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<br /> "�=;�,�?�ft._�fijt,� �yy owner'a ei���eperatore di slmller properties e�nd e�Benaflcie�y may requlra for tte p�Pnt�ction. Truator��III r,nm�ty �___._
<br /> --�•:�:,�..��,,�,;�
<br /> -.�.� w°�r��� wlth euch other►�qulraments as Beneflcla�y may from time to time req�eat tor the pratention by Inaurence af the v-
<br /> ''"`"-�"-'r:_��:� intera�t of tt�e roepective partlea. Ail insurance pollClas�aUxelned pureuent to thia Oc+e� oi Trunt ehali name Truetor �:,�___
<br /> —�-�=��°a.'� and Bmnettciary ae Inaured, aa thelr refpective Interest mey sppe�r end provlde thet there shall 6e no cancell$tlon or -- -
<br /> --�=_-_�=�.�c=.� rti�o�iifaa4l�s�� v�iciiaut fiftc�r� (16) dny����or written notificatlun to Truetae and 8enoficia�b� IN the event eny poiicy ��-_{.,._.
<br /> ,,,,__�,,,�„` hereunder is a�ot Penewed on or beforo fifteen(161 day�prlor to Ite axptredon dets, Truatee or BOneficiefy r��ay�i�acu�3 - -
<br /> _��� � such inauren�b in eccordence with the provlafons af P�ragrsph 7. Truator ahall delive� to Bennflclery the oriqtnel r� i_
<br /> L �� olicles of Inwre�ce en�i ranewof�thar�eat or copies o4 such policlea end renewate thereof. Failure to furnleh euch ���
<br />__ _��:. P �.R
<br /> -=- inaurance b}/Tn�ato�, or renewels ee requlrod hereunder,ehall�et the optlon of Beneficiery,constitute a defeult. Atl R?.�1
<br /> �.�s;.:°���; unasrned premiume are hareby esalgned to 7ruatee aa edditlonel secuNty, and a sele end conveyanae af the Property �.�Q_,�
<br />=�:: :. • .•� �.� i�y 4Y�e l'rustee chall oparet�to convay t�the purcheaer the Trusto�'s In4arest in end to ell policle5 of insurence upon ^_�u�
<br /> _...�.�,.,_,•,�;� °�-r=_°
<br /> , s:r�'� �` the Trust Property.
<br /> � 'r,��, 6. Tuca and Astytme►t�. Truator shall pry ell taxes end speciel essesbmente lovied or essessad egainat, or
<br /> �"•'' �`>' ° ,� d u e u p o n,the Pro pert y before delinquency end will deliver to�nefictary copeea of receipts showing peymant of such e�
<br />_:,.,.:•... . .. :� _
<br /> y;�;�:�^_:�*„ _�';, taxea and special essessments. �s���:;
<br /> - �- 6. Additiond Urna. T�ustor shall meke ell payments of Interest and prfncipal,and payments of any othet cherges,
<br /> ..,�;�yr'.S� rS: fees, end expenaes co�trected to be pefd to any existing tien holders or prbr beneficiaries under eny prior Deed of __
<br /> ...�,. --
<br /> l�•_ �" �6 - Trust, Mortga8e or ather security egreeri�e�t, befaro tha date thay eie delinc�uent and to pey eny other claim which ��
<br /> , ���"K?,�.�,.'� jeuperdizea the security granted hereln. �'�
<br /> ° 7. Pr�teatian of B�nsflci�'� S�cudty. Shautd Trustor fall to meke eny peyment, feil ta de eny act as herein � �
<br /> -��--+ ...�.,t�ad�r if anv ectlon or proceeding ia commanceo whlcii n�crl�:ly��1oGt9 E°n�fiGlE�ry's Interest in the Proparty, �� ,.
<br />. .-__- -- -�- r-•-- _.+t....� t......l..irw e hwnHn�nt nr _ ._-
<br /> �"� ' including� but no Iimited to, eminent domein. Insoivency, errenyo���d��to :,� i.�����u�.•a� .••�••••b - -�•° -�-- :�-a
<br /> decedent,then Beneficiery ar Tru�ta0,bvt wfthout obligation to do so,end without notic�to or demend upon Trustor, �_.r.
<br /> . 'k� �• and without relensing Trusta► from eny obligatlon hereunder, may make o�do the same, end mey pey, purchase, �_w�
<br /> . �_^ contest or comprom(se endy encumbrence, cherge or Ifen, which In the Judgement of Either appesrs to effect seid ,��
<br /> "_ �.'� property;tn exercislnp eny sucn ppwers,the oe�ie�i�in�y a�Tr�stc�►r�e;�lrcur e!iahility end expen�whatever amounts, ,.
