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<br /> -._-r.::�:::;�=�_:� l�q.5--- .'�..�"a�'1'�' — --
<br /> _ _"�'�'`_� 1S.Borr�owcr'e C�py. Borrowcr shall bo�ivcn ona conformtA ccpy of t7►e IVot�and of tb�i S�curity Instramen��t u„t�
<br /> -- 17.Tran�tee u�the ProptrtY ar�Beeellcis�l IdttstN[a Borroerer. [E all or uiy pan o.tho I'ra�rty o*�Y
<br /> �-u;�.,�,r� sokf or transfemed(or if A btnctic�al lnterest in Bortorvu i�sald or transterral arut Bo�rowlx is nat a natur�lp�aan)widKx►t
<br /> -----__.--� Leix1E:�'e p:;a w�i�i ca++:::,Zt,Lw�dc,r m�y.nt its upG�n,c�;�s�i►�mc�!ipts p!+ymen�in fi�ll of all sum�sxured�y thi�Sr,curity
<br /> Instcuma�� Howevu.this optian shAll not be�aerci.�by Lenda sf exercise is prohibitod by feduel law a�of tho dtu�of this
<br /> .��� Smcurity Ins�umtnG `
<br /> If Lender exeratsey thisapr3on.Iender shall give Sorrowu notice of accelaadon.'Ihe notEcz shall prov�de a od of nut I�ss
<br /> —= then 30 dsys from tho datn the t�odca 1�•d�iivard.orsa�ibd within which Barawa must pay aU sums soc by thi�Socuriry
<br /> --�__�'.�,;.s�;,�;�� Insauentni.If Borrowu faiL�to�s}r�'sfl�t;dahe Sapirntlon of this pu�iod,Lendu may invoke any remodks permiuod
<br /> "'��-x-.b�ti< t by�Soc�uity Insuwncnt wittfout.SurthZ1E!�$i�'eib�i5nd Qn Bomower. —
<br /> �'�'� 18.Bmrraner'slttghstuRetaslatt���1f'�or'rri�i hie,e�s artau► con�idons, Burcower shall havc the rtght to.hava
<br /> -- -- ===-^_.• enfoocemeat af this Secarlty In�tn�ment discontir+ued at emy time pdor w the earlia of: (a) S days (or such ather payad ea
<br /> y=r�^::;��s?'�...: appli�ab3e law may speci€y far relnsiat�ient)b�tore salo of the Proputy pursuant to any powu o�sale coatained in Ihis Seainty
<br />_��;��.'`,�' Instrumen�or(b)entry og a judgment enforcing this Security I�strumen�'Those conAitlons ere tbat Horrowu:(a�PaYs I.end�r all
<br /> -�=�;?����g�`- sums whicie ihen wonld bo due undrs this Sxurity tnstnunent and tha Note as if no acceleradon had occurnxl;@)aues anY
<br />�����:��F_� ' defeult of any Athcx covenants or agtoements;(e)pays ell expenses incuirred in enfoc�c,�ing this Security Instcumeret,including,but __
<br /> ��"���— nut Umitod w.r�souabk nuaneys'icest and(d)taYes such acuan As Lendtr m.�y nasonably requin ta assure that the lien of thls
<br /> =�,;,�.; Sceurity Insuumen[, Lender's nghts i�� Iha Pcopeity ond Borrowu's obli�atia� to pay tho sums secured by this Securlry �
<br /> -=".`=�'r�"� Ias�tu-nent stwl! continn� �chaa�e�. Ugon�Inst_�-mca*_ by Borrower,thi9 Securiry Insmunent ar.d the obligations secured ----
<br /> ���- ` �` � henby ahall rcrna�n fully effecdve as if no acccleration had occurre<!.Howeyer,this right to reinstau shaU not epply in the case of `—�
<br /> '_,�y'�;'. :N, =---
<br /> _.-°";:�f�4}�;:�`� acxeleration underparagcaph 17. �-_
<br /> � 19.3aie of IVote;C6angr ot i.a:A�r-vlc.:.� 'ira h.'�te or e pacdal int.erAst ta �h�s rTotP (tngether with this Sesnrity ��«
<br />-:°'�d�;�rti;�'. �•, Instiumeitt)may be sold ane or more times without�.ior i�otice to Bozowc�.A salc ma;resulf in a ctian�e in the entiry(known — _
<br />"�.�::' ' as the"Loan Servtcer")that collects manthly ayments due undcr the Note and this Stxurity Instrumen�7hero nLso may!se one or ._�_
<br /> � �� � more changes of tho Loan Servicer uiue�a�to a sale of Rhe 1t�Tote. If tliere is a change of the Lonn Secvicer,II�crower wW be P�
<br />`�.�'"��•`` given wribt�n notice of the change in eccordance�vlth h 14 above andapgllcable law.'Ihe notice will state the aaana and =-=
<br /> P�+�P'
<br />- __,,:�. Acidress of the new Loan Servker and the add[ess to wtuch payment� shauld be made.lhe notIce wlli also contain any other ...�--:
<br /> informadon rc�quimd by applicable law. �;�,.
