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'�'-....,.. <br /> .�n°'r"_..�i4.�FiP��*+wiwn/R�IIf�W�m�...�cT_st�;w s.t+�e.,�.�s..�?:LSI�MMMMr. <br /> .._.. . .; . . . ..._. r� . ._- _. <br /> -- _ _ � Ax)1?p.� 003--5051Q013. �_ <br /> - - r��� 0000acsooa . <br /> --- ' , <br /> - --� � �.,�� ��1!!l�L�.� ���IE� �!8��- ,:,�.,�`� <br /> As�ignment ot Renfs <br /> -�-��1 'l�S 1�4 PAMILY RIDBR 3S II1i11C thl9 6�ti (Ly Of �� � � 1995 ,11nd ia <br /> incoiporaud inw end shell bo doetnod tn ur�enc��tu!suppknscnt�ha Mottg�ge�Deod of 1Yust c�Sautity Aoed(tho <br /> _�_ "Sa;uriry InstrumcnC')of d�a same datc given by tho undasigned(the"8arowcr")to socuro Amrrowar'e YVota eo <br /> __ _ --,�,.�.�a <br /> � -�— FIpME FFsDBRAL BAVxNa3 & i3OAN ASSOCIA'PION QF aR1�1NA IBLAND <br /> --_,_ ���„��,�� <br /> -��"�`� of ifie samo date and covciing tho Property described in tha Seci�rity Ynsaument and located aG <br /> -= 9ie w a.aTx s� 202❑ W 11TH AUE, GRANn TSLAN�, N� <br /> :,.��n���� GRAND xSL�11ND, NSBRASICA 6AB01 688Q3 <br /> [Pmperty Addreu] <br /> L,..�`' �.� . <br /> �'�"�'� 1-4 FAN�LY COVENANTS. In addition to tho covenants end agreements made in d�e Security Ins�ui��+�t, <br />�;•_;,�t,.���'� Horcowtr and L.endcr funher coveru�nt and agree es foSlows: <br />- " A.ADDI'TIONAL PYtOPERTY SUBJECT TO TNE 3ECURT1fX INSTRIIMENT. 1n eddidon to the <br />�=�°'�"•�'.�� Prope�ty dea�'bed in the Securiry Insuumcnt,thc following it�ms Fue adde�l to thc Propcxty dcscripdon,and shall <br />�':'�`�'�; - aLso consdwt�qt►c Property covered by the Security Inst�umienG building matuiels�aPP'tiances end goody uf eY4�r <br />,Y:irl <br /> '� ,, natuco whatsoevu now or hemaftcr located in,on,or used,or int,e�do�to be u.�ed in connecdon with tha Propaty. <br />::;;..��, .�= <br /> °°-�, including.but not limitel4 W,those for ih�putposes of supplying or distcibudng heating.cooling,electrktty,gag, <br />.-.�;��:;.:; lumbing. <br /> „k,;,,._ :'� water,air and IIght,fire prevcntion a�c7 extinguishing apparatus,security and access control apparatus.p <br /> _.;��,?�' bath tubs,water heaters,W1�CT C�OSE19.31R�CS�IdOgCS�SLOVCS�ICIiI�R3I0I6�a1SfIW�1C[5�uLYPU�7�v�ifiitau`a�i�v�O� � <br />";='"`�"� ` . awnings.storm windows,storm door�,screens,blinds.shaci�es,curtains and cunain rads.auechod mirmrs,cabinets. <br />'`;��:�,1`{�.•�' ` panelling and atmcded floor coverings now or herrafter auached ta the Pnoperty, all of which, Including <br /> ;;;•;:t.���i�2,. ; <br />��,�.;F,_,� ti , replaceanents and addidons theceto.shall be deemed to bo nnd remain a part of the Pmp�sty covered by tbe Securiry <br />'""�==+'��. � lastrument All of che foregoing together with the Proputy describal in the Security Instrument(or the leasehold <br /> =�=;�'i- --'�' '' estate if the Security Instrument is on a teaschold) are refe:red w in this 1-4 Farnily Rickr and the Securiey <br /> °•:;t�`,�ti, �. <br />�,;�,'';�. ,; lasuumentas tho��Property�� <br />..,:;�;;_<<��. � B.USE OF PROPERTY;COMPLIANCE W[TH LAW. Borrower shall not see3s, agra w or matie $ <br /> ,,,'<:�:;»i Y clhange i�r the use of the Properiy or it�zoning ciass'.it"ication.unkas I.ender has agceed in writing w the chang�. <br />��:�`?+'µ' Borrower shall comply with aU luws, ordinunces, reguladons and requirements of eny govemmcntal body <br />__�;tW'A,•' ..• apPlicable w the Propeity. <br /> '^ � '-' � C.SUBORDINATE LIENS. Bxcept av pem►itted by federal law,Bozrower ahall not allow any i3et�ini'erior <br /> r//''`'�^^w-`��• to thc Security Instrument to be perfected against the Property without Lendcr's prior writtan pcmvssion. <br />�.Lt�_��mA•.I���r. 'J <br /> - ;:�:p�� D.REMT LOSS INSURAMCE. Homowu sha�muintain insurancc against rent loss in addition to the othcr <br /> �'.':'`�'.���'�� hazerds for which inswrance is required by Uniform Covenant 5. <br />``s��3��. f, E."BORROW�R'S RIGHT TO REIIVS'�ATE"DELETED. Uniform Covenant 18 is deleted. <br /> ::;,�� <br /> •�;:;;�;,,�� F.BORROWER'S UCCUPANCY. Unlass Lender end Borrower othenvisc agrcc in wridn8+ the irsc <br />_•.,;.�,.•;�.;..:.. <br /> �. , �t,:, sentence in Uniform Cavenant 6 conceming Bormwer's occupancy of the Property is deleted. All►ranaining <br />�u,�;��;r�- <br /> :�,,y..{���.�, covenants end ag�cments sei forth in Uniform Cavcntint 6 shnll remain in effec� <br />�SS�;'!�l�t.n ' . <br />='•�,!a?',`;.��� ' A1ULTiSTATE 1•4 FAM11Y RIDEH-Fannl�IAulF�eddl�Atto Uniform Instrum�nt For�n 5170 9195 . <br />_;::'�,(�R;E��,.� Pap�t ot 2 <br /> ,,,.•:tt�i�x••=�•:�. �•57(D304) VMP MORTOA�E FOi1M8-(913)20�•8104•(800)62�•7201 Ini�ia�c , <br /> ;r`r <br />:�i:`�'. <br />_'jSF,.^���`•'M : II�� <br />.��_�:: ...... ::, llll�Illflllll�llllllll�Illlll <br />_ .. . .� ,... _ . .a <br />::'t:��,. :,i <br /> ;'b��...:..,!+';�+�' <br />. . `�..... .... . <br /> •�s�"�`� <br /> �,__-- - r- _ �_ . <br /> -��- -•• . , .�.—......---- —�� �f�... ._,--r-------,�— <br /> _.. �.,�'--..�..""r.""'_"""'.____._._�__'.___.�.__.�_ -..--.. . -• <br />.- .. . �l .� . ' � _ . .e .. , . <br /> ; . . . .. _ � _ .. - .h� . .. � , <br /> . . � •.�. . .� ., ''.. . _ - - .�.. <br /> . r� ' � . .. .. .. ,� . .. � <br />_ _ .. . ... .. 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