<br /> '� including disbursements of reasonoble attorney's fees, which in their absoluta discretion mey be nscessnry. In the ��;_,�-
<br /> � event thet Trustor shail feil to procurs insursnce, feU to pey taxes end special essessments or fail to mAke r.ny •;�.�,f:
<br /> payments to exisiiny u�N�i��iisz halrlsr�ac bsnefteterles; the 86neficiary maV procure such insurence end make such � �=,
<br /> peymontc. All sumE incur�ed or expended 6y Beneficfary or Trustee in eccordance with the provisiono of the Dead of .���
<br /> Trust are secured hereby and,without demend,shell be immediately due end payeble by Trustor ond shall bear interest �t,}:
<br /> ; ,:,�
<br /> � at the rate provided for advencos undor the Loan Agreement; provided,however,thet et the option of the Beneficiary ;,,;;
<br /> � ' or Trustee, �uch sums may be added to this principel balance of eny indebtedness secured hereby end shell bear the ..ti 4�
<br /> � aeme interest es such indebtedness end shall be payable rotebly over the remalning term thereof. �.�,
<br /> � 8. Asstgnt�ent of R�ret�. Beneficiary shell have the right,power and euthority during the continuence of this Deed -
<br /> � ' of Trust to collect ihe rante,Issuea and profits of the Property end ot eny personal property locetod thereon with or � _
<br /> . " •r + without taking possession o4 the Property afiected hereby,end 7rus4or hereby absolutelti end�nc�nditionelly ecsigns ��1
<br /> ell such rents,issues and proti4s to Boneflciary. Beneficiery, however,hereby consents ta the Trustor's colloction en
<br /> ��•:
<br /> reter.san of such rents,(ssuea end profits es they eccrue end become p�yebte so long ae Trustor is not,at such time,
<br /> . ' :, • in d�fauit with respect to payment of aRy indebtedness secuted hereby ar an the performence of eny agreement .1
<br /> � hareunder, Upon any such defeult, Beneficiery mey et eny time, either In person, by agent or by e receiver to be
<br /> • ' �;�y. �• appointed by e court,wlthout notice and wit:�out regard to thn adequecy of any socurfty for the tndebtedness hereby
<br /> °:..; seeursd: (a) er.ter up9n and 'take posssasfor+ of tho Property or eny pert thereof and In its own name sue for or
<br /> �' ;,-��. otherwise collect such ronts, issues and profits, includfng those pest due end unpeid, en apply the seme,IdSS CG5S5
<br /> ;,� and expenses of operetion end collection. Inciuding►easoneble ettorney fees, upon any indebtedness secured hereby
<br /> t
<br /> � •� end in such order as Beneficiary moy determine: (b) perform such ects of repeir or protectlon es mey be n�cessery or
<br /> ., proper to canserve the value of tho Proparty:Icl leass 4he seme or eny pert hereof for such rentel term end upon such
<br /> � �',; conditions es its Judgment mey dictate. Unless Trustor and Benoficfery apree oxherwise in writing,eny appltcetion of
<br /> rents,Issues or profits 4o eny indebtedness secured hereby shall not extend or postpone the due dete of the Installment
<br /> peyments es providod in the l.oen Agrearnent, end the eppllcetion thereof es aforesafd shell not waive or cure any
<br /> ' default or notfce of defatilt hereunder or fnvalidete any act done pursuant to such notice. Trustor also essigns to
<br /> °�;�,�.> Beneficfary,es further securtry for tho pariormonce of the oblfgatfons secured hereby,all prepaid rents end all monfos
<br /> "� which may have baen or mey horeafter bo deposited with seid Trustor by any loss�e of the Property, to secure the
<br /> � payment of eny rent, and upon default in the performance of eny of th�provfstons hereof, Trustor egrees to deliver
<br /> � such rents end deposite to the Boneficiery. Dalfvery of written notice of Beneficiary's exercise of the riphts grantgd
<br /> herefn to eny tenent occupyfng sald premises shall be sufficiont to require saial tenant to pay seid rent to the ,
<br /> • Bonafictary until further notice.
<br /> ' 9. CondeKnnaUon. If title to any part of ths Property shall be taken in condemnatlon procoQdings, by right of
<br /> � eminant domain or similer action, or shell be sold under throat of condemnation, ell awerds, demagos and proceed� ,
<br /> are hereby assigned end shell be paid ta Benoficiery�vho shall epply such ewerd,damsges and proceeds to the sums i
<br /> •• secursd O�y the Deed of Trust, with tho excess, if any, poid to the Trustor. i
<br /> � 10. �uture Advancea. The Loen Agreemant provfdos for edvences from timv to time to Trustor by Boneficiery
<br /> --- ----- - ---- ..... _____.___.�s�r...��... [in.�nfirinrv nr Bsneficiarv`s ontbn, prior to reconveyance �
<br /> -- _
<br /> as provided tttoroin. in c�aa�i�on,upvn�oy�o�.... ..��.�.. --..-••-•-•.. -- - •
<br /> ' " of tho Praperty to the Trustor, mey make additionel future edvances to the Trustor. Such future edvances, with �
<br /> interest thereon,shpil be secured by this De�d of Tru�t when e�iidenced by promissory notos steting thet seid notes i
<br /> are secured heroby; provlded thnt at no time shall the secured principel end futuro advancos, not includinp sums �
<br /> , edvenced to protact the security, exCeed onu hundred porcent (10Q%) of tha orfginal principal amounts securAd �
<br /> � , hereby. �
<br /> 11. Remndles Cumuletive. All remedles provided In this Daed o4 Tru�t ape distinct end cumuletivo to any other
<br />- . , right or remody undor this Deed of 'f�us4 or efiorded by law or equity, and mey be axercfsed concurrently,
<br /> . independantly or succossively.
<br />� 12. Accateretlon;Remedlea; Sole. A default shall exist in the event of:
<br />- � (A) Any freud or misreprosentation by tho Trustor in connectlon wi�h the line of credf4 whiah this Deod of Tr►�st
<br />- socures; '
<br /> - ��� -
<br /> `i - 408-2
<br /> ' , 9/94 �
<br /> • f•
<br />