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<br /> ... .. . ,�.. .. . ., .� .
<br /> .
<br /> 'r- �e.r.n rY•r.:i+�Yw+i�.-
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<br /> - ' '7*�I I � �. �I���"'.�n��w!ay.n..;,•,� �..,.� , .. �� _ . ._- _ . ..... .�.�:. ._.
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<br />-�;_}��:{°:�*'•A�4''`-'� `' �Q= Any fell�ro on the part of tl�e Truator te�mnet thm repayment tePm�Ire ra�Uec�to the (.oen llgrea��ion2 n►;d atit� `�.;�,_
<br /> ��=�"�°' ath�er edvences tinder this Qeed of Yrwt hereby �ter.ur6d;end, �=°-
<br /> —_.,���,;���•y�� (CI Any Rctlon uy t�e Trua�tor prohiblted by Yhe terms af tho Loen Agreement or thle Deed of Tr►ast nr eny failur� of �
<br /> the Trustor to ect es requlroc�by tho Loen Agreement or thl� Deed of Trvat,eech of whlch Truetar hereby agreea ��::_
<br />..�T���=,.�:_� heve en edverse afteat on the Beneflciaay's aecuriry for the Ilne of credit e�tabllshed en�i the rlght� of the
<br /> - —-_��._.._ BeneGictary In su�f�sccuPl4y. `�,`�`';
<br /> �-==— end upon the h�pp�ning of eny euch ev�nt af dafeult, Benefidery may�ectar�elt eums eecured heroby Immedleteiy __
<br /> � "`�'� due and peyabte by deliver to T�ustee of uvritton decta�atlan of dafault The Truetee sheil heve the power af oal� of __ �
<br /> - _,.. z„�,�;<?'*t the ProTnerty,And if Beneficiery desirea tha Pr�perry to be sold,It shall deposit wlth Trustee thla Deed of'1'ruat and ell �y_K::
<br />_,,;�;��;,�=��: pramiasory notee end documents evidencing e�p�nditurea socured hereby a�d sheil deliver to Trustee e wrtttan no4lce G��,;•
<br /> -. b� S..7.'S'V�' _ �._'�.
<br />_ =�z.;,,,,-,�;�_ :, o�dafeuit a►�d electlan ta cAUSO the Property to be sold,and the Truatea in tum ahe11 prepare e notice In the torm •,�k�
<br /> = �;a`�>� : raquired by lew, which shell ba duty ffled for record by Trustea. �-_�-�_•
<br />�"'���'=�;,• '�' (A1 AEr�sr the•�epab of sueh tims es may be requiroei by !aw fnllowing the rer,ordetlon of said notiea of defeult,and =-----
<br /> �:�_.,.
<br /> ,,,�,-�:::..� T �'�'`:_:�.
<br />`•±�t.-":�;'•�:r �-� v�otice of default and notice of sete having been given ae requlred by law, rustae, withcut demend on T�ustor,
<br /> T��_,.+ , .l; .:
<br /> _ : :; ti..., , • shell.sell th41�'ropetty on ths date and et the tircse end place dosipnated fn seld notice uf sele,et public auctbn to ,'rF�-
<br /> - -: . ��` the higheat bidder, the purchase price payabla in lawful money of the United Stetes et the time of asle. The �s,'_:
<br /> _-��`'.'� person conducting the sale may,far any ceuee he deema expadient, poatpone tho sele from time to time untif it ��..
<br /> -'��''� �•',� ' shail be completed end,In every such cese, notice a1 pos4ponement shall ba g(von by publlc deeleretlon thereof
<br /> �.'==;::;.,:.. • t'..
<br /> �= -•°,;. by such person at the time and place laat appolnte��!for the sele,provided, If the sele is postponed for lonper than
<br /> ''�''c..:���.:
<br />-;:==�,�r�.-�_ ,- p�����.tqy-bay�nd the.deV deaignt�t�d in the notice of sele, notice thareof ehall be given in the same manner es ;*a�•.
