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<br /> properq by s��nceeeeet at tie tM�e�d pMoe t1f�a� previwu��a1ed ak. Leader ar Ib de�e ewY
<br /> �wrcluue tlia l'ro�ert7�t��t�fa.
<br /> .� l7por rece�pt of P��+eet of t1�e priee bMM. 7:� � de�ire+r to tYie prrelu�nr '�kwae'� dMd aoirvariry tM
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<br /> o�tie�!awoaNt M'She aote�S ti�tie�e ot tiir ded�r�tbn of defi�tk,�nd rea�o�b0e at4oreeri'feeo aa ttte�by
<br /> I�w�i(b)ta tmw sawrod by ttifo SxcurkY Ie�ment;��d(c)uy exae�to tLe pa'�o�ne�oMS ie�-aM�ea�to k.
<br /> 2T,.R�Onrey,�ace. up�n paymeac oi' a1➢ aams securoa by thi� socuaty Ins�c, 9hd11roq t�c.tt Ttuske to
<br /> xxonvey the Proparty end shall sunreada thia Sccurity InWn:mait ond ell note� evidcaticing �kbt sncurd by this Socmity -
<br /> Inattumrnt to'tYustoe.'iYustx si�li roconrer ti�o Fiy�ty witt+�ut waYranty�d withaat charge w the papoa o�pe��s te.�dly �__
<br /> en¢itlai oo i�Such per�on or pa�oaa shall��xy any recocdat�m cc�stx.
<br /> 23.Srbetit�ute'ISrwtee. I��et it�qxion,�ru►y from time so tlme remova'hustAO andeppoint a succes.voc tcusue to�r►y
<br /> 'Trustoe�ppainted tx7wnder by an iustrument recacdod in the e�wnty in which this Socuriry Ins�ument Ls recanled.Without
<br /> oonveyance o1f the Propa�cy.ttee succeasor austa shall succad w ali t1�e dtk�Power and dutles confarod upon'IYustx t�in and
<br /> by appl�bb law.
<br /> 1,4.Requat[Ar NatkYS. Barowu ralucs� tha�caP�of the notke�of defeult end s�le be sent to�c:anwa's aditr+e�
<br /> which is Ihe Propa�Add�.
<br /> 7S.�efdere tQ is SRCUrit'lfnstraiac�►i. If oi�e ae iR(kZ�ii�a"3�i'iL'OAG�IFt'v(D�tY BL`Sf'Ot:er�d tesns�t�ge?h.!�w�th thic .--
<br /> Szcurity InsavmeAt,the covenants end agreements of ea�ch s�ch ridu shalt be incoiporsted intc�and shaU ama�d and suppka�ncot
<br /> the covenant�and agrceme��ts of this Socivity Instrumcut a9 i�the rider(s)were a�art of this SxurIty InswmeaG �--
<br /> [Ct,z,C±t�cr�,licabfe Uox(ea)� -- -
<br /> I xxl Adjustabk Rata R�der []Candominium Ridu 0 1-4 Family Rida
<br /> []Graduateci�'Ayment Ridea 0 Pl�nned Unit Devetopinent Ridcr L�BiwecScly payment Rider
<br /> []g��g�� []Ret�Impmve�nent Rider 0 Secand Hor,�o Rider —
<br /> �V.A.RiuC r?'- Q�h�S'(E)(�!!'!fy]�+eaignmenta of Rent - -
<br /> BY SIGMNG BfiLOl�V,Borrower acceptg and a�ee.s w tha tem►s and covenants coatained in this Securlty Instrument and in
<br />_ a�ry rider(s)executed by Barrower and recorded with it ��� ��Q'����!�
<br /> Witnesses: �Seal)
<br /> N0�8RT D DORSZYNSKI -8orrc►wer
<br />_ �/• � (Seal) - `
<br /> (S�) �S��
<br />- -9ortower -aomo�rer =_
<br /> 5tate of Neb7as�, County ss: ��_-_
<br />- Ttfe forbgo�ng instn:ment was ecknow(cdged befor�me this 6TH day of Jt11v� , 1995 , `_�_ .
<br /> Witncss my hand and notarial scal nt G1�m rsr�, rt�sxasx�► in said oun �thc datc aforesaid. ':��=-
<br /> -':�
<br /> My Commission Bxpires: �j��—� � —
<br /> ��������� N Publlc�' " �
<br /> JACN.YMA,AY�II/
<br />_ �d�w, i lill �,
<br /> _ • �-Sp(N8)lo2�st Pap•eo�e Form3021 ��00
<br /> � . •s, t
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