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<br /> _�..r.._.��r.�:� at the optian af �.cnder, i[ m�rtge$e inauranco coveraga (en tho uenount end for tha period thet l.ender r�quires) `
<br /> —.�„—„� providad by on inet�re�epproved by L.ender eg�in bxomee sveil�ble snd ie abtained,�rrower eh�ll My the premiuma
<br /> ��`=���`-�R-•��•+�°-�� req��ired to meintaim m�rtgngo ineurance in etlei:t,or tQ provida a loss reserva, until tha cequirameni [or mor3gegn _----
<br /> �""�`"��"�" i neurmce ends in accordenco with any written egrrxment botweon Borrower and I,end�r or epplicable lsw.
<br /> °��x�"���� 9.Ine ction.I�ender or its a ent mey meke reosonabla ents'iea u n and in tiona of tho Pro rt I.ender ehdl
<br /> ry.-:: P� 8 P� � P� X• --
<br /> �-�t� � � �'�, givo IIorrower notice at the tima of or prior w ec�inspection specifying reasoneblo cause fur tho inspxtion. _--
<br /> R : .��, � 10. Gondcr�nn�tlon. The proceule of any award or cleim t4r damages,direct or consoyuentiel,in connectian w�Yh _
<br />:�°"��`�`�,�`' nny condem�netion or other takin�oP nny part of tha Property,or Ior convoyance in lieu oP condemnation, era hereby -�-�_
<br /> ,..,•- -�:
<br /> -• - = �•� � assigned and shatl be paid to Lender, ".„�_-
<br /> ��:_:.'r:`..:. . . In tha event of n total tnking oP tlia Property. the proceeas ehell ba applied to tho cuma Eecurc.d by this Srcurity L___�-_
<br /> • • •.�i. . Instrument,whether or not then due,with any axcess paid to Barrower.In the ever_t ot a partiel taking of the Progerty in _
<br /> ��,'Y. ° . .� ,. ' which the fair market valuo of the Property immediately before tho tpking is equal to or greater then tha amount ot the =_
<br /> �I-r ��• suma secured by this Sccurity[nstrument immedietely before thc�taking,unlese Horrower gnd I.ender otherwese agree ==-
<br /> ,_ , +' in writing,tha sums c.ecured by this Security Instrumant shall be reduced by the amount of tho prceeede multiplied by -_--
<br /> .._ :�t '�. the follawing fractiAn:(a) the total amount oY the euma secured immediately bcfora the taking,divided by (b) ihe teir -
<br /> ..�. • merkot value of tha Property immediately befora the taking.Any balance shnll bs puid to 8orrower.In tha event ot a
<br /> , .f. partisl txsking oF 4ha Propeety in which tho feir market value of the Pro�tty immediateiy�fore the taking id less than �;_
<br /> __ ;J ; the emount of the sums secured immediately beforo the teking,unless Bonower aad I.ender otherwisa agxco itr wrtting �,:
<br /> ' or unless appficable law otherwise provides, the proceeds ehall be applied to the sums �ecured by thie Secu�ity �:_._
<br /> ` Instrument whether or not the sume ara then due. �A"'
<br /> � - � � �' It tha Property is ebundoned by Bonower,or iF,after notice by Lender to Borrower that the condemnor affere to �`�_
<br /> maka an nward or settla o claim Yor damages, Borrower fails ta respand to I.ender��ithin 30 days ofter the date the ��.�_
<br /> • � notice is given,Lender ie�uthorized to col lect end apply tha proc�eds,at ite option,either to restoratian or repair of the -�-�
<br /> .,. ,?;:��.-
<br />. . ... „*: ,, ��tG�;..ity ot'Lc Lhe sum9 se!'u!'ed by ihie Security 1n�t�umr.nt,whether or not then due. Ci�._�
<br /> • � Unlesa I.ender end Horrower otherwise agree in writing�any application of proceeda to principal shell not eatend or '�"��
<br /> '�•�' postpono the due date of the monthly paymente referred to ia paragraphs 1 and 2 or chan�e the amount oY suctr. �"`..:
<br /> `' ,. paymants. �`"`'
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Rele�sed; Focb�arance By I,ender Not a �Vaiver. Extension af the time for payment or �i3'�
<br /> -_
<br /> _ . . _ .. � -�
<br /> modificatioA of amorttzation ot the sums secuttd 'oy 's[un�un�y Iitnirilincfii brni�izsi by ''- "y' '""
<br /> ,. ..
