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<br /> DE�D OF 7RUST WITH FUTUliB ADVANC�S ` • • ��•�'
<br /> F=
<br /> � THIS OEED OF Ti1UST,is made as ot the 1`��h day ol Jul. , �g 5� by and emong • • • '~�a;,
<br /> .��..,_
<br /> � �neTrusca►, Gnodvin Canetruction �o.. A Nebraska Corporation , ��1�
<br /> � 512 Johnoon P1 (3rond Ieland No 68803-4131 �
<br /> .. whose malting addreas Is (hereln"Truotor,"whether one or more� ����-
<br /> F'
<br /> theTrustee, FivU H�lntu t3uuk, a :Jcbr�ckn Corporation� �� _�=
<br /> _ �
<br /> P.O. Basr 1SQ7 Cirend Inland, NE 68802 " ' ,.,,
<br /> . whose maiting address Is (herein"Truett�e'�,aad �
<br /> . the 8eneficlary, Five Fointe Bank �;—
<br /> , whose mai�ing address is 2015 N. Broedr�ll Grend Ialand, NE. 68802-1507 �hArein"Lender'7. ' '
<br /> , . .`'"+�
<br /> FOR VALUABLE CONSIDBRATION,inatuding Lender's extenabn of credlt identified hereln to ,;�l
<br /> , � ' Goodvin Construction Ca (herein "8orrowet',whether one or more)and the truet herein created, _
<br /> , , the�eceipt of whlch ts hereby aoknowiedged,Trustor hereby Irrevocably grante,transters,conveys and assigns to Truatee, IN ���
<br /> ' . TRUST.WI7'H POWER OF SALE,for the beneflt and security oi lender.under and subject to the terma artd condidons herelnaftor set .. ,
<br /> forth,the real propeAy,described as toltowe:
<br /> - _.'M.
<br /> ,��'""�� � OF GRAND ISLAND, HAI.L COUNTY, NEBRASKA ' ��
<br />� �'.il: - � -
<br /> "`'+;);..,i t)1�. r;l:. • . . � .. 1�,
<br /> ' ;.,,1`::`,�•.I`.`.;��,',; . „ . '��
<br /> , ,�t., . Together with ail bulldings,ImprovemenVt,flxtures,streete,alleys,pa$segeways,easementa,rlghts,privileges and appurte• .
<br /> , nancea located thereon or in enywise pertai�ing thereto,and the rente,Issuea and profits,reverstons and remainders the�eof,aad • � --�
<br /> :'� , such pe►sonal p�operty that Is attached to the improvements so as to conotltute a ilxture,inoiuding,but�ot timlted to.headng and ' � �.,��t—
<br /> ,� coo�ing equipmenx and together with the homestead or ma�ital Intereate,It eny,whlch Interests are hereby reieased and weived:all � �;_ '�
<br />:.;�• of which,inciuding roptecements end addlUons thereto,Is hereby declared to be a pan of the real estate aeoured by the Ilen ot thle ' , �� �-
<br /> , �- ,
<br /> .
<br /> , .. Oeed of Trust and all of the toregotng being retorred to herein as the"PropeRy". ' o :�
<br /> •��•
<br />� Thts Oeed ot Trust shali secure(a)the payment ot the principef sum and intereat evidenced by a promissory�ote cr oredlt � ��'�
<br /> . , agrsemsnt dstss! July 14th 1995 ,heYing e meturlly deis o! December lith 1995 _^_� �
<br /> � � 58.000.00 1- ,;� �� ,
<br /> ' :;.;��,. in the arlgine�princlpai amount of$ ,and any and ail modiBoaUons,extensions and renewais ' ,�,, ` � '
<br /> thereof or thereto and any end all tuture advances and readvances to Borrower(or any oi them it more than one)hereundar ��� �
<br /> . �;�..�i:�i,. a; :
<br /> "�" �': pursuant to one or more promissory notea or credit agreaments(nerein called"Note'7;(b)the payment of other sums advancsd by � •� '::,
<br /> • ' Lender to proteat the securtry ot the Note;(a>the pertormance otatt covenanta and agreemente ot Truator set torth heretn;a�d(d)all ' ��c- 1y '
<br /> present and tuture indebtedneas end obligadons of Borrower(or any of them it more than one)ta Lender whether direat, indirecst„ � �_ ;f-�� �;"
<br /> 8
<br /> •• abaolute or contingent and whether arising by note,guaranty,overdraft or otherwise.The Note,this Deed ot Trust and any end all ' ';;:;,r„' y�''•�'-i���?�
<br /> otherdocuents that seoure the Note o�otherwise exeauted in cannection therew(th,including without Iimitetlon guarantees.seaurNy ' :,;� �
<br /> • agreements and esaignments oi teases end rente,shaii be reterred to hereln ae tha"LOan Doouments". r- q,
<br /> ' . Truator covenente and agrees with Lender as toltows: �
<br /> ...
<br /> 1. Paymmt ot Ind�btedn�sf.AII indebtedness secured hereby shall be paid when due. '
<br />.... _T.
<br /> , 2. Tlqs.Trustor is the owner of the Property,has the right and authority to convey the Property,end�varrants that the tien •• �
<br /> , created hereby is a firat and prlor Ilen on the Propenyr,except for Uens and encumbrences set forth by T�ustor In wri4ing and
<br /> , �• delivered to Lender before exeautton ot this Oeed of Truat,and the executlon and detivery oi this Deed ot Uuat doea noiviolate any .. .,,='�
<br /> „ � contraat or other obligatlon to whioh Truator Is subject
<br /> • . . �.. 3. Taxsa,Aasa�mtnb.Yo pay betore deifnquency atl taxea.apeolal asassementa and alt other chargea agatnat the Properiy '�"'"`'�'.'�
<br /> now or hereatter tevied.
