, . _; . . .�. ___ __
<br /> . , . . . . _ .. �
<br /> . . �u� ----
<br /> __ ,��,,,,�.�„��,.�,,..w.u...-. ,.w r — .
<br /> `" +� ,_. �►s �;�.. ..� ,.t. _. _ `� ,,,..�,�..�.�. --_--- _.
<br /> � .,..,w.,,�,r��—.� �.�
<br /> � _ -:..,..x._.�.� . . -- _.• .. �.�a,.. ..,.,�2.�•^° .tCt3�*is.'vRPS�s.-��•�PS...-.- sn�c.-ic �� -�--:-_-_—. . ...
<br /> _'�-�'uw'!-p^i�H-,-.n�u[-r-- - - - -- - — - —
<br /> ,...,.-___�___-- ' _ _ __ _ '__ _ 'i►wt:.:rr�-.�-+.�....w:mn�:::�.�_�., ��.� . ..�,._._.__ .___--_--_
<br />.��.1:::}.4_..?..�' . � .
<br /> '��� � 9�. '��s�e��r �! �h� �re�ePty e�r � E�ana�tir,tal Int�rwd lee 8anovwr. u��a wny F.rt ot th� prppnny or ,_--.-__�_--�- --.—.--
<br /> " ' � any L�tstre51 bl 14 b autu�+u���!oasc!(or H e F�aneRclr�Ini�osi!n Qarrawer Ie aold o�tri�stHrt�+f an�[i��raqv4r Is no!e aetur�t i ,R,,. f,:'.,
<br /> �..IT`{,.:.,"-,�;��.i.-_cvu�T —
<br /> pc.�r.;�y r:i�t=��1 !�,c-r'a f�:,ne i.�:tt�:i cor+cc;it, Lcad�t�i;s;�,ct fte a�t!on,r�4a4!F8 li�?;�IEtNP.l9 f36}(iIlSfd(ii Pd� Q}Liy 6lfi�s ser.urad i;Y ' •. -
<br /> - tt�'3 C::�r,,,y ta:ta�rr�:�7.l�o.:c�:.�,[;r'�u�:'s;a c1;'J nat�o e~c;���d E;y Lc:�.;_7 fi c:ae:_o�a�:ral�?;::��E�y 5;.:'�;�I L••e�c�al fiio • �
<br /> — � dyiv oe inia�ei.v:ny manu�r�c,ri. ��� - -
<br /> �{ ; � v� — _— _
<br /> If Lendwr exKCl��s th1�vpUa�,Lu,Qar�hap gir�BurrowK nadco ol�ccrNratian. Tha no21u ehe11 prctilde e pe�ir,d of nol � „�.::.-� �--��'
<br /> c
<br /> ��•�x� �n Ju le�s than 90 day� Irom fh� d�te lha notk� te !+�+!�K�d rN rr�ci wfltJn which BarrowK mu�t pe►y tN euma e�cund by Ihle ! �-� ' - -
<br /> ;>��,:,;,.�_y • � 3�urity InetrunHnt. II Borrowir t�Jlr !v�y thore eume prlar to the e�lrRtlon o1 thla pealod, Lcndsr nH►y Mvak��ny c�modkr � , ?�°°`,�rr}�:,;�`-,��,,-.-_,,
<br /> -�;. "= pemRtW try thl�B�ouHly ImWm�nt wNhout fuAh�r nodcu w d�rt�and aR 8�xruw�r. �.�.�s�-.�°a.'.. '°
<br /> 'n;, .. -
<br /> � -� 1A. BO►revver'e Rinht to li�9nstatm. If Borrowea meete certaNi condit{ona, Qnrrower ahUl hwa the dahl co hevo � ` `�' ,, ,,, ��-,,_
<br /> � micxc�rtfNit ol thl� Securtty In�trumaM dfoconthu�d �t �ny Um� pdor to th� w11�r oi: (�)�► d�ya (or�ucb othM pufod �sa � � =,�.Yc�.,��^-=:��-
<br /> b, Q .
