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<br /> i condemnaQon or othcr taking of u�y part af the F�n►perty,ar f�1r ew►vtyunca in��eu of conde�auQR:ea�'heaGy assigned aK!
<br /> l :,hall tr ps�id ccs l.cnder.
<br /> In tho event of tt to1K1 �i►lcfng of tt�e ['tti�}xrty. �h�% �►rx�sdy �nall be epplied to U�e sums ::ecured by this 5ecuri�y
<br /> Instrument,whethcr or n�t �hcn d�e,with any exs:c�R pwl��to [lnrmwer. In�he event of a pArtial taking�f the QropertY in
<br /> -- -- whicir tiie iaie i71ii1 wC�vafue of[t:�!'ttt�•�y�ntue'���a!"ly l�rfn�r-Ihh tukfu�fti tt�uul to or gre:tter tlmn:tte�mc�un:a�r the sums .
<br /> secured by this Security Insnvment immediwtely txfure ciNO Inking�UIIIlXN HlN7C1WC1'AII(I LRi1dCI OlI1CiWISC ii�{lCr ifi Wi�lili"�,r.
<br /> � the sum3 secured by this S=curity Inatru�nent.rhall t►c reducefl by�h� �me�ur.t of the proceuls multiplied by the fallawing
<br /> fraction: (a)t�e tatal amount c�f the sums Fecur��!i�nn�r�l�w�ely hsfur��tho Iziklrig,dividcd hy(b)�he fatr mnrket value of tha
<br /> Prapetty imrn�diately bel'ora thc taking. Any bulsn�:o Khwll ttio pwld to t3um►wer. Ic�the evant of u pwtial tnking oT thc
<br /> property 9n which the fair market vatlue o'f ttw F'ropcny Imme�iiately hefore�hc�uking is Iess than_�h�:. uniount of the sums
<br /> ser.ured �mmcdiatcly bcforc tho takfng, unless Horruwcr und I.encitr uit�rwi� ugren in writing or ixrdcss applicablc.law
<br /> -" T-'�'I otherwise providea,Aie proccc9s shs�ll b::appllcc!tn thP�nm9 kr.curcd by ihiy Security lnstrument whethLr.4r,c�ot the sums are
<br /> then due.
<br /> :.__�, j if the Property is abandoncd by Borr�wer,or if,uRcr nutic�by l.�ndcr lo Borrawer thnt the condemnor�offers to make
<br /> - ' iin nwnrd or settle a clui.m for dnnuiges,Iio�rowcr fu11s W respc�nd w L.cnder wlthln 3U dayx i�tter the datc the notice in given,
<br /> - � I.cndcr is authorizcd ta collect and nppiy thc procceds,nt iis aptlun,etther tn restoeatinn os repair uf the Property or to the
<br /> —' sums secured by this Security Cnstrument,whether ur not then due.
<br /> � Unless I.cnder and Borruwcr c�thcrwisc pgrce In wrlting.nny uppltcutio��af��rcxcedti to principal sGnll not extend or
<br /> � postpone thc due datc of the monthly pAyments ref�rrcd ro in pi+rugruphs I�nJ 2 c�r chnngc ihe amount of such payments.
<br />_�'�t��, 11. Barrower Nat Etele�sed; Norbeurance iiy ixi��iri' i'�o� � �•�t���� pxten�Ecn of tho tin�e for paymgnt •or
<br /> modificntian of nmortization uf thz sums Fecured by this Sccudty(nstrument�rnnt�d'ay l.cnder to any succcssor ln interest
<br /> � ` '="- of�orrowcr shal!not operat�to rc4ense thc lii►bility of the ati�;ini►I Bort�wer or tlorrawea•'s Ruccessors in uitcrest.'Lend�v
<br /> ---_�; shall not be reyuir�d to cammence pracecdings ugainst wiy successur In interc�:t c�r rePuse to extend time for payment or
<br /> - othcrwise m�dffy lmortization of tho sums secured by this Sccurity Instrumcnt hy rcusoi�uf ru�y dcmand mede by the ori�inal
<br /> — = Borrower or Borro�verk successors in interest. Any forbeanuice by Lender in cxercisbtg ony right or remedy shall not be n
<br /> wniver of or pm.clude the exercise of�ny right or remedy.
<br />�--" 12. Successors and A�.gigns 1lound;Jolnt�ud 5��veral LlubUlty;(:o•slKnerq. Tl�c covennnts and a��ements csF this
<br /> --- --= - Security Instrument snnll oind and tx:nG;it the succe;�,�r�and a::lg�z�4f L^It�CT a!��!��►rr�wcr:subJcct to t6e pravisions of
<br /> - - - parngraph 19.Bortower's covennnts nnd ngreementy shnll I� joint und tievernl. Any[lurrc�wer who co-si�as ttds��SeGUrity
<br /> ---- Instrument but dces not cxecute die Note: (a)is casigning this Sccurity Instnnnent ouly�U monBnS�.Brnn�a�d convey thnt
<br /> -= Bo�7ower's interest in the Property under thc t�rms of this Sccurity Instrument; lbl iK nc�t personully ohligated to�ay ch�swns
<br /> - ����'•�� ��us..,,�����cp���ciey I�ctrument:mid(c)n�!vecs thut Lcnder nnd nny nthcr f�urrowcr tnny iigree en cxtend.modify,t�rl�ear
<br /> ,��'z.r��'� or muke nny nccommodations with regi�rd to tlic terms uf this 5ccurity Instrument or tnc ivotc wiiiii,ai iFat °.crro::z:'�
<br /> consent.