<br /> � 20.Hazordous Subst�nces. Bo�ower shaU not canse or permit the presencc,use, disposal, storage. or release of any �
<br /> ,"' ;�_�', Ha7ardous Substances on or in the Property.Borrower shall not do.aor ellow anyone else to da,anything affec�ing the Properry ��_
<br /> . _;�� ,�; that is in violution of an�r E�nvironmentel Law.lhe preceding two sentences shall not apply tn the presence.use,or storage on the �,
<br /> • p��af� A ��wnrenec of Ha��rdoaa Substances�hac ure genemlly recolmized w be appropnste to normal residential uses �,_.,,
<br /> �, ��� `."�.' and to maintenance af the Property. n�s:`
<br /> � � ,� Bormwer shall pmmptly give Lcnder wriuen nodce of any invesdgation,claim, deman►i, lawsuit or other acdon by c�ny ,.-;�_�
<br /> g, govemmentel or regulatory agency or priva�.e party involving the°ropeccy and any Ha7.ardous Substance or Envlronmental Law ,;,�__
<br /> ' _„ of whlch Bomower has ectual knawledge.If Bocrower learns,or is noufied by any govemmentAl or regulatory authority,that any _
<br /> , • " removal or oiher remediadon of any�iazardous Substance nffec6ng the Property�s necessary.Bomower shall pmmptly tnlce all �:_-
<br /> ..�.�.;.'�� _. ,;;-. necessuY remedial acdons In accordance with Bnvunnmental Law. �-,`,.-`-
<br /> ' ' ;� ps used in this para�ph 20, "Ha7ardous Substances"are[hose substances defincd as toxic or hvardous substances by M
<br /> �rn.:.,�_ ... '� : Envu,pamental Law end tl�o following substances: gatoline, kcrosen�s, oiher flammable or toxic pctroleum products, toxic �'��
<br /> - ,. • • � pesticides and herbicitM4,volatile solvents.materaals containing esbestos or tormaldehyde,and rad'►oacdve matenaLs.As used in �
<br />==+=:��...� V,,,���• this r�p h Z0. Bnvironmentcil Iaw"meatns fe�cleral laws and lawa of ihe jurisdictlon where the Property is located that relate [�,-_
<br /> `>•• -� � � . to heal�safety or environmental prot,ection.
<br /> - .��.• •.: � � ; NQN-UNIFORM COVENAIVI'S.Borrowes end Lender turther covenard and agree as follows:
<br />-`�'`�'"" � � " 21.Acakration;Remedks.Lender s6a11 g8ve noHce to Borrower prkr to aecekratfon[olbwing Barrower's breach of
<br />' ' "`�` � Y �ey covenant or agre4�ent in this Security xnstrument (but not prbr Eo accekrsttion under p�arngraph 17 unless
<br /> '�• �c'Y �� � applicabk I�w provides ot8erwise).The aoNce sbaU specUy:(a) the default;(b} the actton requiretl 4o enre the detault;(c) .
<br /> ����', •� ��` o dat�,not kss than 30 days fi�om the d�te the notict i�given to Borrowes,by whkh the detaalt must be ciured;And(d)
<br /> ' �;,, .
<br /> "i.�'�� �=' that tAilnre to cure the default on or before the dQte spec[fied in the no4ke may result in acalerotion ot t6e suma secured
<br /> � by ti�fs Security Ie�strument and Fale af We PrapErty. The notFce s�ll further Inform Borrower of the riig6t to reinsWte
<br />: ' � after acceleratjon and the rigdi to bring e rnart acttoa t�acsert the non-extstence o!a detAUlt or r�ny ot6er d�lense of .
<br /> � Ba►�wer to acce{eratton and safe.If t6e defadt i�not cured on or before the dat�e specified in the�otice,Lender,at Its
<br />- :�",,;;':`.;�': ., "'"' option,may requfre immediate payment tn tull of all sums secured by thf�Security Instrument without further demand
<br />-',:'.`•°'" • and may invake the power ot sak and ttny olher remedlles permitted by appllcs�ble law.Lender shaU be endUed to collect
<br /> �...,.. , ?
<br /> � • ? �� aU expenses incurred in pursutng the remedtes provided in thi�paragrnph zi,inciuding, but not llmfted to,rezsonstble „
<br /> ' ' attorneys'fc�es aad cc►sts of title evidence.
<br /> � f If the power oi salc is invoked,Truvtee sha�l record a notice of detault ta eacte counr.y [n whic6 any part oP the
<br /> . .. ��., p�o�p�riy[v I�;ed and shall mai!copks of auc6 notke in the manner prescribal by apnl�ca6le daw to Borrower and to the
<br /> ' � • �¢x persons prc5cribed by applicabk taw.After the time rcquGed by applka6{e IAw,Trustee shall give p►abllc notice of
<br /> � . s�le to t6e per3ons and ta the manr.2r prescrWed by applirable law.Trustee,vliWout demend on Borrawer,sh�ll seU t6c
<br /> � „ .k Property et public auctMn to the 6ig6est bidder at the ti�e and place and under ttie terms designuted in the uotice of sale
<br /> I,
<br /> ,. r
<br /> ; , . .i
<br /> �,�';�.; Form SU7.8 9I90
<br /> .: . : �•68(NE)tez�z� Pap�6 0l8 inlNai�: __ _. .
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