<br /> M..,aY. �"
<br /> :�x��,,. �p�rlicabla{rw may ap+�dty(a r�tndat�t)beloro eal�ot Ih�Property pursuant to�ny pow�r of u►f�contNn�d In thM 3�owtty ,�-� .,;
<br /> ..- Instrument: or(b)entry oi�Judyrnent eetorcdng this Sea�rfly In�trumer►L Thoae eonditlan� �ro thd Bortow«: (nI paYs Lend�r aN • ` ,. : "'' -
<br /> :;.y��,�i�ll�"t. .,n ;.,, '; t•.• ;
<br /> . ,._..,, �..:r„�s: eum�whwh then wo�aid he dus unda th}a Security Instrument�r►d th�Not��s N no �ccM�tFon hxd occuRrd; (b)cure�rny '•M1�;• � •,�t ��.�f•�j�
<br /> '` defa�k ot any oth�r covemnt �or ayr�emente; (n) Paye aN expenaes k�curtad In entortinn this�curfty In�Uuma�t, IncNidfn�,bu1 � • <M
<br /> �.. " r not&nited to,reuonable nttomeye'teue; and (�t�ka auch action aa Lender may reuon�bry sequka to oasuro that the I{en o1 • :
<br /> ' - thia 8ewiiiy InaUume�L Lende�r'8 rt�t�te �► the Propsrty and Borrm�:cr's ab��s4lon to pay the eum� eecured by 14�I� Sc�urtty � . � ' �
<br /> � Inatrument eh�fl eontinue unchanped. Upon relnst[tanent by BoROwu, thla Security InsWmenl and the obAy�tbna e�eurod r •
<br /> ! , horoby shdl ronak�fuMy Mlactive a�if no �ccelerntlan h�d occurred. Howe�a,thie�Ight to retnaute ehall not�ppfy M ihe case � . •. �
<br /> .. , 01 accelenQon under parag�ph 17. � -.... : -
<br /> ,. 19. Sal� 04 Notf�; 'Ch��p� of I.oan 5orvtcar. The Note or e e perHal Intereat In the Nate (topetli�x wrih thls ��''' � '
<br /> r:,." �s Securky Instrument)rru�y be aold one or more 41mes wfthout pdor noUce to BoROwa. A aate mny resuk in�ChM�kl fht llltflyl •�r..�°' `•
<br />'"` �� (known ae the'Lo�n Servicer') that cal'ecta monthy payma►ta due under the Note and thi�3ec�u�ty Inatrument. Thaa dao may �"°�`-
<br /> -- • � be cne or r�ara cii:r�ge� of tha La.n Strrlcrr unrd.:ted to e eele ai the Note. tf there Is �chanc�� oi the Laan Seavker, ,;�`��-_
<br /> �_: •
<br /> �;w. ,. :,� ., .
<br /> : . BoROwa wGi be piva� wfil4en noUce ot t!►e chenge M accordance with peragraph 14 above end�ppNcable law. The noUce wfN
<br /> . r:� .
<br /> . ststo the name and a+ddreaa oP�l�e new Loan Seovlcer end the eddress to which p+yments ahould be made. The notice wiA�Iso •� �
<br /> _ __" contaln eny other Intarmavon re�uaoci by npplicabie taw. � _.�_.._..�� _ z,----
<br /> . �" '� ?0. N3�ld0!!s 51tG'3t!ltCOa. Borrower shsq not c.^.use or parmii iner pre9e,,�ce, uan, u�a+su�,.i, sWi�ja, oi ia�aa a! .. - �--��; -�`" •
<br /> . eRy Hazardous Substance� on or In the Property. Borrower ohek not do, nor aBow anyone oise to d4, anything dfecting the � `�ti1"'��'
<br /> � ,,`•° PropMy that Is In vio:.-Ew� of any Ee�vkonmenW I.�w. The praceding hvo sentenees ehall noi�ppy to the preaence, uae, or
<br /> �'� sto�a9e on the Property oi snwli qusnL`Ues of Hazardou�Substences thot ere generaHy recogn�td to be epproprkte to nortnal .
<br /> roslc4nti�l uses end tn rnatnte��s+nrn nf tho Pronerty. �-�- "`='�L-
<br /> :�«-
<br /> � Bortawer ahall p►ompty gNe Lander written notice of eny InvesUg�Uen, olaim, de�natid, Itwsuft or other acUoo by sny ��4� ��
<br /> govommentril or regul�tory egertcyr or pfirate party Inv�tv(ng the Property end�ny H�zardoue Substance or Envkonmentsl Law o1
<br /> whlch Bnrrower has actual knowtedge. If 8ortower leams, or Is no0fted by any govemmentel a�egula]ory euthortty, that any ' :l
<br /> rcTiti�v6� ui iiii�a i2n�widil'vi� G= mi'� ilai.ait}i:i:b �7bSL'Ji� ESS�l�$ Q!OgS°..!!`�' I3 Sl�B�__S;� Q07L+Yix alwfl n�mm�thl take ell
<br /> necRSSery mmedi�l actlona in aceordance wRh Environme�tal Isw. � �,�..
<br /> . As usod In this paragraph 20,'Harardous Substences' are those aubstences dEStined as to�do or huzardaus substences by , �,,�:�
<br /> Envkonmentd Law and the toNowing substances: gesoline, kerosene, other 1lammeble or taxic petroieum products, toxla ��' ,�
<br /> ' � pestiddea�nd her6lcides.volatile eohrenta, materials contek�ing aobestoa ar tortneldehyda, and radloacthre maturlala. As used in . �..i
<br /> parapraph 20, 'Environmontal Lsw'meana tederal lawa and k►wa of the Jurisdlctlon whae the E�ropeAy ts located thet relate to �� „��C�- ,_
<br /> " .� health, satety or envlronmaital proteailon. �
<br /> . /.