<br />-�'���� 13, Loun Churges. If the loun �ecured by this Security Instru�uent iz si�bJect w at Inw �vhish Rets mauimum loan
<br /> �'�'���� charges.and thnt lnw is finnlly interpreted so that the interest or otl�er Ic�an chnrges cullect��d ur to l�e collected in conneetion
<br />___,��� with the loan exceed thc permittcd limus,then: (n)nny sucli loan churge:�hnll ix:reducrd h,y Ilw nmount ncccssary to rcduce
<br /> ---- the churge to the pemniued limit;und(b)nny sums alreudy collected fran� Qorro�ver whicb �xcecded permitted limits will be
<br />=_°-'����� refunded to Borrower. Lender may choose to mukc this rcfund by rcducln�;�hc principal owcd snder tt►c Notc or by makinb a
<br /> �;��-4�,�� direct payment ta Borrower. If a refund reduces principiil,the reduction will be trentecl ns u paitiul prepnyment without any
<br />:'.�.,.�:�,�ar�_,�� prepaymene charge under the N�te.
<br />-- -� 14. Notices. Any noticc tn 8orrowcr provided for in tl�is Sccurity Atstruu►cnt nh;�ll Ix givcn bY dcliv�:ring it or by
<br />_-�:::;.��
<br /> �:si•r��� maiGng it by first cluss mail unless�+pplicuble law rcyuires u�e of nnother methal.'I'hc nut{ce�hall tre Qirected to�ie roperty
<br />-�;.f.r.e•�a• Address or any other nddress Borrower designaees by notice to l.endcr. Any notirc ti�I•cnQer�Irdl he given by first class
<br />���F+�*�� mlil to Lender�s adJress stared herein or uny uthcr uddress l.endcr dcsignutes by noticc ta liurruwcr. Any noticc provided for
<br />`�"`t°'��".`="T.�I in this Sccuri,ry lnstrument shnll he dcemcd to hnve bcen �;ivcn to fiorrawcr or l.cndcr �vhcn �ivcn +is provided in tnla
<br /> "��'='�i�Ei�� paragraph. •
<br />•���:'R T � 15. Govcrntng Lnw; SeverAblllty. This Sccurity lntitrument shnll Ix: g�►vcmcd liy fcdcrnl Inw and thc taw of the
<br />;:-.,���'�,. - jurisdiction in which the Property is Iecated. In the event tl�ut nny provlsian ur cluuse oi'�his Securlry In!;trument or the Na�te
<br />'•'�''�" conflicts with applicable Inw,such contlict shull not uffcct othcr pruvisions uf thls Sccurit)� In�tn�mcnt or thc Natc whicli<�an
<br /> ��' „+ be given effect without the conflicting provision. To this end the pruvisionx i�f il►is ticcia�ity Instrun;ent und the Note are
<br />.:��_�,'V�`r " declared to be severable.
<br /> •�`-,�T*�' ��� 16. Borrower's Copy. Borrowcr shall bc given onc conformcd copy uf thc N�itc imd of thfs Sccurity Inyu•umcnt.
<br />_ q;, � r 17. '[lrunsfer of the Property��r a lieneficlul lnterest in Uorrax•er. If all ur nny�nu't of��Ita 1'roperty ur c�ny interest in •
<br /> .y.�.�r`:;'�,r,' � -
<br />��=f,:�r;;' . �'. °�� it is sold or transfcrred(�r if a benGficiul interest in 8orrowcr is tiolci or trunsferrcd und liunvw6r i+ nat i�nutur�d person)
<br />'•�+:;•.=---�'� without Lender's prior written consent,Lcnder miry,nt its option,rcyuirc inmudiutc puymcnt in full uf'nll �umy sccured by =
<br /> �-��:����'�"'��"'' this Security Instrument. However,this option shall not bc exereiscd by l.cndcr il'excrcisc iti pruhibhcd I�y fcdeml lu�v as of `
<br /> �� `.
<br /> :'.`:'�"'".' ,�. t.. che dnte af this Securiry Instrument. :
<br /> If Lender exercises this option,Lendcr shuU give Borcower noticc of ncccic�•inioi�. 'f'hc noticc nliidl pr�wfde u period of _
<br /> .,:.�•,.{..�:� not tess than 30 days from the datc thc noticc is dctivcrcd or rnnilcd within whicl�Hurru�vcr mu+t p:ly 11II hU1114 Al'l'UfC(I IIY LIlI9 -
<br /> '--`�.�....'..�,.,
<br /> -� •••�.;,r; Security instntmcnt. If Borrowcr fuils to pay thcsc sums prior ta thc cxpirntivn ��t thiti rcrfud, l.rndcr nu►y inv��kc nny ;_
<br />-'���.`�:.�';'•�:`�� • remedies petmitted by this 5ecurity Instrumcnt with�ut funher noticc ar denuuid on Borrowcr. _
<br />`�� �:`^� 18. Borrower's Right to Retnstate. If Borrowcr mcets�crtiiln c:onditions, I3orr��wcr �:h�dl lurvc �hc rl�,ht to have ...
<br /> , �. ,
<br /> ��:, ; •,,•:�:�;�, enfo:cement of this Securiry Instrument discontinucd.0 nny time prior to thc cnrlicr uP: (n)9 duyti(��r+uch uthcr periud ns _
<br /> � ,, �.`, � SinylcFnmily..FnnnteMeellYcddleMacUNIFORl111NS'fRUM11F:N'1'..Unifunnl'uvrn:�uk; VI�MI fpugr���f�P�t0��1
<br /> , .;� . ;�
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