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<br /> - (c) Forbtatanc�by lend�r Not s Walvtr.Any torbearence by I.ender fn exeralsing any rtght or remedy hereundor,or
<br /> ` ' otherwise affordad by eppticabta law,ahatl not be a walver ot or prea�ude the exeraiae of any such rlght or remHdy.The
<br /> procurement of inaurence or the payment oi taxes or other�tena or aharges by Lender shalt not be a walver of Lender's right to
<br /> ��• accelerate the metwiy of the Indebtodnet�a seou�ed by thls Oeed of T►us�
<br /> �,�� . (d)Sueassson and Aesiqn�8ouedi Jotnt aR�B�1ffT�)LI�bIQ1y;Csptlora.The covenants and epreements hereln aon• ..
<br /> telned shall bind,ond the righR►hereunder shall inure to,the reapective succesaore and esaigns of lender and Truator.All
<br /> ' • covenants and agreements ot Truetor shail be Joint and severat.The captlons and head�ngs of the paragrepl�e oi this Deed oi
<br /> ° Truat are tor convenlence onty and are not to be uaed to interpret or define the provislone hereof.
<br /> ° ^ (e) R�quat Io�Notiaa.The partiea hereby requeat that a copy of eny notice of defeuit hereunadr and e aopy ot any rtotice
<br /> :-_� ot sale hereunder be mal�ed to esoh party to this Deed of Trust at the address set torth above in the manner presaribed by ^
<br /> • �,w appliceble�aw.Except for any other notice required under appticabie law to be given in another manner.any noUce provided
<br /> • for in thls Oeed ot Trust ahall be ylven by mailing such notice by ce�tlfled mail addressed ta the other pa�lea,atthe address set
<br /> � forth above,Any nNioe provided tor in this Deed ot Truat ahalt be eNaoUve upon maiiing In the manner deaipnated herein.If
<br /> ^ " � ° Trustor is more than one person,noQce aent W the addreas set torth ebove ahall be noNce to atl such peraons.
<br />• � •• (f�Inspeotlon.lender may make or aause to be made reaeonabte entrles upon and inspeotfons N the Property,provided
<br /> - ° ' that Lender shall give 7rustor noUce pdor to eny suoh inspeadon apeoitying reaAOnebie cauae theretor reiated to Lender's
<br /> " (ntereat In the Property.
<br /> (g) R�canvay�nce.Upon payment ot a�i euma aeou�ed by thia Desd of Truet,Lender sha�l requestTrustee to recoovey the
<br /> Properiy and sheit surrender this Deed otTrustand ell notes evidenaing indebtedness seaured by this Oeed of Trustto Truatee.
<br /> ^ �< � Trustee ehall reconvey the Propeiiy without warrenry end without oharge to the person or persons legally enUUed thereto. �
<br /> "`� � ' T►uator shali pay ali Costs of recordetlon,it any. •
<br /> ,�..
<br /> � � (h) Penon�l Prop�Rp; 3�auH�►Apntm�n�As additlo�ai security for the payment of the Note,Yruator hereby g►ants
<br /> �:�L_...__:,_.._ � Lender under the Neb�aska Uniform Commerclai Code a security interest in ati flxiures,equipment,and other persona�property _
<br /> - --�— ` used in conneoUon viith the reai eatate or improvements Iooetetl tnereon,and not atherwise deciareci wdeemed to be a part of -
<br />" • � � the�eal estete eeaured hereby.This inetrument shall be construed as a 8eaurity Agreement under sald Code,and the Lender
<br /> -- �� shali have all the�iehts and remedles of a seoured party under said Code in additlon to the rights and remedies created under �
<br /> -• and acaorded the Lender pu�auant to this Deed of True�provlded that Lender's righta and remedles under thia paragraph shali �'�'
<br /> � . be aumuladve with,and In�o way a Umttatlon on.Lender's rights and remedles under eny other securiry agreement signed by �' ._
<br /> � � � BoROwer or Trustor. ��
<br />• - � ' � (1)U�ns snd Enaumbrancei.Truetor hereby warranta and repres9nta that there Is no de4ault under the provlslons ot any �
<br /> �� , mongege,deed of trust lease or purahase contreot desoribfng all or any part of the Properly.or other contract instrument or
<br /> ` . -, agreement aonotitutlne a Ilen or enaumbrance against all or any part of the PropeRy(ao�leaUveiy,•'Llens'�,exiedng as o!the �
<br /> ., '`� date of this Deed ot Trust,and that any and al�existing Ltens remein unmodltled oxcept as disclosed to Lender in T�ustor'e �i�
<br /> � .�';. written disolosure ot tiana and anaumbranaes provided tor here fn.Truator a ha l t dme ty pe r torm a l t o t Tru s t o r a o b l(S e u o n s, �`'�•
<br /> ;;�,. � ,�° ; .`� covenan�,mprnen�iiaflons and wan-antles�nder ar�y ant3 all sxlatUrsg an�tutura Llssr��,attsl!psatnp!!y towsrd!o l�sxler sepi�s �°",
<br /> -� � oi alt naticea of default aent in aonnection with any and ali exisUng or tuture Liens,and shail not wlthaut Lender's prlor wi��tten
<br /> � ,���• consent in eny manner modify the proviatons of or allow any future advancea under any exisdng or tuture Liena
<br /> .� � .�,�,�,• Q)AppUcadon of Paym�nb.Unless otherwise required by Iaw,sums paid to Lender hereunder,including without Iimitedon �.
<br /> `.y�. ,� payments of prUoipal and interest,insurance proaeada,condemne8on prooeeds and rsnts and pro�ta.sha11 be applied by� �
<br /> _;-:.�_- �c�.. ,,.T. Lender to the amounta due and owing from Trustor and Borrower In such order as Lender In its sole diacretion deem,ad�sirab�e. __«
<br /> }� ��.�'".�.: : {k)8swnblitfi�r.li any provision of thla Deed ot Trust confllcte vvfth app�Icabie law ot is dealared tnvalid or otherwlae �=.�
<br /> •�.1•��...j..,.:�..,.�-.� _ - .
<br /> -.,,_ +{%r�:wf���. unenforceabte,suoh aontlict or invaifdlty shatl not aHect the other provisona of this Oeed of TYUSt or the Note whleh o�rt be v��
<br /> :-;�:�?tt•,,� 1l7�' given effeot withoutthe conflioting prodlalon,and to thls end the provlsions of thls Oeed of Trust and theNote aredeolared to be ____
<br /> .,�,: if : .,.:.j�.• aevorable. `��
<br /> _=-- ..- .`.'��� ({}T�a.The terms"Truator"and"Borrower"shall inolude both singuiar and ptural,and when tlre Trustor and Borrower �'`-=-
<br /> •` "e,`;;,�� are the same peraon(e),those terms as used in thio Oeedot Trust ehail be interahangeable. �
<br /> - ;,; �:;,� (m) QoY�rntnp Law.Thte Oeed of Trust ahall be govemed by the lawa of the 3tate ot Nebraska �-Y�_
<br /> .. _ _ ;,�s�t. �,_.
<br /> _-=='°?��"�`�'= Trustor has exeauted thiaQeed of Truat as of the date written above. -�
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