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<br /> 7'Q(3fi'TH'�R Wl'�H all the impro�femcnts n�w or hercaftec ere�ted csn the property,ruid all cuscmcnts,appuetr_nanCes,
<br /> and Sxtures now or hereafter a pnrt of the prnperty. All replaceme�nts and additions shall ulso be covered by shis Security
<br /> � Ii��t��um�nt All of tta.e fnrP�nin;is referred to!n dns SocurIty Instrument ns the"1'roperty:'
<br /> HORROWER�OVENAN:S�hat Boaower is lawfutl�seised uf thc cstate hereby conveXed and ha,the rigiei¢�gr�uyt
<br /> _� nnd convey the Propecty r�nd that the Pc�operty is wnene►unbered,except for enourefirances of record. Aorrower warranu and
<br /> wiU defend generaUy the title to the Property a$ainst a!l claims and demends,suibject ro any encsimbrnnaes of record.
<br /> THiS SF.CU1R.iTY INSTkUMENT combines uniform covenants for nt►tiannt u,s nnd nnn•uni`or►� cove�Yants �ei�h
<br /> limited variauans by jurir,diction to cansdtute a uniform�ecwi.r�instrument cavorla�a ren!property.
<br /> _- UNffpR�i C4yy�NANfS. Borrower nnd[.ender co�tund�Lat�Cttnrges IlBorror�vcr slisdZ�ynamptly pay when dae the
<br /> - 1. Fsymnnt�of 1>►�incipAt and Irtonrstp P►t�Y�
<br /> - principal of And interest an thu dabt evidcncec!by thw Nota sxnd nny pr�pnymont and late charges dne under the Note.
<br /> 2. F�nds Cor'I�xes snd Insurauce. Subjcct ta•�pplicnblo lnw or to a written waiver by I..cnder,Aorrower shall pay to
<br /> - Lender on the day monthly payrucn�s ore du�undcr AhG Nato.until the Note is paid in full,a sum�("y�uids"cf�l �°�S�hold
<br /> -- tuxes and assessmenis which may attnin priority over thlfl Sccuriiy InstruTment as a lien on the Pra n %�b�y earl flood
<br /> payments or gmund rents on the Property. if any; (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums; (d) y y
<br /> insuMnce pmmiums, if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance�Oreariums, if any;and(n any sums payable by Horrower to
<br /> � i.�nder.in nccordanee wi4►the p�avisions af paragraph 8, in lien�f the payment of rrsortgnge insurar�ce premlums. Tkiese
<br /> -- items are called"Escrow Items.' Lender muy,at nny time.collect and hold FS�nds in un amount not to exceed tha maximum
<br /> -,��„�„ amount a lend�r.for a federally relnted mortgag� loan may require for Ilonower's escrow account undes 2he federal Real -
<br /> ------- Estate Settie��mt Prucedures Act of 1974 as amended from nme to ti►ne, 12 U.S.C.§2641 et se�.("RL'SFA"),unless auothet
<br /> J !uw that appli�s to the Punds seu a lcsser amount. !f so,Lender may,ut any timc,coqect and uold bLnds ln en arnmmt not io .
<br /> --� exceecl the lesser amount. Lcnder may estimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of cunant data and reasonlble
<br /> y esdmates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or othcrw•ise in uccordance�vilh applicable law. _
<br /> The�nds shall be 1►eld in an instituaon whose deposits arc insurecl ts�u fcderul agency,inswmsntaliry.or entity
<br /> _�� (inclurling ixnder.if Lender is such an insutuuon)or in any F�ederul Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shall apply the Funds to pay _
<br /> — the Escrow ltems. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and upplying ilic Fu�ids,aru�val2y analyzing:he s�zrn`•"
<br /> - account,or verifyin� the Escrow Items, unless Lender pays Bo�ro�ver interest on the Funds and npplicable law permits
<br /> __ �� Lender to snake such a charge. However,Lender mny reyuire Boa�wer to pay a one•pme charge for an independent real
<br /> ° estate tnx rcDortin�service used by Lcnder in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides othcrwise. Unless an
<br /> � agreement ie made or applicable law requues intcrest co be p:siJ.Lc;�der�ha!!ttoi�:e�usr.�to pay Rnrro�ver any interest or
<br />_�� carnings on�he HLnds. Aorrower and Lender muy a�ee in writing, howevcr,that intemst shall bc paid on the�unds. Lender
<br />:=--��� shall give to Botrower,without charge,an annual accauntin�of the f�nds,showing credits und debits to the FLnds and die
<br /> _�.;-�,r:= purpose for which each dcbit to the Flinds wus madc. The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums secured by
<br /> __��=�� this Security Inshument.