<br /> =��• ��__.-�.n- � �_,,.� , .,,..n�inn nf eale T.,�nt��ha l l exacute an d de l iver to t h e p u r c h a ser iYS C3eed co�tive ying thc:ProF�rty so �-�,_
<br /> --�_ — :�.,.....g.^....._..-- -. __._. -
<br /> ;''���"�';;Y.—'�"' sold,but tivithout endy covenant or werre�sty,expresa or implled. The recitels in the deed of eny mattars or acts �:;ry:
<br /> ' ;��:����;;�� shal!be conclueive pro�f of the truthfulness thaQ�aaf. Any person,inc lu d ing 8ene f ic iary, m s y p u r c h a s e at the sale.
<br /> (B) When Trustee selis pursuent to the powers ha�ain, the Trustee shell epply the proceeds of the sala to peyment . �
<br /> �''" ` Ai the costs end expensa�of exercising tho power of sale and of the sele, including tho payment of the Tr��atee's � _
<br />`.��-�±�� ` faes ectua]ly incur�ed, wh(ch Truatee's fees shal� not in the aggregete exceed the ioliowin$amau:�i b���d upon --;I ;l
<br /> ,..
<br /> ,'•'�_" the amoun4 secured hereby and remaining unpaid; 6 percentum on the first S 7,000 thereof, 1 percontum on the '_,,;�
<br /> ' �' balence thereof end then to the items In subpnragreph (C) in the order there steted. ���,
<br /> • � (G)After paying the items specified in subparagropn �8i ii.��o sais I��q Tr:;st�c, �r Lhs praRQi c^'!►t A��i�rhwr costs ;i,�
<br /> .':
<br /> � � " of foreclosure end selo If the sele is pursuent to Judiaiel foreclosure, the proceeds of sele shell be applfed In th�order K'�.;�.';
<br /> : �;,:��.,.. stated tco the peyment of: �.
<br /> ; �. . �i��t�} • (q Cost of any evidence of title procured In connectlon with such sale and of eny revenue stamps; •
<br /> - � _ ��fi�`' �� lll) Ail sums the secured hereby; �'°����
<br /> �,�:`,'�''' � (1111 The remafnder, It any,to the pe�son legelly entitted�thereta. °
<br />_..;,�4� .cf�1.}{. • `^,::i'.
<br />'r'•s1��:t`:��rFn��ft. 13. Duties and OWi�etion�o!Trustre�. la) The duties and obligetions of trustvo shall be determined solely by
<br /> �• � ��K ; the express pravfslons of thls Deed of Truat,and Trustee shall not be Ilable oxcapt for tha performance of such duttes �N�• `
<br />`•'��•� `��''R end abtigetions as ere specificelly oat forth hePeln, end no impllad covenants or o�ligations shell be Imposed up�n "`
<br />� � """`",+ Trustee; (b) No provisions of this Deed ot Trust ehall requfre Trustae to oxpend or risk its own funds, or otherwise ''�
<br /> . ��` incur any finenoial obligation In the pertormence of any of its duties horeunder,or in the exorcise of eny of its rights
<br />-';;�.,�.�;�,:��, .. . � ' oc power,if it shell heve grounda for beltevfng thet the repeyment of such turtds or adequete indemnity egeinst such
<br /> -- r�� riak or Ifebflity is not reeyanably assurod to It;(c1 Trustoe may consult Krith counsef of its own choosing e�d the advice
<br /> �:'"'•^ r"`!'"r".�;'. of such counsel shall be tull end complete euthorization end protection In the respect o9 eny ectfon taken or sufferod
<br /> r•. " `-'� F b►�it herou�der in good faith and reSianan ii►c���o�;(dl Truetee shell not bs liab!e fo�am�sctlQn taken by It in�ood f�ith _ .
<br /> : �� ` end reasonebly believed by it to be euthorfzed nr withfn the discretfon or riqhta end powers conferred upon it by this �
<br /> . . t� ' Deed of 7ruat.
