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<br /> - S. Itr��rd or Properiy InnutnnGO. Barmwcr ehell kea�tho improvementa no�+�'eYin�in�ogr��"Ite�"bl�x:tad r�n
<br /> th�o Property insured eQainst t�so hy[iro,haz�rds includod with�n the term "oyteuded covec��o" �nd�ny other 1►r;urde,
<br /> includin�t1.�oeiA oe Etooding,f.ar which I.endcr requiree iaaurrnce. Thie ineur,�nco ah�ll bo m�intrinad in the�mauitta
<br /> - --- nn�for th:: g�ria�a th�t I�d!�z'te��uirt^.ThP ingncrnr,P r,n�rr pr�vt�lin� the irt��arnr+�e s!�•!I tr.i r.hna►n hy 3?nrtrir.lrr
<br /> subjxt to Lender's approval which shell not be unreaeonubly aithheld.It Hormwer iiile to m�in�in covor��e deecribed
<br /> _ nbovo, X.ender mny,at I.enaer'e option�obtain cov�rag� to pmtoct I.�nder's righte in the Prnparty in accords�nce wlth
<br /> ��� peragraph 9.
<br /> All inaurance policica and rezowale ehall be acceptablo to I,ender nnd shall include a standtrd mor4ga$e clause. _
<br /> I,ender shell have thc right to 6ald the policiea and renewals. It Londer requirsa, I�c�nower shel! prqmptly give to
<br /> Lc;ider all receipts of peid premlurne and eenawal notices.In tho ovent o4 lose,Aorrowar shdl give prompt notice to the
<br /> __ ' Insuranca carrier and I.snder.T.ender may make proaf of losa if ant mado promptiy by Borrower. _
<br /> - - Unlwe Lender and Bc►rrower otherwiee agroe in writing,ineurance procxds ehnll bo applied to resWration or repair
<br /> --=- of tho Property dameged,if the restotation ar repair ia econ�mically feasibl�and Lendes's socurity ie not lea9ened.If the
<br /> - -- restaration or repair is not oeonomncally feasible or Lender's�curity would be les�nod,th�insurence procooda ehell be
<br /> ---__-- epplied to the sums secured by this Seeurity Ynstrument,whether or not then due,with any cxccsa paid to lBarcower.It
<br /> _- Bonower abandons the Property,or d�zs not anewer wit�in 3�days a notice from Lender thnt tAe�nsurauce c�rrier has
<br /> offeral to r�ttla s claim,then Lectder mey collect the i,nsursnce prceeedA. Lender may use tha procceds tA repnir or
<br /> ---�`!'-�° eesiore Yhe Fraperty or t�pay sums securzd by this S:.Lurity Inatrumcnt,whether or not then du:.Th:.30-day g,,.°r:a�!�ill _
<br /> -==--�T-�°=� begin when the notica is gev en.
<br /> '�=�'..�� Unless I.ender and B+urrowee otherwise agree in writing,any npplica4ion ot proceeda to principel ehall not aYtend or --
<br />.:•_ti.. -�,,�,� postpona tha due date of the monthly paymente referred to in paragraphe 1 and 2 or chenga tha amount oY the papmente. _:
<br /> �,-�;�� if under paragraph 21 the Property ie ecquired by I.ender, Borrower s right to any iasurance policies and prceeeds
<br /> J``"� ? ���" resultin from dame e tla t�a Pra rty prios to the ac uisition shall ass to Lender to the exte�t oi the eums secured b
<br />_--:;,::?;,�..: : � g Pe 9 P Y
<br /> .;n,«;�, thia Security Iast,rument irneznediately prior 4a the acquisition.
