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<br />-�:x:���,.�0�?1-.�r'" f • 70C3@THER '�VfTH aM the M�provsmanis now a heroattur er�cted cn !he PropMY.�nd aN wieKnente� oppun�rwnca�, end —
<br /> � � , � `�L`id9 flt�'N oi ilet88iwP B pF.iZ 0?ihe pt0�.^.i5}I.�.'�.1 fi.�7:�C�;i�7it�Cfld�[!!t:��fl9 G�7�9 ct�n b�cn�nc�G� tL•:� :;ecwtbj lnst^�mRr�t. i_-r•�f'!_r:v:.:__
<br /> �.� .= '._' ..��.
<br /> P9 6�IIlE3�07f$OI310(3 fG!G�Z��b Iil lh�S S!rJl{[�IIlSUZ!(i:Efit P.�t110 'Pioperty.' �`"''""'=;'°,;";"-;�:��-°
<br /> G'0;;;Qw.�:H CC3V�=P�r.rs��Itic:t f;n,��:rcr I� t,:.',n':,� cc'�cc1 c4 QP;� cc2;2� hcrc9;y c�nvc�ct� cnri hc:s th� d��h!to (;:�s:i r.s1d � ..•
<br /> _..,
<br /> �' -- COt1YLy f�ti0 �'ri0y^.�ii�l CJ719�fI51 ti1D {�IBk1L(iY �J UALiIC'.ti�ls��iC(�� C;:��v� T�IP C�1G'.!b�:�i.:�CC7 0� f�i.i;it�. {:L'ii0:::7 C::I�..i�l"J Ci:i�l':) e4i
<br /> . _ _--_. .__._�� �.,.�s- ---� - - .
<br /> de'cmd penere:qy the Utte to tAe Prapsrry epa�net a�ctafma sno dats�.nu�,cinij�:i iv ra��l n�ves.�r..�G:.....�...'-�.... �i�l�_
<br /> ""` ' T}119 SECURII'Y IN9TRUJu�NY oombinee unYoEm covenent� tar natk�n�l uso �nd non-unKartn coven�nta wfth Iir,�tted� [� ��`s��•
<br /> �:.:� �
<br /> �-,
<br /> sgx,�..�+ .,.•,� � r�rlatlone by Judsdio2lon to ce+»Ulute�unHorm security fnatMmwat cov«fnp r�ei praparty. ��d„=••,«s•�
<br /> ",�-�L,Yy��F��:�; UNIFOiiM COVEPlANT9. Borrower�nd lender covenrnt and��ras as fal{owe: �•' +"�Fri;,�,.m-:++;
<br /> ,!-,�=�wr 1. P+�ym�nt of Princip�l md Int�r�M; Pr�p�ytm�ttt and Lat� Chu���Borrawer ah�N P��PUY P�Y whm M ��=�
<br /> -�� �•�• ��' y t�nd kte chxpt�dua undK the Nott. --
<br /> • due the prindp:l ot and tnterest on lhe debt e+rleenced�y the Note�nd Ro prepMymen g � .y��--- �_,
<br /> 2. FUtlli� �6�i'�iil(oii Fili�05"IGGi':�ilc�.::+aifjc;.2 to c���'c:ha I�:•�or tfl a strttt�n e.�Nn by Lendti, orrc»ver ah�N MY �,� ,-�.!''�"' -
<br /> � `'�' ` — --
<br /> �y'��;��� lo Lendar on ths d�y monthN WY�te�re dua und�r the Note, unUl th�Nai�Is pa{d in NN, �eum ('Funda') tor: (�) ya�oty "",���•�°`'-
<br /> uxes and aeaensmento whlch rt�y att�ln pdortty ova lhie 3�exirfty Inrtrummi as a M�n on the RopnAy; (b) yMrfy FMe�hoM kx;.a+w�.�
<br /> � p�ye►�aite or p�ound ranta on the Prapaty. N any; (c)yeuty h�wrd w prop�rtY Inaunnce pre�r�umr, (�ye�uty!{ood insunnu '�'`;.'4;t�h� �-q�--�;
<br /> ``..•�,�''�"�`'°;iP�.� '
<br /> prsrtduma,H any, (e)yearly modpaye inaurance�uantume, N�y;�nd (i)any ouma p�ywbls by Bomoww to Leed�r In�ccorda�a �`��*i:+�'� � �`
<br /> " �` with the provislona o1 puwgraph 8, In peu of the payment o1 mortgeg� inaunnce premluma. Th�a� kan� �n caNed 'Fscrow ',�;;'r`�`�°+ '��"�;'•`•`,'°`°
<br /> u •v .�� ;,r.��.��„�
<br /> . lians.' Lend�may, at any Ome, coYect �nd hold Funds M �n�mount not to exeeed 4hs m��dnwm�maunt a lencier 4or• w,�r�-0�;R,1�,t-