<br /> ;: •�� 14. IldditlonN �ecurity Instrumants. T�ustor,et its axpense, will execute and dolivor to the Truatee,promptly
<br /> ._ - ,� upon demend,such aecurity Instrumenta es mey ba raqulred by Trustee,in forrn and substence setisfactory to Trusteo,
<br /> ' '.t covering any of the Property conveyed by thie Deed of Trust, which securiry inst�umvnts shall be edditionel security
<br /> �:��'; •••- -� for Trustor's faithful pe�formence of ell of the terms, covenents end con�itlono uf this Deod of Yrust, the Loan
<br /> , , Agreemont,any promissory notes secured heroby end eny other security instruments executed In connoctlon with this
<br /> . tren�aation. Such instruments shall be recorded or filed, snd re-recordad end ro+filed, at Trustior's expense. I
<br /> ,, 9 6. Miscullaneous. i
<br /> �• �� � IA) In the event any one or more of the provislons conteined In tha Deed of Trust, or the Loen Agreoment or any
<br /> ��� �; promtssar�note,or any other aecurity inet�ument givon in connection with thla trensaction� shall for eny reason
<br /> to be hetd to be Invelid,Illegal or unenforceeblo in any rospect, such invalldlty,Illegality or unenforceabflity shall,
<br /> � = et the option ot Benef(ciery, not affect eny other provislon of thta Dedd c�f Trust, that this Deed of Trust shall be
<br /> - construo� as if such Invelid,iile�n! or unenforceable provision hed nover been conteined herein or therein. j •
<br /> � _ ''� " " (B) This Deed of Trust shall be construed according to tho lawe of the State of Nebraskn. ��
<br /> �>> • IC) the Deod o!Trust aha11 fnsure to end bind the I�eirs,legateos,devfsees,administnptors,executors, successors end ,
<br /> essfgns ot the partles heroto.
<br /> '''�'i�' (D) Trustnr sh�ll pay ell taxes loviod upon this Doed of Trust or the debt securmd hareby,topeiher with eny othor texes �
<br /> .- �;�;.�.. `
<br /> -'�•����' or essesaments which may ba IovEed egafnst tho Trustes or Berteficfery or the legal hotder of the Loan Agreement ;
<br /> .. �_
<br /> -_-:;.- - --__
<br /> • • on account of the indebtednesa evidonce thereby.
<br /> (E) Whennver used herefn,the sfnpular numbar ehall include tho plurel,tha pfural,the singuler,the use of or�y gender
<br /> - ahell be apA��cebla to all gondera, and the term "Beneficfary" shall Include nny p�yee of the Indebtednoss hereby
<br /> secursd or eny tranafer thoreof, whethcr by operatton of lew or othorwise.
<br /> ' 16. Succ�ssor Trustee. Beneficiory mAy frorn timo to timo substltute a successor or euccesso�s to eny Trustec�
<br /> -. namod horein or acting hereundor to execute thls Trust Oeed. Upon such eppointment ond wfthout conveyanco to
<br /> �� the cuccessor Trustee. the letter sheil be vestad with eIl title, powars and duttes confnirod upon ony Trustuo horoin ,
<br /> �� nemed or ecting horeund9r. Eoch euch eppointment or substitutlon shall bemadQ by writton Inatrument by Bonoficinry,
<br /> I �� � �onta{ning reference to thfs Dead of 7ruat end its plece ot`record, which whon rocorded In the offic9 of tho Rogistor ;
<br /> � � of Deeda of the county or countfes!n whlch eaid properry la situeted, shall bc�conclusive proof of prnper eppalntmnnt I
<br /> .• • of tho successor Trustee. The foregoi�g power of substitutlan and the procoduro thsrefore shell noi be exalusive of '
<br />_ i
<br />.;i ' „ s�sa aoe-3 �
<br /> _ „ �
<br /> ...
<br /> •- � -- - -
<br /> . � __ ... . . ... _ . .. ,.--------.-�` •-
<br /> .---- -..... ..._« ........ ...... _.... ... _
<br />