'�w-«,r� : . �. ' ..- .. , � ` ...�e.r.�7.�,.,;;^,i�?�s�ii�j.�ia�+..i . . . -�--- .__.��,.�:u._�.
<br /> � ' ' - � '-3 � '..afs:�%s :zz�r.z - „�....
<br /> ,,.� r r...l1r :_ .. . . , �;�iytpt!� a�_�`y -r rr. ^�i4.l�4M .... �:
<br /> ._� 'i�. l � `*i- � `i-._. �ffr�'I'f�Y, E':� 's ,isel^
<br /> ' ' --
<br /> � � - �� - p�n . ..-x�.- :—'—`--- --- -'-'---'-�-—---_..._. ----'------ - -- - - -- - ---- --_. .
<br /> J �o' y 1_l.szas'_.,� ��o � .�:t�'�'��'�'
<br /> •"!]nr�.vat�W� - t ' _�___.
<br /> . _'.r'_.� 'f-�:.f'R .J.�..�__.. _... ._.F......._..-.=-r. -- '_"..�..__..___-
<br /> --- ._. _ - ._. .
<br /> -=_ --,°..h:w�3=,av
<br /> '1:�°�;�:;:..�„a.�; � ' h 19� by caueing 1hs �ctlan ar proCeedfn0 ta !�e _°'_�__---
<br /> ' �orra�rl�r m3y curo �uah e d�!?�uft end refnatate, es provk9ed In Pua9�P °„-.--,�..,�,.�,..,,...,.--- _
<br /> ' � � d;.m!sae�wlth�ruNnD th�L(�1.��►deY'o gaud t�:ti�d�t�r��?;iatinn.pr�c:ud:.a Postc!h�ra ot ti�a Bot��:v::�'o Kter��t In tho Prane�ly or � . V, _
<br /> oz;;r i,�tr.t�1 L-;�,^-!,�:eni o1 iha k?�n crc�te� by th:� Secu;ry Iri�Vunc��1 or Lender's accwtty htc�rsst. Gorrovrrr ehe;i fll�m�e Ic►
<br /> ` �+:':��'1 II�r�ru,.:J�t'�rG�p fito lU"ii C�,,"�.t:^_n�rac_a��L'=��a r�t_tc,,.'�J 1�".�0(i7 Il°.C.*.Jii.�IllOful�il�ii 67 L"�.�:G=:t�to Lcn�d�r(oi ,,
<br /> • _--...._ .�r....:.� «... �„:�,s� w,tos.:stla;►1 Li cor;iCC�lan�r�th t::�la�n c�li2�nc��i by liio �'�to.Ui�:��t�,n; ut nc, �� I, .
<br />�_:.�"--_.;�� taKW W�nun�o �.w.�. ...... ._.� .._"_ w H.L o..u�riw. L��__�v..__,__..—
<br /> .. ± .�,:;_,:, . :., !Anitec! to� ra�r�ne�t�tlane concaminp k�orroxer'e occupan�y o4 t�e Presperry es a prnc�pai ����Q.o. .. . ._ ----..., � _.�_
<br /> i•"R':f�. '�.: tnetnimertt i� on a le�rehok9� Bo�T°w°'r oh�N compy wRh �I►he pro�lslana o1 the leaao. I} Barower ecqukas tes tl�� to the � � . , ,..�;,,..,,,..
<br /> .���r�,. ,. . �'- PropMly,the teas�t►o�d and/tr�le�tNte eh�l not merQe unle�e Lenda pgraes to the merp��r In wrltk�p. ". .' �':'.;'`."a.:�,.