<br /> �• . ' , led��.'y raatstl mvrtgzgn loan may re�uxe inr Barowef'e esaow eceount under the federel ReiU Estate 3etdemenq Procsdures ". _ :..�` �:-(
<br /> Act af 1874 as emend�di from time to ttme, 12 U.S.C.@ 2601 et aey. ('RESPA'), unkse�nother tRw that npplies to the Funds :;�r;Q=�..,�;-�.,�!,:
<br /> sets a leaaer emount. i 1 so, Len dx rtNy. a t a n U m e, c o N e c t end hold Funda in ei amount net to exceed the (eeae►emount. . +. ��.;.�� '_
<br /> y .fM�f.�'2/�.:��' .
<br /> Lendn muy estimata the emount o}Funds due on the basis of current data end raaonable eatknstee o9 ex[�endNures a1 tulure ���.r4y.�;3�y�'M�.-.,'•
<br /> ,. Escsow Items ar mfiawlse In aceArdance w�h appYcablo taw. , ; ". �`
<br /> � ; Tho Funds ahatl bc hdd In nn Inrtftutlon whose deQosfte are Insu:ed by e tedenl agency, Inatrumentility, or entky(hdudin9 . ,�,,,,�n�' �
<br /> w� Lender, H Lender ia such an IneUtutlon or in an Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender chaM eppy the Funda to pay tho Esaow .:.,u.vrt�r5�""��.
<br /> e
<br /> ..,,,, , . .
<br /> ) Y ' .�».;;:=�
<br /> -- '�• Itema.Lendar msy not charge QoRO�ver far hofdinp and apptying the Funds,annuary enalydng the esuow account, a ver.tyinfl -•� .w�:---
<br /> � - .::� tha Eserou Itcmr, unl�s Lendsx paya @ortower fnterest on the Funds end npplicabte bw pertNte Lender to make nuch � ��
<br /> !'`�` charge. Howaver, Lender ms:y requMe Borrower to pay e ono-time cherge tor en indapendant renl esLte tax reportin� s4rvice ':,,r,y�:�:.�+-
<br /> '? '��� used by Lender In connectlon wkh thW loen, unleaa appNcabte law provides othe�wise. Unles�an �g�+aement la rt�de or
<br /> � �:�. ,,.'�.
<br /> ---y -- ._._ "_._. eppAcablv taw requl�s lnterost to be pald, Lender sheA not bo required to psy Borrowe►eny intzrest or eemings on ihe Funds. ._.__.�u�,��•�'F'
<br /> ____._;_ .,_� _,___� Borrower rnd LEnder may agree in wrtling, however, that lnterest sha6 be paid on the fund,s. Lender eh�ti ghra to Barrov�a. � _:;`_
<br /> �� � wRhout chtuge, � nnnwi nccountx�g oi tine Funds, enowing aediis w��7 debits to tha Pur�ds and ttr p�trrx' fot which ewch �._�--�. ',;;;.,,�'`. "
<br /> debtl to the Funds w�s m�de. 'f'he Funds aro pledged as nddiUonal securfty tor aA suma secured by the Securfly InntrummL � �• �!��,-
<br /> � H the Funda held by Lenda exceed the amounts permftted to be held by applicable law, Lmder shY account to Borrawer „ . t:� "——
<br /> ��" lor the e:ccess Funds In accordance wRh the requir,ements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funda held by Lender a4 any �• '�` �
<br /> .. , , '"•. iunw ia �nt suffir.3ent tu pay the Escrow Itenu vihen due, Lender mey so notNy Bortowor In writ(ng,end,In such cese BoROwa •- �;�,
<br /> ehaA pay to I.ender the amount necessary to make up the deflctenay. Borcowtx shBll maKe up tna deiiaency in nu u�u�o t��sr ;���M:
<br /> • .. ��,;.:,;. tHelve monthy oaymenta,at Lender's sale discretlon.