<br /> , ,:�-���'.-
<br /> ° 4. Insuranas.To keep the Aroperty insured againatdamage by}Ire,hazarde included within the term"extended Coverage",and � -
<br /> ' such other hezards as Lender may requlre,in amounts and with aompanies acceptable to Lender,naming Lender as an additlonal • •'�
<br /> named inaured,with loss payabte to the Lender.In case of toss under suah poiiciea,the Lender is authorized to adjusL coatect and
<br /> compramise,aitctalmsthereunderandshallhavetheoptlonofepplyingatlorpartoftheinsuranceproceeds(qtoenyindebtednesa -,; �---��
<br /> ' ,� secured hereby aad in suoh order as Lender may determine.(iqto the Trustorto be used tor the repair or restoreUon o!the Properiy ��. �'' ,••. ���<�2'
<br /> � .�� or(iil)for any ottsor purpose or obJect satisiactory to lender wlthout aNectlng the llen ot thia 0eed ot Truat tor the luli amount seoured ---'=--== "
<br /> . hereby betore such payment over took ptace.Any applicatlon ot proceeda to i�debtednesa sha�i not extend or poatpone the due ��"`
<br /> date of any paqmenta under the Note,or cure any defeult thereunder or hereunder. � � . �' `
<br /> ^ 6. F.scrow.Upon written demand by Lender,Trustor shell pay to Lender,in euah manner as Lender mey designate,sutticient ;�, . _, „ '
<br /> � � sums to enab�e Lender to pay as they become due one or m�reot the following:(f)a�t taxee,asseasmenta and other charges againat
<br />, ':,.� �' the Properly,(iq the premiums on the property Insurance requlrsd hereunder,and(iil)the premiums on any mortgage Inaurance . ��;�:;;:.'. ,
<br /> • required by Lender. �
<br /> �.�;�
<br /> 8. Mainhnanc�� R�palra and Compllarto�with Lew�. Trustor shell keep the Property in good aondition end repair,shall ��`;. �
<br />__ prompUy repelr, or reptace any fmprovement which may be damaged or destroyed;shall not commit or�parmlt any waste or ;. �
<br />- . deierloration ot the Property;ehail not remove,demoilsh or substantlaily c�iter any of the improvements on the Properly;shall not
<br />� commi�euNer or permit any act to be done In or upon the Properly in vioiatlon of any taw,ordinance,or reguladon;and ahail pay and � .
<br /> promptty disaharge at Trustor's cost and expense atl Ilens, encumbrances and charges ievied,imposed or asaessed egalnst 4he '
<br /> Property or any part thereoL ' '
<br /> - 7. Eminent�omaln.Lender ts hereby asaigned ail comRensatlon,awarda,damages and other paymente or reliet(herelnaiter � • .
<br /> "Proceeds'7 in Connection with condemnaHon or other taking oHhe Properly or part thereot,or tor conveyance in Ileu of condemna•
<br /> � tlon.lender shalt be endtled at Ita option to commence,appear In and prosecute in its own neme any action or proceedings,and ° • :
<br />� shail also be entiUed to make eny compromise or BetGement In connectlon with auoh taking or damage.�n the event any portion d �
<br />:..
<br /> the Property Is so taken or damaged,Lender shall heve the opllo�,In ite sole and absoiute discretion,to app�y aIi euch Prxseda, • •
<br />� -.--_-------. . - nNb i1di��A►►M�tin�nllww�nII wwnln n.v/nVbncm I„w��lldi tiu I1In wMwuHAM u.I�A e..wh O...wm.in •.....w ew..7w.ia�.b.twa..a.w...r.1 -,-. _,.__-._._.-._._. --.....__.
<br />� ------�-- - -�---- - ....�.����....0...�.�..�...�..���.�....��..�.�..���...�....���>.....��....��..�........�....... ...�......�...p........�.....w.w......�.......w - -- . .._— -- -- . - � - ..
<br />_ ' hereby and in such order as Lender may determine,or to appty alt such Proceeda,after suah deducUons,to the restore8on of the �
<br />: . , Propery upon such condltlons as Lender may determine.Any appUCation ot Procesda to indebtedness eha�t not extend or postpone �
<br /> . the due date ot any payments under the Note,or oure any defautt thereunder or hereunder.Any unapplted funds ahall be pald to
<br /> �� �� TrusUlr. � �
<br />_ ' 8. P�ttormanc�by L��ds�.Upon the oocurrenae of a�Event oi Oefau�t hereunder,or it any aot ts teken or lepal proceeding ° •
<br /> _ . commenced whfch matedaliy atfecta Lender's Intereat In th[s Properly,Leeder may In its awn disareUon,but without obligation to do � � "
<br />- so,and wlthout nodce to or demand upon Truator and wlthout releaeing T►ustor iror.s any obligatlon,do eny act whiah Truator hea �
<br />_= egreed but falls to do and may aiso do any other act It deems necossary to protect the seaurity hereot.Truator shal�.lmmedlately
<br />_ „ upon demand theretor by Lender,pay to Lender atl costa and expenses Incurretf and auma expended by Lender in connec�lon w�th
<br />`� � the oxerclso by Lender ot the foregoing Nghts,together with tntereffithereon at the defau�t rate pravided in the Note,which ehali be
<br /> , added to the�ndebtedness secured hereby.Lender ahail not incur any Iiebility because uf anything It may do or omft to do
<br />:- .. hereunder. �
<br /> _ � �J
<br />