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<br /> 1!��- �Q42�14 rtensu►ces.artd
<br /> TOaSTHER WITH all tho improvemente now or hercafter erected an the property.and all eascmenta. apP
<br /> flxtures now or hereufter u part af the prapeny. All rcplacementa and additiar�x ehall also be cavcred by thia Secudty
<br /> Instrurncnt.All uP the foregoing is refcrred to in this Sccutfty Instrument ag thc"Property."
<br /> BORROW�'R COV ENANTS tl�ut Harrower is I�tafully heieed uf the estate hercby cunvoycd and hag the right ta grunt and
<br /> canvey tho Property and thnt thc; Propeny!x unenearnbcred, except for encumbrnnces af record. Banower wurrants und will
<br /> defend genernlly tlic titic ta the Property uguinst ail cinims and demunds.subject ta uny encumbrances of re.cord.
<br /> THI3 S�CURITY 11NSTRUMENT rombinc�unifarm cavcnun�Par nutianul uso And rtan-uniform cavcnants witl�limited
<br /> vnriutions by Jurlsdictlon ta constitute a unifarm security instrument covering reut praperty.
<br /> UNIFORM COVENANTS. Aarrower und Lender cuvenw�t s�id agrea us fi�llowti: �
<br /> i. �wyment ot Princ(pa!pnd Interests �payment and Late Charges. Boaowcr shall prmnpdy pay when due the
<br /> princlpul of and interest an the debt evldertced by tho Nate nnd any prepAyment nnd lare chnrges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. Fund9[or Tez�and Insurance. Subject to upplicable law or to a written waiver by l,ender. Banower shall poy to
<br /> Lendcr an the day monthly pAymentc are duo under the Nute,until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for:(a)y��Y�x�
<br /> and asseasmenta which muy attuin pdority over thiR Securlty Insuument as a lien on the PropeRY:(b)yearly leasehold paymeats
<br /> or ground renta on the Propercy,if uny:(c)yearly hnzard or property!►�surance rremium.s;(d)yearly flaod Insurance premiums, _
<br /> � if any; (e)yearly martgage iasur�►ce premiums.if aay; and(�any sum.g payablc bY Barrawer co Lxnder. In acwrdance wlth
<br /> the provfaions of parngraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mortsage insurance premtums.These items are c�(ted"Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender may. at any time.collect aad hoW Funds in nn amount nat to exceed the maximum amount a Lender for a federal6y
<br /> related mortgage loan may require for Borrower's escrow accouat uader the federal Rea1 Bstate Settlement Praced�res Act af
<br /> 1974 us amended fram time to time, 12 U.S.C.Sectian 2601 et seg. ("RESPA"),unless amother law that apPlies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount.If so. t.ender may. at any tlme,collect and hold Funds i�an emount not to exceed the lesser arnount.
<br /> L.ender may estiarate the amount of Funds due an the basis af current data and reasonable estimetes of expendidues of fittues
<br /> Escrow Items.ormahernise in accotdaztce wlth applic�ble law.
<br /> '!'he �nnds shall t+e held in an institudou whosc depasits arC insurcd by a fede[a! agency. instrvmr.nvality. or enhty
<br /> (imcludiqg l.endec`. if i.z ndEr is such an instItut�an)or in any 1Federal.Home Wan�ank.I.�ndet sdalt appiy the Fcands to pay the
<br /> Escrow Items.Lender may nut charge Borrower for holciing and Applying the Punds,annuelly arralyziRg the escraw aa�u�►t,or
<br /> vedfying the Ascrow Items.unless Lender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pemuts L�mder tu cuake such
<br /> a charge. However.l,ender mey reqnire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an f ndependent res+l estate tax rePortjng service
<br /> used by Leitder In coruiecdon with thts toan, unless applicahla !aw provides otherwise. Unless an agre�ment is made or
<br /> applicable law requires interest to be pa�d.Lender shall not be requirod to pay Borrower any lnterest or eamings on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and L.ender may agree in writ�ng,however,that interest shall be ps�id on the Funds. Lender shall give to Borrower,
<br /> without charge. an ennuel a�counting of the Funds. showing credit�and debits to the Funda and the purpose for whtch esch
<br /> debit to the Funda was made. 'The Funds are pled�red as eddttionpl security for a�l suma sccut+ea i�y this S�curity Inatrti�ticr+t. _
<br /> if tho Funda held by Lender exceed the amounts perm{tted to ba held by upplicuble luw.Lender�hull account to Borrower
<br /> for the exoess Funds in acoordanoe with the n:quirements of applicubtc luw. Jf the umount of the Funds held by I.endar ut ony
<br /> time is not su�cient to pay the Escrow Items when due. Lender may so notify Borrowcr in wrlting.and.in such cnse Horrower
<br /> shall pay to Lender the amount nexssary to muke up the deticiency. Borrower.�all mnke up the defictency in no more than
<br /> twclve monthly payments,at I,ender's sole discretion.
<br /> Upon payment!n full of all sums secured by this Securlry Inswment. Lender shall promptly c�fund to Bormwer any
<br /> Funds held by i.ender.If,under paragraph 21. Lender shall acquioe or sell the Propertyr.Lender.prlor eo�he 4cquisltion or sale
<br /> of the P�nperty.shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the tlme of acquisitlon or sale aa a credlt agalnst the sums secut+�d by
<br /> thia Security Instrument.
<br /> 3.Application of PaymentA.LJnless applicable law provides otheran�se.ali paymenta reoeived by Lender uttder parugraphs
<br /> 1 arid 2 shali be applied:finst,to any prepayment charges due und�r the Note;second. to emounts payable under paragraph 2;
<br /> thicd,to interest due;founh.to principal due;and fast,to any late charges due under the Nat�.
<br /> 4.Charges; I.icns.Borrower shalt pay all taxes,assessments.charges. fines and imposittons attributable to the Property
<br /> whtch may attuin pdorety over this Security Instrument.and leasehold payments or ground�ents. if any. Borrower shall pay
<br /> these obligations in the manner pmvIded in paragrnph 2,or if not paid in dwt manner�Borrower shult pay them an drae directly
<br /> to the person owe�i payrnent. Borrowec shall pmmptly fumish to Lender ell nodcr,�of amounts to be paid under this paragisph.
<br /> If 8art+ower makes these payrnents directly,Borrower sFn�il promptfy furnish to Lender receipts evidencing the p�ymenta.
<br /> Borrower shall prompdy discharge any Iten which l�ns prlority over thls Security Instrument unless Borrowert(a)agrees!n
<br /> wrlting to the payment of the obligation secured by the lien in a manner acceptable to I.ender;(b}contests in good faith the liea
<br /> by, or defends aguinst enforcement of the lien in. Iegal procee�lings which in the Lender's opiaion operate to prevent.t�e
<br /> enforcement of the lien:or(c)secur+es from the holder of the iien an egreement satisfactory to Lender subotdinadng th�lien to
<br /> this Security Instrument.If I.ender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien wh[cfi mt�y attain priority over
<br /> t6is Security Instrument.I.ender may give Borrowe�n�totice identifying the Hen.Borrower shell satisfy the Iten or take one or
<br /> more of the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of notice.
<br /> Fartn 3Q28 9J80
<br /> Pogo 2 of 8
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