<br /> , . Upon payment In fuA of all suma secured by this Secyuurity Instrument, Lender ahall promptly retund to 8orrower eny Funds �
<br /> . ...
<br /> '_,-+ - .__ heid bv Lender. Ii. under oarapmph 21.Lender shall acquire or 3eli tha Praperty, Lender, pdor to the acqulsftion or sale ot the �• . '
<br /> " _�"___ . ....�Y
<br /> " Property, shaN npply any Funds heid by Lender at the ttme of ncqu(sition or eale as a creat again�t ti►e sums sewred'oy ii�is �.f�
<br /> � Secudty InswmenL ' ' ""
<br /> 3. Applieat7on of Poyment9. Unlo�s appllcxible law provides otherwfse, all pnyments rece�ved by Lender under a•
<br /> ara ra ha 1 and 2 ehali be e piled: flrsY,to an r n ent cha es due under the Note;second,to smaunts p8yable under 4
<br /> . P 9 P P Y P eP Ym r9 ��.� ^ ,
<br /> para�graph 2;thkd,to intereat due;fourth,to prindpal due;end last,to eny late charges due under the Nota. �:•: . �
<br /> • . 4. Chtrges; Uens. Borrower ehell pay ell taxes, assessmmts, charges, flnes and {mposfUons etVibuteble to lhe �.0�.
<br /> - � Property whlch may ntteki pBarfty ova this Security Instrument, and Ieasehold paymenta ar ground rents,If any. Borrower shatl , �
<br /> ttak
<br /> pay these obAgetlons fn the manner provtded in paregraph 2, or R not paid in that manner, Borrower ahs11 pay them on time %��
<br />� dlrecUy to Yhe per3on owed p:.;�ent. Borrower shetl prompUy fumish to Lender all notices oi amounts ta be paid under thts "�,
<br /> � pa►agreph. If Borrower makos these payments directly, Bortower ahaC prompUyr fumlah to Lender recalots evidencing the '° ° ;
<br /> payment9. ' vi
<br /> Bortower shall prompty dischnrgo any Ilen whlch has pdodry over this Secudry Inatrument unlesa BoTrower: (a) agrees In `�•.• � '�'
<br /> writing to the payment of the oblipaUon securad by the Ilen in a manner acceptable to Lender; (b) contesta in good iaith the ;:.;;:} ; ::�
<br /> ° , Ilen by, or detends agalnst entorcement of tho Ilen in, legal proceedings which In the Lende►'s ophion operate to prevent the �„j•�'� ,.
<br /> entorcement of thv Ilen: or(c)secures kom iho holder oi the Ilen en agreement setisiactory to Lender sutnordlnaUng the lien to „
<br /> this Secudty Instrumen�ii Lender determfnes that any part of the Property Is subJact to e Ilen whlch may a4tain priorfty over this
<br /> Security Instrument, l.ender may gNo Borrower e noUce Identitying the Ilen.Borrower shall sattsfy the Ilen or take one or nnore of
<br />- ih�ectiona aet torth abo+re within 10 days of the gfving at notica.
<br /> - ' '!%� 5. Hazard or ���perty inauranco.Bortower shaA keep the Improvemu�ite now exlsting or hereafter erectetl on ihe ,.
