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<br /> FOR TH� PtJRP08E O� S�CURINCi
<br /> a. Payment �! ind�ab�d�tns�s in �h� tatal principal amount of
<br /> �+� Tw�nty-Seva�n ThQU�ser.d Fivo Hundre�, qollRxe and Ho/100 ($27,500.oA),
<br /> at Ter� paraan� (io�) lnter�AC, ae evid�noad Ay the certain Trust
<br /> Deed N'ote oP even d�te (�he "Nc�t�'o) wf th A ma�t�arit� �raate oF
<br /> Apri1 15, 2010, exeautecl b� Trustnr, �hioh hae been de13.v�a�:r�ad and
<br /> ` is payable to the nrd�x nf H�n�f9.oi�ry aijQ wttiah b,y this re�e��noe -
<br /> "� is hereby mt�de e part hLe. re�l, Ancf nny And a11 modifi.cat:�rana,
<br /> _- - oxk.enaians and rAnewals tESp�A�p� nr_�
<br /> �v � b. �►li payments thaC are re�quirad 'tc� be adv�nced by �he
<br /> Henefi�iary to protect the Trust E�ta�e, �Mel� beAr interest at the
<br /> — rate of Ten percent ( 10�) per �nnum.
<br /> -��� This Daed of Trust, the Note, and any othar inatrw�aent given ,_
<br /> �s=��s•"'�"� to evidence or further securo the p�yment and perfprmeence of. any ,
<br /> - - -- '"'""� obligation secured hc�reby ar9 xePerred to aolleatively aa the "Laan
<br />=���a«� Ins�ruments°.
<br />_ :����:;� ----
<br /> ,�,�._�
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<br />��z,'""�" _ 1. pAYMENT OF =NDEBTEDtdESS. Trustor shr�ll pay when due the
<br />='v�I;.�'t�9SLv
<br /> :��� principal of, and the in��rest �n� the indebtednoep evidenced by
<br />-;�;s;:,�,,;,;,•�� the Note, charges, feee �nd all other sums as provid�d in the Loan
<br /> �:��'°=n�`�� Instruments.
<br /> ,y.Y�Y y(
<br />'�...j:'.i::� -
<br />-� ��'�� �'" 2. �XE�. Trustor shall pay eaah inataTlment oP all taxes
<br /> '.�;��:: :' and special assessmente of every kind, now or hereePt�r �evfed
<br /> �,.���° against �l�e Trust Estate or any part thereoE, b�oPore de�,�nqu�ncy,
<br /> �A�'i"��' • without notice or demand, And shall rovide eeneficiar w�ith
<br />_::+�,� P Y
<br />-_-�'-��� av3dence of the payment of the same. Trustor shal 1 pay all tax�s
<br />�'""�`�� and assess�aents which may bo lmv�ed upan Hene�Ficiary�s i��orest
<br /> `'��';��,'� herein or ugon this Deed af Trust or ttae debt eec�ured hereb�, _
<br /> ��=°y°=� without regard to any law that may be enacted imponia�g �aymenti of
<br />=:�';=�� �he whole or afiy part t�oreof upon the Hei�eficisry.
<br />� --���-=��- --
<br /> ��"��' The 1994 Real Estate taxes sriall be paid by BenePiaiary And =
<br /> �'�"�� the Rea'1 Estat� taxes for 1995 shall be �rorated between the � ` -�
<br /> _-��-�� �rustor and the Benefiaiary up to the date of this olosing. �."
<br />:�'s'<�. =_, _
<br /> ���'`� 3. INSi]RANCE_,BiND REPAIRg. Tru�tor shall maintain fire and I.:���
<br /> ;�,;.�,;. extended coveraga insurance insuring the improvements And builc�ings �:�;;_
<br /> •-�-s�: constituting part of the Trust Estate Por an emount no less than •�t=
<br />�'��-�=:y���� the amount of the unpaid principal balax�ce of tihe Nat� (aa-fnsur� -
<br /> �"-'�'Y"� anco not exceQding e0� permitted) . Suc:h insuranco policy shall ��
<br />=�r?t,..�^ _ ,;
<br /> .:�;��� : contain a standard mortqage clt�use in favor oS Aonof icinry and ;`
<br />-�H �:::.. � �
<br /> ',,�,.,,-�.� shall not b� cancelable, terminoble or madifiable withou� ton (10) •.
<br /> ���>�...•���:= � days pria� writien notice to SanePiciary. Truskor shall promp�ly
<br /> � ��'�-�='�= repair, ma3ntain, and replace tihe Trust Estatd or any par� thereof
<br />- �`�-��r'°� so L-hat, except for nrdinary wear and �ear, the T�uet E�3taCa shell
<br /> ,`'. `.:r;�';�
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