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<br /> periods that Lendsr requires. Thc insucance�airier pruvlding Ihe insurnnce siiuli Ix:chasen by Ha�ruwer sub.jret to Lendsr's
<br /> ' ' �pprovnl whicS�shul!not be unrcasonab:y withheld. If Harrower fails to maintain coverage de�cribed above,Lender may,nt
<br /> - � �! Lcndzr�s option,obtain ccavern^�rc�p�o*.ect Ler.Aer�ri�hts in tha Ermperty in nccordnttce with parAg�aph 7. ,
<br /> A11 insurance policies and renewnls shalt be acceptabic ta Lender and she�l�inclucle u stancku•d n�ortgage sluuce. l.endtr
<br /> ' shall hi+ve the right to hold the policies and renow�ls. If l.ender rcyufres,Horrower shall pmmptly givc to l.ender all receipGs
<br /> _„��i of paid premiums and renewal notices. In the event of loss,Borrawer shall give prompt notica tu the insurnnce cattier and
<br /> Lender. l..ender may make.proof of loss if noc made promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lender und florrower othenvise ngreo in writing,i�surance prceeeds shall be applicd to restorution ar repair of
<br /> � thc Property dnmugcd, if the restoration or rcpair is cconomIcAl(y fcu�ible and Lendcr's securIty is not lessened. If the
<br /> -°-- restoratton ar repair is not ecanomically teasible or Lenderk security would be lessened,the insur.mcc proceeds shall be _
<br /> - applied to t}ie sums scr.urcd by thia Security I�stn�rncnt, whether or not then due, with any excess pnid to Horrower. If
<br /> Harra�ver�bandons th� Property, or daes noc:u�swer witliin 30 days a notice from L.ender that the lnsurnnce carriar has
<br /> � o€fereci to settle a clnim,tlion Lender mny collect�he insurance proceeds. Lenidee mny use thr,peceeeds to repair ar resture
<br /> ` tlie Prop�rty or tu pay sums secured by this Security Instrument,whether or nat then duc. The 30-day pesiod will Uegli�when
<br /> °"�! the noticc is givon.
<br /> Unless Lender and Dorrower othenvise agcee in writing,nny application of procecJs to principal shull not extend or
<br /> ' postpone the dua date of the montlily payments referred to in para�rnphs 1 und 2 or chunge tlia amount of the paymcnts. If
<br />