<br />�"�`="-'!-?: .-�+f ?.prot�etlon of 0.amdsr'� Rtphtt In tlt� Wrc.rs'lY. II eorrowor foAa to patortn the covensnto and ogreementa � � � . _
<br /> ..,:f�'`}"�,�.,,,�� cont�ined In thl� 6�curky In�strument� 11T lhK�I8 �NqRI �OQl�fIQ 1I1Rt IYI�y 6IQfIMGOR1Iy�}IlCl Ltfl�'e riyhU M ihe f'ropeaty � � ; , ,.,;z�.,,;:;l���f�-
<br />�-,Y..,-;., , '' " - (��c;� ca�F7acc_E:�ip ln h�n.`.n��atry,Prohnte,far cundecmidon or todettur� ar to entorce Mv�ta or regut�Uana),tL�4L�a�ds��1 C� o -.�
<br /> �nd Lencfers rights In the Rrop�:y. «
<br /> '''"����� do and pay to►whatwer 1� n�cssaW to prot�ct 1ha v�Iue ol th�Propeny cfe ,
<br /> -,�?,_.u� Infirument� �PPeuY�O fn court. WYinO Q • r�r�;";
<br /> -__•...'�ar���• �y ��� �y{�Q ��Y numo aecund by a Aen whlch fue pdort$► ov� thle Sxurity . _
<br /> .�_h'�___� � , . ' .. .
<br /> :,;;,_.��,1r:+� reuombte ottomeya'teee�nd er►terk�p on the Propary ta m�lce repalra.IUthauyh Lender mny teY.e�ctlan undx thla panpnph � �
<br /> - .�:T�..rk'�+�� 7,Lender doea not hsvs to do so. f „
<br /> +°'�`.. , q�y �mounts dlsbutsed by Lender under pangaAh 7 ehal become edditlonal debt of Borrowa►securad by thla gecudty ,
<br /> (nstrummt.Unleaa Bomowor and Lender agree to othe� tama o1 pYymeet, lheae Amounta shdl bear fnterest trom the d�te ot
<br /> � - � dlsbursument ot the Nate ra2o nnd ahsl!�e payabM,wkh interest,upon noUce from Lender to Bartower raquatln�payme�l• � ., .
<br /> . . ° `. 8. Mart�ag� Insursnc�. tl Ler►dx requlred mortg�ge Insurance ae � candiGon of m�klnp the tan seeurod by thls
<br /> " • 3ewrfty IneUUment, Borrawe►ehaM pay the premfuma rcquked to mainWn the mortgsge Maunnce in etfect. It,lor�ny re�aon.�t�� � .
<br /> ' mortg+ps k�aunnce covetege requked by Lender lapse� or ce�aaee !o be In eHect, Borrcswer shsll pay the pr��al�m�!to the „
<br /> � '�� oEtain coven�e eubatantklly M�w�t to the mortr3age haurance prevlouaty In e4(eot, et s coat eubstnntlaYy equ 4
<br /> - , cost to 8arower o1 the morl4aSe insuruice p�lously In etfect, irom en aRemete moRgage Insu�er epproved by Lender. If
<br /> ��' � subaUnWlty equNalant mort9�0° Insi�rance covenge la nol evaY�bb.Borrower ah:1 psy to Lendar oach manth a e�um �qud ro I _ . .____
<br /> �• one-tweMlfi of ihe yeuty mortg�pe Inaunnce premlum bainp pald by Borrowes when the Insurance coverage upaed or ceaeed to r�^..�
<br /> y • be k�elfmct. Lender wiN �ccept, use ond reWn Inese peya��ts ec a taae �csave!n Neu of moregige Insu�ce. Loaa rese�ve .
<br /> - . , p,iyrm�nUs mry no longer be requked, at the opUon o1 Lender, I1 mortgage Inauruice eaverage(In the emount�nd for the pertod f
<br />- - -- -- - th�t ler.de r�qulresl Provlded by on insurer spproved by Lenda agtln bxo:ne�available Rnd Is obtafned. Borrowx BhaN ptry ! -- -
<br /> .� ` .,:. _• ...:.::..... . ...-.,.. ._
<br /> - ,• .,-,.�..., � ths am'�iums requked to rttv�ntnln mortgago lnsurenco�n etlect,or to provtun n ta� .�..�r�. �nU!the r���"�°nt fnr martgeae
<br /> Ik�ablo 4tW. k--:-•:r ----.---
<br /> ' Inaur�nce enda fn ttccadu�ce wiil atry�rrtttcxi�grcanent behve�m oa�u�a rsd Lc:sd�or 4�� , .
