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<br /> 3. Hn�ttt�d or Properly lnsuranea. 9arrower ehull kcep the impravementx now exiKdng or hercatier crected an the
<br /> Prog�rty insured agninst loss by fire. hn7ards incladed within the term "extendcA covemge" and uny other hnzatda. including
<br /> flaodK or t�aoding. for which l.endcr rcyuir�w insuruncc.Thie insurunrc xh�ll be m�intnined in the umauntx nnd far the pedade
<br /> thut Lender requfres. The insurance carrier provfding the insuranca xhall be chosen by Bormwer subject ta Lender's appraval
<br /> w+hicb ahull nat be unrcu�anably withheld, if Barrawer fails to mnintuin cavcruge descdbed ubove. Gender mny, nt [.ender's
<br /> aptian,abtain wvcsrage to protect Lendcr's rights in the Property in accardartce with purug�uph 7.
<br /> Alt insurnnce potieies and renewals shull be acceptable to L.ender und shull include u standard mortsnge clause. Lxnder
<br /> shAll have the right W hald the polictes and renewuls.lf Lender requfres.liorcawer shait promptiy give to l.ender all m,ceipts of `
<br /> paid premiutns and renewal notices.In the event of loss.Borrower shall give prompc notice to the iasurance carrier and Lender.
<br /> Lender may make pra�f of loss If not mnde promptly by Bonower.
<br /> fJnless Lender wid Horrower othenvise ugree in wrhing.insurance proceeds shell bo applled tv restorntton or r�epalr of the
<br /> Property damaged. if the restoration or repair is economically fe.asibte and Lender's secudty ia not lessertc�.If the restoration or
<br /> repair is not economically feasfbie or Lender's securtty would be lessened,the irisuranse pr+oceeds shall 6e applied to the aums
<br /> secured by this Sacudty Ir�stnun�ent. whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrower. �f Borrower abandans the
<br /> Prope�iy. or dces not answer wtthin 30 days a notice from Lend�r that the insurance cerrier has offered to se,ttle a claim,then
<br /> L.endcr muy collect the insumnce proceeda. L.ender may use the proceeds to nepatr or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> secured by this Security Instnunent,whether or not then due.The 30-day perIod wiU begin when the notice is given.
<br /> Unless L.ender end Borrower otherwise agree tn wdting, eny appltcution of procee�ls to principal shall nat sxt�nd ar
<br /> pastpor4a the duc date of thc monthly payments referred ta in paragraphs 1 and 2 oa change the amount of the paymeate. If
<br /> uncler paragraph 21 the Prapertg�is acquired by Lxnder.•�orrower's dght to any insuranco policies and procee�a t+esutdng from __
<br /> damag8 w ths Praperty pdor w�the acquleition shall pass ta'Ixnder to the extent of the sums secured by thls Secn�ity instrument
<br /> Immediately prior to the acquisition.
<br /> Fi.Aocu{wney,Fccxervation,Wlatnterwn4-�e anEi PretecEto��oP t�-e�Fre:�eii.3�;B�r�erwrr'�Luar�A:,�ri(Ea4ion;Ixasriwtds. �
<br /> Borrower shall occupy,establish,and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence wIthin afaty days after the eacetuUoa of
<br /> thie Security Inshument and ehall condnue to oocupy the Property ac Bonower's principal residence for at letist one yrar after
<br /> the date of occupancy.untess Lender otherwise agrees in wdting, which consent shall not be unreasonably withhetd.or unless
<br /> eatenuatFng ctnumsuu►ces exist which urc beyond Anrrower's rnntrol. Borrower ahnll not destroy. damage or impair the __
<br /> Property. allow the Property to deterlomte.ur comm[t waste on the Pmperty. Botrower�hall be 1n default if uny forfeiture
<br /> action or prooeuling,whether civil or criminul. la begun that in Lendcr's good faith judgment could resuli in forfeiture of the
<br /> Propetry or othenvisa materlaliy impuir the Uen creutal by this Secudty Instrument or L,ender'R s�curity lnterest. Borrawer may
<br />. cure such u default und reinstat�,us pmvided in paatsroph IE3.by causing the uction or proceedin�to be dismissed with n ruling ,
<br /> that. In L.endar's good !'atth determinntion� prectudes forfeitum of tha Borrower'F inter�st !n tha Property or other material
<br /> impairment of the lien cneutod by thjR Secudty Instrument or I.ender's security intec+est.Borro�+ver shall also be in default it
<br /> Bomawer.during the toan epplication proce�s.gnve matcrlally felse ox lnac�urnte informadon or statementa to L,ender(or falied
<br /> to provido Lender wlth any materlal tnfor�nation)in connettlon w[th the loan evidenced by the Note.includiag,but not limited
<br /> to.�+epmsentat�ons conceming Borrower's occupancy of the Property as a pr�ncipal residence.If thls Security Instrument is an a
<br /> leasehold. Borrower shall_camply with all the provlRlons of the lease. If Borrower acquires fee title to the Pmperty,the
<br /> leasehold and tha fee tide shaU not merge uNess Lertder agrees to the merger in wdting.
<br /> 7.Prntextton of Leader's Rig6ts In the Property.If Borrower fails to perform the covenants a�id agreements contnined jn
<br /> this Security Inst�ument�or the�+e is a ugal proceeding that may slgnificantly affoct i.ender's rights in the Property(such as a
<br /> p:oceeding in bankniptcy. pmbate,for condemnation or forfeiture or to enforce taws or resulat�ons),then L.ender may do and
<br /> pay for whatever fs nece.csary to protect the value of the Property and i.ender's rights in the Prope;rty. J.ertder's actions may
<br /> Include paytng any surn4 secured by a lien which has priodty over this Security Insnument. appearin� in,court. paying
<br /> c�easonable attorneys'feey and��ntering on tha Propeity to make repairs.A[thoustt Lender may tuke actIon under�thls.paragraph
<br /> 7.I.ender does not dave ta do sa. •
<br /> Any amount� disbursed by I.ender under thls pa��agruph 7 ehnll b0come addlttuml debt of Borrower secured by this
<br /> Security In�tnuncnt. Uniess Borrower and Lender egree ta other terms ot paynnEn�these amounts shn{i bear intere�st fram the
<br /> date of disbursement at the�lote rate and shstll be payable. wlth interest. upon nouce from i.ender W Horroavar requesUns
<br /> paytnent.
<br /> S.Hiurtgage LtsurancP�!f I.eader required mortgage insurence os a condltion of rnaking the loan secu�+ed by thIs Securtty
<br /> Instrument, Borrower shall pay the premiums require� to matntain tho martgage insurance in effect. If, for ar�y reason.the
<br /> mortgage insurance coverage raqulred by Lender lapses or ceases to be Ia effett.Bomnwer shall pay the pre.m�ums required to
<br /> obtafn coverege substantially equivaLent to the mortgage insurance prevIously in effed.�t a cost substani3ally eq�ivalent to the
<br /> wst to Borrower af the mortga�e insurance prevtously in effect. from an alternate�ortgage insurer approved by Lender. If
<br /> substandally equivalent mortgage insureace coverage ie not available.Borrower shull puy ta Lender each month s►sum equal to
<br /> one-tweffth of the yearly martgage instuanze premIum being patd by Borrower when the insurance coveruge lapsed or ccased to
<br /> be in effect.I.ender will accept. use nnd retain thesa payments as a loss reserve in lfeu of martgage inswance. Loss reserve
<br /> Fortn�028 9l80
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