<br /> -., - -tt c1 tv at oLwtia�a•T iR ' ---�.
<br /> intereat of Burr�wer shall na�t operate to release the liability of the original Borrower or Bonower's sua�ssore in -
<br /> � interest. Lender shell not be required to commenca praceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend _
<br /> �� tisne for payment or other�viso modify amortization of tha sums secured by this Security Instrument by reaFOn of any _-
<br /> , � ° demand mada by the original Borrower or Burrower's successors in interest.Any forbeatunce by I,ender in axercieing =
<br /> • - any right or remedy shap not be n�siver of or preclude tho exercise of any right or remedy. �°-
<br /> �� . � • l2. Saccessore snd Asslgne Bound;Joint and Several Li�bility;Co-sigaers. The covenants nnd agreements ��`�
<br /> ' � " oF thie Security Instrument shall bind and benefit the suceessors end assigns of Lender and Horrower, subjact to the '�
<br /> � ' provisions o4 paragraph 17.Horrower's wvenants and agte.ements shall be joint end several.E1ny Bonower who co-signr -
<br /> •• , � " this Security Instrument but do�not execute the Note; (a� ie co-eigning this Security Instrument only to mortgage, • '•
<br /> • . grant and convey that Borrower's interest in the Property under the terms of th.is Security Instrument; (bj is not ,`
<br /> a personnlly obligated to pay the sume secured by thie Security Instrument;and (c) agrees thst Lender and nny ather
<br /> • t• Bonower ntey agrea to extend,modify,fnrbear or make any accommodations with regnrd to tha terms of thie Security
<br /> - Instrument or the Nota withaut that Borrower's consent.
<br /> • �^^ • 13. Loaa Ch�rgas. If the loan secured by thie Security Instrument ie subject to a law which sets maximum loan ..
<br /> cliarges. and that law ie finally interpreted so thnt the interest or other loan charges collected or to be collected in
<br /> connection ivith tha loan exc�ed the permitted limits, then: (a) any such loan charge shall ba reducecl t+y the amount
<br /> . � '�,� necessary to reduce the charge to tha permitted limit; and (b) any sums alrendy collected from B�rrower which
<br /> '.� exceeded permitted limits will be refunded to Borrov�er. Lender may choose to make this refund by reducing the
<br /> principai owed under tha Nots or by making a direct payrnent to BonoA�er.If a refund reduces princ.�ipal.tha reduetion
<br /> � � will be treated as a partial prepayment without eny prepayment charge under the Note.
<br /> • � 14. Notices.Any notice to Borruwer provided for in thia Security Instrument shall be given by delivcring it or by
<br /> � " maiiin� it iay first class mail unless applicable law requires use of another method.The notice shall be directed to the
<br /> � Property Address or any other address Borrowar designates by notice to Lender.Any notice to Lender shall be given by
<br /> first class mail to Lender's address stated herein or any other address I.ender designates by nntice to Borrower. Any
<br /> • nvtice prov�.ded for in this Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to BorcoNer ar Lender when given �
<br /> " „ as provided in this Faragraph. f
<br /> l5. Govcrning Law;Severability.This Security[nstrument sholl be governed by federal law and the law of the
<br /> ; :' � jurisdiction in�vhich the Property is located.In the event that nny provision or clause of this Security Instrument or the �
<br /> Note conflicta tivith applicable law,such conflict shall n�t atfect�ther provisions of this 5ecurity Instrument or the Note ,
<br /> " ahich can ba givEn effect Nit��out the confiicting provieion. To thie end the provisions of this Security Instrument and .
<br /> the Note are declared to be severable. F
<br /> . i
<br /> Form 90Ya 9190 �
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