<br /> 9. In�p�atlon.dender or its agent mny make roaaone�le entrfeo upon snd Inspections o1 tho Propertyr, Lender shaA give . _. '
<br /> Borrawer notics�t the tYne of or prbr ta an Inspectlon speci(yinA roason�bl°cauae tor the Inspection. y,
<br /> y�� 10. Condommtlon.7ha proaeeda o1 �ny �ward or c�olm for damagea� dkec!ar consequentlal.{n cunnectlon wNh any r v ,�.
<br /> •;� ,:;.��
<br /> _� .. ,- M�.±M,natlon ar other takh�g of nny pert o}the Rroperty,ar ta conveyanee In Oeu ot cundemnallon, ere hereby asslgned ertd k� � `
<br /> R�� eluil Ee pUd to Lender.
<br /> ' � In the event o4 n total takJng ot ihe Property, the proceeds shaB be appded to the sums secured by thts Security +`:,'.'`
<br /> ' Instrument,whe4hr.r or not then due,wfth any excesa pald to Borrower. In the event ot e partlal tektr+g of the Properry In whlch � �
<br /> - � �,n. t,r s,,,u�ret value o1 the Property Immedkt e y b e Sore t he t a k i n g I s e q u a l t o o r g r e a t e�•t h a n t h e amount o1 th��s�um�hso�ured — , .
<br /> °, by thls Security Inatrumen4 Immedlatelyl betore the tak3t►g. u�kss Borrower ana i.mdar oii����aa s�' �. .. g.
<br /> aecured by thl�Security InaWment shaN be reduced by the amount oi the proceeds muft(plled by the tollawing frec8on. (a) the � �� �
<br /> total unount of the aums secured knmedlately betore the tekl�g, divlded by @) the falr market value of the Property lm:nediatelY r. . r•
<br /> r.� �
<br /> before the taking.My balance shdl bo pald to Borrower.!n the event of a partlsl taking of the Propedy fn which the falr marfcet ��,• �
<br /> value of the Property krwnediatM�be!oro the takhg Is less than the emount o1 the sums secured knmediatey betoro the tafdng, `' ►
<br /> • or unles� appNcable law olherwlse provldes, the proceeds shaN be I " ���,•
<br /> untece Borrower �r►d Lendar otherwlse e�ee In wrktn9 �
<br /> applled to the eums secured by thls Securiry Instrument whetha or not lhe cuma ere then due.
<br /> ° If the Properry Is�bandoned bY 6orrowM�°r it�after notice by Lender to Borrowef thxt the condemnor oftere to make an . ;�� �
<br /> ' aw�rd or settle e c�aMn for dartuges. Boaower t a As to resp o n d t o L e n d e r w i t h l n 30 de ys after tho dato the notice Is ghren, ., "ti�'� ��
<br /> � � Lendet fa authorized to coAect �nd apply the proceeds,at its optton, either to restoratlon or repalr ot the Property or to the . �i
<br /> ' �, sur:�e secured by tht�Secudty InaUument, whether or not thm due. -;t ��
<br /> • UnBess Lender and BoROwer othmvlse egree In wrfting, any eppllcaUon ot proceeds to pr(ndpal sha8 not eMend or ,, °
<br /> " °5 poatpone the due date o1 the monthy payments referred to In paragraphs t and 2 or change the amaunt ot such payments. � .. , . `
<br /> �.:,: 11.Borrowor iVot Rsleaaed; ForbQannc�By Lender Not a Watvor. Extensfon of tha 8me tor paymw�t or '•j;i'
<br /> , �'' �� � mod�ceUon at emor4lzatlon of the sums socured by thl�Securily InsUument grnnted by Lender to any successor In Interest of
<br /> � Bonower ehall nnt opente�to r�lease the Ilabkity ot the odginal Bortower or Borrower's successors In Interas� Lender sha11 not
<br /> �ii� be requked to commence proceedings agnlnst any successor !n Interest or refuae to extend tlme tor pnyment or othervrlse
<br /> y� modty �mortluUon of the aums eecured by thts Security InsUUment by reasan oi eny demand made by the o�lglnal Botrower or
<br /> "•'}'� Bortowae succesaora r Interos� My torbearance by Lenda In exerclsing eny dght or remedy sheH nat be n walver ot or I , ' '
<br /> `����`�.. ° � predude the ex�rdse o!any dght or ramedy. 'R:
<br /> . 12. Successon and Asslgns Bound; Jolnt and SevQrAl Uabillty; Co-stgners.m� cove�ancs and I ,;
<br /> agreements ot thls Securtty InaUument shaq bfnd and benefft tho successors and easfgns o4 Lender end Bortower, subjaK to the
<br /> � prarlslone ot pengraph 17. Bortower'e covenants and ngrecmmts shall be Jolnt and awerel. My BoROwer wh�caslgns thls
<br /> gecurfty InsUUment but does not exerwte the Note: (a)Is caslgning thls Securlty InaVUment only to mortgege, grant and convcy �
<br /> � � thet Borrower's fnterest In the Property under the terrr►y of thls Security InsWment; (b) Is not personnity obligeted to pay the �
<br /> sums secured by thla Secu�ity Inatrum�,-�t; end (c) agrees that Lender end any othcr Borrower may agree to oxtcnd,modiry,
<br /> ^ ° torbear or mnke any accommodaflons wlth rogard to the terms o1 thls Securily Instmment or the Noto wlthout that BoROwers i
<br /> •: consent. ' .'
