• � ".'1'.i.^� . ' .
<br /> �S .
<br /> . 'l. . ' r. � • •� ' .. . �l• _ �.'F .. . � .
<br /> . - . . .. '� , ' �
<br /> r.ay,_ • .�
<br /> . �
<br /> ��
<br /> • �__.,__.���_......_..... . . .. .... .. ......_._.---.._ ...----�---�----.-._... ___--___ .. .. .. _ .. . . .... _...__.. ,�.. .
<br /> .. g�� 1�4��� .
<br /> . - ,
<br /> 9. Haserdout Matsdale.Trustor sheli keop the Property In compliance with ati applleabie Iawa,ordinancea and regulatlo�8
<br /> ' reladng to tndustrisl hyglene or envlronmentat proteatlon(cdlaotively referred to hereln as"Environmentel Laws").T►uator ahali
<br /> keep the Properly free from a�t aubstancea deemed to be hezardvus or toxia under any Envlronmentel Lawa(aoileatively relerred to
<br /> •� ' herein es"Hazardous Mate►lats").Trusto�hereby warrante and �epreaenta to Lender that there are no He=ardous Materials an or • ���
<br /> under tho Properly.Trustor hereby agrees to Indemnity and hold hermtess Lender,lta dlreotors,oHtoers,emp�oyees end aAents,and
<br /> . " eny succos8ors to Lender's interest,from and egalnst any and a II claims,damages,losaes end Itabi�ities arising In conneoUon with ..
<br /> ihe preaence, use, dlsposai or uansport oi any Hazerdous Materlats on. under,irom or about the Properry.THE FOREDOINti �
<br /> � 10.Auipnmmt ot R�nb.Truator hereby aesigns to Lender the rente,Issues and proflts of the Proper4y;pro�ided that Trustor ;•
<br /> � � ehall,uodl the occurrenee ot an Event of DetauN hereunder,hava the right to colioet end retain suah rents,iseues and protits aelhey
<br /> become due and payab�e.Upon the occurrenae ot an Event ot Defauit,Lender may,either In pereon or by agent,wHh or without
<br /> bringing any actlon or proceeding,or by a receiver appointed by a court and without regard to the adequacy ot Ita aeaurlty,enter •
<br /> upon and take poaseaston of tha Property,or any part thereoi.ln itaown name or in the name of the Truatea,and do any aata whloh It
<br /> deema nec:essary or desiracle to preservA the vatue,marketah�llty or renmbiiity of the Property,or any part ihereotor tnteresttherefn, ,.
<br /> Increase the(ncome therefrom or protect the security hereol ard,wlth or without taking possesalon of the Property.sue for or ..
<br /> � otherwiae cotlect the rents,issues and protits thereoi,including those past due end unpatd,and appty the eame,less coste a�d
<br /> • expensea ot operetion and collecUon inoluding attorneys'teea,upon any Indabtednesa seaured hereby,all in such order es Lender •
<br /> , may determine.The ent�rfng upo}�and taking possessfon of th�Property,the cal�ecUon ot such�enta,issues and profits and the
<br /> applicatlon thereof as atoresatd,ehali not cure or weive any detautt or noUce of detault hereunder or tnvalidate any aat done in ,;:,,
<br /> . rosponeeto suchdetault or pu►euant to suoh notice of defauit and,notwlthstanding the conUnuance fn possessian of the PropeAy or f;;;;;;:,
<br />�� � � the aoileotion,receipt and appllcaUon ot renta.lesues or protits,and Trustea and Lender shalt ba entided to exercise every right ,�:}
<br />- . ' .: ..4? ,�;�,.,, .
<br /> providadtor ir.anyof theLoan 0ocuments or by law upon ocaurr�nce of any Eventof Default,including without Umitation the rlght to ,. ,,.,-,�
<br /> ' exercise the powar af saie.Further,Lender's nghts ana remeaias under this paragreph ai�a{{be cumutativa wlw�,and In r.way a `'-�`•
<br /> Ilmitationon,Lander's righte and remedies under any assfgnmentof leases and rentcs recorded against the Properly.Lender,Tn�atee , ,
<br /> � and the receive�ehall be tiable to account only those rents actu�liy received. "
<br /> 11.EveMS oi Defaul�Tha lollowing shali constitute a�Ev�nt of Default under thla Deed of'frust
<br /> .,-;,, . � �� (a) Failure to pay any Instatiment of principal or interastof any other sum secured hereby when due; :•,:,
<br /> ' '��:�' •�• ± (b) Abreachofordefaultunderanyprovlsionconta�nedintheNote,thisDeedof7ruat,anyoftheLoanOocumente,orany ':•`"'; �
<br /> ; �,�,.;�.; .,�.',..