<br />~�:�;?}_���„�� G. accupancy,Presr.sv�tion.Meintenincs�nd Protection af the�'ropertv; Borrawor's Loan Apnlic,�t+�n; __
<br /> ' . �"� "�� T.easeholds.�orrower ehell occupy,�tablieh,and use the Property as Borrower'e principal residence witlun sisty days ,_
<br /> a�•. •�
<br /> -'_»�• • � �; aftet tha execution of this .`'iecuriXy tnstrumeni and shsll continue to occupy ttte Property ae Bonower's principal
<br /> �� residenco for at least one year afur tue date of occupancy.unJess Lender otherwiso agrees in writing,which cansent shall =
<br /> ���;` ' '� not he unreasonably withheld.or unl�extenuating circumstances exiet which ere beyond Borrower's control.BorroRer ;;:�
<br /> `.;�'41 ,4,;� nitail ttOi�c5ifuj��u6ii►dt,'o ui iva�inii ulp riv�t'L'j.di1O:r :i:.D��i'L'f 2�a.C2..'Ti�2:,IIt CCMii:12'�oo2C.:s.2tI.�Ptt3�3'2j. : °
<br /> �•' i•, Ronower shall b�in default i4 any furfeiture action or proceeding, whether civil or criminsl,is bagun that in Lend�z's ia`"'
<br /> ; ' . � t` good taith�udgment could result in forfeiture of the Property or otherwisa materi�lly impair the lien cresud by this �.:�_
<br /> ' Security Instrumrmt or Lender's security interest. Borrower mey cure such a default and reinatate, es providod in =T�
<br /> ���;' '• paragraph 18, by causiag the ection or proceeding to be dismissed with a ruling that, in Lender'e gopd faith `"
<br /> ''��'��Y'' �' determination,precludes forteiture of the Borrower's interest in the Property or other meteriai impairment of tha 1ien '��-
<br /> ���'��,�'�*'�•�� created by thie Security Instrument or Lender's ee;curity intere3t.Borrower ehall also be ia default if Bonower.during --
<br /> -'��•�+'�'. : tha loan application process, gave materially false or inaccurato information or statemente to Lender (or [ailed to _
<br /> _ -•- • � provide Lender with any material 'nnfarmation) in connection with the loan avidenced by the Note. including,but nat -
<br /> „..�:, :rl ,, ";
<br />_� �:,�=<w�� limited w, representetions concerning Borrower's occupnncy of tha Property as a principal residence. If thia Security _
<br /> '"_''�, "'";;,;�,`` Instrument ie on a leascihold,Bonower shall comply with all the provisions of tha lease.If Bonower acyuires fee title to
<br /> eas ;.;':
<br /> � ".� the Property,the leasehold and the fee title shall not merge unless Lender agrees to tha merger in writing. 1 __
<br /> -��<•,,���r �! 7. Protection of Lender's Rights in the Property. If Bonowe�faile to perform the covenanta and agreemente
<br /> �� �� contained in this Security Inatrument,or thera is a legal proceeding that may significantly effect Lender's righta in the
<br /> ��`�� ��� '�` Pro rt (such as e roceedin in bankru tcy, p � ,�`
<br /> robate, for condemnation or forfeituro or to enforce lawe or �
<br /> �`;=� j���'=�' reguations�.then Lender may do end pay forwhatever ie necessary to protect the valueof the Property and Lender's � �
<br />: `��` -��M-'�' ` ri hte in the Pro rt . I.ender's actions ma include a in an sume secured b a lien which has norit over tlua i�
<br /> g P� Y Y Py B Y Y P � Y I :;
<br /> � • • Security Instrument,appenring in court.paying reasonable attornays'fee3 and entering on the Property to maka repairs.
<br /> Although Lender may take action under this paragraph 7, Lender does not have to do so. �
<br /> ' Any amounts diebursed by Lender under thia paragrsph 7 shall become additional debt of Bottower secured by this !
<br />' •�.�'�. Security InsErument.Unless Borrower and I.ender ngree to other terms of payment,these amounts shall bear interest !
<br /> � ` •'.'� from the date of disbursernent nt the Note rate and shull be paynble,with interest,upon notice from Lender to Borrower ; ,
<br /> _ ,� .,, requesting payment. �
<br /> ` ""' � "�" 8. Atortgago Insuremce. If Lender required mortgage insurance as a condition of making the loan secured by this
<br /> �'"����� Security Instrument,Bonower shall pay the pranniums required to maintain tha mortgago insurance in effect.If,far any ?
<br /> " . ' resson. the mortgage insurance coverege requiced by Lendes lapses or cease.g to be in etfect, Borrower shall pay the ;
<br /> ' . � premiuma required to obtain coverage substantially equivalent to the mortgage insurance previoualy in effect,at a cost :
<br /> � substantielly equivnlent to the cast to Bonower of the mortgage insurance previously in effect. from an niternate
<br /> .. , .,,��~ _�� mortgaga insurer approved by I.ender. If substontially equivalent mortgage insurance coverage is not availuble,
<br />- Borrower ahall pay to Lender each month a sum equnl to one-tNelfth of thP yeurly mortgage insurance premiurn�being :
<br /> � . paid Uy Sorrower when the iasurence coverage lapsed or ceased to be in effect.Lender r�ilt aa,ept,use und retain these „
<br /> � � paymcnt� as a loss reserve in lieu of mort�a�e insurnnca. �.,oss reserve payments ►nay no longer be required. �
<br /> �� Form 3�28 9/!0
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