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<br /> and �ontest any aatian ax preceeding purpo�ting to aPteot the
<br /> ____� �eaurity liorenP or the ri.g�ts a�c gowers of Beneficiary o� Trugtes,
<br /> — and shAll pay al�. c�ssts and expen�es, inc].uding aost oP evidence QP
<br /> tltle and attornays �ee�, iti any such action Ar pr�cse�ing in which
<br /> eenePiciary or Trustee may appease Shoul.d Trustor Pail to �aake �ny
<br /> paymen� or to do any aa� as and f.n �th� maxuier p�ovided in eny or
<br /> thc� Loan Instruments� Sene�iciary and/or Tru�tee, ench i.n its own
<br /> — disoretion, with4ut obliqation so to dc+ and w3thout notice to Ar
<br /> ° de:�an� upon mru��+or and t�3thout re].Qas�ng �Txustor iProm nny .
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<br /> ---���; extent as either may deem neoessary to protect the seaurity hereo�.
<br /> __ _ irus�COr sIiali, ins,iactiately upan de�and therefo= by eenef��c��xy, pav =
<br />��� all costs e�nd expanses incurred by Seneficiary in conneation with
<br /> � th� exerai.s� by Bene�icsiary of the P.oregoing rights, incluciing
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