<br /> �.'; ather lien or encumbrence upon the PropeRV:
<br /> '�'; �c)A wdtof exeoution or attachment or any almilar pr�ceas shall be entered agalnat Trustor which shait become a Iien on �,. ;
<br /> . • the Property or any poRlon thereof or interest therefn; • . .
<br /> ., . -� (d)There shell be ifled by or agalnst Truator or Borrower an action under any present or tuture federal.etate or other ,:;�;�� • _.
<br /> � sffitute,Iaw or�egulation relating M bankruptcq,insoivency or other rellef tor debtors;or there ehall be appolnted any truatee, a ��;};' ;`
<br /> receiver o�iiquidator oi=runtur ur Sar►�ower or ai ail ar any pari a!ths!'rapsrty,ar the rea!°,!39!!E9 4�p14T1131h8f9Qt,Qr Truato► `�•
<br /> . :�.:,; �z�..;?, �I
<br /> or Borrower shali make any generel assignment for the be r�eAt of creditors; ,,•.�,.�.
<br /> � }` (e)The,saie,transter.Iease,aesignment,conveya�ce a funher encumbrance of ali or any part of or any Interest N the . .;,� • :
<br /> • Property, oither voiuntarity or Invoiu�tarity,without the express written consent ot Lender, provided that Trustor ehell be J .••
<br /> ,{:,:;+, permttted toexecute a lease oithe Properly that does notccntefn an optlon to purchase and the term ot which does�ot exceed a'�• �•:
<br /> � ��� ` one year, ' •'����
<br /> 14 ','' �,.
<br /> ��'t;+ (�Abandonment of tha Property;or F,;;::�+:�' :"
<br /> .,, , (g� If Truator is not an individuai,the lesuance,saie,traneler,assl nment,ccnve ance or encumbranae cf more than atotel t•>:;'�f�), ,
<br /> 9 Y �+•:�.,
<br /> . � `k����:'..?:
<br /> of.�._._percent ot(If a corporatlon)fts Issued and o�otemnding stock or(if a partnership)a totai of percent ot �� :
<br /> , ' • ,�: �,:.
<br /> �� - ° • ' pertnerehip Interests dJr{ng the perlod th{a Oeed of Truat remains a IEen on the Property. r�
<br /> 'i.7,:,. ..,
<br /> " . 12.Rem�dte�;Aeeettratton Upon Detaulf.In the event of any Event of Oefault Lender may.without natice except as required by .<:;,� -�
<br /> �� Ip�v,deciare all indebtedness secured hereby to fre due and payable and the seme sha�i thereupon become due and payable '�•�:;;
<br /> . �: without any presentmen�demand,protest or notica of any kind.Thereaiter Lender may. -��
<br /> - . .� ,�'.'�,M
<br /> (a)Oemend that Truatee exoraise the POWER OF SALE granted hereln,and Trustee ahali thereafter cauae Truetor's ,.,.�.�;.
<br /> � ' intereat in the Properly to be aold and the prxeeds to be dietrlbuted.all in the mannar provided in the Nebraske Truet Oeeda .�:;.�,�.:.
<br /> '� " • AoC ,..�,..-..;_
<br /> , <�•- , .
<br /> ' • (b) Exerciseanyandalirightsprovldedforinenyofthe LoanDxumentsorbylawuponoccurrenceofanyEventotQofaul� 7Y�;;;:.,,,,.
<br /> .. . and •.�;�;.�--�
<br /> . ,..,.,
<br /> ' (o)Commence an actlon to foreclose thls Deed ot Trustas a mortgage,eppolnt a recetver,or specfficelly e»force anyot the .,`;•;s�{�x,�`
<br /> ' covenants hereoL •��` ___-v
<br /> ` . �. No remedy hereln conferred upon or reserved to Trustee o�Le nder Ia Intended to be exclusive of any other remedy hereln,In the .�
<br /> Losn Dxumente or by law provided or permitted,but each ahall be cumuletive,shail be in eddition to every other remedy given ,.h:,,_,
<br /> -°'•° �• ---•°'=-- h�rnunder,intheLoanOocumentsornoworhereattorexistingatiaworinequityorbyatatute.endrt�aybeexercisedconcuaently, • ��R��-��
<br /> .r.,.,.