<br /> ---�� If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permined to be held by applicable law, Lender shall uccount to
<br />�;;���,� Bonowet for the excess Funds in accordunce with the req�irements of applicable Inw. Ifc the amount of the Flinds held by
<br />��,,,,,�,;� Lender ut any time is not sufficient to pay the Hscrow Items when due.Lendcr may so notify Borrower in writnng, nnd,in
<br /> :,r-� such case Barrower shali pay to Lender the amaunt necessary to maka up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the
<br />___�-� deficiency in no more�han twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole di scretion.
<br /> - �_� Upon payment in full of all sums secuned by this Security Insuument,Lender shull prompdy refund to Boaower c�►y
<br /> -•^�� s le of lthe PrYopertye shall apply p Funds held by I.end�r at�ihe d'me of acqu si Ion or sale as arcredit ugatnst the�sums
<br />---=�_a
<br /> -_ _�� secu�d by thns Securiry Instrument.
<br />:�y�,��;� 3. App![cu4ion of Payments. Unless applicable law provides otherwise.�11 payments received by T.end�r under
<br /> �,� pamgrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:first,to any prepayment chacges due under che I�Tote;second,to amounts payable under
<br />-�� Parug�aph 2;third,to interest due:fourth,to principal due;and l�t.to any late charges Que undcr the Note. _.
<br />�;�� 4. Charges; Llens. Borrower shall pay a11 taxes, assessmeats,charges, fines and imposidons attributable to �hc
<br />.;{t�,,;� Property which may nttnin prioriry over this Securiry Instr�ment,and Ieasehold payments or ground rents,iF any. Aorrowcr
<br /> 1;� shall pay diese obligations in the mar►ner provided in parn�raph 2. ur if not paid in that manner,Borrowcr shall pay them on
<br />-�_� time direcdy to the person owed payment. Boaower shall prompcly fumish to Lender all notices of amounts tu be paid under
<br /> ���= this paragr�ph. If Borcower makes these payments directly,BoROwer shall promptly fornish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br />='~`'��� thc payments.
<br />�;���- Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has priority over t!►is Securiry Instrument unless Borrower.(a)agrees
<br />:��_�;"'• in writing to the payment of the obGgation secured by the lien in a manner aceeptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> ��' lien by,or defends against enforcement of the lien in,legal proceedings which in the Lender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br />_="'=-� enforcement of the lien:or(c)secures from the holder of the lien an ogrcement satisfactory to Lender subordinating die licn
<br />-`�'• to this Sscurity Instrument. If Lender determines that any part of the Property is subject to a lien which may attnin priority
<br />':-�`; :� over this Security Instcument,Lender may give Borrower a notice identifyin�the lien. Borrower shall satisfy the lien or take
<br />=--��= onc or moce af the actions set forth above within 10 days of the giving of nouce.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurnnce. Borrower shall kecp thc improvemenu now existing or hereafter cc�ected on the
<br />';t:y�. 1'roperty insured against loss by fire.hazards included within the term "extended coverage"and any other hazards,including
<br /> • floods or floodin�, for which Lender requires insurunce. This insurance shall be mtintained in the amounts nnd foi the
<br />-�Y'�
<br /> ';:,'.i„�;, Eom�3028 9190 (PaBe 2 ojb pagea)
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