<br /> " NON•UNIFORM C0IIENANT3.Borrower and Lender further covenant end epree as foNowa: �� •
<br /> " 21. AccalsrRtion; Fiomadl�s. Londer shall gtve nolice to Borrowor prior to +�cceferatton ! � �� ��
<br /> - � foilowing Borrow�r'� br�ach of any covanan4 or agreameraz In thip Sec�rity Instrument (but not � �- ��' '_
<br /> i' prlor to �cc�leratlon undor paragraph 17 unless applicabla law providos otherwise). The notice � ' �`
<br /> • �j shali sp�cify: (�) th� default; (b) the actlon requirad to c�ure the deiautt; (c) a date� not le�s than � ; :�� = _
<br /> � i 3� daya from the dats the nottcs ta given to Bo?aower, by anrhlch the dafault muat be cur�d; and , :
<br /> . ° (�fB Qhat falluro to cure !he default ore or betore tha date speclfled In 4he nottce mey reault In �
<br /> � � eecmlora4ion of ths sume se�ured by thie Securlty Inatrutn�e�a3 and s�lo of tha Property.The notice ,
<br /> ;�; shall furthe� Intorm �orrower of tNe rlght to relnatate eRer accelaratian anei the right to bring a �
<br /> �. . � ` co�d actlon to assart tha non-axlatence of a default or eny other defense of Borrower to � . �
<br /> �`;�'����.••� a��oleration and aAl�. If the detault Is no4 aured on ar bsfore the data sp�okfipd 1� tha natico, , .� -
<br /> � `-��:� r Lea�dsr at ite optlon may requlre Immedlats payment tn fuil of all aums socured by this Security � •�
<br /> ' � Inatrumant withnut further demadd and may Invoke the powor of salo and nny other remodlos � " .
<br /> " pormltted tsy pppllcable law. Lender ghall ba entitteai to co9lect all oxpenaes incurred In pursuing '
<br /> • the remeciies provided In thls paragraph 21, Inc�uding, but not Itmited to, reasonabte attorneys' I ,
<br /> ' te�s and coats of title evt�once.
<br /> ' . , If the pou►ar of aele Is invoked, Trustee shall record a notice of default in �ach aounty In �
<br /> wl�lch any pArt of the Property ta located and shall mu91 copies of such notice t� the manner � , .
<br /> p►escribod by applicable law to Bortowee and to the other pereona prescribed by applicable law. '
<br /> _ ARar tha tlma requlrcd by appllcable Is�w. Trustee shall �tve publlc notfc� of sale to the persona
<br /> end In ths manner preacribed by applicabte law. Trustea, wtthout demand on Borrower, shall sell
<br /> � � tho F+roperly at public auctlon to ths highest bidder at the time and placo and under tha terma
<br /> do�signot�d In th� notica of 8�1� In one or moro parcels �nd in tny order Trustoa detdrmines.
<br /> Truatee enay postpons aele of ell or any parcel of the Property by puhllc annauncement at the ,
<br /> 41m� attd plac� of any prevlously echeduled sale. Londer or its designee may purchase tha � � •
<br /> � Prop�rty at any aale.
<br /> Upan rocaipt of payment of tho prtce bid, 7rus4se shall dsliver to the purahaser Trustee's
<br /> ' __.. --_..:-._„_.._..- .1__.a __�..�_.1.�_ Y._ n��r�i. T4� r�-°°-=- lr �h� Tu�a����� a���l a{�s�l I�s nrfr� �.w�s w..�e�awwa w�i .
<br /> --- -.. - -- v�sv ov���s�o�}y oio r��np�.a� ..v..�.o
<br /> ...v ... ..� .... .. .. �r.... . � . .. . --.--
<br />° the truth of the statements made thereln. T�ustee shall apply the proceeda of the eale In the
<br /> tollowing oPder: (a) t� all cos3e �nd expenses of exescising the poti►rer of sale, end the eale,
<br /> '" Including ths pAyment o4 tho Trustee'e fees ectually Incurred� not to exce�d thrae
<br />- � 9'o a�f the principal amount of the
<br /> -� note at tho time o4 4he declaratlon of detault� and reasonahle attornay's fess es permitted by law;
<br /> (b) to oll sums socurad by this Security Instrumont; and (c) any excess !o the person or persona
<br /> " • Iegally�ntitl�d to It.
<br />_ . /%'/l' (_�-�
<br /> F1310.LM(i(10/31) Pupu A of 5
<br /> '' .
<br /> �- +.� • 95057 �
<br /> ..
<br /> _ I
<br />