<br /> ,F:.,. . � :�,;��: ••'.;
<br /> ;,,.,:: „ Independentty orsuccessivety. �_�'
<br /> � 13.Trutte�.The Trustee may reaign at eny time�vithout ceuse,and Lender may at any rime and without cause appolnt e `�;;:;:�;: •�, -
<br /> �• � " . successor or subatitute Trustee.Trustee ahalt not be ilabte to any parly,Inciuding without�Imitatlon Lender,Borrower,Truatora any � �
<br /> :.. � purchaser ot tne Property,tor any Ioss or damage uniess dueto reckless or witliul misconduct,and shatl not be required to take any
<br /> � acGon In connecUon with the entorcement of this Deed ot T�uat unleas Indomniffed, In wriUng,tor all coste,compensatbn or
<br /> . " �� expensea which may be assoclated therewith.ln addlGon,Trostee may become e purchaser at any saie ot the Property Qudicfal or
<br /> .�•'� ?•• under the power of sa�e granted hereln);postpone the sale of ali or any portton ot the P�operry,es provided by law;or sell the ��' '
<br /> ''�;`° � • . Properiy as a whote,or In eeparate parcels or tots at Trustee's dlacretion. ��; °
<br /> ' 14.Fess and Facpenfei.ln the event Trustee se�is the Property by exercise ot power ot sate,Truetee ahall be entitied to apply ..
<br /> any saie proceeds iirat to payment ot all costs end expenaea of exercfaing power ot sele,Includfng all Trustee's tees,end Lend�r'e . .
<br /> `•,..� a�d Truatee's a8orn�y's teea,actuelly Incurred to extent permitted by applicabte law.U the event Borrower or Trustor exerclses arry . •
<br /> ,;.. right provided by taw to cure en Event of Oefau�t,Lender ahall be entlNed to recover irom Trustor all coate and expenses accustly
<br /> `:��. � Incurred as a result of Truator's defaul� Including wlthout Nm itetlon ell Trustee's and attorney's teee,to the extent permitted by ..
<br /> a�pOcabte taw. �
<br />- 1S.Futurs Advances.Upon request of Borrower. Lender may,at its optlon, make additlonal and tuture advances and re•
<br /> advances to Borrower.Such advancea and roadvancea,with Interest therean,ahall be secured by thia Deed of Truat At no Ume Bheli
<br />` " the principal anwunt ot the tndebtedness aecured by thta Deed d Trust,��@BOdOt�aums advanced to protect the aocudtyof Qhie ^
<br /> ---- - -
<br /> _ ..__._'�___.,�..-. - . . . . . . . .. .._._.��____�� ��r�V� -
<br />- DC300 01 T�u84 exCeeO me ongmat pnnc�pa�amvuni uia�w ��ar enn,a��� �:���v��v.m�o y�w.o.. --` �
<br />- . � 18.Mlacepeneow Provtstons. .
<br />_. ' � (e) Bdnower Hot Reteased.Extenslon of the tfine tw payment or moditicatlon ot amortfzallon of the sums secured by thls
<br /> � Deed ot Truet granted by Lender to any succeasor In tnterestof Borrower ahall notoperate to reiease,in any manner.the Ilebillry
<br />_ , • of the ortgine�Borrower and 8orrower's successore in Mtereat Londer ahall not be requlred to commence proceedings againot �
<br /> • such succesaor or retuse to extend tlme for payment or olhsnvlae modlry amoRizatlon ot the sums secured by thia Deed olY�uet ,. „
<br /> by reason al any dem8nds made by the original Bonower and Borrower's auccessors in Interest
<br /> . „ (b) Lend��'�Powen.Without aNectfng the Ilabllity of eny other pereon ifable tor the payment of any obligatlon he�eln
<br />_ �� mentloned,and without aHecting the Ilen or charge of this�eed of Trust upon any portlon of the Proporly not then ot thererotore
<br /> .' reteased as eecuriry for the tuli amount ot aIi unpald obiigationa.Lender may,trom dme to time end without noece(I)reiesee any '
<br /> �' peraon so Ilable,(iry extend the maturlty or atter any ot the terms ot any such obligaHOna,(lii)grant other fndulgences,(Iv)release
<br />— , or reconvey,or cau&e to be released or reconveyed at any tlme at Lender's option any parcet,portlon or ail of the P�oparry. ,
<br />_ (v)take or re�ease any other or eddiNonal security tor any obligatlon hereln menNoned,or(vl)make�composltlone nr other
<br /> � � arrengements wlth debtore tn reiaHon thereta '
<br />+ , .
<br /> ;
<br />-1' ' ��-
<br />