2015 Pl Broadvell tirend Ialsnd. IiE_. 68B02-iS07 (herein'•Lender'�. ' •
<br />' � ank M lleiater •.
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDERATION,Inciuding Lender'e extenston oi crodit tdentl9ed herein f
<br /> d� Donna J Meieter (hereln"Borrower",whether one or more)and the trust hereln created,
<br /> the reaeipt oi whlch Is hereby acknowledged, Trustor hereby ir�evocebly granta, transfere, conveys and assigns to Trustea,IN
<br /> � TRUST,WITH POWEFi OF SALB,tor the beneflt and securlty at Lender,under and su b�ect to the terms and condltiona herefnatter set ��
<br /> torth,the rea�properly,deseribed as foliowe:
<br /> Together with ail buiidinga,improvemente,fixtures,atreete,alieys,passageways,easementa,rfghta,privileges and appurte- �
<br /> nances located thereun or in anywise pertalning thereto,and the rents,Issues and protits,raveralo�s and remainders thereof,and . .,
<br /> � � suoh personai property that is attaohed to the improvements so as to aonatitute a fixlura,Inaluding,but not Iimited to,headng and -:��:"y,y
<br /> cooling equlpm�nk and together with the homestead or maritat Interests,If any,which Interests are hereby released and waived:all �'���?•`,,•s
<br /> �'' ot whlah,inoluding repiaaements and additians thereto,la heceby declared to be a part ot tho reai estate seaured b the Ilen of thls ° ;, ����r���,n;`t,
<br /> y s,,.�:.;,•
<br /> ' Deed ot Trust and ail of the toregotng being referred to heroin as the"PropeRy". . ����',+�'"'�—
<br /> � 7his Ceed of Trust ahatt aecure(a)the payment oi the principal sum and interest evidenced by a promissory note or aredR •�+��":
<br /> JulY 20th 1996 �'� i���;..
<br /> e r�.;
<br /> ' • agreament dated Jul►L,21et 1995 ,having a maturlty dateof � � "�� '!•��1� �' �.
<br /> ��� .� o• ;�:,�'�i!���
<br /> ,s,`:•!:� "— in the originaf principai amount oi$ �0,000-00 ,and sny and c3ll m�if�r.atlona,extensions and�enewats ��'.:'•fi� ;{�� ?;f;; s.. _
<br /> ' � W~ thereof or thereto and any and aU future adva�ces and readvancea to Borrower(or an of them If more than one)hereunder ,r y �; r
<br /> i�i : �'l�,�,� y '��`:,
<br /> ��, -.-p� ���, �i�; ;��
<br /> ; �,�.,,;,,.:' � � ;,� pursuant to one or more promleaory notes or o�edit agreements(herein cailed"Note�;(b)the payment ot other sums advanced by • { � �'
<br /> �;�. Lender to protect the security of the Note;(c)the pertormance of at!covenants and agreements ot 7ruetor set forth horeln;and(d)all •$'- �.��txi;�
<br /> .. p r e s e n t a n d f u t u r e i n d e b t e dneas and obll geUona of Borrower(or any of them if more than one)to Lender wt�ether direat,indirect
<br /> absolute or contingent and whether arfsing by note,guaranty,overdraft or othervrise.The Note,t h is D e e d o t Tru a t a n d s n y a n d a l l °�� ;�.� ' •! ,
<br /> other docuents thet secure the Note or otherw fse execu t o d in conn e c t i o n th erewith. inaludin g wlthout Ilmiterion guarantees,security � �
<br /> agreoments and assignments of teases and renta.ahatl be reterred to herein as the"Loan Documents". ,. 1�.
<br /> ' .. .. Truato�covenenta and agrees with lende�as foliows: ••�~ +�
<br /> 1. ParmQOt of Indebbdnsss.Ail indeb�edness secured hereby sheil be pald when due. i
<br /> 2. TlNe.Truetor ia the owner ot the Property,has the�ight and authority W convey the Property.and warranta that the ilen =
<br /> � created hereby Is a flrst and prior Ilen on the Property,except tor Nens and encumbrancea set forth by Truator In writing and _
<br /> delivered to Lender before execution of this Oeed of Trus�and the exeautlon and deuvery of thls Oeed of Truet does not vlolata eny 4# �•:•
<br /> conVact or other ol�tigedon to which Trustor is subJeat _ "��'- -
<br /> � 3. T�xee,Asassmtnb.To pay betore detinquenay ali taxes,epeolat asaesamente and all other charges agafnat the Property „ '..r �
<br /> ,�
<br /> ' ° " now or hereafter Ievied. • �
<br /> 4. Insurane�.To keep the Property Insured agafnst damage by flre,hesards included withln the term"extended coverage",and ��
<br /> •• such other hazgrds as Lender may requlre,In amounte and wlth aompanies acceptabie to Lender.naming Lender as an edditional -
<br /> • named Insured,with Ioas payabte to the Lender.in case ot loss under such policles,the lender!s author►zed to adjuaL collect and . _Y_
<br /> • compramtse,ati ciaims thoreunder and shall have the optlon ot applying aIi or partotthe insurance prxeeds tq to any indebtedness � '
<br /> ��'� secured hereby and fn auch arder as Lender may determine,(II)to the Trustor to be uaed for the repalr or restoraUon of the Property '''�-•�-
<br /> ' or(Ily for any other purpose or object sadsfactory to Lender without affectlng the Ilev�otthla D e e d o t Trus t tor the fuli amount secured
<br /> _ ,: hereby betore suoh payment ever took ptace.Any appllcallon oi proceeds to indobtedneas ahall not extend or postpone the due � ±r'��.-'
<br /> .. ' '.