<br /> ,;�'��:: 13, L.Onn Charges. ff the loan secured by thla Secudry InsWment Is subJect to a law whlch sets maximum toan �
<br /> • ;%."� � ahnrges,and ihat law!s rnalty Interpreted so that the tnterest or other loon charges collectad or to be collected In connectton , '::.`;;';'
<br /> w�h tlie Inan exceed the permftted �lmits. then: (e)eny such loan chetgo shap be roduced by the amount neeessary to roduce
<br /> t{na cherge to the permftted Nmlh and @) eny oums elready collectod irom �lorrower whlch exceeded permKted 1}mHs wIH bo I
<br /> retunded to Botro�ve+'. Lender mey choase to make thls rofund by reducfng tho princlpal owed under the Note or by makkig e �
<br /> � , d[rect peymmt to Borrow�rer. If e rotund reducea princlpal, the reductlon wiH be Veated ns a partlal prepayment wlthout eny �
<br /> " � „ prcpayment charge undef tho Note. `
<br /> 14. Notleas.My noUce to Bortower provlded tor In thls Securiry InsUumenE ahell be gNen by delive�ing ft cr by mailing It �
<br /> � � by first clnss mafl untess applicable!nw requkes use of another mothod. Tho notice ehall bo dtrectvd to the Property Address
<br /> • • or any other addresa BortoweY deslgnatos by noUce to Lender. My noUce to Lender shall be gtven by first clase rrtall to
<br /> ;;.
<br /> -- ,_...�_ -=_---. .eot�n h�d�,nr anv other addresa Lender deslgnate� by noUco to Borrower. My noUce provlded tor In thls
<br /> --- ___-•_-_--
<br /> - --- - ���,.o.._.....� -_.-- •.- -. -
<br /> Security InstrumEnt shall be desemod to hava been glven to Borrower or Lender when glven as provtdecf In tma paragmpn. --- - � -
<br />_. „ 15. �OYerttfng LAw; S�verabllity. Thls Seourity InsWment shnll be flove,rod by tederel law und the law ot tho
<br /> ' JudsdicUon In whlch the Property Is located. In the event ihat any provfslon or clause oi thlu Secudty Instrument or the Nets
<br /> conAlcte with ay�pNcablo Iaw, such contltct sltell rtot aHect other provlslons of thts Secudry InsUUmr.nt or ihe Noto whlch ct►n be
<br /> ., given eNect without tho con11lcUng provlsion, To thls end the provlslono af thls Security Instrument nnd the Note ero declared to
<br /> ' b0 60Vlf4Q1E.
<br />-- " . 18. BO►rowst'� COjDy.Bortower shnli bo glven one contortnod copy ot tho Noto nnd o}thls�eaidry Inawment.
<br /> " � F131G.L�10(tO�N) Paqo 3 ot 5
<br /> �_ '_�.�_
<br /> , - 1
<br /> ""r . . , 95057
<br /> �t � . - . . _ - _ ' -- _
<br />—' . .
<br /> .. �1
<br />