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<br />--- --� �IC�61fi� hCL��IiA�IL - iit�"-i�u i�e�iv� ;i;
<br /> --- 221 So��th i.acur St.� W.�ie Bax '�00�
<br /> ---_= Arend Irla�nd,N�bn��A �6602�'9i40� _—
<br /> .__.,
<br /> 305-382-4000
<br />-_—_.._.
<br /> --�----
<br /> _-_, _ -
<br /> _,�,� The underNgnsd"Trustor"et ldentifled In the faU�winQ Oeed�f Truat,whather one or mor0,underrtend that the �-
<br /> --- -' document the}o ere ebout to executa ia e�eed �f Trust end not a mortgage,end thet the power of sste provided far
<br /> - -= U the Daed of 1'�uet providea aubetentlally ditiorent riphte end obiigatlons 4o the Barrowan then e mArigaqa In 4he = -�J
<br /> -_- --- cvcnt o1 e default or bresah of obilantion under the�eed af Tra�et,inaluding, but not Iimfted to,the Beneffci�ar�r's�ight r
<br /> — to hsve the Properry Idontffled in the fallowinp (�oed of Truat sold by the 7ruatee without eny judtcial proceeding. '"'—
<br /> �.�. �__
<br /> - �.;�`' Trustor repreaenta ee�Q�warrants thet th(s Ackn�wlodgment wa�executsd t�y them before the oxecution of the Deed �-
<br /> "'�;�� of Truat h�reafter aet forth. �'_�-
<br /> �• __
<br />-=�:'v�.'3� r-. ���.�.�_
<br /> _ E'.._.__
<br /> _�._— RANDY J - -
<br />--=_=��; m, «��.�:
<br /> �== CAROL M HBLLSiEGE °
<br />-_-—-�q ���;:K,�
<br /> r ��� HOIVIE EaUiTY LINE DEED OF TPL'�T �.r;u� -
<br /> *�� THIS TRUSY DEED rrsade this 2gTH dey of �►Y , 19g5 between I.���;�
<br /> „��� R11NUY J HSLLNY�S 11ND CAROL H HBI.LW80R. FNSBAliD 11Np NIiB -�`---
<br /> ��;�-�,� hereinefter cell "Trustor",whose meiling eddress ie q258 NBW YC1Rlt A�/E, or.tlaL�7D ZS�, NE 68803 ���"-`
<br /> _ �,Yn!:T�'?i.:.
<br /> -� ;as"Trustee";end Nome Federei aevings and foan l�ssaciex+on oi Grand isEend,wi��u�a ���.�;.y
<br /> t' meilirig eddreas ia 221 5auth Locust, P.O.Box 1009, t3rand Islend,Nebraska 6ASQ2, es "Beneficiary". �k,;A_-
<br /> _'--'+',,�. r_.,�=�_:
<br /> ^'�'�`;�:'' For valuable con,siderotion, Trus2or Irrevocably grents, transfers, conveys and ass(gns 4o Trustee, h� trust, with �..__--�--�--
<br />:';,�,:.�... Q��-
<br />-:.��;_*� POWB�OT 60{Or TOf if1Q OCIIOii�$tiU 3eli:liF{iy vi c^'dttaiii:ini�%�uTiuoi oi��oU�'i�aZa 28 2�i8 =8ii'ito Qi:C�L�iiL��2�0i:o.^.f Z�i��Q�L .`r"°:"`
<br /> �!••� F_.�
<br /> �''�'�;, of Trust,the fotlowin�deacrihed property located In aI�ND ISLAND, HAt,t. ,
<br /> �''�`�� Nebroske,to wit:
<br /> �.;�,,:� �`;���
<br /> �"�'"�s�:"� (3EI./a 8W'1/6) OF 6BCTTON TWO (2), TONNBHIP ELEVBN (il) NORTH, RANQS -
<br /> '"�'�''":'�. Tffi�T (101 W�BT OF TH� 6TS P.M., ILI IiALE, COIII3TX, NEBIt1�SRFa. "�
<br /> ,�,��;,� ,��'�'
<br /> ce,�,.
<br /> ��,� ' '';�".�
<br /> ,, .+n.a� ;.��i.l`,�1.,
<br /> --=��'� �hl���.:;.