<br /> ° � date at any paymenta under the Note,or cure any default thereunder or hereunder. •�'�"°
<br /> � '� ' 6. Etcrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shail pay to Lender,in sud►manner as Lender may designate,sutfiaient '` � --� -
<br />-" " � sums to enabie Lender to pay as they become due one or more of the tolMwing:(I)alitexea,asaessmenta and other chargea against �
<br /> ' the Property,(if)the premiuma on the propery Ineurance required hereunder.and pll) the premfuma on any mortgaga insurance
<br /> - required by Lender.
<br /> �_ 8. MAinttaanoe.R�paln and Compllene�witM Laws.Trustor ahalt keep the Property in good conditlon and repair,shati
<br /> ,, " promptiy repair,or rep�ace any Improvernent which may be damaged or destroyed: ahalt not commit or permit eny waste or -
<br /> = " deterioratlon of the Property;shali not remove,demotlsh or aubstentially aiter any d the Improvements on the Property;shal�not
<br /> ��� ' commit,suffer or permlt any act to ba done In or upon the Property In violadon of any law.ordinence,or reguladon;and ahall pay and
<br /> y, . prompUy discharge at Yruator's cost and expense all Ilena,encumbrances and charges Ievled,Imposed or asseasied agalnst the
<br /> :� Property or any part thereof.
<br /> 7. Eminent Da�natn.Lender la hereby aesigned all compensatlon,awards,damages and other payments or relfef(herelnafter
<br /> "Proceeda'7 in connecdon with condemnaUon or other tektng ot the Property or part thereof,or for conveyance in Ileu otcondomna- .
<br /> tion.ILender ahall be entiUed at Its opGon to commence,appear in and proaecute in Its own name any action or procesdings,and
<br /> �.• shali also be entitled to make any compromise or seltlement In connectlon wlth euch taking or damage.In the event any porHon of
<br /> � the Property Ia so taken or damaged,Lender shait have the optlon,in Its�ole and absolute dlacretlon,to eppiy all auch Proceeds, , .
<br /> _;. aiter deducting theretrom all coata and expensea incurred by It in conneatlon with such Proceeds,upon any indebtedness seaured .
<br /> ,}� hereby and In sunh order ae Lender may determine,or to apply a�t such ProCeeds,efter euch deduc4tona,to the restoratlon of the
<br /> --_.,_ _. _._.-_ . ... . . . . .." '_'.'__u'_.i���an�..��.�...1..ael.�eA..me oAnll nnf mdonAAf flA4lmflA _. _ -.,,...,�_
<br /> T _ _ , Properry upon aucn conainons as�enaer rney aocer�,����o...��r aMM���...,�....�...wwo...�...............�_.._....-'-'°-' -- �--�.
<br /> i� the due date of eny paymenta under the Note.or cure any default thereunder or hereunder.Any unepplled tunCS shail be paid to , "„ .,
<br />_° • Truator.
<br /> - �'��` ' � 8. Pertortnancs by Lend�r.Upon the occurrence ot an Event of Detauit hereunder,or it any act is taken or legal proceeding
<br /> '� � commenced which materlaily aHects Lender's intereat In the Properry,Lender may In Ita own disoretlon,but without obligation to do
<br /> �' so,and without notice to or demand upon Trustor snd without releasing Truator trom any obllgarion,do any act which Truabr has
<br /> agreed but falis to do and may aiso do any other act it deema necessery to protectthe securlty hereot.Trustor ahall,Immedfatoty
<br /> � upon demand therefor by l.ender,pay to Lender a�t costs and exponses Incurred and euma expended by Lender In conneotion with ,
<br /> � `'`�� the exercise by Lender of the toregoing righte.together with Interest thereon at the deta�ll rate provlded in the Note,whlch ahall be . �
<br /> :� added to the Indebtedness aecured hereby. Lender aha�l not incur any Ilablllty beceuse of anything it may do or omlt to do ,
<br /> � hereunder. . -
<br /> -:�
<br /> � ..
<br /> ,�
<br /> �F _.. . ..... ......
<br /> ti_ .. ... . .."'"_" "'""_'--' .. ..._ ...
<br /> � . .� .. _. . ' � . . . _. . .. _...__ . .
<br />