<br /> .'.. Property lnsured egalnst loss by fire, hezerds inctuded within tho term 'extended coverage' end any other he�rds, Including •
<br /> floods or floodinfl, ior whlch Lender requ(res In3urance. 1'hls Insumnco ahall be matnteined In the emounts and tor the periods ��
<br /> • that Lender requlres. Tha insurance cartic� praviding the insurance ahall 6e chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender's approval •
<br /> � which shall not be unreaoonabty withheld. It Borrower fails to malntaln coverage descrfbed above. Lender may, at Lender's
<br /> -���. optian, obtaln coverege to prolocE Lender's dghts In the Properly In accordance wfth paragreph 7. i
<br />_ � '•.!;� " All fnsuranco poflcles end Panew�ls shali bo acceptable to Lender and shall inc�udo a standard mortgago clause. Lender
<br /> � RhaN have the rlght to hoid the policiea r�nd renewals. If Lender requlres. Borrower shail prompUy givo to Lender all receipts of
<br /> � � paid prem(ums and renawal noticas. In the event of loss,Bortower shnfl give prompt notice to the Insurence carrfer and Lender. ,
<br /> � � Lender may make praof of losa If not made promptly by Borrower. i
<br /> � " Unlesa Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writfng, Insurenco proceods shall be applled to restoraUon or repair of the �
<br /> � Property damagod, It the restoratlon or repalr is economlcalry teasiblo and Lender's security Is not lessened. If the restoreUon or �
<br /> �����y ro�ek Is not economlcalty feasibl9 or Lenders socurity would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shail be applied to the sums
<br /> � , secured by thls Secu�iiy Inutrument, whciher or n�t then duo, wlth any oxcess pald tu Bonower. It Bortower abandons the
<br /> - Property, or does not anstiver withln 30 days a notice irom Lender that the insurance cartier hes oifered to aettte e Galm,then
<br /> . Lendor may collect the Insurance proceada. Lender may use the procecda to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums '
<br /> � �• s�cured by thls Secudty Inatrumen6 wi�ether or not then due. Tho 30�day pedad tivlll bcgln when tho notico Is g!ven.
<br /> ! `�!� Unless Londer and Borrower otherwtae ngreo ir writfng, any eppllcaUon of proeeeds to principal shall not oxtend or
<br />_. � pnatpone tha due date of the monthly payments retemed to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chango tho amount ot the payments. 11
<br /> , under pnregrnph 21 the Property Is acqufred by Lender, Bortower's dght to uny Insurance policies end procceds resul[ing irom
<br /> �� damage to the F'iopeHy pdor to tne acqulsfNon shall pesa to Lerider to the extent of tho sums by this SecudC� Insiniment
<br />_. , . Immed[atety prlor to the acqulsitlon.
<br />-'--- ' - -- - -__ .. ..---------- n�_–_.�_.� u��..a�..�....e s...� c....�en►Inn nf ►1.0 Prnne�cr. Finr�nurnr'n L.nnn :
<br />–------_'-�-'�� - v. V4liYl7fitY'� r�oavs�a•.v�.� ...��...o..�....� .
<br /> ._._. .__' .. .�r"'�. — .. . -- .
<br />- Appiieetinn; �.eesehOlde. Borrower shnll occupy, establish,�and use the Prope►ty as Bottower's pdnclRal raside��co wHhin
<br /> s[xty days ntter tho executlon ot this Secudty Instrument ond shnll continuo to oecupy the Property as Borrower's prindpai
<br /> residence tor at lexst one year After tho dato 01 occupancy, uniess Lender otherwise agrees In writing,which consent ahnil not
<br />! be unreesonnby withhe!d, or unless uxtenuaUng ctrcumstancos exist whlch are boyond Borrowor's conUol. Borrower shnll not
<br />- . dc�sUOy,dtuna�o or Impafr the Property,allow the Property to delcrlorete, or commit waste on the Property. Borrower shall bo In
<br />_ � default If any tnriaiture acllon or proceedfng, whether civtl or criminal.Is bagun that in Lender'3 good tNth �udgment could resuft
<br /> t= in todeituro ot tha Properry or othenvism m�tedalty lmpnir tho Iien creuted by thl3 Securtry Instrument or Lender's secudry Interest.
<br />! ` -
<br /> 1 ��,a•– /.� ��
<br /> �rv .T
<br />�1: . �� Ft318.LM0110/91) Pago 2 of 5 �— —
<br /> s. .
<br />''� 95057 _
<br />—
<br />.� - . . . .. ••1
<br />