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<br /> :,yD.; �� ';''-,"t,^_,
<br />,:�w-+':..��;.I� •�.t:i9d'__'.
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<br /> ' >A
<br /> -;1,;; � �ii:
<br /> ''�j.��:.. .
<br /> 1• =��`"�• tngether with all buildfngs,fixtures,improvoments and eppurtensnces thoreun4o betonging,It being agreod thc�t all of
<br /> ;��'`�` the foregoing ahell be hereinefter referre�to ns the °Property". ,:�,i+:
<br />`� `�"`` FOR TiiE PURF'OSE OF SECEIRING porformence of each egreemont end covenant of Trustor herofn contained end �
<br />-;.�;c..
<br /> "_��''°''`� the peyment of the princlpal sum of T�� �'0 ?HnUSHtiU FIV6 I{UNDRSD DOLLARB G No/csrrra
<br /> ;.:�,��:.;,� 22,500.00
<br />^=�••..s:_����. Dollars IS 1, as evidsnced by o H�nme F�ederel Home Equfty Loan Agreement between .
<br /> ���a r��''�'�'� Trustorand Beneficfery(tho"loan Agreement"1,pursuantto wh(ch Beneficfery wfll advenc�funds to Trustor from time �=�"
<br /> ���'�'�`� to tirno at the Interest rates end upon the terms provided ther�in, 4ogether with eny sum or sums of money with �
<br /> " ' interest thereon wt�ich may hereafter be paid or advancad under the terms of this Desd of Truat, both principal sum �
<br /> - ;";;;;" end interest thereon being payeble according to the terms sot forth In tho Loan Agreement, rofarenco ta which is
<br /> "' ' hereby n�ade, et tho offlce of Elte Beneficiery in Grehd Island. I�ebreske, or e,t such other piace as Beneficiary may
<br /> desi�ru�t�in writing. "
<br /> '..:. .
<br />� ' '. 1. Wxr�enty oi Tttie. Trustos i� law�ully seized af the Property; has good�ight ond lew4ul authority to sall and
<br /> , - convay tiie P�o�erty;the Proporty ts fresm and clear of ell Ilons and encumbrencos except Uens now of record; and
<br /> � �-,• Trustor wiq warrent end de(artd the tltle to tho Property unto the Yruetee end its successors and essigna foi�ever �
<br />':' ,-
<br /> .; _ a��ic�ct the cleims nf all psrsons. �
<br />-, _' ` -`- Z. Payment ot Pr9ncipN anol tnterext. Trusior shnii punctueiiy pay tne principai oi, ena in2erest on, aii advances � - -
<br /> ~.--�.v�°< ur�der the Loen Agreement end will punetu�lly perform ell e�raements,canditlons end provisions of any other secvrity ,
<br /> ' .•.��� . Instrument piven in connectfon wlth th(s trensectlon. � '
<br /> ' - � 3. Pr�servation and Mdntenance ot Property. Truotor will not commit any waste upon the Property At will, et � "
<br /> ; ; aIl times, melntein the seme in good order and condltfors and will mako, from timo to tlmv, all ropalrs, ronowals, �
<br />-- roplacements,additlons end im►srou�ments which ere reasonebly roquir�d to prevont waste,Impairment ar deterbretion i
<br /> ' of seid proportv. No buildlnfl or irnprovemerot now or horooftnr erectad upon tho Praporty shall bo elterod removed
<br /> � or demutlahed uv3titout the prfor written consqrst of Benaflclary.
<br /> 4. In:urancs. Trustor,at its exponse,wil�me!ntaln with fnsurers epproved by Aeneficiary, insurencu wlth respect ,
<br /> to the improvements ond�orsonel property conatltuting 4he Property agefnst lo�o by fire, Ilghtnlr�g. tornacl�a ond other ,
<br />'.�;,,,�+'�� ; porils covered by standerd axtended coverege endossement In en emount equel to et least ono hundred percant of the ;
<br /> � , full replacement value thoreof,ond insurence agolnst such othor hazards nnd In euch omount as Is austomarliy carrfed
<br /> r • .
<br /> 9194 , .. 408•1
<br />