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<br /> \ DE�D OF TRiTS'1"
<br /> �
<br /> THI3 GEED �F TRUST, made an this 3oth day oP Hay, ].995, by
<br /> and amonq 33'EPHEi1 B. ROViE a„d LEI�A t�i. ROT�E, hu�ban� and wife, � __
<br /> whose mai linq address is 222� Grand 7C�latiu F,vai�u�, Gr�n� Islan�i, � �
<br /> NebrasAta 68603, ("Trustor"); JERRY J. A4TLNER, whose mailing addres� �p
<br /> is 1503 West 2nd Straet, GranB Island, Nebraska 68601., ("TruetQe") ;
<br /> and EUGENTE W. JEF'FRES, a �i.ngle person; whose maiia.nq address i.s
<br /> P.O. B�x ld5, SCGi.f 8, iiE1'i,iask� 68875, ("BCtIC�i^.±wZy"). -_
<br /> FOR VALU�iHLE CONSIDERA'PION, Trustor irrevoaably tranafers,
<br /> conve,ys, and assigns to Trusteo, IN TRUST, WITH POWER OF S2,LE, �or
<br /> 'CR@ I3eI18tl� ana securizy OL Hene=icirarji, iiituC7: aitu ailu�cG� a°.'v '�'ic
<br /> terma and conditions oP th�e Deed of Trust, the real proporty,
<br />" located in the County of Hall, Stats of Nebra�ka, and legally -
<br />�' desaribed as follows, (the "Property") to-wit: -
<br />= A tract of land cnmprising a part of t�e 3outh Half oE --
<br />- tlie souttaeast Quarter (S� SE�) of Section 35, Township 9
<br /> Noxtri, Ranqe 12 West of the 6th P.M. , Hall County,
<br /> Nebraska, said tract being more particularly descril�ed as
<br /> follows:
<br /> SEGINHI�iG at the Southwest aorner of said s� SE�; thence
<br />- running N 00° 15' l0"W on the West line of said S� SE� _-
<br />- for a distiance of 1327.08 fePt to the Northwest co�n�r . -
<br />- t3lereof; thence S 89� 54� 46"E for 717.00 feet; thence S
<br /> o0Q 15• 11"E for 1325.99 Peet to a point on the Souttt
<br />= line of said S� E�; thence runninq on an assumed bearing _
<br />- oi N 90° 00' 00"W on the Soutti line of said S� SE� fdr �
<br />� 717.00 feQt to tho POINT OF BEGINNTNG, said tract
<br />' coni:aintng 21.835 acres more or les�, the Southerly 33.00 ;;`:
<br />= feet the�eof b�inq Hall County road right-of-way. �_
<br />_ Tl}GETIiER WITH all rents, easements, appurt�nances, interes�s �'
<br /> ; in adjoining roads, streets, and alleys, in�provements, and
<br />,_� buildings, on �aid premiaes.
<br /> �
<br />"' The property and the entire estate and in�erest conveyed to
<br /> i,�{ the Tr�ustee are ro�erred t� collectively as �rie "Trust Estate".
<br /> ,
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